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Pennington S. (2020) Salinity and Inundation Alter Biogeochemistry and Carbon Fluxes in Two Coastal Forests
Bailey V, Sengupta A, Myers-Pigg A, Pennington S, Hopple A, Bond-Lamberty B, McDowell N, Megonigal P, Stegen J, Tan Z, Ward N, Yabusaki S & Zheng J

Pennino V. (2013) Mantle-Derived Fluids in Central Mediterranean: Geochemical and Geophysical Evidences on Fluids Sources and Migration
Caracausi A, Grassa F, Pennino V, Rizzo A & Sulli A

Pennisi M. (2023) Land Use Change Impacts on Soils and Vegetation: Examples from Italian Alps
Baneschi I, Adamo MP, Gavrichkova O, Maerker M, Mattioni M, Richiardi C, Salvadori M, Scartazza A, Sella L, Rossi V, Vicario S & Pennisi M
(2021) Sr Isotopes in Glacial Melting Waters from Glaciers in the Konsfjorden Area (Svalbard)
Salvadori M, Baneschi I, Pennisi M, Doveri M, Lelli M, Raco B, Calvi E & Trifirò S
(2018) At the Root of the Geothermal Field of Larderello: Boron Isotope Constraints
Dini A, Pennisi M, Agostini S, Di Giuseppe P & Rielli A
(2017) 87Sr/86Sr Signature in the Po River Water and its Implication on Rock Weathering at Basin Scale
Marchina C, Natali C, Bryce J, Pennisi M, Fahnestock F & Bianchini G
(2015) Tracing Geogenic and Anthropogenic Sources in the Po River Dissolved Load with a Multi Isotope Approach
Marchina C, Bianchini G, Knoeller K, Natali C, Pennisi M & Colombani N
(2013) The River Po: Geochemical Fluxes and Related Insights on Weathering Processes and Erosion Rates
Bianchini G, Marchina C, Knöller K & Pennisi M
(2013) Mineralogy and Boron Geochemistry of Mud Volcanoes from Northern Apennines (Italy)
Pennisi M, Battaglia S & Martinelli G
(2002) Boron-Rich Groundwaters in Alluvial Aquifers of Tuscany: Memory Effect of Past Geothermal Activity?
Pennisi M, Bianchini G, Cerbai N, Cioni R, Gonfiantini R & Muti A

Penniston-Dorland Sarah (2020) Archean Surface-Derived Contamination in the Plume Source of the Paleoproterozoic Bushveld Large Igneous Province
Bybee G, Hayes B, Magalhães N, Zirakparvar A, Farquhar J, Wu N, Penniston-Dorland S, Feineman M & Leach T
(2019) Stopping Crystal Clocks: The Role of Electrons in Arresting Diffusion of Lithium in Subduction Zone Garnets
Penniston-Dorland S, Baumgartner L, Dragovic B & Bouvier A-S
(2019) Comparison of Single-Phase Thermobarometers and their Application to Reconstructing the Tectonometamorphic Evolution of the Rio San Juan Complex (Dominican Republic)
Harvey K, Dragovic B, Penniston-Dorland S, Piccoli P & Bodnar R
(2018) Evidence from in situ Measurements of δ7Li in Garnets Suggests Control of Subduction Fluid Composition on Li Isotopic Fractionation within Garnet
Penniston-Dorland S, Baumgartner L, Dragovic B & Bouvier A-S
(2018) Crustal-Lithospheric Processes Recorded at the 2.06 Ga Bushveld-Molopo Farms Igneous Complex
Feineman M, Magalhaes N, Penniston-Dorland S & Bybee G
(2018) Anomalous Sulfur of the Waterberg Project of the Bushveld Complex is not Locally Derived
Magalhaes N, Penniston-Dorland S, Bybee G, Farquhar J & McCreesh M
(2016) A Mélange of Subduction Temperatures: Zr-in-Rutile Thermometry of the Catalina Schist
Penniston-Dorland S, Kohn M & Piccoli P
(2015) The Global Range of Subduction Zone Thermal Structures from Exhumed Blueschists and Eclogites: Rocks are Hotter Than Models
Penniston-Dorland S, Kohn M & Manning C
(2014) A Mélange of Subduction Temperatures: Zr-in-Rutile Thermometry and the Nature of the Slab-Mantle Interface
Penniston-Dorland S, Kohn M & Piccoli P
(2013) Formation Mechanisms of Reaction Zones in Mélange Zones: Evidence for Mechanical Mixing
Gorman J, Penniston-Dorland S, Walker R & Marschall H
(2012) Equilibrium Partitioning of Li between Olivine and Clinopyroxene at Mantle Conditions
Deane J, Feineman M, Yakob J, Eggler D & Penniston-Dorland S
(2011) Can Multiple Sulfur Isotopes be Used as a Tracer of Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle in the Bushveld?
Penniston-Dorland S, Farquhar J, Polley G, Mathez E & Kinnaird J
(2010) Highly Siderophile Elements as Tracers of Mantle-Crust Interactions in Subduction Zone Metamorphic Rocks: Evidence from the Franciscan Complex, CA
Penniston-Dorland S, Walker R, Pitcher L & Sorensen S
(2009) Lithium as a Tracer of Fluids in Subduction Zones: The Franciscan Complex, CA
Penniston-Dorland S, Ash R, Piccoli P & Sorensen S
(2009) Oxygen Isotopic Exchange at a Contact between the Bushveld Complex and Meta-Sedimentary Rocks of the Phepane Dome
Potter R, Penniston-Dorland S & Valley J
(2007) Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotopes Trace Magma-Wall Rock Interactions in the Bushveld Complex
Penniston-Dorland S, Wing B, Farquhar J, Brown M & Nex P
(2005) Coupled Dichotomies of Apatite and Fluid Composition in Contact Metamorphosed Siliceous Carbonates
Penniston-Dorland S & Ferry J

Penniston-Dorland Sarah C (2022) Thallium Behavior within Subduction Zone Metamorphism and Related Metasomatic Processes
Rader ST, Gaschnig RM, Penniston-Dorland SC & Bebout GE
(2022) Lithium Diffusion in Pyrope-Almandine Rich Garnets
Hoff CK, Penniston-Dorland SC, Piccoli PM, Stockli DF & Stockli LD

Pens M. (2014) Kinetics of Serpentinization in Aluminium- and Carbonate-Rich Hydrothermal Fluids
Pens M, Andreani M, Daniel I, Perrillat J-P, Hernandez J-A & Cardon H

Pensaert S. (2009) In situ Conditioning and Stabilisation of Dredging and Mineral Sludge
Van Roy S, Accoe F, Dejonghe W, Daems M, Ryngaert A, Diels L, Cichocka D, Springael D, Barbetti L, Van Impe P, Van Staeyen G, Meesschaert B, Duerinckx L, Vandekeybus J, Pieters A, Ide G, Seffelaar H, Pensaert S, Geeraert M, Ramdas R, Carpels B, Heylen A, Van Goylen E, Berteloot M & Dubois M

Pentari D. (2019) Environmental Impact of Heavy Metals Released from Deposition of Lignite and Waste Material Ashes
Vamvuka D & Pentari D

Pentcheva R. (2011) Pressure Induced Phase Transitions in MnTiO3: Insights from First Principles
Quiroga C & Pentcheva R
(2011) Control of Charge and Orbital Order at the Fe3O4(001)-Surface via Adsorbates: Insights from Density Functional Theory Calculations
Pentcheva R, Mulakaluri N & Scheffler M
(2011) Density Functional Theory Study of the Interaction of Arsenic Complexes with FeOOH Surfaces
Otte K, Schmahl WW & Pentcheva R
(2009) First Principles Investigation of the FeOOH-Polymorphs Under Pressure
Otte K, Pentcheva R, Schmahl WW & Rustad JR
(2009) Photoemission Study of the Reaction of Fe3O4(100) with Water at Near Ambient Conditions
Kendelewicz T, Kaya S, Newberg J, Bluhm H, Nilsson A, Pentcheva R, Moritz W & Brown G
(2009) Theoretical Evidence of a Mixed Adsorption Mode of Water on Fe3O4(001)
Mulakaluri N, Pentcheva R, Moritz W, Wieland M & Scheffler M

Pentecost A. (2000) Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation of the Early Postglacial Sedimentary Record of a Marl Lake
Pentecost A, Spiro B & Numez R

Pentinghaus H. (2007) Feldspars of Composition K[(Al, Fe)Si3O8]: Their Growth and Ordering Behaviour
Taroev V, Göttlicher J, Kroll H, Kashev A, Suvorova L, Pentinghaus H, Bernotat-Wulf H, Breit U, Tauson V & Laskhevich V

Pentrák M. (2019) Arsenic Sequestration and Mobilization in AMD Sediments
Lefticariu L, Sutton SR, Lanzirotti A, Flynn TM, Pentrak M & Albert-Black C
(2016) Fe(II) Sorption onto Different Sites of Clay Mineral and its Biooxidation Activity
Zhang L, Dong H, Pentrák M, Stucki J & Kukkadapu R

Penuelas J. (2015) Response of Marine Phytoplankton to Atmospheric Deposition of Anthropogenic Aerosols
Wang R, Balkanksi Y, Bopp L, Boucher O, Aumont O, Ciais P, Penuelas J, Ethe C, Hauglustaine D & Tao S

Penven P. (2023) Iron and Mesoscale Eddy Dynamics in the South-West Indian Ocean – RESILIENCE Cruise
Cloete R, Samanta S, Ellis N, Jansen van Vuuren L, Baudet C, Penven P, Herbette S, Roychoudhury A, Bucciarelli E & Planquette H

Peoples L. (2017) Microbial Communities of the Mariana and Kermadec Trenches
Peoples L, Grammatopoulou E, Mayor D & Bartlett D

Pèpe M. (2007) Molybdenum Speciation in Anoxic Aquatic Systems: HPLC-ICPMS Determination of Molybdate and Thiomolybdates
Esnault L, Viollier E, Jézéquel D, Thiam A & Pèpe M

Pepétuo M. (2015) Geochemistry of Metamafic Rocks of the Paulistana Complex, Riacho do Pontal Fold Belt, NE-Brazil
Amaral W, Uchôa Filho E, Santos F, Sousa D & Pepétuo M

Pepi S. (2013) Multidisciplinary Geophysical-Geochemical Analysis for Quantitative Renovation by Artificial Recharge of Aquifer (Warbo Life)
Nieto Yabar D, Abu Zeid N, Affatato A, Baradello L, Accaino F, Pepi S, Russo S & Vaccaro C

Pépin G. (2019) Peat Valorization Potential as Organic Cover for the Reclamation of Gold Mine Tailings
Rakotonimaro TV, Guittonny M, Neculita CM, Bussière B, Villeneuve M, Trépanier F & Pépin G

Pepin J.D. (2022) Constraints on Fluid Flow and Circulation Depth in a Low-Temperature Geothermal System from Environmental Tracers
Newman CP & Pepin JD

Pepin R (2004) Xenon, Mantle Degassing, and Atmospheric Closure
Porcelli D, Pepin R, Halliday A & Ballentine C

Pepin Robert (2016) Neutron Capture and Spallation: Potential Contributors to Kr and Xe in the Martian Atmosphere
Conrad P, Pepin R, Franz H, Schwenzer S, Trainer M & Mahaffy P

Pepin Robert O. (2015) In situ Measurement of Atmospheric Kr and Xe Isotopes on Mars
Conrad PG, Malespin CA, Franz HB, Trainer MG, Wong MH, Atreya SK, Pepin RO, Schwenzer SP, Jones J, Owen T & Mahaffy PR

Peplowski P. (2017) Global Distribution of Carbon-Rich Material on Mercury’s Surface
Klima R, Peplowski P, Denevi B, Murchie S & Ernst C

Peppe D (2006) He Diffusion in and (U-Th)/He Dating of Fossil Tooth Enamel and Conodonts
Reiners P, Peppe D, Bibi F & Nicolescu S

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