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Pengelly J. (2016) Proteins are a Major Component of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON) Leached from Terrestrially Aged Eucalyptus Camaldulensis Leaves
Harris C, Silvester E, Rees G, Pengelly J & Puskar L

Penido E. (2014) Impacts of Altered Silicon on Soil Biogeochemistry and Plant-Uptake of Arsenic in Flooded Rice Paddy Soil
Seyfferth A, Penido E, Gill R, Paukett M & Li G

Penisson J-M. (2002) Solution-Reprecipitation Responsible for Altered Near-Surface Zones during Feldspar Dissolution: Do Leached Layers Really Exist?
Hellmann R, Penisson J-M, Hervig R, Thomassin J-H & Abrioux M-F

Penizek Vit (2013) Copper and Lead Isotope Ratios as Tracers of Soils Pollution from the Kombat Mining Area, Namibia
Mihaljevic M, Ettler V, Kribek B, Chrastny V, Vanek A & Penizek V

Penizek Vit (2015) Using Soils and Geochemical Archives to Understand Spatial and Temporal Distribution Patterns of Metal(loid)s Near Metal Smelters
Ettler V, Mihaljevic M, Kribek B, Sebek O, Vanek A, Penizek V, Sracek O, Nyambe I & Mapani B
(2015) Reactivity of As-Rich Smelter Fly Ash in Different Soils – 6 and 12 Months in situ Investigation
Jarošíková A, Ettler V, Mihaljevič M & Penížek V
(2015) Biogenic Formation of Realgar in the Shallow Subsurface Soil
Drahota P, Falteisek L, Duchoslav V, Žák K & Penížek V
(2015) Contaminant Bioaccessibility from Dusts in Mining and Smelting Districts of Namibia
Ettler V, Mihaljevic M, Kribek B, Sebek O, Vanek A, Penizek V, Sracek O, Kamona F & Mapani B

Penizek Vit (2017) Fate of Smelter Particulates in Soils
Ettler V, Jarosikova A, Mihaljevic M, Kribek B, Veselovsky F, Penizek V, Vanek A, Sracek O & Matousek T

Penkin M. (2013) Quantifying More Than Half the Periodic Table of Elements in Uranium Ore Concentrates: Results of the IAEA’s Interlaboratory Comparison 2011-2012, and Two New Quality Control Materials
Buerger S, Boulyga S & Penkin M

Penkman K. (2022) Controls on Sr Partitioning in Aragonite Under Simulated Biogenic Conditions
Castillo Alvarez MC, Penkman K, Kroger R, Finch AA, Clog MD, Hathorne E & Allison N
(2021) Experimental Investigation of Factors Controlling Aragonite Crystallization
Castillo Alvarez MC, Penkman K, Kroger R, Finch AA, Clog M & Allison N
(2019) Aragonite Precipitation: Exploring the Influence of Biomolecules
Kellock C, Penkman K, Kroger R & Allison N
(2013) Earthworms Produce Highly Stable Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Demarchi B, Benning LG, Brown A, Harding J, Freeman C, Penkman K & Hodson ME

Penman D. (2023) Solution Chemical Compositions Modulate Elemental Uptake in Calcite: Potential Implications for Paleo-Proxy Calibrations
Uchikawa J, Penman D, Harper DT, Farmer JR, Zachos JC, Planavsky NJ & Richard Z
(2023) A New Perspective on the MECO ‘Carbon Cycle Conundrum’: δ30Si Records from Multiple Sites
. R, Henehan MJ, Frings PJ, Laub O, Penman D, Frick DA & von Blanckenburg F
(2021) Drivers of Carbon Variations in the Eocene
Anagnostou E, Penman D, Westerhold T, Babila TL & Fontorbe G
(2019) Weathering vs Hydrothermal Activity: A Multi-Proxy Approach to Examining Late Paleozoic Glacial-Interglacial Seawater Chemistry
Legett S, Rasbury T, Wright C, Grossman E, Hemming G & Penman D
(2018) Uncertainty in the Weathering Feedback: Implications for Earth System Recovery to Carbon Release
Kirtland Turner S, Ridgwell A & Penman D
(2018) Contrasting the Response of Marine Calcifiers and Silicifiers during Carbon Cycle Catastrophes
Penman D, Hull P & Ridgwell A
(2018) The Global Hydrological Cycle during Early Eocene Hyperthermals: O-Isotope and Other Constraints
Zachos J, Ballaron E, Harper D, Rush W, Babila T, Kiehl J, Bowen G, Kelly C, Kozdon R, Penman D & Huber M
(2017) Paired B/Ca and δ11B Measurements on Inorganic Calcite: Constraints on Boron Incorporation and Implications for Boron Proxies
Farmer J, Uchikawa J, Branson O, Penman D, Hoenisch B, Zeebe R & Zachos J
(2016) Hyperthermal-Associated North Atlantic Silica Burial throughout the Lower Eocene
Penman D, Hull P, Kirtland Turner S, Keller A & D'haenens S
(2016) Exploring the Chemical Controls on Boron Incorporation in Synthetic Calcite
Uchikawa J, Penman D, Harper D, Zachos J & Zeebe R
(2014) Investigating Long- and Short-Term Trends in Seawater Boron-Based Proxies during the Late Paleocene and Early Eocene
Harper D, Penman D, Hönisch B & Zachos J
(2014) New Observational Constraints on Seawater Carbonate Chemistry during the PETM: Implications for Carbon Fluxes
Penman D, Hönisch B & Zachos J
(2011) Boron Proxy Evidence for Surface Ocean Acidification and Elevated pCO2 during the PETM
Penman D, Zachos J, Hoenisch B, Eggins S & Zeebe R

Penn J. (2018) Temperature-Dependent Hypoxia and End-Permian Mass Extinction
Penn J, Deutsch C, Payne J & Sperling E

Penn L (2005) Chemistry of Metallic Iron Nanoparticles
Amonette J, Sarathy V, Linehan J, Matson D, Wang C, Nurmi J, Pecher K, Penn L, Tratnyek P & Baer D
(2005) Accurate Multidisciplinary Identification of Nanophase Iron Minerals in Simulated Pedogenic Environment
Banerjee S, Penn L, Berquo T, Guyodo Y & Popa R

Penn Lee (2017) Spectromicroscopy of Marine Colloids: Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy (STXM) and Synchrotron Infrared Nano-Spectroscopy (SINS)
Toner B, Hoffman C, Jansen L, Johnston C, Voelz J, Penn L & Fitzsimmons J
(2008) Nanominerals, Mineral Nanoparticles, and Earth Systems
Hochella, Jr. M, Lower S, Maurice P, Penn L, Sahai N, Sparks D & Twining B

Penn R.L. (2014) Protonated Nanoparticle Models of 6-Line Ferrihydrite
Gilbert B, Penn L, Spagnoli D & Waychunas G
(2014) Characterizing Particle Mediated Crystal Formation
Banfield JF, DeYoreo JJ, Dove PM, Gilbert P, Joester D, Michel FM, Murray CB, Navrotsky A, Penn RL, Rimer JD, Sommerdijk NAJM, Wallace AF, Whitelam S & Zhang H
(2014) Characterizing the Dynamics of Iron Oxide Aggregation and Reactivity in the Presence of Natural Organic Matter
Stemig AM, Arnold WA & Penn RL
(2013) Some Examples of Applications of X-Ray Circular Magnetic Dichroism in Earth Sciences
Carvallo C, Guyodo Y, Sainctavit P, Arrio M-A, Penn RL, Ona-Nguema G, Morin G & Lagroix F
(2013) A Disordered Whole-Nanoparticle Model for 6-Line Ferrihydrite
Gilbert B, Erbs J, Penn RL, Spagnoli D, Petkov V & Waychunas G
(2011) Unexpected Changes in Aggregation and Mineralogy of Goethite during the Reduction of Nitroaromatics
Arnold W, Penn RL, Moore K, Do TA & Stemig A
(2010) Iron Oxide Nanocrystal Growth and Aggregation
Burrows ND, Yuwono VM & Penn RL
(2010) Reactivity of Ferrihydrite
Erbs JJ, Berquø T, Banerjee SK, Lowry GV, Reinsch BC, Gilbert B & Penn RL
(2008) Influence of Ionic Strength, pH, and Cation Valence on Aggregation Kinetics of TiO2 Nanoparticles
French RA, Jacobson AR, Kim B, Isley SL, Penn RL & Baveye PC
(2005) Reactivity of Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles Prepared with and Without Added Carbonate, Arsenate, and Other Oxoanions
Penn RL, Anschutz AJ, Jentzsch T & Erbs J

Penna P. (2013) AMERIGO: A New Benthic Lander for Dissolved Flux Measurements at Sediment-Water-Interface
Spagnoli F, Ciceri G, Giuliani G, Martinotti V & Penna P

Pennacchio C. (2019) Combining Geochemical Measurements and Omics to Investigate Competitive Anaerobic Redox Dynamics in Sediments
Eitel E, Moran A, Shin H-D, Patin N, Bertagnolli A, Kemner K, Brooks S, Pennacchio C, Kaplan D, Stewart F, DiChristina T & Taillefert M

Pennacchio L. (2023) ISAMO (Iron Salt Atmospheric Methane Oxidation)
van Herpen MMJW, Johnson MS, van de Kraats BA, Li Q, Saiz-Lopez A, Liisberg JB, Pennacchio L & Röckmann T

Pennacchioni G. (2023) Eclogitization of the Oceanic Lithosphere by Hydration of Brittle Structures
Scambelluri M, Pennacchioni G & Cannaò E

Pennacchioni L. (2019) Elastic Properties of Natural and Synthetic Carbonates by Brillouin Scattering
Pennacchioni L, Speziale S, Bayarjargal L & Winkler B

Pennachioni G. (2002) Fluid Flow and Element Mobility in Middle-Crust Shear Zones of Collisional Orogens: Insights from the Mont Blanc Massif Shear Zone Network
Rolland Y, Cox S, Boullier A-M, Pennachioni G & Mancktelow N

Pennell K.D. (2010) Enhanced Mobility of Fullerene (C60) Nanoparticle in the Presence of Stabilizing Agents
Wang Y, Li Y, Costanza J, Abriola LM & Pennell KD

Penner J. (2013) Role of Acid Mobilization in Projected Response of Soluble Iron Supply to Improvement of Air Quality in the Future
Ito A, Xu L & Penner J
(2013) BC/OC Ratios: A New Metrics to Mitigate Emissions, Health and Radiative Impacts. Focus on African Megacities
Liousse C, Doumbia T, Assamoi E, Galy-Lacaux C, Baeza A, Penner J, Val S, Cachier H, Xu L, Criqui P & Rosset R

Penner T. (2012) Microbial Hydrogen Sulfide Generation within Syncrude Composite Tailings
Kendra K, Stephenson K, Colenbrander Nelson T, Amores R, Holland S, Penner T & Warren L
(2012) Using PLFA to Constrain Microbial Distribution Related to S-Cycling in Oil-Sands Composite Tailings during Reclamation
Ngonadi N, Slater G, Ziolkowski L & Penner T
(2012) Bacterial Diversity in Athabasca Oil Sands Composite Tailings Components
Holland S, Colenbrander Nelson T, Stephenson K, Kendra K, Penner T & Warren L
(2012) Bacterial H2S Generation in Oil Sands Process Wastes: Where Does it Begin?
Colenbrander Nelson T, Holland SP, Kendra K, Stephenson K, Penner T & Warren LA
(2012) Temporal Variation of Sulfur and Iron Metabolisms within Composite Tailings and Overlying Sand Cap at Syncrude's Mildred Lake Property
Stephenson K, Kendra K, Colenbrander-Nelson T, Amores R, Holland S, Penner T & Warren L

Penning H. (2009) Tracing Transformation of Organic Groundwater Contaminants by Stable Isotope Fractionation
Elsner M, Penning H, Reinnicke S & Meyer A

Penning T. (2015) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Environmental Lung Cancer
Penning T

Penning de Vries M. (2009) Exploiting SCIAMACHY’s Capabilities for Aerosol Retrieval from Satellite
Penning de Vries M, Beirle S & Wagner T

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