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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Paukett M. (2014) Impacts of Altered Silicon on Soil Biogeochemistry and Plant-Uptake of Arsenic in Flooded Rice Paddy Soil
Seyfferth A, Penido E, Gill R, Paukett M & Li G

Paul Alexia (2015) Hydrogen Dynamics in Soil Organic Matter as Determined by 13C and 2H Labelling Experiments
Paul A, Pastor L, Siclet F, Hatté C, Thiry Y & Balesdent J

Paul André (2012) Petrology of Syn-Orogenic S-Type Leucogranites (Damara Orogen; Namibia): Constraints from Sr, Nd and Pb Isotopes
Paul A, Jung S, Romer RL & Stracke A
(2002) Tropical Atlantic Warming during Thermohaline Circulation Slowdown
Mulitza S, Rühlemann C, Arz H, Paul A & Wefer G

Paul Andre (2017) Uranium Zonation Refined U-Pb Thermochronology – Comparison with Indedependent Thermometers
Paul A, Spikings R, Chew D, Daly JS & Popov D
(2015) High Temperature Thermochronology and the Relationship between Lead Diffusion, Composition and Structural Defects in Apatite
Paul A, Spikings R, Ovtcharova M & Ulianov A

Paul Andre Navin (2018) Refining B Separation Protocols for Silicate Rock Samples and Probing Mantle Composition Using B Isotopes
Paul AN, Kirstein L, Savov I, de Hoog C-J & Elliott T

Paul André Navin (2023) Excess Scatter in U-Pb Ages from the Ordovician ‘Likhall’ Zircon Bed Resolved by New High Precision CA-ID-TIMS Data
Paul AN, Lindskog A & Schaltegger U
(2023) In situ 40Ar/39Ar Petrochronology: The Mechanisms of Argon Isotope Redistribution and Loss in White Mica
Antoine C, Spikings RA, Paul AN & Schaltegger U
(2023) Duration and Lifetime of LIPS: Knowns and Unknowns
Schaltegger U, Davies JHFL, Gaynor SP, Greber ND, Antoine C & Paul AN
(2022) Timing of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event – New Zircon U-Pb ID-TIMS Dates (Precordillera, Argentina)
Paul AN, Lindskog A, Mestre AI, Ahrenstedt V, Moreno F, Heredia S & Schaltegger U
(2021) Benchmarking Analysis of δ11B in Low B Mid Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB) Volcanic Glasses
Paul AN, Stewart J, Agostini S, Kirstein L, De Hoog J, Savov I, Walowski K, Rae JWB & Elliott T

Paul Andrea (2010) Microbial Reduction of Solid-Phase Humic Substances and Electron Shuttling to Fe(III) Oxide
Roden E, Kappler A, Bauer I, Jiang J, Paul A, Stoesser R, Konishi H & Xu H

Paul Angela (2008) In situ Remediation of Arsenic in Groundwater
Stollenwerk K, Paul A, Welch A & Maurer D

Paul B (2006) Extensive Basaltic Magmatism On The Naturaliste Plateau, Offshore SW Australia
Crawford A, Direen N, Coffin M, Cohen B, Paul B, Mitrovic L & Forbes C
(2003) The Geochemistry of the Euroa Mafic Volcanics: Implications for Small-Scale Mantle Heterogeneities beneath Victoria, Australia
Paul B, Hergt J, Woodhead J & Phillips N

Paul Barbara (2008) Tracing Metals and Pathways in the Equatorial Pacific
Slemons L, Murray J, Resing J & Paul B

Paul Barbara (2015) An Inland Sea High Nitrate-Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) Region with Naturally High pCO2
Murray JW, Roberts E, Carrington E & Paul B

Paul Bence (2023) Single Spot Rb-Sr Isochron Dating of Micas by LA-MC-ICP-MS/MS
Cruz-Uribe AM, Craig G, Garber JM, Arkula C, Paul B & Bouman C
(2023) Cryptic Geologic Events Revealed by Single Spot Rb-Sr Dating of Biotite by LA-MC-ICP-MS/MS
Arkula C, Cruz-Uribe AM, Garber JM, Craig G, Paul B & Bouman C
(2023) Multiphase LA-Icp-Tofms Mapping at Mpx/hr Rates
Rittner M, Schweikert A, Douglas D & Paul B
(2023) High-Resolution (<5 Micron/Pixel) 2D Geochemical Imaging of Biogenic Carbonates Using a Nu Vitesse TOF-ICPMS
Foster GL, Milton JA, Standish CD, Shaw P, Schlatt L & Paul B
(2015) New Developments in 3D LA-ICP-MS Imaging: Advanced Alignment and Analysis Techniques
Paul B, Hare D, Paton C, Hergt J & Woodhead J
(2014) Laser-Ablation U-Pb Geochronology in common-Pb Rich Minerals
Paton C, Paul B, Woodhead J, Hergt J & Bizzarro M
(2014) High-Resolution 3D Imaging Strategies for Bio-Materials by LA-ICP-MS
Paul B, Hare D, Paton C, Hergt J & Woodhead J
(2013) Annual Rainfall Proxy Records from Soda-Straw Stalactites
Paul B, Green H, Drysdale R, Woodhead J, Hergt J, Hellstrom J & Desmarchelier J
(2013) The Modern Hydrogeochemistry of Small Pools in Corchia Cave, Italy: Implications for Palaeoclimate Reconstruction
Drysdale R, Zanchetta G, Baneschi I, Couchoud I, Daeron M, Hellstrom J, Paul B, Gagan M, Greig A, Isola I, Regattieri E & Guidi M
(2011) Melt Inclusion Pb-Isotope Analysis by LA-MC-ICPMS: Assessment of Analytical Performance and Application to OIB Genesis
Paul B, Woodhead J, Hergt J & Danyushevsky L

Paul C. (2005) Long-Term Geochemical Behavior of a Zerovalent Iron Permeable Reactive Barrier for the Treatment of Hexavalent Chromium in Groundwater
Wilkin R, Su C, Ford R & Paul C

Paul Dalim K. (2010) Geochemistry, Sr-Nd Isotope Abundances and Magnetic Studies in Some Deccan Basalts and their Bearing on Mixing Processes
Lala T, Patil SK, Paul DK & Chaudhary AK
(2001) Constraints on the Th/U Ratio of the Crust
Paul D, White WM & Turcotte DL

Paul Debajyoti (2023) Marine Calcifiers as Timekeepers: Environmental Variability and Ocean Surface Conditions
Athirigothi Aouge F, Malik JN, Paul D, Chakraborty S & Achyuthan H
(2023) Sm-Nd Isotope Systematics of Indian Shales Constrain the Growth of Indian Continental Crust
Ray E, Paul D, Bhutani R, Chakrabarti R & Yang S
(2023) Trace of Multiple Sources in the Girnar Complex, Deccan Traps: A Geochemical Perspective
Halder M, Paul D & Stracke A
(2022) Pre-Late Accretion 182W Constraint of Silicate Earth
Kumari S, Stracke A & Paul D
(2021) 182W-142Nd Isotope Evolution in an Open-System Model of the Earth: Implication for Geodynamic Processes in Early Earth
Kumari S, Stracke A & Paul D
(2020) Inferences on Hadean Geodynamics Using 182Hf-182W Isotope Systematics in an Open-System Model of the Earth
Kumari S, Stracke A & Paul D
(2020) Petrogenesis of Girnar Volcano-Plutonic Complex in Deccan Traps, India
Halder M, Paul D & Stracke A
(2019) Early Continental Crust Formation Constrained by Open System Models of Silicate Earth Evolution
Kumari S, Stracke A & Paul D
(2019) Sources of Organic Matter in Chilika Lagoon, India: Inferences from Stable Isotope Compositions
Amir M, Paul D & Samal RN
(2016) Sedimentary Provenance and Paleoclimatic Reconstruction Using Drill Cores from the Kosi Megafan, India
Sinha R, Yadav M, Paul D, Chabaux F & Mathieu G
(2008) Paleoclimate Inferences from the Stable Isotope Composition of Paleosols in the Hensel Formation, Texas, USA
White L, Paul D & Birnbaum S
(2002) Constraints on 232Th/238U in the Crust from Pb Isotopes and Heat Flow
White WM & Paul D

Paul Dipayan (2020) What can Isotopes Tell us About the Atmospheric H2 Cycle?
Popa ME, Paul D, Janssen C, Felius F, Tapia Rodriguez FE & Röckmann T
(2019) H2 Clumped Isotope Measurements at Natural Isotopic Abundances
Popa ME, Paul D, Janssen C, Felius F & Röckmann T
(2018) Fragment Ion Measurement of 17O+ and 13C+ of CO2 with MAT253-Ultra
Adnew G, Hofmann M, Laskar A, Paul D, Popa E, Peters W & Röckmann T

Paul G. (2020) Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Compound Specific Sulfur Isotope in Lacustrine Oils and Source Rocks
Li S, Ke C & Paul G

Paul H A (2000) Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Mediterranean Deepwater Since the Last Glacial Maximum: Constraints from Pore Water Analyses
Paul HA, Bernasconi SM & McKenzie JA

Paul Heather (2008) Constraints of Carbon Uptake by Seafloor Weathering of Ocean Plates
Klumb A, Gillis K, Paul H & Fitzgerald C

Paul Hilary A. (2002) Tropical Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Change in the Cariaco Basin at the Last Glacial Maximum
Paul HA, Swart PK, Bernasconi SM, Peterson LC & McKenzie JA

Paul J. (2000) Trace Element Distribution in Palaeozoic Black Shales: "Kupferschiefer" (Germany) and Exshaw Formation (Canada)
Lüschen H, Schnetger B, Brumsack H & Paul J

Paul K. (2005) Effect of Drying on Mineral Surface Chemistry Using ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy and Quantum Mechanical Modeling
Borda M, Paul K, Kubicki J & Sparks D

Paul Mahduparna (2017) Clinopyroxene Composition of Volcanics from the Manipur Ophiolite, Northeastern India: Implications to Geodynamic Setting
Ovung TN, Ray J, Ghosh B, Koeberl C, Topa D & Paul M

Paul Manoj (2013) Distribution of Heavy Metals and Arsenic in Soils of an Abandoned Lead Mine (Central Portugal)
Favas P, Pratas J, D'Souza R, Varun M & Paul M

Paul Mareike (2023) Unraveling Trace Metal Co-variation Patterns in Coastal Marine Sediments: Anthropogenic, Redox, and Diagenetic Controls
Paul M, van Helmond NAGM, Slomp CP & Jilbert T

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