Pages Anais
Intermittent Sub-Tidal Oceanic Euxinia from 1780 Ma
Spinks S, Schmid S, Pages A & Bluett J
Pages Anais
Investigation of Metal Associations in the Metal- Rich Black Shales of the Niutitang Formation in the Context of the Cambrian Explosion
Pages A, Barnes S, Schmid S, Le Vaillant M, Patterson D, Ryan C, Fan H & Wen H
Pagès Anais
Sulfur Cycling in Altered Oceanic Crust of South China Sea Rift Margin from IODP Expedition 368
Hu S, Tian L, Wang X, Martin L, Schoneveld L, Barnes S, Pagès A & Ding W
Multi-Proxy Characterisation of Metalliferous Shales of the Kupferschiefer Deposit
Pages A, Tulipani S, Walshe J, Grice K, Ruebsam W, Plet C, Vuleta S, Woltering M, Pejcic B & Schwark L
Pages L.
Implementation of Root System Architecture and Functions into the Reactive Transport Model MIN3P: Method and Capacilities
Gérard F, Blitz C, Moitrier N, Hinsinger P, Screpanti C, Pages L, Tambour L & Loiseleur O
Pagès Loïc
Processes Controlling Phosphate Acquisition by Plants as Revealed by Coupled Root System-Reactive Transport Modelling
Gérard F, Bea S, Pagès L, Hinsinger P & Mayer U
Pagli C.
Magmatism and Plate Kinematics at Rift Transfer-Zones: The Afrera Plain Transfer-Zone (Afar) from a New High-Resolution Pléiades-1 Digital Elevation Model
La Rosa A, Pagli C, Hurman G & Keir D
Formation of Magmatic Rift Segments: Evidence from the Ma’Alalta Volcanic Field (MVF) Near the Western Margin of the Afar Rift
Pagli C, Tortelli G, Gioncada A, Walker R & Keir D
Analysis of Fluid Induced Earthquake Swarms at a Proto Spreading Ridge in the East African Rift
Raggiunti M, Keir D, Pagli C & Lavayssière A
Insights into the Crustal Magmatic Systems during Rift Evolution in Central Afar (Ethiopia)
Tortelli G, Gioncada A, Pagli C, Braschi E, Gebru EF & Keir D
Paglietti F.
The Asbestos Extraction in the Balangero Mine: Environmental Consequences
Paglietti F, Gennari F & Giangrasso M
Paglione M.
Primary and Secondary Biomass Burning Aerosols Determined by Factor Analysis of H-Nmr Spectra
Paglione M, Decesari S, Giulianelli L, Tagliavini E, Hillamo R, Carbone S, Saarikoski S, Swietlicki E, Fuzzi S & Facchini MC
Properties and Processing of Organic Aerosol in the Po Valley
Gilardoni S, Rinaldi M, Paglione M, Decesari S, Poulain L, Carbone S, Hilamo R, Russell L, Massoli P, Poluzzi V & Facchini C
Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Organic Aerosol by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy: Results from EUCAARI Project
Facchini MC, Finessi E, Decesari S, Paglione M, Hillamo R, Raatikainen T, O'Dowd C, Kiendler-Scharr A & Worsnop DR
Oxidized Organic Aerosol Components in Cabauw, Netherlands, during the May 2008 EUCAARI IOP: NMR Spectroscopic Characterization and Factor Analysis
Paglione M, Finessi E, Decesari S, Kiendler-Scharr A, Stocchero M & Facchini MC
Pagnone A.
On the Role of Lithogenic Particles for Iron Cycling in the Tropical and Subtropical Atlantic
Ye Y, Pagnone A & Völker C
Pagnout C.
A Biophysicochemical Approach for Assessing the Dynamics of Metal Biouptake at Microbial Interfaces
Rotureau E, Billard P, Pagnout C, Présent RM & Duval JFL
Pagoto F.C.
Phytomanagement of Mining Tailings: Enhancing Plant Growth and Metal Removal from Wetlands Constructed for Bio-Ore Production
Ferreira AD, Pagoto FC, Campos S, Barcellos D, Otero XL & Ferreira TO
Pagu A.
Petrological Insight into the Formation of the Mesosiderite Parent Body
Pagu A, Mac Niocaill C & Bryson J
Pahari A.P.
Zircon Thermometry and Trace Element Signatures: Implications on Crustal Growth of the Western Dharwar Craton, India
Pahari A & Maningri M
Pahlevan Kaveh
Loss of Volatile Elements after the Moon-Forming Giant Impact
Pahlevan K, Karato S & Fegley B
Water on the Primordial Earth
Mojzsis S, Morbidelli A, Pahlevan K & Frank E
Silicon Isotope Constraints on the Formation of the Moon
Fitoussi C, Bourdon B, Pahlevan K & Wieler R
Chemical Fractionation after the Moon-Forming Giant Impact
Pahlevan K & Stevenson D
Volatile Loss Following the Moon-Forming Giant Impact
Pahlevan K & Stevenson D
Equilibration of the Earth-Moon System Following the Giant Impact
Pahlevan K & Stevenson D
Pahlevan Kaveh
Major Element Isotopic Fractionation in the Proto-Lunar Disk
Pahlevan K
Pahlevan Kaveh
Primordial Magma Ocean Outgassing on Earth and Mars Recorded in D/H
Pahlevan K, Schaefer L & Hirschmann M
Pahlevan Kaveh
Primordial Atmospheric Evolution Recorded in the Martian Mantle
Pahlevan K, Schaefer L & Hirschmann MM
Pahlevan Kaveh
Late Mixing of a Stably Stratified Hybrid-Source Atmosphere on Newly Accreted Mars
Pahlevan K, Schaefer L & Porcelli D
Pahlow M.
Optimality-Based Diazotrophy in Different Climate Settings and the Implication to the Marine Nitrogen Cycle
Chien C-T & Pahlow M
Phosphorus Controls on Marine N2 Fixation
Oschlies A, Landolfi A, Rabouille S, Koeve W, Pahlow M & Somes C
Pahnke Katharina
Behaviour of Dissolved Neodymium Concentrations and Isotopes in the Deep South Pacific Ocean
Waltemathe H, Struve T, Ferdelman T & Pahnke K
Geochemical Characterization of Sediments from the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS): New Insights into Lithogenic Inputs and Enrichment Mechanisms of Trace Elements (Ba, U, Ni)
Gäng F, Böning P, Brüchert V, Lahajnar N & Pahnke K
Pahnke Katharina
Trace Element (Ag, Cd, Re) Enrichment Patterns in Organic-Rich Sediments from the Benguela Upwelling System
Gäng F, Warnatz J, Pahnke K, Brüchert V, Lahajnar N & Böning P
Circulation Changes in the Abyssal South Pacific during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition
Struve T, Zander M, Illemann S, Brand G, Lembke-Jene L, Lamy F & Pahnke K
Simple and Portable Devices for Measuring Manganese in Pore- and Coastal Water Samples
Pedre I, Fröhberg N, Waska H, Koschinsky A & Pahnke K
Pahnke Katharina
High Resolution Record of Holocene Riverine and Eolian Contributions to Central Mediterranean Sediments
Wu J, De Lange GJ, Boening P, Pahnke K & Tachikawa K
Rare Earth Element Cycling in the West Pacific – Method and Application
Behrens MK, Pahnke K, Schnetger B & Brumsack H-J
Hawaiian Imprint on Dissolved Rare Earth Elements, Nd, and Ra Isotopes at Station ALOHA
Fröllje H, Pahnke K, Schnetger B, Brumsack H-J, Dulai H & Fitzsimmons J
Pahnke Katharina
The Response of the Subantarctic Pacific to Climate Change: Reconstructing Dust Flux and Biological Productivity during the Last Glacial Cycle
Winckler G, Anderson RF, Park J, Schwarz R, Lamp J, Shoenfelt E, Pahnke K, Struve T, Kuhn G, Wengler M & Lamy F
Iron Cycling in Sediments from the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS)
Böning P, Pahnke K, Schnetger B & Brumsack H-J
Dissolved Rare Earth Element Concentrations from the Barents Sea to the Central Arctic
Paffrath R, Pahnke K, Schnetger B & Brumsack H-J
Dissolved Rare Earth Element Ratios Trace Hydrothermal Scavenging and Water Mass Transport
Pahnke K, Behrens MK, Rehbein M & Paffrath R
Sources of Glacial South Pacific Dust
Struve T, Wengler M, Lamy F, Winckler G & Pahnke K
Holocene Riverine vs. Eolian Contributions to Central Mediterranean Sediments: A High-Resolution Record
de Lange GJ, Wu J, Böning P, Pahnke K & Tachikawa K
Anthropogenic Impacts on the Distributions of Rare Earth Elements in Coastal Waters
Pedreira RMA, Hatje V, Böning P & Pahnke K
Pahnke Katharina
Past Changes in Nutrient Supply and Utilization in the Southern Ocean from Assemblage-Specific Si Isotopes in Diatom Opal
Ehlert C, Studer A, Crosta X, Michel E, Thöle L, Mazaud A, Jaccard S & Pahnke K
The Transpolar Drift Influence on the Silicon Cycle in the Arctic Ocean
Torres Liguori Pires B, Ehlert C, Noethig E-M & Pahnke K
Pahnke Katharina
Mediterranean Seawater Circulation Reconstructed for Holocene Sapropel S1 Period Using Nd Isotopes in Fish Debris and Foraminifera
Wu J, Pahnke K, Böning P, Wu L, Michard A & de Lange G
Thallium Behavior during a Phytoplankton Spring Bloom: Biotic vs. Abiotic Drivers
Mori C, Hintz NH, Bunse C, Schnetger B, Pahnke K & Brumsack H-J
Estimating Tide-Induced Seawater
Infiltration Rates at a Meso-Tidal
Beach by Modelling Reactive
Transport of Si and 222Rn
Greskowiak J, Ahrens J, Ahmerkamp S, Grünenbaum N, Kossack M, Schnedger B, Ehlert C, Holtappelts M, Beck M, Pahnke K, Brumsack H-J & Massmann G
Inconsistencies between Fram Strait Water Mass Budget Assessments Based on Radiogenic Neodymium Isotopes and Nutrients
Laukert G, Bauch D, Frank M, Hathorne EC, Dreyer J, Meulenbroek K, Schaffer J, Rabe B, Paffrath R, Pahnke K, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Meyer H & Graeve M
Water Mass Contributions to the Central Arctic – New Insights from Rare Earth Elements and Nd Isotopes
Paffrath R, Bauch D, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Laukert G & Pahnke K
Silicon Cycling and Shelf Input in the Central Arctic Ocean: Insights from Stable Silicon Isotopes
Torres Liguori Pires B, Ehlert C & Pahnke-May K