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Percival John (2019) Rae Impact Spherules: Aftermath of a ca. 2.1 Ga Exoplanet Strike
Percival J, Davis B, Petts D, Jackson S, Berman R, Shalchi B, Harrison M & Bell E

Percival L. (2023) Tracing Variations in the Flux of Extraterrestrial Material Through Time
Krämer Ruggiu L, Goderis S, Debaille V, Da Silva A-C & Percival L
(2023) Mercury (Hg) Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Importance of Terrestrial Hg to the Global Ocean during the Early Jurassic Oceanic Anoxic Event (Toarcian OAE)
Zheng X, Percival L, Yin R, Al Suwaidi A, Storm M, Ruhl M, Xu W, Hesselbo SP & Jenkyns HC
(2023) Uranium-Isotope Records of Global Ocean Deoxygenation during the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1a)
Percival L, Dickson AJ, Basu A, Castro JM, Ruiz-Ortiz PA, Bottini C, Erba E, Mutterlose J, Goderis S & Claeys P
(2021) Insights into the Magmatic Processes, Volatiles and Environmental Impacts Through the Life Cycle of Large Igneous Province Volcanism
Mather TA, Black B, Karlstrom L, Schmidt A & Percival L
(2021) Determining the Style and Provenance of Magmatic Activity during the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1a)
Percival L, Tedeschi LR, Creaser R, Bottini C, Erba E, Giraud F, Svensen H, Savian J, Trindade R, Coccioni R, Frontalini F, Jovane L, Mather TA & Jenkyns H
(2019) Sedimentary Markers of Ocean Plateau Volcanism during the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Percival L, Tedeschi L, Creaser R, van Helmond N, Snoeck C, Debaille V, Mattielli N, Bottini C, Erba E, Goderis S, Mather T, Jenkyns H & Claeys P
(2019) Mercury Enrichment Associated with Local Volcanism: A Triassic Example Relevant to LIPs
Whiteside J, Nayee J, Percival L, Irmis R, Mather T, Mancuso A & Benavente C
(2019) Two CAMP Explosive Eruptions
Olsen P, Kinney S, Stüeken E, Jaret S, Percival L, Philpotts A & Whiteside J
(2018) Atmospheric Deposition of Volcanic Hg on a Jurassic Lava Flow of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
Whiteside J, Percival L, Mather T & Olsen P
(2018) The Late Devonian Mass Extinction: New Geochemical and Geochronological Insights
Percival L, Davies J, Selby D, Schaltegger U, Rakocinski M, Racki G, Bond D, Spangenberg J, Adatte T & Föllmi K
(2017) Comparing Records of End-Cretaceous and End-Permian Volcanism
Percival L, Jenkyns H, Mather T, Robinson S, Batenburg S, Woelders L & Hesselbo S
(2016) Sedimentary Mercury Signals from Large Igneous Province Volcanism: Insights from the End-Triassic and End-Cretaceous
Percival L, Mather T, Hesselbo S, Jenkyns H, Ruhl M, Whiteside J & Woelders L

Percuoco V.P. (2022) Relationships between Lithology and Chemical Properties: Mining the IODP Databas
Childress LB, Acton G, Percuoco VP & Hastedt M

Percy M. (2018) Mineral and Chemical Variability along a Climosequence on a Tropical Ocean Island
Percy M & Benninger L
(2017) A Soil Pit with a View: Understanding Pedogenesis on San Cristóbal, Galápagos
Percy M & Benninger L

Perdikouri C. (2009) Apatite from Calcium Carbonates: A Pseudomorphic Replacement Reaction
Kasioptas A, Perdikouri C, Putnis C, Geisler T & Putnis A
(2009) An Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Calcite Growth, as a Function of the Ca2+: CO32- Ratio in Solution at Constant Supersaturation
Perdikouri C, Putnis C, Kasioptas A & Putnis A
(2008) The Mechanism of Phosphate Immobilization by the Replacement of Carbonates by Apatite
Putnis A, Kasioptas A, Perdikouri C & Putnis C
(2007) The Replacement of Calcium Carbonate by Hydroxyapatite
Kasioptas A, Perdikouri C, Putnis C & Putnis A

Perdrial Julia (2021) Assessing Ecohydrological Resilience Across Scales: Opportunities and Challenges for Critical Zone Research
Perdrial J, Bristol C, Ruckhaus M, Seybold E, Stewart B, Abbott BW, Kincaid DW, Underwood K, Hamshaw SD, Shanley JB, Li L, Rizzo D, Lee R, Lewis G & Lee BS
(2020) Combining Complex Systems Analyses with Process Observations to Understand Stream Dissolved Organic Carbon Across Scales
Perdrial J, Adler T, Bristol C, Underwood K, Rizzo D, Wen H, Li L, Harpold A, Sterle G & Hanley J
(2019) Dissolved Organic Matter Biodegradation: How Substrate, Microbial Activity and Environmental Conditions Converge
Perdrial J, Landsman-Gerjoi M, Lancellotti B, Seybold E, Kincaid D, Adair C, Schroth A & Wymore A
(2019) First Chemical and Isotopic Denudation Rate Estimates for Central Cuban Drainage Basins
Bierman P, Schmidt A, Yvelice Sibello Hernández R, Campbell M, Alejandro Cartas AGUILA4 H, Bolaños Alvarez Y, Guillén Arruebarrena A, Dethier D, Dix M, Massey-Bierman M, García Moya A, Perdrial J, Racela J, Corbett L & Alonso-Hernández C
(2018) The Martian Critical Zone: Concept and Experimental Example
Perdrial N, Armfield J, Reeder G, Gagnon A, Rampe E & Perdrial J
(2017) Do Clay Minerals Affect Dissolved Organic Matter Bioavailability in Batch Experiments?
Perdrial J, Landsman-Gerjoi M, Adair C & Cincotta M
(2016) Bioavailability of Carbon of a Vermont River Corridor is a Function of Landocver
Perdrial J, Hampsch A & Adair C
(2013) Critical Zone Evolution by Jerks
Chorover J, Brooks P, Harpold A, Litvak M, McIntosh J, Pelletier J, Perdrial J, Troch P & Rasmussen C
(2012) Weathering of Granular Basalt on a Volcanic Crater Slope: An Electron Microprobe and synchrotron-Xrd Approach
Zaharescu DG, Dontsova K, Perdrial N, Burghelea C, Chorover J, Perdrial J, Maier R & Huxman T
(2012) Do Critical Zone Carbon and Water Fluxes Control Chemical Denudation?
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Condon K, Harpold A, Holleran M, Huckle D, Lybrand R, Troch P, McIntosh J, Meixner T, Minor R, Mitra B, Pohlmann M, Rasmussen C, Swetnam T, Vasquez-Ortega A & Zapata-Rios X
(2011) Impact of Water Sources and Flow Paths on Carbon in Streams of Seasonally Snow-Covered Catchments
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Harpold A, Heidbuechel I, McIntosh J, Ray J & Zapata-Rios X

Perdrial Julia N (2023) River Chemistry Predominantly Controlled by Climate
Li L, Stewart B, Zhi W, Sadayappan K, Ramesh S, Kerins D, Sterle G, Harpold A & Perdrial JN
(2022) From Pattern to Process and Process to Pattern: Insights on Data-Driven Critical Zone Research from the Big Data Collaborative Network Cluster
Perdrial JN, Underwood K, Swami S, Lee BS, Ul Haq I, Kincaid D, Stewart B, Seybold E, Rizzo D, Li L, Hamshaw SD & Shanley JB

Perdrial Nico (2019) Dissolution of Apatite: Micro and Nanoscale Insights
Perdrial N, Conde A, Hellmann R, Rampe E, Christoffersen R & Murayama M
(2018) The Martian Critical Zone: Concept and Experimental Example
Perdrial N, Armfield J, Reeder G, Gagnon A, Rampe E & Perdrial J
(2018) Mechanism of Apatite Dissolution
Conde A, Hellmann R, Wurzburger C & Perdrial N

Perdrial Nico Perdrial (2020) Camp Century Basal Sediment Revisited: A Multi-Parameter Geochemical Analysis, Northwest Greenland
Christ A, Perdrial N, Bierman P, Hughes J, Knutz P, Thomsen T, Hemming S, Fosdick J, Dahl-Jensen D & Steffensen J
(2020) Lead in Water and Soil: Education and Assessment Involving Vermont Middle and High School Students
Perdrial NP, Walser S, Massey C & Bierman P

Perdrial Nicolas (2021) Lead Education and Discovery: Engaging Young Student Scientists in a Community Health Project
Walser S, Perdrial N, Massey C, McNally D & Bierman P
(2021) Apatite Nanoresponse to Acidic Dissolution
Perdrial N, Hellmann R, Conde A, Rampe EB, Christoffersen R, Murayama M & Chang J
(2017) Speciation, Distribution, Mobility and Prediction of Pb in an Urban Soil
Perdrial N, Bower J & Singer D
(2014) Acid-Weathering and Uranium Speciation: Reaction Kinetics and Phosphate Addition
Perdrial N, Vasquez-Ortega A, Reinoso-Maset E, O'Day PA & Chorover J
(2012) Weathering of Granular Basalt on a Volcanic Crater Slope: An Electron Microprobe and synchrotron-Xrd Approach
Zaharescu DG, Dontsova K, Perdrial N, Burghelea C, Chorover J, Perdrial J, Maier R & Huxman T
(2011) Predicting the Fate of Radionuclides at the Hanford Tank Farm Using Analog Sediments
Perdrial N, Thompson A, Rivera N, Deng Y-T, O'Day P & Chorover J
(2010) Mineral Transformations and Contaminant Release Dynamics Under Wetting-Drying Cycles in Simulated Hanford Sediments
Perdrial N, Thompson A & Chorover J
(2009) 27Al NMR Studies of the Impact of Tank Waste Leachates on Hanford Sediment Samples
Strepka C, Mueller K, O'Day P, Chorover J, Sunkyung C & Perdrial N
(2007) TEM Evidence for Lead Transport by Bacteria in Atmospheric Deposition
Perdrial N, Elsass F & Liewig N

Perdrix E. (2008) Zn Isotopes as Tracers of Atmospheric Emissions from a Pb-Zn Smelter
Mattielli N, Flament P, Deboudt K, Petit JCJ, Perdrix E, Sivry Y & Weis D
(2006) Zn-Cu Isotopic Study and Speciation of Airborne Metal Particles Within a 5-km Zone of a Lead/Zinc Smelter
Mattielli N, Rimetz J, Petit J, Perdrix E, Deboudt K, Flament P & Weis D

Perdue E.M. (2009) Natural Organic Matter and the Event Horizon of Mass Spectrometry
Hertkorn N, Schmitt-Kopplin P & Perdue EM
(2005) A Potentiometric and 1<+>13<$>Cd NMR Study of Cadmium Complexation by Natural Organic Matter at Two Different Magnetic Field Strengths
Perdue EM, Hertkorn N & Kettrup A

Perdue M. (2012) Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) from Diverse Oceanic Environments by Reverse Osmosis and Electrodialysis
Mopper K, Helms J, Chen H, Green N, Stubbins A, Perdue M, Hatcher P & Mao J

Perea D. (2022) Understanding Trace Element Mobility during Early Diagenesis Using Several in situ Techniques
Gregory DD, Chappaz A, Atienza NE, Kovarik L, Cliff J, Perea D, Taylor S & Lyons TW
(2021) Determination of How As is Hosted in Pyrite Using a Combination of LA-ICPMS, TEM, APT, nanoSIMS XAFS, and XANES
Gregory DD, Chappaz A, Perea D, Taylor S, Cliff J & Kovarik L
(2020) Ancient Seawater Compositions Recorded in Nanoscale Fluid Inclusions in Pyrite?
Taylor S, Perea D, Kovarik L, Cliff J, Gregory D & Lyons T
(2020) Trace Element Mapping in Pyrite Framboids by Atom Probe Tomography
Atienza N, Gregory D, Taylor S, Perea D, Owens J & Lyons T
(2020) Is Pyrite an Important Sink for Mo? Evidence from XAFS, TEM and APT Analyses of Pyrite
Gregory D, Chappaz A, Atienza N, Taylor S, Perea D, Kovarik L & Lyons T
(2019) The Formation of Pyrite Framboids: A View from TEM and APT
Gregory D, Perea D, Taylor S, Kovarik L, Owens J & Lyons T
(2019) Capturing Atom Exchange Fronts during Fe(II)-catalyzed Recrystallization of Fe(III)-oxide Minerals Using Isotopic Mapping Probes
Taylor S, Liu J, Zhang X, Kovarik L, Cliff J, Perea D, Byun TS, Schreiber D & Rosso K
(2018) Using Atom Probe Tomography Spectra to Teach Undergraduate Students
Gregory D & Perea D
(2018) Nano-Inclusions Verses Lattice-Bound Trace Elements in Pyrite: Implications on Formation History and Paleo-Ocean Chemistry
Gregory D, Perea D, Cliff J, Kovarik L, Chappaz A & Lyons T
(2018) Chasing Atom Exchange Fronts during Fe(II)-Catalyzed Recrystallization of Hematite Using Isotopic Mapping Probes
Taylor S, Liu J, Arey B, Schreiber D, Cliff J, Perea D & Rosso K
(2015) The Atomic-Scale Chemistry of a Calcite Bio-Mineral Interface
Branson O, Spero H, Perea D, Winters M, Bonnin E, Zhu Z & Gagnon A
(2014) Mechanisms Driving Sub-Micron Proxy Heterogeneity in Biominerals: Lessons from Planktic Foraminifera
Gagnon A, Giuffre A, Russell A, Spero H, Zhu Z & Perea D
(2014) Nanoscale Chemical/Structure Analysis of Geological Minerals for Carbon Sequestration Using Atom Probe Tomography
Liu J, Perea D, Arey B, Qafoku O, Colby R & Felmy A

Peregoedova A. (2005) Transport of Au, Platinum-Group Elements, Ni and Cu in a S-Vapor
Barnes S, Peregoedova A & Baker D

Peregovich B. (2017) Modeling Seasonal Variations of Subsurface Gas Dynamics and Soil Gas Composition in the Context of Inert Gas Tracer Applications
Jenner F, Mayer S, Aeschbach W, Peregovich B & Machado C
(2017) Biogeochemical Processes in the Subsurface Determining Inert Gas Concentrations in Recharging Groundwater
Mayer S, Jenner F, Aeschbach W, Peregovich B & Machado C
(2015) Noble Gases in Soil Air and Groundwater
Mayer S, Aeschbach-Hertig W & Peregovich B

Pereira A.j.c.m. (2020) A Detrital Zircon LA-Q-ICPMS U-Pb Study of Upper Schists from Vila Nune Unit, Northern Portugal
Teixeira RJS, Gomes SCC, Gomes MEP, Coke C & Pereira AJCM

Pereira Alberto (2015) Comprehensive Approach to the Characterization of Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Wastewater
Flynn SL, He Y, Pereira A, Folkerts E, Martin JW, Goss GG & Alessi DS

Pereira Alcides Castilho (2014) Seasonal Variability of Radon Concentrations and Meteorological Parameters Measured in a Shallow Test Borehole at the University of Coimbra, Portugal
Pereira A, Neves L, Lopes F & Barbosa S
(2014) Natural Radioactivity in the Island of Santiago (Cape Verde)
Victoria S, Neves L, Tavares A & Pereira A
(2014) Natural Radiation and Geochemistry of the Lamas de Olo Biotite Granite, Northern Portugal
Teixeira R, Gomes M, Martins L, Pereira A & Neves L
(2011) Spectral Gamma-Ray Applications to Marine Organic-Rich Sediments of the Lower Jurassic of Portugal
Correia GG, Duarte LV, Pereira AC, Silva RL & Mendonça Filho JG
(2011) Radon Risk and their Geological Control in the Region of Amarante (Northern Portugal)
Martins L, Gomes M, Neves L & Pereira A
(2011) Uranium Mobility in the Beiras Granite (Central Portugal): Implications for Radon Exhalation
Pereira A & Neves L
(2008) Radon in Dwellings and Groundwater of the Vila Real Urban Area (Northern Portugal)
Gomes M, Coelho F, Neves L, Carvalho A, Sousa M & Pereira A
(2007) Estimating Geochemical Impacts of Uranium Mining Exploitation: The Evaluation of the Natural Background in the Beiras Metalogenetic Province (Central Portugal)
Pereira A, Neves L & Dias M

Pereira Alison (2023) Precise Dating of Large Flank Collapses by Single-Grain 40Ar/39Ar on Pyroclastic Deposits: Example from Flores Island (Azores)
Hildenbrand A, Marques FO, Pereira A, Nomade S & Hevia-Cruz F
(2021) High Precision 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Distal Tephra Layers from the Fucino Paleolacustrine Sequence Using ATONA Amplifiers Array
Nomade S, Guillou H, Scao V, Pereira A, Tootell D, Leicher N, Monaco L, Giaccio B, Wagner B, Palladino D, Marra F, Sottili G & Zanchetta G
(2017) Combining 40Ar/39Ar Single Crystal Dating with Paleo-Dosimetric Methods: Toward a Unified Chronological Framework for the Italian’s Acheulean Sites ?
Nomade S, Pereira A, Voinchet P, Arzarello M, Bahain J-J, Falguères C, Giaccio B, Guillou H & Scao V
(2017) Mediterranean Climate Variability during the Last Interglacial
Mannella G, Zanchetta G, Regattieri E, Wagner B, Giaccio B, Nomade S, Pereira A, Renne P & Niespolo E

Pereira Altair Soria (2013) X-Ray Study of High Pressure Induced Densification of Lithium Disilicate Glass
Buchner S, Pereira AS, Lima JCD & Balzaretti NM

Pereira Armando (2019) Long-Term Recovery of Mining Soils Functioning Using Waste Materials from the Pulp and Paper Industry
Cruz N, Silva F, Kodra A, Pereira A, Gomes A, Tarelho L & Rodrigues S

Pereira B. (2023) Environmental Bioavailability of As, Ni and Cr in Areas with Elevated Background Concentrations (Wallonia, Belgium)
Vandeuren A, Pereira B, Delmelle P & Abdoulaye JK
(2017) Using Portable XRF Devices for Quick and Low-Cost Measurement of Metal Content in Soils, Plants and Mushrooms in Peri-Industrial Areas of Wallonia (Southern Belgium)
Vandeuren A, Baillieux T, Pereira B, Sonnet P & Delmelle P
(2017) Do Explosive Volcanic Eruptions act as Local Carbon Sinks?
Paque M, Pereira B, Vandeuren A, Gilson R, Van Oost K & Delmelle P
(2017) Can Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Measurements Replace Standard Soil Assays in Soil Protection Regulations? A Case Study in Wallonia (Belgium)
Pereira B, Vandeuren A, Sonnet P & Delmelle P

Pereira C. (2009) Computational Determination of Thermochemical Values for Biomass Synthesis Using Model Biopolymers
Pereira C, Suter HU, Baldridge K & Hanselmann K

Pereira Eduarda (2009) Bioavailability and Potential Human Health Impacts of Hg, As and Other Potentially Toxic Elements Soil Contamination Near Mining Sites: Current Knowledge and Future Priorities
Rodrigues S, Henriques B, Araújo C, Ferreira da Silva E, Romkens P, Pereira E & Duarte A

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