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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Pemberton J. (2009) Adsorption Energetics and Structure for Monorhamnolipids from Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027 on Solid Surfaces
Pemberton J, Lebron-Paler A, Veres T, Ochoa V & Pruden T
(2002) Uranyl-Citrate Complexes: Solution Speciation and Surface Interactions
Pasilis S & Pemberton JE
(2002) Biosurfactant-Mediated Metal Behavior in Soil
Maier R & Pemberton J

Pempkowiak J. (2017) Distribution and Origin of Inorganic and Organic Carbon in the Sediments of Kongsfjord (European Arctic)
Koziorowska K, Kuliński K & Pempkowiak J
(2016) Sedimentary Organic Matter of a High Arctic Fjord as an Indicator of Climate Warming
Koziorowska K, Kuliński K & Pempkowiak J
(2015) Structure and Functioning of the Acid-Base System in the Baltic Sea
Kulinski K, Szymczycha B, Schneider B, Winogradow A, Hammer K & Pempkowiak J
(2015) Submarine Groundwater Discharge to the Southern Baltic Sea
Szymczycha B & Pempkowiak J

Pen A. (2008) SO2 Self-Shielding during UV Photolysis
Pen A & Clayton R

Pen J. (2009) Sulphide Sulphur and Carbonate Carbon Isotopic Evolution of the Cambrian Series 2 and 3, South China
Guo Q, Strauss H, Liu C, Zhao Y, Yang X & Pen J

Pen-Mouratov S. (2008) Heavy Metals in Soils: Distribution, Forms, Bioavailability, and their Impacts on Soil Biota (Uzbekistan, Angren-Almalik Mining Industrial Area)
Shukurov N, Kersten M, Pen-Mouratov S, Steinberger Y & Wilcke W
(2005) Soil Free-Living Nematodes Community Structure and Soil Microbial Biomass Response to Soil Pollution in the Vicinity of Navoiy Industrial Area, Uzbekistan
Shukurov N, Pen-Mouratov S, Steinberger Y & Talipov R

Pena Alejandra (2021) Evidence of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation Linked with Nitrate Reduction in a Stratified Lake Using Stable Isotopes and Numerical Modeling
Pena A, Einsiedl F, Wunderlich A & Mayer B

Peña Amanda (2023) Ge/Si and δ11B for Quantifying Hydrothermal Inputs in River Solute Fluxes in Active Volcanoes in the Southern Andes
Peña A, Perez-Fodich A, Louvat DP & Tardani DD
(2022) The Chemical Composition and Weathering Fluxes of Rivers Draining Volcanoes in the Southern Andes
Perez-Fodich A, Louvat P, Peña A & Tardani D

Peña Jasquelin (2013) Structure of Fe(III) Precipitates Formed by Fe(0) Electrolysis in the Presence of Groundwater Ions
van Genuchten C, Amrose S, Gadgil A & Peña J
(2013) Ni Sorption at the Particle Edges of Synthetic and Biogenic Birnessite
Simanova AA, Bone SE, Bargar JR, Sposito G & Pena J
(2013) Sorption of Cobalt and Nickel by Biogenic Birnessite
Pena J, Simanova AA, Bargar JR & Sposito G
(2011) Characterization of Fe(0) Electro-Coagulation Reaction Products Using Synchrotron-Based Techniques
van Genuchten C, Peña J, Addy S, Sposito G & Gadgil A
(2007) Influence of Transition Metal Cations on the Formation and Reactivity of Biogenic Mn Oxides
Peña J, Sposito G & Bargar JR

Pena Jasquelin (2015) The Metal Sorption Capacity of Biogenic Birnessite is Directly Linked to the Mn(II) Concentration Present during Mineral Formation
Dumas N & Pena J
(2015) Coupled Biotic-Abiotic Oxidation of Organic Matter by Biogenic MnO2
Gonzalez Holguera J & Pena J
(2015) Coupled Homogeneous Oxidation of Fe(II) and Mn(II)
van Genuchten C & Pena J
(2015) Photoreduction of δ-MnO2 Nanosheets
Pena J, Marafatto F, Strader M, Gonzalez-Holguera J, Scwartzberg A & Gilbert B
(2015) Physicochemical Controls on the Photoreduction of δ-MnO2
Marafatto FF, Schwartzberg A, Gilbert B & Peña J

Pena Jasquelin (2016) Fe(II)-mediated Oxidation of Mn(II)
van Genuchten C & Pena J
(2016) PH-dependent Photoreduction of δ-MnO2
Marafatto FF, Schwartzberg A, Gilbert B & Peña J
(2016) Contaminant Attenuation by Biogenic Fe and Mn Oxide Minerals: Lessons from their Abiotic Counterparts
Pena J, van Genuchten C & Simanova A

Pena Jasquelin (2017) Coupled Dynamics of Carbon and Manganese: Influence of Organic Compounds on Reactivity of Biogenic Mn Oxides
Hausladen D & Peña J
(2017) Oxidation of Glucose in Biogenic MnO2 Suspensions
Gonzalez Holguera J & Pena J
(2017) Surface Site-Specific Reactivity of δ‐MnO2 Probed by Co(II) and Quick X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Wang Y, Benkaddour S, Marafatto F & Pena J
(2017) Assessing Redox Properties of Birnessite Minerals Using ABTS
Benkaddour S, Sander M & Peña J
(2017) Photoreduction of Mn(IV) as a Mechanism of Mn(III) Accumulation in δ-MnO2: Implications for Mineral Reactivity
Marafatto FF, Schwartzberg A, Gilbert B & Pena J
(2017) Assessing Mycogenic Manganese Oxides Reactivity
Uster B, Duckworth O, Henson J, Mitchell E, Sombers L & Pena J
(2017) Control of Mn(III) on Contaminant Sorption by Biogenic Manganese Oxides
Peña J, Dumas N, Dossou-Etui I, Gonzalez-Holguera J & Simanova A

Pena Jasquelin (2018) Relationship between Carbon Availability and Biogenic Manganese Oxide Formation
Pena J, Sentchilo V, Hausladen D & Ayala H

Peña Jasquelin (2019) Thallium Sorption onto Birnessite
Wick S, Peña J & Voegelin A
(2019) Cryptic Iron Cycling in Biogenic Iron Oxide Deposits
Rieb E, Whitaker A, Henson J, Amor M, Pena J & Duckworth O
(2019) Arsenic Removal from Natural Waters Using Iron Electrocoagulation – Kinetics, Spectroscopy and Modeling
Catrouillet C, Manetti N, Soegaard Jensen LH & Peña J
(2019) Abiotic Transformation of Plant-Derived Carbon by Mn Oxides: Breakdown of Cellobiose by δ-MnO2
Hausladen D, Zelano I, Keiluweit M & Peña J
(2019) Oxidation of Bioavailable Carbon Substrate by Mn Oxides
Zelano IO, Gonzalez Holguera J & Pena J
(2019) Environmental Surface Chemistry of Manganese Oxides: Impact on Trace Element and Contaminant Cycling in Surface Environments
Pena J

Pena Jasquelin (2021) Dynamics of Carbon Cycling by Soil Bacteria in Presence of Manganese Oxides
Zelano IO, Spangenberg JE, Gonzalez Holguera J & Pena J

Pena Jasquelin (2022) Interference of Manganese with Iron Acquisition by Bacterial Siderophores
Kang K & Pena J
(2022) Influence of Pore-Scale Hydrodynamic Regimes and Reactant Gradients on Manganese Biomineralization in Porous Media
Fadely E, Gehin G, Morales V & Pena J
(2022) Electron Flows in Bacteria-Birnessite Composites and Implications for Soil Carbon Oxidation
Pena J, Zelano IO & Spangenberg JE
(2022) Investigating the Complexation of Soil Organic Carbon by Calcium Using Spectroscopy and Thermodynamics
Rowley MC, Pena J, Rad B, Marcus MA, Bone S, Pegoraro E, Castanha C, Torn M & Nico PS

Peña Jasquelin (2023) Coupled Biogeochemical Hydrologicprocesses Controlling Arsenic and Metal Redox Cycling in Varzea Floodpains, Brazil
Martinez M, Castro da Rosa Quintana G, Amora Nogueira L, Machado da Silva F, Bittencourt Peixoto R, Vennemann T, Wahnfried I, Marotta Ribeiro H & Peña J
(2023) Investigating the Redundancy of Two Mn Oxidases in Pseudomonas putida GB-1 in Response to Mn(II) Concentration
Gehin G, Carraro N, Gurfield KM, van der Meer JR & Peña J

Peña Javier (2008) Modelling of the Hydrochemical Influence of the Bentonite Barrier in a Geological Repository. The FEBEX Experiment
Peña J, Buil B, Gómez P, Garralón A, Turrero MJ, Missana T, Alonso Ú, Sánchez L & Durán JM

Pena Leopoldo D (2018) Northern Hemispheric Trigger for The Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Yehudai M, Kim J, Jaume-Seguí M, Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Knudson KP & Bickert T
(2018) Reconstruction of the North Atlantic End-Member of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation over the Last 1.5 Myr
Kim J, Jaume-Seguí M, Yehudai M, Knudson K, Goldstein S, Pena L & Ferretti P
(2018) The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation over Time from Nd Isotopes
Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Yehudai M, Jaume-Seguí M, Kim J, Knudson K, Basak C, Hartman AE & Lupien R
(2018) The Deep Ocean Carbon System Across the Mid-Pleistocene
Haynes L, Hönisch B, Farmer J, Clementi V, Ford H, Raymo M, Goldstein S, Pena L, Yehudai M, Bickert T & Lea D
(2018) Distributions of Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean
Wu Y, Goldstein S, Pena L, Anderson R, Hartman A, Bolge L, Rijkenberg M & de Baar H

Pena Leopoldo D. (2023) Neodymium Isotopes along the GEOTRACES GP16 Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
Wu Y, Basak C, Muratli JM, Pena LD, Bolge L, Haley BA & Goldstein SL
(2023) The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Erosional Events Across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Kim J, Bowe C, Pena LD, Jaume-Seguí M, Yehudai M, Knudson KP, Franzese AM, Cai Y, Bolge L, Hemming SR, Koffman BG & Goldstein SL
(2021) Role of Suspended Particulate Matter in Governing Dissolved Nd in the Southern East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal Plume
Basak C, Wu Y, Haley BA, Muratli J, Pena LD, Bolge L, Fitzsimmons J, Sherrell RM & Goldstein SL
(2021) Tracking Last Deglacial Changes in Western Mediterranean Deep-Intermediate Ventilation
Inglavaga R, Cacho I, Català A, Frigola J, Perez-Asensio JN & Pena LD
(2020) Deep Oceanographic Changes in the South Tyrrhenian Sea during the Time of Last Mediterranean Sapropel Formation
Trias-Navarro S, Cacho I, Pena L, De La Fuente M, Català A, Paredes E, Garcia-Solsona E, Frigola J, Lirer F & Caruso A
(2020) Reconstruction of the North Atlantic End-Member of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation over the Last 2 Myr
Kim J, Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Jaume-Seguí M & Yehudai M
(2020) Distribution of Neodymium Isotopes along the GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
Wu Y, Basak C, Muratli J, Goldstein S, Haley B, Pena L & Bolge L
(2017) The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Through the Mid–Pleistocene Transition
Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Jaume-Seguí M, Kim J, Yehudai M, Knudson K, Basak C, Hartman A & Lupien R
(2017) Neodymium Isotopes in Seawater: The GEOTRACES era
Pena LD, Goldstein SL, Wu Y, Hartman AE, Basak C, Rijkenberg M & de Baar HJW
(2011) Productivity and Circulation Changes during the Last Deglaciation from Biomarkers and Nd Isotopes
Calvo E, Pena L, Pelejero C & Cacho I
(2010) Meridional Advection of Southern Ocean Intermediate Waters during the Last Deglaciation from Nd Isotopes in Foraminifera
Pena LD, Jones KM, Goldstein SL, Hemming SR & Cacho I
(2009) Southern Ocean Intermediate Waters in Tropical Pacific Thermocline
Pena LD, Jones KM, Goldstein SL, Hemming SR & Cacho I

Pena Leopoldo David (2019) Isotope Ratio Measurements of Small Nd, Sr and Pb Amounts with a Plasma 3 MC-ICPMS
Paredes E, Pena LD & Cacho I
(2019) Distribution of Neodymium Isotopes along the GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
Wu Y, Basak C, Muratli J, Goldstein S, Haley B, Pena L & Bolge L
(2019) Modes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation from Nd Isotopes
Yehudai M, Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Jaume-Segui M, Kim J, Knudson K, Hartman AE & Lupien R
(2019) A 1.5 Myr History of The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation from Nd Isotopes
Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Yehudai M, Jaume-Seguí M, Kim J, Knudson K, Basak C, Hartman A & Lupien R

Peña M.A. (2020) Relationship between Surface Dissolved Iron Inventories and Net Community Production during a Marine Heatwave in the Subarctic Northeast Pacific
Taves R, Janssen DJ, Peña MA, Ross ARS, Crawford W & Cullen JT

pena Clavijo S. (2023) Modelling the Combined Effects of Reaction-Driven Flow Path Modification and Fracture Propagation during Carbon Mineralization in Poroelastic Rock
Addassi M, pena Clavijo S, Hoteit H, Finkbeiner T & Oelkers EH

Peña-Salinas M. (2021) Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G

Pendall E. (2015) Sinks to Sources: Soil Carbon Dynamics with Warming in Elevated CO2 Experiments
Hopkins F, Trumbore S, Pendall E & Torn M
(2014) Soil Organic C Storage Under Elevated CO2 is Dependent on Plant Species: A Role for C Quality?
Pendall E, Baldock J, Osanai Y & Hovenden M
(2014) Climate Effects on Plant and Microbial Metabolism in Grassland Soil Porewater
Boot C, Wallenstein M & Pendall E

Pendlton L. (2018) Exploration of Subsurface Microbial Communities within Seafloor Mantle Rocks
Motamedi S, Pendlton L, Twing K & Brazelton W

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