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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Paiva I. (2021) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of the Benavila (Portugal) Bentonites
García-Rivas J, Dias MI, Romero EG, Barrios MS & Paiva I

Paiva M. (2024) Uncertainties in the Deep Reservoir Temperature Estimation of Chaves Thermal Waters (N Portugal)
Martins J, Carvalho MDR, Silva C, Paiva M, Fonseca PE, Teixeira J, Freitas L & Chaminé HI

Paiva Mariele (2017) Rn-222 Surveys for the Detection of Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Why did the Tracer Fail in the Eckernförde Bay?
Scholten J, Kreuzburg M, Petermann E, Paiva M, Koehler D, Schlueter M, Rapaglia J & Schubert M
(2017) The Moisture Effect on 223Ra and 224Ra Measurements Using Mn-Cartridges
Paiva M & Rutgers van der Loeff M

Paiva de Oliveira E. (2017) Cori Monazite, Itambé-Brazil, a New Reference Material for U-Pb Geochronology by LA-ICP-MS
Martini Tonetto E, Sugano Navarro M, Alcântara Ferreira Lima B & Paiva de Oliveira E
(2017) Peixe Zircon: New Brazilian Reference Material for U-Pb Geochronology by LA-Sf-ICP-MS
Sugano Navarro M, Martini Tonetto E & Paiva de Oliveira E
(2015) Trace Elements Determination in Zircon by LA-Sf-ICP-MS
Martini Tonetto E, Sugano Navarro M & Paiva de Oliveira E

Paixão M.A.P. (2017) Depleted Peridotites and Basalts Chemistry of Neoproterozoic Oceanic Lithosphere Remnants (Araguaia Belt, Brazil)
Hodel F, Trindade RIF, Macouin M, Meira VT, Dantas EL & Paixão MAP

Pajón J.M. (2013) Reconstruction of Humid Phases in the Caribbean during the Late Pleistocene
Winterhalder S, Scholz D, Mangini A, Spötl C, Miller TE, Winter A, Jochum KP & Pajón JM

Pajovic M. (2009) Rare Earth Elements in the Karstic Bauxites of Zagrad (Niksicka Zupa, Montenegro)
Jovic V, Radusinovic S & Pajovic M

Pajula P. (2015) Combining Conductivity and Flow Velocity Profiles to Chemical Balances in Studying Contaminant Mixing and Dilution in Stream Waters Influenced by Mine Water Discharges
Backnäs S, Hämäläinen E, Hämäläinen M, Turunen K, Pajula P & Räsänen T

Pajusalu Mihkel (2018) Isotopologue Fractionation during Microbial Methanogenesis in a Bioelectrochemical System
Rhim J, Pajusalu M & Ono S

Pajusalu Mikhel (2017) Dolomite Formation in Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Microbial Biofilms
Daye M, Rhim J, Rowland S, Pajusalu M, Klepac-Ceraj V, Fakra S, Tamura N & Bosak T

Pak B. (2017) Nitrogen Inputs via Rock Weathering Point to Higher CO2 Uptake Capacity of Terrestrial Biosphere Than Previously Suggested
Dass P, Houlton B, Wang Y, Pak B, Morford S & Warlind D

Pak D.K. (2014) Core-Top Calibration of B/Ca in Pacific Ocean N. incompta and G. bulloides as a Surface Water Carbonate System Proxy
Quintana Krupinski NB, Russell AD, Pak DK & Paytan A
(2002) Core-Top Depth Transect from the South China Sea Reveals Dissolution Control on Mg/Ca Paleothermometry
Lea D, Josh H, Pak DK, Sarnthein M & Dekens P

Pak N. (2022) Deformed Zone Hosted Gold Deposits in the Chinese-Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Tian Shan
Xue C, Zhao X, Vakhtiar N & Pak N

Pak Sang Joon (2023) Hydrothermal Mineralization and Source Origin in the Mirae-2 Vent Field, Central Indian Ridge
Choi SK, Kim J, Pak SJ & Kim W
(2017) Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents in the TA25 Caldera, Tonga; Mineralization and Fluid Inclusion Study
Choi S-H, Pak SJ & Choi SK

Pak Sang-Joon (2020) Discovery of Active Hydrothermal Vent Fields along the Central Indian Ridge, 8°S-16°S
Kim J, Son S-K, Pak S-J & Walker S
(2019) Compositions of Rare Earth Elements in Deep-Seabed Mineral Deposits and Implications for Rare Metal Resources
Moon J-W, Pak S-J, Hyeong K & Choi SK
(2019) Gold Mineralization at the Forecast Hydrothermal Field in Southern Mariana Trough
Choi SK, Pak SJ, Park J-W, Choi S-H & Kim J
(2018) Mapping of Active and Inactive Vent Fields along the Censtral Spreading Ridge in the North Fiji Basin
Kim J, Son J, Pak S-J, Oh J & Son S-K
(2015) Mantle Heterogeneity in the Source Region of MORBs along the Nothern Central Indian Ridge
Kim J, Pak S-J, Oh J & Moon J-W

Pakdel H. (2021) Quantitative Source Apportionment of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PACs) in Athabasca Oil Sands Region Snowpack Using Compound-Specific Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Analysis
Ahad JME, Pakdel H, Labarre T, Cooke C, Savard MM & Gammon PR
(2016) Delineating Sources of Bitumen-Derived Acid Extractable Organics in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region
Ahad J, Pakdel H, Gammon P, Mayer B, Savard M, Peru K & Headley J
(2012) Carboxyl Group delta13C Values of Naphthenic Acids: A Novel Approach to Source Discrimination
Ahad J, Pakdel H, Savard M, Peru K & Headley J

Pakes C. (2006) Atomic Force Microscopy of Fission Tracks in Fluorapatite and Mica: a Tool for Nanoscale Investigations
Kohlmann F, Gleadow A, Kohn B, Alves A & Pakes C

Pakhomov E. (2019) Assessing Sources and Fate of Heavy Metals in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Li M, Weis D, Smith K, Smith W, Hunt B, Pakhomov E & Sunderland E
(2018) Assessing Lead Contamination Sources of Northeast Pacific Ocean
Li M, Weis D, Hunt B, Smith W & Pakhomov E

Pakhomova A. (2024) Does Pressure Promote Fe3+-Al Disordering in Lower Mantle Bridgmanite?
Criniti G, Boffa Ballaran T, Ishii T, Chanyshev A, Kurnosov A, Aprilis G, Pakhomova A, Fedotenko T, Walter MJ & Frost DJ
(2023) Nanoscale Heterogeneous Structure and Vibrational Properties of Hydrous Silica at High Pressure
Jahn S, Herrmann M, Schulze M, Dreschmann J, Morgenroth W, Pakhomova A, Garbarino G, Mezouar M, Andrault D & Wilke M
(2023) Experimental Monitoring of Iodine Degassing from Basaltic Volcanic Systems
Bureau H, Grützner T, Pakhomova A, Munsch P, Vangu D, Guarnelli Y, Siebert J, Garbarino G & Mezouar M
(2017) Trace-Element Fractionation Processes between Carbonates and Silicates at Mantle Conditions
Biedermann N, Appel K, Spiekermann G, Morgenroth W, Pakhomova A, Wirth R & Wilke M
(2016) Pre Melting in Rare Gases
Pamato MG, Vocadlo L, Dobson DP, Wood IG, Kurnosov A, Pakhomova A & Boffa Ballaran T
(2015) Elastic Properties of High Pressures Ices and their Implication for the Evolution of Icy Satellites
Pakhomova A, Boffa Ballaran T, Kurnosov A, Frost DJ & Leoni M

Pakhomova Svetlana (2011) Benthic Fluxes of Iron and Manganese Under Various Redox Conditions
Pakhomova S
(2010) On the Comparison of Redox-Interfaces Structure in Black Sea, Baltic Sea and Oslo Fjord
Yakushev E, Skei J & Pakhomova S

Pakhomova Svetlana (2015) Modeling Fate of Mn and Fe at the Sediment/Water Interface in Changing Redox Conditions
Pakhomova S & Yakushev E
(2015) Benthic Fluxes in the Kara Sea and the Gulf of Ob
Protsenko E & Pakhomova S

Pakhomova Svetlana (2016) Burial, Dilution and Bioaccumulation: Modeling the Fate of Mercury Species Entering the Seawater with Drilling Waste
Pakhomova S & Yakushev E

Pakhomova Svetlana (2017) Model Study of Drill Cutting Deposition Effects on Sediment Surface Biogeochemistry and Environmental State
Pakhomova S, Yakushev E, Newton A & Ardelan M

Pakhomova Svetlana (2023) Effect of River Runoff on the Biogeochemical Structure of the Kara Sea Surface Water in Autumn Period
Pakhomova S, Berezina A, Khreptugova A, Pronina J & Yakushev EV

Pakostova E. (2023) Long-Term Evaluation of an Organic-Carbon Permeable Reactive Barrier Remediating Mine Impacted Groundwater and the Potential of Emulsified Vegetable Oil to Increase Treatment Performance
Miller AJ, Bain JG, Pakostova E, Ptacek CJ & Blowes DW
(2022) Application of X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Assess Arsenic Mobility and the Effectiveness of a Passive Treatment System at an Abandoned Au-Mine
Ptacek CJ, Angai J, Verbuyst B, Pakostova E, Bain J & Blowes DW

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