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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Peppe Daniel J. (2014) U-Series Dating of Ostrich Eggshells
Sharp WD, Fylstra ND, Faith JT, Peppe DJ & Tryon CA
(2013) Causes of Late Pleistocene Lake Victoria Water Level Change, Derived from Clumped Isotopes in Land Snails and Fresh Water Molluscs
Zaarur S, Affek HP, Tryon C, Peppe D & Faith JT

Peppe S. (2013) Light Absorbing Products from Aqueous Processing of α-Dicarbonyls: Matrix Effects and Atmospheric Implications
Finessi E, Hamilton JF, Baeza-Romero MT, Rickard AR, Healy RM, Peppe S, Adams TJ, Daniels MJS, Ball SM, Goodall ICA, Monks PS, Borras E & Munoz A

Pepper S (2005) Adsorption of Lanthanum to Goethite in the Presence of Gluconic Acid
Hull L, Pepper S & Clark S
(2005) The Interaction of Uranyl-Gluconate Complexes with Hydroxyapatite
Pepper S, Hull L, Bottenus B & Clark S

Pepper S E (2000) Hydrothermal Formation of Hydrated Ferric Oxides: An in situ Synchrotron Study
Shaw S, Pepper SE, Livens FR, Henderson CMB, Vaughan DJ & Clark SM

Perakis L. (2009) Simplicity Versus Accuracy in Global Secondary Organic Aerosol Modeling
Tsigaridis K, Kanakidou M, Myriokefalitakis S & Perakis L

Perakis S. (2023) Interactions between Nitrogen Enrichment, Weathering of Rock-Derived Nutrients, and Logging: Consequences for Nutrient Limitation and Sustainability in Forests
Pett-Ridge JC, Perakis S, Siah K & van der Heijden G
(2020) Pedogenesis via Rock-‘eating’ Trees
Pett-Ridge J, Nord M & Perakis S
(2014) Distribution of Soil Molybdenum Across a Soil Nitrogen Gradient
Marks J, Pett-Ridge J & Perakis S
(2014) Representing Microbial Processing and Mineral Stabilization of Plant-Derived Organic Matter in Models of Terrestrial N Isotopes
Baisden T, Brookshire J, Craine J & Perakis S

Peral Marion (2023) A New Eemian-Aged Reconstruction of Temperature and Effective Moisture from Padul Wetland, Southern Iberia
Doyle RM, Marchegiano M, Peral M, Goderis S, García-Alix A, Jiménez-Moreno G, Camuera J, López-Avilés A & Claeys P
(2023) Hot Carbonates Deep within the Chicxulub Impact Structure as Revealed by Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Kaskes P, Marchegiano M, Peral M, Goderis S & Claeys P
(2017) Clumped Isotopes in Foraminifer Shells Versus Inorganic Carbonates: Testing for Species and Size Effects
Peral M, Daëron M, Blamart D & Bassinot F

Peral Marion Yolande (2021) The Contribution of the Foraminiferal Mg/Ca Ratio, Clumped and Conventional Stable Isotope Paleothermometers Combination for Palaeoceanographic Studies
Peral MY, Bassinot F, Daëron M, Blamart D, Bonnin J, Jorissen F, Kissel C, Michel E, Waelbroeck C, Rebaubier H & Gray WR

Péralès F. (2022) Chemo-Mechanical Study of Cement Paste Degradation Subjected to External Weak Sulfate Attacks in Geological Nuclear Waste Disposals
Pouya J, Neji M, De Windt L, Péralès F, Corvisier J & Socié A

Perales J.F. (2013) Human Health Risk Assessment of a Closed Landfill Based on Direct Gas Measurements
Jubany I, Gallego E, Giménez J, Martí V, Perales JF, Roca FJ & de Pablo J

Peralta C. (2019) Fluid Pathways in Fractured Carbonate Rocks
Peralta C, Ventura R, Taveira I, Vieira L, Dantas E, Barbosa P, Canídia D, Santos R & Bezerra F

Peralta D. (2023) Using Lithium Isotopes to Track the Origin of Lithium in Li-Ion Batteries
Desaulty A-M, Monfort Climent D, Peralta D, Lefebvre G, Perret S & Guerrot C

Peralta Silvio (2014) C-, Hg-Stratigraphies, Hg Isotopes and Volcanic Activity during Extreme Environmental Turnover: The Cretaceous-Paleogene Transition in Italy, Denmark and Argentina
Sial AN, Chen J, Lacerda LD, Peralta S, Gaucher C, Frei R, Cirilli S, Barbosa AJ, Ferreira VP & Pereira NS
(2012) The Early Paleozoic of the Argentine Precordillera: C-Isotope Excursions
Sial A, Peralta S, Gaucher C, Toselli A, Ferreira V, Frei R & Pimentel M
(2009) SPICE-SNICE Couplet in One Same Section, Precordillera of Argentina: C and Sr-Isotope Stratigraphies
Ferreira V, Sial A, Peralta S, Gaucher C, Toselli A, Parada MA & Pimentel M

Peralta Silvio (2015) The Chromium Isotopic Composition of an Early to Middle Ordovician Marine Carbonate Platform, Eastern Precordillera, San Juan, Argentina
D'Arcy J, Frei R, Gilleaudeau G, Peralta S, Kah L & Gaucher C
(2015) Hg Chemostratigraphy and Hg Isotopes from Sections Straddling the KTB in Europe, India and South America
Sial AN, Jiubin C, Lacerda LD, Tewari VC, Pandit MK, Gaucher C, Frei R, Cirilli S, Ferreira VP, Peralta S, Barbosa JA & Pereira NS

Peralta Silvio (2022) Late Ordovician–early Silurian Transition Recorded in the Argentine Precordillera: Insights from C, N, Hg Isotopes and enhanced-Hg Chemostratigraphy
Sial AN, Chen J, Peralta S, Gaucher C, Korte C, Ferreira VP, Lacerda LD, Barbosa JA, Pereira NS, Riedel PR, Gomez JC & Santos NT

Peralta Silvio (2023) Corg, N and Hg-Isotopes and Hg Chemostratigraphy in the Late Ordovician–early Silurian Transition, Argentine Precordillera
Sial AN, Chen J, Peralta S, Gaucher C, Korte C, Frei R, Ferreira VP, Lacerda LD, Barbosa JA, Pereira N, Riedel PR & Gomez JC

Perämäki P. (2007) Removal of Uranium, Arsenic and Phosphorus from Aqueous Solutions Using Steel Slag
Hanski E, Mäkelä K, Manninen M, Kujala K & Perämäki P

Percak-Dennett E. (2014) Microbial Chemolithoautotrophic Oxidation of Pyrite at Neutral pH
Percak-Dennett E, Roden E, Xu H, Konishi H, Chan C, Bhattacharyya A & Borch T

Perchiazzi N. (2016) Brucite-Driven Serpentinite Carbonation at Montecastelli (Tuscany, Italy)
Boschi C, Dini A, Bedini F, Baneschi I & Perchiazzi N
(2015) Microbial Diversity in the Hydromagnesite Mineralization
Bedini F, Boschi C, Ménez B, Di Giuseppe G, Perchiazzi N & Zanchetta G

Perchuk Alexei (2019) Subisobaric Cooling of Mafic Xenoliths from the Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe, Siberia
Sapegina A, Perchuk A, Safonov O, Yapaskurt V, Shatsky V & Malkovets V
(2011) Two Pyroxene-Garnet Rock of the Gridino Area of Belomorian Mobile Belt (Northern Karelia), Karelia, Russia: Record of the Prograde and Retrograde Metamorphic Events
Morgunova A & Perchuk A
(2011) Decarbonation of Subducting Slab at Subarc Depth: Experimental Modeling
Perchuk A, Korepanova O & Yapaskurt V
(2001) Lu-Hf and Ar-Ar Chronometry Supports Extreme Rate of Subduction Zone Metamorphism Deduced from Geospeedometry
Philippot P, Blichert-Toft J, Perchuk A, Costa S & Gerasimov V

Perchuk Alexey (2016) Experimental Modeling of Slab-Mantle Interaction Under UHP Conditions
Yapaskurt V, Perchuk A & Shur M
(2016) Formation of Continental Crust during Ultra-Hot Precambrian Orogeny: Insight from Geodynamic Modeling
Perchuk A, Safonov O, Smit A, van Reenen D, Zakharov V & Gerya T

Perchuk L.L. (2009) Carbonatite to Kimberlite Link in the Chloride-Carbonate-Silicate Systems
Perchuk LL & Safonov OG
(2008) Experimental Modeling of Chloride-Bearing Diamond-Related Liquids: A Review
Safonov O, Perchuk L, Litvin Y, Chertkova N & Butvina V
(2002) Formation of Potassium-Bearing Clinopyroxene in Potassic Mantle-Derived Liquids
Safonov O, Perchuk L, Litvin Y & Matveev Y

Percival Jack (2016) Whole-Rock and Mineral Geochemistry of Peridotites in Oecusse, Timor-Leste: Significance for the Tectonic Formation of Timor
Percival J

Percival John (2007) The Dynamic Archean Earth
Percival J
(2002) Unusually Depleted Hf Isotopic Signatures in Late Archean Carbonatite: A Result of Carbonate Metasomatism
Lassen B, Hattori K, Percival J & Waight T

Percival John (2015) Elemental and Isotopic Characteristics of Zircon from Mafic Amphibolite and Granulite Facies Rocks, Kapuskasing Uplift, Ontario, Canada
Fischer S, Cawood P, Hawkesworth C, Percival J, Spencer C & Eimf 

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