Peddicord L.
Academic-Industry-Government Partnerships in Nuclear Waste Management to Advance Applied Research and Workforce Development in the US
Hasiuk F, LaForce T, Stein E, Sassani D, Zheng L, Wainwright HM, Caporuscio F, Mendez C, Saltzstein S & Peddicord L
Pedemonte S.
Engaging Students in the Geosciences Using Effective and Versatile Climate and Data Literacy Teaching Modules
Paytan A, Weiss E, Pedemonte S & Apple J
Climate Change Education for Adaptation and Resilience
Paytan A, Weiss E, Halversen C, Pedemonte S & Mescioglu E
Pedentchouk N.
Light Intensity Control on Compound Specific Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Cultures of Haslea Ostrearia
Sánchez Montes ML, Mock T, Smik L & Pedentchouk N
Foraminiferal Stable Isotope Record from the Northeastern Peri-Tethys during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
Pedentchouk N, Chapman M & Gavrilov Y
The Effect of Light Intensity on 2H/1H Ratios of Highly Branched Isoprenoids (HBIs) in the Diatom Pleurosigma Intermedium
Pedentchouk N, Belt S, Smik L, Brown T, Cormier M-A, Jones M & Mock T
Molecular and Stable Isotope Signatures for Source Apportionment of PAHs in the River Thames Sediments, UK
Pedentchouk N & Vane C
Constraining the Influence of Plant Community Change on the Sedimentary N-Alkane 2H/1H Record in a Temperate Saltmarsh
Eley Y, Pedentchouk N & Dawson L
Characterization of Early Cretaceous West African Source Rocks Using Integrated Molecular and Stable Isotope Approach
Cooper R, Pedentchouk N, Freeman K & Harris N
A Sedimentological Perspective on Terrestrial Plant Hydrogen-Isotope Palaeohydrological Proxy
Pedentchouk N & Eley Y
Holocene Climate in West Siberia Using Peat Deposits
Savinykh Y, Preis Y, Pedentchouk N & Gulaya E
D/H Composition of Leaf Waxes from C3 Plants along a Transect from the UK to Central Siberia, Russia
Pedentchouk N & Fisher K
Greater Average Chain Length of N-Alkanes Correlates with D-Depletion and 13C-Enrichment in Evergreen Angiosperms in Comparison with Other Higher Plant Species
Pedentchouk N, Wagner T & Jones M
Comparison of δ13C and δD Values of N-Alkanes from Angiosperms and Gymnosperms in Western Europe
Pedentchouk N, Wagner T, Jones M, Pellegrini M, Brugnoli E, Lauteri M, Pollegioni P & Behling H
Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of N-Alkanes from Leaf Waxes: An Empirical Evaluation of Environmental Controls
Pedentchouk N & Pagani M
Pederick R.
Reduction of Fe(III) by Geobacter sulfurreducens and the Capture of Arsenic by Biogenic Fe(II) Minerals
Islam F, Pederick R, Polya D, Charnock J, Gault A, Wincott P, Rowland H & Lloyd J
Microcosm Studies of Microbially Mediated Arsenic Release from Contrasting Cambodian Sediments
Rowland H, Polya D, Gault A, Charnock J, Pederick R & Lloyd J
Pedernera A.
Organic Aerosols: Liquids or Glasses?
Marcolli C, Zobrist B, Krieger U, Luo B, Soonsin V, Peter T, Pedernera A & Koop T
Pedersen Anne Christine Krull
Cisotop: A New Stable Isotope Approach to Examine Turnover of Organic Compounds in the Vadose Zone
Pedersen ACK, Ambus PL, Ernstsen V & Breuning-Madsen H
Pedersen Asger Ken
The Paleocene Volcanic Succession in West Greenland: Compositions, Volumes, and Mantle Sources
Larsen LM & Pedersen AK
The Paleocene Picritic Vaigat Formation, Disko and Nuussuaq, West Greenland: Separate Evolution of Sources, Conduit Systems, and Contamination Events
Larsen L & Pedersen A
Enriched Alkaline Lavas within a Depleted Picrite Succession: Melting of Old Lithosphere Induced by Passing Asthenospheric Melts, Paleocene of West Greenland
Larsen LM, Pedersen AK, Sundvoll B & Frei R
Pedersen Christian
Desorption of Quinoline from Clay: An Investigation of the LoSal™ Mechanism
Pedersen C, Hem C & Stipp S
Ancient Polysaccharides in Chalk
Pedersen C, Johnsson A, Nielsen J, Bechgaard K, Damager I & Stipp S
Surface Composition of Fossil Coccoliths from Chalk
Balogh Z, Pedersen C, Skovbjerg L, Hassenkam T, Johnson E, Bechgaard K, Benning L & Stipp S
More Oil from Chalk: Studying the Holes – And the Borders of the Holes, the Particle Interfaces
Stipp SLS, West K, Dideriksen K, Lakshtanov L, Yang M-J, Bohr J, Belova D, Pasarín IS, Johnsson A, Pedersen CS, Balogh Z, Nissenbaum J, Wang X-Z, Jensen TH, Feidenhans’l R, Engstrøm F, Bechgaard K & Bjørnholm T
Anthropogenic PAHs as Markers for the History of Industrial Pollution in the Anoxic Mariager Fjord, Denmark
Pedersen C, Nytoft H & Larsen B
Pedersen Christian Schack
Pushing Thermodynamics Uphill: Organisms' Control on Biomineralisation
Stipp SLS, Hassenkam T, Andersson MP, Sakuma H, Pedersen CS, Schultz LN, Yang M, Keller KS, Sand KK, Bovet N, Henriksen KE & Engstrøm F
The Activity of an Ancient Biogenic Polysaccharide: A Strong Growth Inhibitor and Morphology Moderator for Calcite
Sand KK, Pedersen CS, Sjöberg S, Nielsen JW, Makovicky E & Stipp SLS
Pedersen D.A.K.
Thermal History and Water Contents in the Seitah Igneous Rocks in Jezero, Mars
Liu Y, Asimow PD, Schmidt M, Treiman A, Randazzo N, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Udry A, Herd CDK, Allwood A, Hurowitz J, Pedersen DAK, Henneke J, Simon JI, Brown AJ & Cable M
Provenance and Diagenesis of Martian Sedimentary Rocks in the Jezero Crater Delta Front from Microscale Observations by the Mars 2020 PIXL Instrument
Hurowitz J, Tice MM, Allwood A, Cable M, Bosak T, Broz A, Caravaca G, Clark BC, Dehouck E, Fairen AG, Gomez F, Grotzinger JP, Gupta S, Johnson JR, Kah LC, Kalucha H, Labrie J, Li AY, Mandon L, Núñez J, Pedersen DAK, Poulet F, Randazzo N, Scheller EL, Schmidt M, Shuster DL, Siebach K, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Tosca NJ, Treiman A, VanBommel SJ, Wade LA, Williford KH & Yanchilina A
Characterization of Silicate Minerals in Alfalfa, Maaz Unit of Jezero Crater Floor, Mars
Yanchilina A, Morris RV, Schmidt M, Corpolongo A, Jakubek R, Van Hoesen D, Murphy A, Sharma S, Smith RJ, Steele A, Hollis J, Uckert K, Bleefeld B, Wu MK, Burton A, Lee CH, Lopez-Reyes G, Pedersen DAK, Bhartia R, Minitti ME & Sobron P
An Overview of µXRF Results Obtained by PIXL in Jezero Crater, Mars
Flannery DT, Allwood A, Hurowitz J, Elam WT & Pedersen DAK
Pedersen E.B.
Green Rust Synthesis and Reactivity Towards Dehalogenation in Presence of Glycine
Yin W, Huang L, Pedersen EB, Frandsen C, Strobel BW & Hansen HCB
Pedersen Gunver
Pedersen Gunver K.
OAE2 in Marine Sections at High Northern Palaeolatitudes?
Lenniger M, Pedersen GK & Bjerrum CJ
Pedersen H.D.
Transformation of Fe(III) Oxides by the Catalytic Action of Aqueous Fe(II) and the Fate of Associated Arsenate
Pedersen HD, Postma D & Jakobsen R
Pedersen Jan Skov
Monitoring Bioinspired Collagen Mineralization Through X-Ray Total Scattering
Delgado-López JM, Bertolotti F, Pedersen JS, Cervellino A, Masciocchi N & Guagliardi A
Pedersen Janne
A Study on the Effect of Pore Geometry on Mineral Changes
Pedersen J, Jettestuen E, Vinningland JL, Madland M, Cathles L & Hiorth A
Pedersen Joel
Ligand Effects on Oxidative Stability of CdSe Nanoparticles
Mangham A, Louis K, Bramson A, Metz K, Pedersen J & Hamers R
MnO2-mediated Transformation of the Antimicrobial Sulfamethazine
Gao J, Guo T, Hedman C & Pedersen J
Soil and the Transmission of Prion Diseases
Pedersen J, Johnson C, Bell C, Jacobson K, Benson C, McKenzie D & Aiken J
Developmental Toxicity of Oxidatively Degraded QDs
Wiecinski P, King Heiden T, Metz K, Mangham A, Hamers R, Heideman W, Peterson R & Pedersen J
Pedersen Joel A.
Binding of Cationic Pharmaceuticals to Soil Humic Acids and the Influence of Inorganic Cations
Christl I & Pedersen JA
Pedersen Jon
Re-Os Shale Data Reveal Gravity Gliding Deformation and Surface Water Circulation, Hekkingen Formation, Loppa High, Barents Sea
Markey R, Stein H, Hannah J, Georgiev S, Pedersen JH & Dons C
Re-Os Ages for a Confined Petroleum System, Norwegian North Sea
Georgiev S, Stein H, Hannah J, Yang G, Dons C & Pedersen J
Pedersen Jon Halvard
Temporal Evolution of the Brynhild Petroleum System, North Sea
Georgiev S, Stein H, Hannah J, Yang G, Hurtig N, Dons C, Pedersen JH & Di Primio R
Dating the Collapse of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet Using CH4-Derived Carbonate Crusts from the Barents Sea
Lepland A, Chand S, Sahy D, Noble SR, Condon DJ, Martma T, Pedersen JH, Sauer S, Brunstad H & Thorsnes T
Pedersen K
Subsurface Microbial Biofilms and Nuclear Waste Disposal – Geochemical Friends or Foes?
Anderson C, Jakobsson A & Pedersen K
Investigation of the Uptake of Nickel by Chalk Using Date from Lab, Field and Large, Undisturbed Columns
Karlby L, Hoffmann M, Jørgensen P, Milter H, Pedersen K, Olsen M & Stipp S
Rates of Bacteriogenic Iron Oxide Development in a Deep Igneous Rock Aquifer
Kennedy C, Anderson C, Fru E & Pedersen K
Microbial Biofilm Processes in Deep Granitic Groundwater
Pedersen K, Anderson C, Jacobsson A & Nielsen M
Cadmium Complexation by Bacteriogenic Iron Oxides from a Subterranean Environment
Martinez R, Pedersen K & Ferris F
Surface Chemical Heterogeneity of Bacteriogenic Iron Oxides from a Subterranean Environment
Martinez R, Smith S, Pedersen K & Ferris G
Distribution of Trace Elements and REE Fractionation Trends in BIOS as Compared to Host Rocks, Fracture Fillings and Fluids
Anderson C & Pedersen K
Pedersen Karsten
Development of the Safety Case Knowledge Base About the Influence of Microbial Processes on Geological Disposal of Radioactive Wastes
Pedersen K
The Biomass and Biodiversity of the Continental Subsurface Biosphere
Onstott T, Magnabosco C, Lau M, Kieft T, vanHeerden E, Dong H, Lin L, Pedersen K, Ghiorse W & Sherwood Lollar B
Threshold Densities for Microbial Sulphate Reduction in Bentonite
Estmark Kalinowski B, Bengtsson A, Pedersen K, Lilja C, Sellin P & Sjöland A
Pedersen L-E.R.
Effect of Deformation and Metamorphism on Metal Redistribution at the Sulitjelma Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits
Sendula E, Faber C, Pedersen L-ER, Mansur ET, Nozaki T, Matsumoto H & Strmic Palinkas S
Pedersen Mikkel
Ancient Archaeal Community Successions in Lateglacial Lake Sediments
Ahmed E, Agren R, Unneberg P, Schenk F, Rattray J, Han L, Yamoah K, Muschitiello F, Pedersen M, Smittenberg R, Parducci L, Slotte T & Wohlfarth B
Pedersen Mikkel W
Using Paleogenomics from Arctic Lake Sediment to Track Microbial Methane Cycling Under Holocene: A Window into Past Climate Change
Rouillard A, Pedersen MW, Wang Y, Siggaard-Andersen M-L, Alsos IG, Bjørk A, Davidson T, Farnsworth W, Funder S, Håkansson L, Kjeldsen K, Larsen N, Ruter A, VanHardenbroek M, Woodroffe S, Smol J, Willerslev E, Kjær K & Schomacker A