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My Goldschmidt

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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Peacock Simon (2020) Serpentinization of Ophiolitic Rocks, Cache Creek Terrane, British Columbia: Implications for Carbon Sequestration and Nickel Recovery
Steinthorsdottir K, Cutts J, Turvey C, Dipple G, Bradshaw P, Milidragovic D & Peacock S

Peacor D. (2000) Coexisting Altered Glass, Fe-Ni Oxides, and Shocked Spherules at the K-T Boundary, Stevns Klint (Denmark): Direct Evidence of Meteorite Impact
Bauluz B, Peacor D & Elliott C

Peak D. (2020) Direct Quantification of Inner and Outer-Sphere Oxyanion Complexation Kinetics Using Spectroscopic Analysis: Ionic Strength and Background Cation Effect on Sulfate Adsorption to Hematite
Schmidt M, Siciliano S & Peak D
(2020) Selenium Oxyanion Uptake on Iron Oxides and Pyroaurites: Probing Mechanisms Using 18O Tracing
Larese-Casanova P, Yue P, Schellenger A, Chen N, Peak D, Bompoti N, Chrysochoou M & Onnis-Hayden A
(2020) Adsorption of Vanadium(V) Polymers on Ferrihydrite and Hematite
Vessey C, Schmidt M, Abdolahnezhad M, Peak D & Lindsay M
(2018) Microbes and Minerals in Permafrost: Quantifying Microbe Mineral Interactions Using Positron Emission Tomography Coupled to Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of Psychrotrophic Bioremediation in Permafrost Soils
Peak D, Siciliano S, Chang Y-F, Conway A, Shannon W, Mamet S, Helgason B, Talebitaher A, Papandreou Z, Palaia T, Teymurazyan A & Regier T
(2017) Structure and Sorption Reactivity of Biogenic Iron Oxides
Whitaker A, Sowers T, Thompson A, Peak D, Michel M & Duckworth O
(2014) Development of C K-Edge NEXAFS Techniques for the Study of Organic-Mineral Interfaces
Regier T, Gillespie A, Dynes J, Chevrier D & Peak D
(2012) Determination of Soil Organic C Species Using Soft X-Ray XANES: Tackling Normalization & Matrix Effects
Dynes J, Regier T, Chevrier D, Gillespie A & Peak D
(2012) Mechanisms of Ferrihydrite Formation Observed Directly via Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy
Peak D, Dynes J, Green R & Regier T
(2006) Examining the uniqueness of biogeochemical models developed for ion-bacteria adsorption.
Burnett P-G, Si B, Peak D & Daughney CJ

Peaker C.V.

Peaple M. (2018) Southern California Hydroclimate over the Last 150 kyrs: New Results from the Searles and Death Valley Basins
McGee D, Olson K, Stroup J, Chen CY, Lowenstein T, Smoot J, Janick J, Lund S, Peaple M, Feakins S, Serrato Marks G & Litwin R

Pearce Alex (2014) Microbial Communities at a Highly Efficient Acid Mine Drainage Site
Grettenberger C, Pearce A, Macalady J, Burgos W & Bibby K

Pearce Andrea (2011) Redox Front Variability and Phosphorus Flux Across the Sediment-Water Interface
Druschel G, Smith L, Shufelt N, Watzin M, Pearce A & Rizzo D

Pearce Angell (2014) Solubility of Pd and Zn in Hydrocarbons: Application to Ore Genesis
Sugiyama I, Pearce A, Migdisov A & Williams-Jones A

Pearce Carolyn (2022) Identifying Prenucleation Species in Concentrated, Alkaline Sodium Aluminate Solutions to Improve Aluminum Processing Efficiency
Nienhuis-Marcial E, Wang H-W, Graham T, Pouvreau M, Prange M, Zhang X, Clark A, Schenter G, Rosso K & Pearce C
(2022) Microbe-Mineral Dynamics within a ‘grass-To-Glass’ Soil Profile at a Late Iron Age Archaeological Site with Implications for Long-Term Storage of Nuclear Waste Glasses
Wells J, Plymale A, Pearce C, Graham E, Bagwell C, Brislawn C, Cheeke T, Danna V, Fansler S, Arey B, Bowden M, Varga T, Saunders D, Allen J, Marcial J, Tyrrell K, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Vicenzi E, McCloy JS, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A
(2021) Assessing the Redox Reactivity of Tetrahedral Fe in Clay Minerals
Neumann A, Baron F, Biswakarma J, Pearce C, Ferrage E, Petit S & Hofstetter TB
(2019) Kinetics of Co-mingled 99Tc and Cr(VI) Removal from Nuclear Waste Streams Using Fe(OH)2(s)
Saslow S, Um W, Pearce C, Bowden M, Lukens W, Kim D-S, Schweiger M & Kruger A
(2019) Overview of the Role of Surface Defects on Goethite’s Biogeochemistry
Notini L, Latta D, Neumann A, Pearce C, Rosso K, Byrne J, Tomaszewski E, Zhou Z, Kappler A & Scherer M
(2018) Fe(II) – Fe(III) Oxide Electron Transfer: Influence on Contaminant, Nutrient, and Carbon Dynamics
Scherer M, Andrade L, Felber O, Pearce C, Robinson T, Rosso K & Zhou Z
(2018) The Geomicrobiology of Ancient Glass Alteration with Implications for Nuclear Waste Disposal
Pearce C, Plymale A, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Arey B, Soltis J, Vicenzi E, McCloy J, Johnson K, Saunders D, Brislawn C, Wells J, Fansler S, Peeler D & Kruger A
(2018) Spectroscopic Characterization of Aqua [fac-Tc(CO)3]+ Complexes at High Ionic Strength
Levitskaia T, Chatterjee S, Hall G, Engelhard M, Du Y, Pearce C, Washton N, Lukens W & Lee S
(2018) Ferrihydrite Transformation by Fe(II): Nucleation, Growth, and Phase Stability at Neutral pH
Qafoku O, Kovarik L, Bowden M, Sheng A, Soltis J, Sassi M, Pearce C, Liu J & Rosso K
(2018) Ionic Liquid Glassification to Observe Aluminate Ion Speciation in Low Water Alkaline Environments
Graham T, Hu J, Shen Z, Dembowski M, Zhang X, Clark S, Schenter G, Pearce C & Rosso K
(2018) Spectroscopic Features of Tetrahedrally Coordinated Aluminate Dimer, K2Al2O(OH)6
Dembowski M, Graham T, Pouvreau M, Wang H-W, Hu J, Clark A, Rosso K & Pearce C
(2017) Response of Bentonite Microbial Communities to Stresses Relevant to Radioactive Waste Disposal
Haynes H, Pearce C, Pattrick R, Boothman C & Lloyd J
(2017) U(IV)-mineral Complexation may Explain U Speciation in Reduced Sediments
Boyanov M, Latta D, Scherer M, Mishra B, Pearce C, Rosso K, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2015) Examining Radiation Damage Effects in Phyllosilicates with Applications to Radioactive Waste Geodisposal
Bower W, Pearce C, Mosselmans F, Haigh S, Pimblott S & Pattrick R
(2015) Impact of Heat, Gamma- and Alpha-Radiation on the Clay Barrier in a Geological Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste
Pearce C, Bower W, Pattrick R, Mosselmans F, Sims A, Devine J & Rosso K
(2014) Size Effect on the Reduction of Hematite Nanoparticles with Outer Membrane Cytochromes OmcA of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Liu J, Pearce C, Shi L, Wang Z, Shi Z, Arenholz E & Rosso K
(2014) Cyclic Microbial Oxidation and Reduction of Magnetite Nanoparticles
Byrne J, Klueglein N, Pearce C, Appel E & Kappler A
(2013) Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Fe(II)-Fe(III) Electron Transfer Across Interfaces
Chatman S, Zarzycki P, Kerisit S, Alexandrov V, Pearce C & Rosso K
(2013) Reduction of Aqueous U(VI) by Fe(II): Effect of Ti(IV) on the Speciation of U(IV)
Latta D, Pearce C, Rosso K, O'Loughlin E, Kemner K & Boyanov M
(2013) In-situ IR Spectroscopic Study of Forsterite Carbonation in wet-scCO2
Bénézeth P, Chen J, Qafoku O, Schaef T, Thompson C, Pearce C, Felmy A, Bonneville A, Rosso K & Loring J
(2013) Understanding Electron Transfer at Fe-Bearing Mineral Surfaces to Optimize Contaminant Remediation
Pearce C, Liu J, Kabius B, Arenholz E & Rosso K
(2012) Reactivity of U(VI) with Pure, Oxidized, and Ti-Substituted Magnetites
Latta D, Pearce C, Gorski C, Rosso K, O'Loughlin E, Kemner K, Scherer M & Boyanov M
(2011) Radiation Damage in Biotite: Defined by Micro XAS and XRD
Pattrick R, Geraki T, Charnock J, Pearce C, Mosselmans F, Pimblott S & Droop G
(2011) Fe(II) Exchange at Titanomagnetite-Water Interfaces
Pearce C, Liu J, Qafoku O, Arenholz E, Heald S & Rosso K
(2011) Reactive Fe(II) and Electron Exchange Dynamics in Iron Oxides
Rosso K, Zarzycki P, Pearce C, Katz J, Gilbert B, Handler R, Scherer M & Meakin P
(2010) Reduction of Contaminant Tc(VII) by Magnetite (Fe3O4) and Titanomagnetite (Fe3-xTixO4) Nanoparticles
Liu J, Pearce C, Qafoku O, Rosso K, Peretyazhko T, Arenholz E & Heald S
(2010) Characterization of Reactive Ferrous Iron in Titanomagnetite (Fe3-xTixO4) Nanoparticles for Contaminant Reduction
Pearce C, Qafoku O, Liu J, Arenholz E, Heald S, Felmy A, Henderson M & Rosso K
(2009) Microbial Reduction of Toxic Metals: From Pristine to Extreme
Lloyd J, Coker V, Cutting R, Geissler A, Handley K, Law G, Livens F, Morris K, Pattrick R, Pearce C, Polya D & Vaughan D
(2009) Reductive Microbial Transformations of Iron Oxides; Engineering Biominerals for the Remediation of Metals and Organics
Lloyd J, Coker V, Cutting R, Hofstetter T, Mosberger L, Telling N, Pattrick R, Pearce C, van der Laan G & Vaughan D
(2008) Bio-Nano-Engineering: From Clean up to Catalysis
Pearce C, Coker V, Cutting R, Pattrick R, Lloyd J & Prakash T
(2008) A Role for Proteins in Extracellular Metal-Sulfide and Selenium Biomineralization?
Moreau J, Pearce CI & Banfield J
(2007) Investigating the Biogenic Synthesis of Chalcogenide-Based Nanomaterials
Pearce C, Coker V, Pattrick R, Law N, Charnock J, Lloyd J & Zuckermann R
(2007) Nano-Spinel Synthesis Using Fe(III)-reducing Bacteria
Coker V, Pearce C, Pattrick R, van der Laan G, Telling N, Charnock J, Arenholz E & Lloyd J
(2006) Changes in the extent of marine anoxia during the Early Jurassic: Evidence from molybdenum isotopes
Pearce C, Cohen A, Coe A & Burton K

Pearce Carolyn I (2020) Comparing Alteration Layer Characteristics of Ancient Hillfort Glasses Corroded in the Field and Laboratory
Neeway J, Pearce C, Nava-Farias L, Seymour L & Marcial J
(2020) Niche Partitioning of Microbial Communities at an Ancient Vitrified Hillfort: Implications for Vitrified Radioactive Waste Disposal
Plymale A, Pearce C, Wells J, Brislawn C, Graham E, Cheeke T, Allen J, Danna V, Weaver J, McCloy J, Sjöblom R, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A

Pearce Carolyn I. (2023) Understanding Interfacial Properties Associated with Radiation Effects in Complex Nuclear Environments
Pearce CI, Prange M, Young L, LaVerne J, Orlando T, Kimmel G, Liu L, Nienhuis-Marcial ET, Mergelsberg ST, Lu L, Li S, Riechers S, Anovitz LM, Zhang X, Wang Z, Li X, Clark AE, Rosso KM & Schenter GK
(2023) Understanding Oligomerization in Alkaline Sodium Aluminate Solutions Using Reactive Force Field Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Pouvreau M, Guo Q, Wang H-W, Nienhuis-Marcial ET, Graham TR, Schenter GK, Clark AE, Pearce CI & Rosso KM

Pearce Christopher (2023) Carbon Dioxide Removal in Field Trials of Enhanced Weathering on Arable Croplands
Larkin CS, Andrews MG, Pearce C, Shepherd E, Goring-Harford H, Epihov DZ, Beerling DJ & James RH
(2023) The Production of CaCO3 Boron Standard Reference Materials for Laser Ablation MC‐ICP‐MS Studies of Biogenic Carbonates
Hayes ES, Standish CD, Pearce C & Foster GL
(2022) CO2 Removal Associated with Enhanced Rock Weathering in Arable Croplands in Norfolk, UK
Larkin CS, Andrews MG, James RH, Pearce C, Goring-Harford H, Epihov DZ & Beerling DJ
(2021) Quantifying CO2 Removal via Enhanced Rock Weathering in Constrasting Croplands
Larkin CS, Andrews MG, James RH, Pearce C, Collins A, Goring-Harford H, Jardine GE, Kantola IB, DeLucia EH, Masters M, Benedick S, Yeong KL & Beerling D
(2019) Field Trials of Enhanced Weathering in Two Contrasting Climate Zones
Andrews G, Pearce C, James R, Masters M, Kantola I, Yeong KL, Hanapi J, Benedick S, Reynolds G, deLucia E & Beerling D
(2016) Seasonal Variations in the Chromium Isotopic Composition of Seawater in the Celtic Sea
Goring-Harford H, James R, Pearce C & Connelly D
(2015) Srching for Silicate Weathering Feedback in the Geological Record
Pearce C, Foster G, Sexton P, Henehan M, Edgar K & Parkinson I

Pearce Christopher R. (2018) Strontium and Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Hydrothermal Seawater-Basalt Interaction
Voigt M, Pearce CR, Fries DM, Baldermann A & Oelkers EH
(2018) δ88Sr and δ44/40Ca Fractionation along Groundwater Flow Paths in the Peridotite Aquifers of Oman
Bompard N, Pearce C, Bradbury H, Turchyn A, Teagle D & Matter J
(2018) Enhanced Rock Weathering in Agroecosystem Field Trials, Illinois, USA
Andrews G, Pearce C, James R, Masters M, Kantola I, DeLucia E & Beerling D
(2018) Breaking the Tradition: Pushing the Boundaries of the Sr Isotope Systems
Pearce C
(2017) Enhanced Basalt Weathering Response to Elevated Global Temperatures in the Middle Eocene
Pearce C, Edgar K, Henehan M, Li G & Foster G
(2017) On the Cr Isotopic Composition of Seawater
Goring-Harford H, James R, Pearce C, Connelly D, Klar J & Parkinson I
(2017) Mg Isotope Composition of the Upper Oceanic Crust at ODP Holes 504B and 896A, Costa Rica Rift
Beaumais A, Teagle D, James R, Pearce C, Milton J & Alt J
(2017) Behaviour of Cr and its Isotopes in Laterites and Implications for Ni Laterite Formation
Krüger JC, James RH, Herrington R, Pearce CR & Roberts S
(2015) Behaviour of Cr in Laterites and Implications for Ni Laterite Formation
Krüger JC, James RH, Herrington R, Brown P, Pearce CR & Roberts S
(2015) Molybdenum Isotope Behaviour Accompanying Vapour-Phase Transport in Geothermal Systems
Neely R, Þorbjörnsson D, Pearce C, Gislason S & Burton K
(2013) Cr Isotope Fractionation in Reducing Continental Margin Sediments
Pearce C, James R, Parkinson I, Connelly D & Planquette H
(2012) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Bacterial Mediated Carbonate Precipitation
Parkinson I, Pearce C, Polacsek T, Cockell C & Brady M
(2012) Stable Strontium Isotope Behaviour in Himalayan River Catchments
Stevenson EI, Burton KW, Parkinson IJ, Pearce CR, Mokadem F & James R
(2012) Novel Insights on a Traditional Proxy: Combining the Stable and Radiogenic Sr Isotope Systems to Characterise Continental Weathering
Pearce C, Parkinson I, Burton K, Stevenson E, Gaillardet J, Rudnick R, West J & Hammond D
(2012) Direct Evidence for Isotopic Fractionation during Congruent Dissolution, Precipitation and at Equilibrium
Oelkers E, Pearce C, Saldi G & Schott J
(2012) Field Evidence of Sr Exchange between Particulate Material and Seawater in Estuaries
Jones M, Gislason S, Burton K, Pearce C, Mavromatis V & Oelkers E
(2011) Stable Strontium (δ88Sr) Isotopic Fractionation during Hydrological Cycling
Pearce C, Parkinson I, Burton K & Gaillardet J
(2011) Incongruent Dissolution of Volcanic Riverine Particulate Material in Seawater: Consequences for Global Element Cycling
Jones M, Pearce C, Jeandel C & Oelkers E
(2010) The Weathering of Basaltic Rocks and their Effect on Global Chemical Cycles
Oelkers E, Gislason S, Jones M, Pearce C, Eiriksdottir E & Gaillardet J
(2009) The Surface Area, Reactivity, and Effect on Global Cycles of Riverine Transported Basaltic Suspended Load
Oelkers EH, Pearce CR, Eiriksdottir CES & Gíslason SR
(2009) Geochemical and Biotic Records of Marine Anoxia: Disentangling Local and Global Signals
Cohen A, Coe A, Pearce C & Caswell B
(2009) Experimental Quantification of Kinetic Mg-Isotope Fractionation during Magnesite Precipitation
Pearce C, Saldi G, Schott J, Burton K & Oelkers E
(2008) Ocean Redox during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: Constraints from Chromium Isotope Ratios
James R, Karjalainen A-M, Parkinson I, Coe A, Pearce CR & Cohen A
(2008) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation Accompanying Weathering, Riverine Transport and Estuarine Mixing
Pearce CR, Burton K, Pogge von Strandmann P, James R & Cohen A

Pearce D. (2017) Geochemical and Microbiological Gradients along Arctic Chronosequences
Wojcik R, Donhauser J, Holm S, Malard L, Holland A, Frey B, Wagner D, Pearce D, Anesio A, Hovelmann J & Benning LG

Pearce I. (2022) Responses of Microbial Residents to New Versus Regenerated Fe in a Cold-Core Eddy (Southern Ocean)
Fourquez MA, Stzrepek R, Ellwood M, Hassler C, Cabanes D, Eggins S, Pearce I, Deppeler S, Trull T, Boyd P & Bressac M

Pearce Jonathan (2013) Green River CO2 Natural Analogue, Utah: Insights into Fe Mobilisation from Jarosite Fracture Mineralisation
Rushton J, Wagner D, Purser G, Pearce J & Rochelle C

Pearce Julian (2019) Tracking Life Cycles of Ancient and Modern Volcanic Arcs Using Immobile Element Geochemistry
Pearce J
(2019) Geochemistry and Tectonic Significance of Chromites in Ophiolitic Mantle
Pearce J
(2019) Tracking Subduction Initiation via Re-Os Isotopes and Highly Siderophile Elements: A Case Study of Izu-Bonin-Mariana Forearc Lavas
Nelson WR, Reagan M, Pearce J & Shervais J
(2017) Identification of Subduction Signatures in the Geologic Record
Pearce J, Peate D & Smithies H
(2017) Fingerprinting the Mantle during Subduction Initiation Using Re-Os Isotopic Systematics of Izu-Bonin-Mariana Forearc Boninites
Nelson W, Reagan M, Pearce J, Niles D, Leierzapf J & Walker R
(2017) Discussion Slot – 05e Wed am
Pearce J
(2017) The Genesis of High Nb-Ta Signatures at the Northern Tongan Islands of Tafahi and Niuatoputapu
Beier C, Turner S, Haase K, Pearce J, Münker C & Regelous M
(2017) Isotopic Constraints on Magma Source Evolution during Subduction Initiation: IODP 352 (Izu-Bonin Forearc)
Li H-Y, Prytulak J, Taylor R, Kirchenbaur M, Pearce J & Ryan J
(2016) Isotopic Constraints on Subduction Initiation and Evolution: IODP Exp. 352 (Bonin Forearc)
Prytulak J, Li H, Taylor R, Godard M, Ryan J, Mangler M, Shervais J, Reagan M & Pearce J
(2016) Volcanic Glasses from Exp. 352 Cores
Reagan M, Brounce M, Almeev R, Shimizu K, Ryan J & Pearce J

Pearce Julian A. (2023) Characteristics and Tectonic Significance of Subduction Initiation Ophiolites
Pearce JA
(2023) Ophiolitic Crust-Mantle Decoupling Revealed by Cr-Spinel Compositions of Timor Peridotites
Lin Y-C, Pearce JA, Ishikawa A, Buret Y, Spratt J, Maruyama S, Kadarusman A & Chung S-L
(2022) LIP Printing: Theory and Applications
Pearce JA & Ernst RE
(2015) Making New Oceanic Crust in a Subduction Initiation Setting: New Results from Bonin Forearc Drilling (IODP Exp. 352)
Pearce J, Reagan M & Petronotis K
(2012) Mantle Flow, Slab-Surface Temperatures and Melting Dynamics in the North Tonga Arc Lau Basin
Turner S, Caulfield J, Arculus R, Dale C, Keller N, Pearce J & Macpherson C
(2011) A Variably Enriched Mantle Wedge and Contrasting Melt Types during Arc Stages Following Subduction Initiation in the Southwest Pacific
Todd E, Gill J & Pearce J
(2011) Newly-Discovered Abyssal Peridotite Mantle Xenoliths Constrain Mid-Ocean Ridge Melting Models
Pearce J, Leat P, Barry T & Tindle A
(2009) Shallow Slab Melting at the Start of Western Pacific Subduction: Geochemical and Experimental Evidence
Pearce J, Peate D & Rushmer T
(2008) The Origin, Nature and Consequences of the Circum-Superior 1880 Ma Large Igneous Province
Minifie M, Kerr A, Ernst R & Pearce J
(2007) The Application of Chrome-Spinel in the Tectonic Discrimination of Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks: New Developments from the Analysis of Gallium
Dare S, Pearce J, McDonald I & Styles M
(2007) Magmatic Evolution and Crustal Accretion in the Northern Oman-U.A.E Ophiolite: New Insights from LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Clinopyroxene
Lilly R, Pearce J, MacLeod C & Styles M
(2006) When did Subduction Start - and how did it Evolve?
Pearce J
(2006) Tectonic evolution of the Caribbean Plate: Insights from Cretaceous volcanic rocks in Jamaica.
Hastie A, Kerr A, Pearce J & Mitchell S
(2005) Some Isotopic Constraints on Fluid Versus Melt Transfer from Slab to Wedge: Hf Isotope Evidence from the South Sandwich Arc
Barry T, Pearce J, Leat P & Millar I
(2003) Quantifying Element Transfer from Slab to Mantle at Subduction Zones
Pearce J
(2002) Behaviour of High Field Strength Elements in Subduction Systems
Pearce JA, Kempton PD & Gill JB
(2002) Geochemical Characteristics of Cretaceous Collision-Related Plutonism in Turkey
Ilbeyli N & Pearce JA
(2001) The Australian-Antarctic Discordance as a Long-Lived Mantle Boundary: Evidence from Hf-Nd-Pb Isotope Analyses of 14n?28 Ma Basalts from ODP Leg 187
Kempton PD, Barry TL & Pearce JA
(2000) Hf Isotope Evidence for Mantle Domain Boundaries in the Western Pacific
Kempton PD, Pearce JA & Tappin D
(2000) The Origin of HFSE Anomalies in Subduction Zone Magmas: Evidence from Hf-Nd Isotope and Element Covariations
Pearce J, Kempton P & Nowell G
(2000) Contaminant Source Apportionment in Brownfield Soils by Combined SEM Image Analyses and Plasma Ionisation, Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometry (PIMMS)
McGill RA, Pearce J, Fortey NJ, Watt J, Parrish RR, Young SD & Thornton I

Pearce Julie (2020) A Sequential Extraction Method for Evaluating Rock-Hosted Elements at Conditions Relevant to CO2 Geo-Sequestration
Dawson G, Pearce J, Kirste D & Golding S
(2020) Geochemical Modelling from Benchtop to Field Scale
Kirste D, Volden L, Pearce J, Dawson G & Golding S
(2018) Reactive Transport Modelling Predicting Trace Metal Mobility during CO2-SO2-NO-O2 Storage
Kirste D, Pearce J, Dawson G & Golding S
(2017) Reactive Transport Modelling Predicting Trace Metal Mobility during CO2-SO2-O2 Storage
Kirste D, Pearce J & Golding S
(2017) Predicting Metal Mobilisation during CO2 Storage: The Role of Synchrotron XFM
Pearce J, Dawson G, Southam G, Patterson D & Golding S
(2017) Great Artesian Basin Authigenic Carbonates as Natural Analogues for Mineralisation Trapping
Golding S, Dawson G, Pearce J, Mernagh T, Boreham C & Hall L
(2016) Metal and Metalloid Mobilisation and Sequestration during CO2-SO2 and CO2-SO2-O2 Reaction of Reservoir and Cap-Rock Cores
Pearce J, Dawson G, Golding S & Kirste D
(2016) Reaction of SO2 and SO2 with O2 after Dissolution during Benchtop Experiments of CO2 Storage at Elevated Temperature and Pressure
Kirste D, Pearce J & Golding S
(2016) The Evolution of Gas Dissociation Species during Sequestration of a CO2/NO Stream
Turner L, Pearce J, Myers G & Morgan Q
(2015) Reactive Transport Modelling of CO2 with SO2 and O2 as Impurities for Geological Storage: Upscaling from the Benchtop to the Reservoir
Kirste D, Pearce J, Golding S & Frank A
(2015) Geochemical and Geomechanical Testing of Samples from a Potential Surat Basin CO2 Sequestration Site
Golding SD, Dawson GKW, Rudolph V, Gao J, Xing H, Khan C, Li Q, Pearce JK, Law ACK, Keck R, Watson A, Jiang X & Biddle D
(2015) Geochemical CO2-SO2-O2-fluid-Rock Interactions
Pearce J, Dawson G, Golab A, Knuefing L & Golding S
(2013) Experimental Investigation of CO2-Water-Rock Interactions Under Simulated Fresh-Water Aquifer Conditions
Farquhar S, Dawson G, Pearce J & Golding S
(2013) SO2 and O2 Co-injection with Potential Carbon Storage Target Sandstone from a Fresh-Water Aquifer
Pearce J, Dawson G, Farquhar S & Golding S
(2013) Reaction Path Geochemical Modelling of CO2-SO2-Water-Rock Experiments
Kirste D, Pearce J, Golding S & Frank A
(2012) Mineral, Fluid and Gas Interactions Under CO2 Storage Conditions – The Role of SO2, NOX, and O2
Pearce J, Biddle D, Golding S, Rudolph V & Kirste D

Pearce Julie K (2021) Trace Metal Mobility during CO2-SO2-NO-O2 Storage
Kirste D, Pearce JK, Dawson G & Golding SD

Pearce Julie K. (2022) Geochemical Reaction Path and Reactive Transport Modelling of Laboratory Experiments in CO2 Storage and Mine Site Monitoring
Kirste DM, Volden LM, Pearce JK, Dawson GKW & Golding SD

Pearce Mark (2022) Making Hydrothermal Zn-Pb Deposits in Laboratory: Role of Carbonate Minerals
Liu W, Spinks S, Glenn M, MacRae C & Pearce M
(2022) The Preservation of Denticular Dissolution Textures Through Secondary Mineral Overgrowth and Replacement in Intensely Weathered Regolith
Bamforth T, Xia F, González-Álvarez I, Tiddy C, Hu S & Pearce M
(2018) Detail and Context: Using Core-Scale μXRF Imaging to Understand Ore Deposits
Pearce M, Fisher L, Ryan C, Moorhead G, Kirkham R & Hough R
(2016) Epitaxy is the Sincerest Form of Replacement
Pearce M, White A, Fisher L, Hough R, Cleverley J & Timms N
(2016) Monazite as a Tectonic and Shock Deformation Chronometer – Linking EBSD and U-Pb Analyses
Erickson T, Timms N, Reddy S, Cavosie A, Pearce M, Kirkland C & Tohver E
(2016) Nanoparticles and Gold Deposit Formation
Pearce M, Gazley M, Fisher L, Hough R, Saunders M & Kong C
(2016) Zircon Breaking Badd: Fingerprinting Impact Histories from ZrSiO4 and Zirconia Microstructures
Timms N, Cavosie A, Erickson T, Pearce M, Reddy S, Schmieder M, Tohver E, Zanetti M & Wittmann A
(2013) Formation of Arsenic Bearing Apatites from Calcite. Chemistry and Microstructures
Borg S, Liu W, Pearce M, Cleverley J & MacRae C
(2013) Microstructural Constraints on Porosity Evolution during Carbonate Replacement Reactions
Pearce M, Timms N, Hough R & Cleverley J

Pearce Mark A. (2020) Is Solid-State Diffusion Slower Than Dissolution-Reprecipitation during Mineral-Fluid Interactions?
Xia F, Adegoke IA, Deditius AP, Pearce MA & Brugger J
(2020) The Marcasite-Pyrite Transformation: The Roles of Water Vapor, Trace Elements, and Grain Size
Yao X, Xia F, Deditius A, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Pearce M & Pring A
(2020) An Experimental Study of the Replacement of Calcite by Siderite
Knorsch M, Xia F, Deditius AP & Pearce MA
(2020) Hydrothermal Cu-Co-Au Ore Formation during the Mesoarchean: Implications for Archean Cu-Co Metallogenesis
Fox D, Spinks S, Pearce M, Barham M, Kirkland C, Martin L & Aspandiar M
(2019) Shocked Chicxulub Titanite Records New Twins and Impact Age
Timms N, Kirkland C, Cavosie A, Rae A, Pearce M, Erickson T, Wheeler J, Morgan J, Collins G, Ferrière L, Poelchau M, Wittmann A & Gulick S
(2019) Cu-Co-Au Mineralisation in the Pilbara Craton during the Mesoarchean
Fox D, Spinks S, Pearce M, Le Vaillant M, Barham M, Thorne R & Aspandiar M
(2019) Sulfidation and Desulfidation in a Polymetallic orebody—Artemis Prospect, NW Queensland, Australia
Knorsch M, Deditius AP, Xia F, Pearce MA & Uvarova Y
(2019) Nanoscale Quantification of Isotope Ratios by Atom Probe Tomography
Saxey D, Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Rickard W, Tessalina S & Pearce M

Pearce N. (2006) Bioadsorption in remediation of metal mine drainage: the use of dealginated seaweed in the BIOMAN project
Perkins W, Hartley S, Pearce N, Dinelli E, Edyvean R & Sandlands L
(2002) Dating Diagenetic Monazite in Mudrocks: Constraining the Oil Window?
Evans JA, Evans J, Zalasiewicz J, Fletcher I, Rasmussen B & Pearce N

Pearce T. (2015) Elemental, Minerological and Isotopic Analysis: A Commercial Tool for the Petroleum Industry
Finlay A, Roach C & Pearce T

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