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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Passchier Sandra (2014) East Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics during the Mid-Miocene Climate Transition
Pierce EL, van de Flierdt T, Hemming SR, Williams T, Cook CP & Passchier S

Passeport E. (2023) Field-Derived Phosphorus Accumulation Rates and Fractionation in Bioretention Cells
Lisogorsky A, Rezanezhad F, Van Cappellen P, Parsons CT, Shafii M, Zhou B & Passeport E
(2023) Compound Specific Isotope Analysis Confirms Biotransformation of 2, 3-Dichloroaniline in Constructed Wetlands
Suchana S, Mack EE, Edwards E & Passeport E
(2023) Do Bioretention Cells Reduce Urban Stormwater Phosphorus and Nitrogen Loads? Insights from the International Stormwater Best Management Practice Database
Zhou B, Parsons CT, Shafii M, Passeport E, Rezanezhad F & Van Cappellen P
(2022) Are Bioretention Cells Reducing Urban Stormwater Nutrient Loadings? An Analysis of Data from International Stormwater BMP Database
Zhou B, Shafii M, Parsons C, Passeport E, Rezanezhad F & Van Cappellen P
(2020) Compound Specific Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis Evaluation of Remediation of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds at a Sulfidated Nanozerovalent Injection Field Site
Chen W, Nunez Garcia A, Passeport E, O’CARROLL D & Sherwood Lollar B
(2019) Mechanisms of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Product Removal in Algae-Based Wastewater Treatment
Larsen C, Yu ZH, Flick R & Passeport E
(2018) Biogeochemical Controls on Radioactive Strontium-90 Transport at the Sediment – Water Interface of Two Distinct Wetlands
Boyer A, Hatat-Fraile M & Passeport E
(2018) In situ Biodegradation Rates in Contaminated Sediments via a Novel High Resolution Isotopic Approach
Gilevska T, Passeport E, Shayan M, Seger E, Lutz E, West K, Morgan S, Mack EE & Sherwood Lollar B
(2013) Novel Method for Compound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis of Contaminated Groundwater Across the Sediment-Water Interface
Passeport E, Chu K, Lacrampe Couloume G, Landis R, Lutz EJ, Mack EE, West K & Sherwood Lollar B

Passey Benjamin (2020) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Speleothems: A Case Study from Cave of the Bells, AZ, USA
Huth T, Passey B, Cole J & Levin N
(2020) Fingerprinting Soil Water Evaporation with Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Pedogenic Carbonates
Kelson J, Huth T, Levin N & Passey B
(2020) Soil Pendant Carbonate Record of Climate Change in the Holocene and Late Pleistocene
Cerling T, Huth T, Marchetti D, Bowling D, Ellwein A, Passey B, Fernandez D, Valley J & Orland I
(2018) Oxygen Isotope Variation in Pedogenic Carbonates and the Potential to Constrain Paleoaridity
Beverly E, Levin N, Passey B & Quade J
(2018) On the Use of Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Evaporated Lake Systems to Reconstruct δ18O of Unevaporated Precipitation
Passey B, Ji H & Winkelstern I
(2018) Variability in Δ17O, δ18O, and δD Across Six Hydrologically Diverse Lake Systems
Winkelstern I & Passey B
(2017) Evaluation of Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Fossil Shells from the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau
Wang Y, Passey B, Deng T, Wang X & Jiang S
(2016) Triple Oxygen and Clumped Isotope Equilibrium Fractionation in Synthetic Carbonate-Water Systems
Li S, Passey B, Henkes G & Levin N
(2016) Evolution of Phanerozoic Oceans: Isotopic Evidence for Early Paleozoic Warmth and Constant Seawater δ18O
Grossman E, Henkes G, Passey B, Shenton B, Yancey T & Perez-Huerta A
(2016) Seasonal Variations in Clumped Isotope and ∆17O of Atmospheric CO2 at La Jolla, CA
Thiagarajan N, Passey B, Welp-Smith L, Eiler J & Keeling R
(2015) Clumped Isotopes in Early Cretaceous Belemnites: Alteration or Vital Effects?
VanDeVelde J, Passey B, Price G & Grimes S
(2015) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Tropospheric O2 during the Mesozoic from Fossil Vertebrate Biominerals
Passey B, Hu H, Lehmann S, Ji H & Levin N
(2014) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Terrestrial Carbonates
Passey B, Hu H, Ji H, Montanari S, Li S, Henkes G & Levin N
(2014) Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) as a Tool for Evaluating Fossil Preservation for Carbonate Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry
Perez-Huerta A, Grossman E, Henkes G, Passey B & Shenton B
(2014) Clumped Isotope Records of East African Paleosol Carbonate as Climate Proxy for the Last 4.5 Ma, Implications for Human Evolution
Bedaso Z, Levin N, Passey B & Quade J
(2013) Triple Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Late Cretaceous Dinosaur Eggshells and Implications for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Passey B, Hu H, Montanari S, Li S & Levin N
(2012) Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Carboniferous Brachiopods and the Effects of Burial Heating
Henkes G, Grossman E, Yancey T & Passey B
(2012) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Closure Temperatures
Passey B & Henkes G
(2012) 13C-18O Bonds in Dissovled Inorganic Carbon: Toward a Better Understanding of Clumped Isotope Thermometer in Biogenic Carbonates
Guo W, Kim S-T, Yuan J, Farquhar J & Passey B
(2011) An Absolute Reference Frame for Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Eiler J, Dennis K, Affek H, Passey B & Schrag D
(2011) Calibration and Applications of the Dolomite Clumped Isotope Thermometer to High Temperatures
Bonifacie M, Ferry J, Horita J, Vasconcelos C, Passey B & Eiler J
(2010) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry as a Tool for Paleoceanography
Eiler J, Bergmann K, Bonifaci M, Eagle R, Finnegan S, Fischer W, Passey B, Stolper D & Tripati A
(2010) Experimental Study of Solid-State 13C-18O Bond Reordering in Calcite
Passey B
(2008) High-Precision Isotopic Analysis: Lessons from 'Clumped Isotope' Geochemistry
Eiler J, Guo W, Huntington K & Passey B

Passey Benjamin H (2023) Sub-Millennial Scale Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Critical Zones in Utah, USA Using Laminated Soil Carbonate Rinds
Cerling T, Huth T, Marchetti D, Passey BH, Ellwein A, Mahan S, Bard E, Rostek F, Tuna T, Blum T & Holder RM
(2022) Early Eocene Global Gross Primary Production from Triple Oxygen Isotope Measurements of Fossil Teeth
Ellis NM & Passey BH

Passey S. (2013) Geochemical Stratigraphy and Correlation within the Faroe Islands Basalt Group: Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Mantle Sources during Continental Rupture
Millett J, Hole M, Jolley D & Passey S

Passier H. (2009) Sources and Fate of Nitrate and Sulfate in a Sandy Aquifer: A Multi-Isotope Study
Zhang Y-C, Slomp C, Broers HP, Passier H, Böttcher M & Van Cappellen P
(2008) Denitrification Coupled to Pyrite Oxidation and Changes in Groundwater Quality at Oostrum, the Netherlands
Zhang Y-C, Slomp C, Broers HP, Passier H & Van Cappellen P

Passmore E. (2007) Melt Mixing and Crystallisation in the Plumbing System of the 1783 Laki Eruption
Passmore E, Maclennan J, Fitton G & Thordarson T

Passoni L. (2009) Atmospheric Aerosol Modal Structure in the Urban and Rural Area of Bologna, Italy
Poluzzi V, Rossi M, Passoni L, Ricciardelli I, Ferrari S, Trentini A & Scotto F

Passos do Carmo C. (2023) Accessory Mineral Record of Hybridization Processes in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone Lower Crust
Passos do Carmo C, Laurent O, Vanderhaeghe O & Galli A

Passow U. (2014) The Microbial Response to the Deepwater Horizon Deep-Sea Plume
Kleindienst S, Grim S, Seidel M, Ziervogel K, Perkins M, Allen A, Passow U, Crespo-Medina M, Field J, Dittmar T, Medeiros P, Sogin M & Joye SB

Pastén Pablo (2021) Arsenic and Copper Sorption in Multi-Component Sorbents: Drinking Water Treatment Residuals in Andean Watersheds
Briso AE, Turri AM, Montecinos M, Vega A, Molinos-Senante M & Pasten P
(2018) Legacy Mine Tailings in Urban Areas: Assessing Heavy Metal Exposure from Street Dust
Cortés S, Arce G, Leiva C, Muñoz L, Gutiérrez S, Moya P, Vega A & Pastén P
(2018) Copper Attenuation in a River Confluence Receiving Acid Drainage in Central Chile: Coupling of Physical and Chemical Processes
Montecinos M, Bretier M, Dabrin A, Alsina M, Coquery M & Pastén P
(2013) An Integrated Geochemical, Hydrological and Hydrodynamic Approach to Model Arsenic at a Fluvial Confluence
Guerra P, Escauriaza C, Gonzalez C, Pizarro G, Morales V & Pasten P
(2012) Chemical-Hydrodynamic Control of Arsenic Mobility at a River Confluence
Guerra P, Gonzalez C, Escauriaza C, Bonilla C, Pizarro G & Pasten P
(2011) Arsenic Partition in Redox Gradients Systems with Iron and Sulfur Presence
Vega A, Acevedo S, Leiva E, Rios P, Pizarro G & Pastén P
(2011) Arsenic Mobilization in a High Andean Watershed Impacted by Legacy Mining
Leiva E, Ríos P, Escauriaza C, Bonilla C, Pizarro G & Pastén P

Pasten Pablo A (2023) Arsenic and Copper in Arid and Semiarid Andean Rivers: Controls of Suspended Particle Size Distribution by Aluminum and Iron Geochemistry
Pasten PA, Montecinos M, Díaz JA, Turri AM, Briso AE & Vega AS
(2023) Urban Environmental Geochemistry in Metal Mining Districts: Street Dusts as a Screening Tool
Vega AS, Cortés S, Acevedo S & Pasten PA

Pasteris G. (2002) Fate of MTBE Relative to Ethanol and Benzene in the Unsaturated Zone
Höhener P, Dakhel N, Pasteris G & Werner D

Pasteris J. (2018) Channel Carbonate Substitution in Apatite: A New Look with Raman and IR Spectroscopy
Pasteris J, Yoder C, Bollmeyer M, Stepien K & Dybing S
(2018) Heterogeneous Lead Phosphate Nucleation at Organic-Water Interfaces: Implications for Lead Immobilization
Hu Y, Dai C, Zhao J, Giammar D, Pasteris J & Zuo X
(2010) Pursuing the “Original” Composition of Bone Mineral
Li Z & Pasteris J
(2010) Why do Fossil Bones and Teeth Exist?
Pasteris J & Ding D
(2005) Bioapatite: Where Structure Meets Composition
Pasteris J & Wopenka B
(2005) Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry of Hypermineralized Bioapatite: Human Enamel, Whale Rostrum, and Whale Bulla
Wopenka B, Zinner E & Pasteris J
(2005) Preliminary Study of Fish Bone Using Raman Spectroscopy
Zhou C & Pasteris J
(2004) Non-Destructive Pre-Selection of Minimally Altered Fossil Tooth Enamel for Additional Geochemical Analysis
Wopenka B & Pasteris J
(2001) Bone Apatite: Building Interfaces from the Inside Out
Pasteris JD, Wopenka B & Freeman JJ

Pasternack G. (2010) Hydroclimatic and Geomorphic Controls on Particulate Organic Matter in Small Mountainous Rivers
Goni M, Hatten J, Wheatcroft R, Borgeld J, Pasternack G, Gray A & Watson E

Pastero L. (2019) Silanol Distribution is the Main Determinant of the Membranolytic and Inflammatory Activity of Respirable Silica Particles
Pavan C, Tomatis M, Leinardi R, Santalucia R, Fabbiani M, Yakoub Y, Uwambayinema F, Sironval V, Pastero L, Fubini B, Martra G, Turci F & Lison D

Pasti L. (2013) Emerging Organic Pollutants Removal from Water Using High Silica Zeolites
Martucci A, Pasti L, Sarti E & Bagatin R

Pastor J. (2010) Stable Isotopic Evidence of Climate-Driven Changes in Methane Cycling in Northern Peatlands
White J, Shannon R, Weltzin J, Pastor J & Bridgham S
(2005) Effects on a Basaltic Surface of an Impact-Derived Hot Fluid Bed (Kirbet-El-Umbachi, Syria)
Courty M, Crisci A, Fedoroff M, Leroy E, Mermoux M, Pastol J & Smith D

Pastor Lucie (2014) Determination and Speciation of Anthropogenic Tritium in the Loire River Estuary (France)
Péron O, Pastor L, Gegout C, Fourre E, Siclet F, Montavon G & Landesman C
(2013) Determination of Probabilistic Kd Values for Radionuclides in French Rivers Using a Speciation Code
Pastor L, Marang L & Ciffroy P

Pastor Lucie (2015) Hydrogen Dynamics in Soil Organic Matter as Determined by 13C and 2H Labelling Experiments
Paul A, Pastor L, Siclet F, Hatté C, Thiry Y & Balesdent J

Pastor Lucie (2019) What Happens to Hydrothermal Sediment? A Diagenetic Study along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Pastor L, Rouxel O, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Cheron S, Hubert M, Djedjroh Y, Cathalot C, Pelleter E, Roussel E, Cambon Bonavita M-A & Menot L
(2019) Sulfur and Carbon Cycling in Fe Dominated Sediments from the Mozambique Margin: Past and Current Processes
Zindorf M, Rooze J, Meile C, Jouet G, März C, Bossier A, Cheron S, Brandily C & Pastor L
(2019) Copper Isotope Systematics of Hydrothermal Sediments from TAG and Snake Pit Fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Djedjroh Y, Rouxel O, Cathalot C, Pastor L, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Leroy L, Cheron S, Pelleter E & Cambon MA

Pastor Lucie (2020) How do Sedimentation Events Trigger Geochemical Processes?
Pastor L, Zindorf M, Rooze J, Meile C, Brandily C, Schmidt S & Jouet G

Pastor Lucie (2021) How do Fluid Seepages Impact the Diagenetic Sequence in the Sedimentary Column? A Modelling Approach
Pastor L, Zindorf M, Rooze J, Meile C, Brandily C & Jouet G
(2021) Copper Isotope Systematics in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems: A Case Study of TAG and Snake Pit Fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Djedjroh Y, Rouxel O, Cathalot C, Pastor L, Leroy L, Boissier A, Germain Y, Cheron S, Pelleter E, Besson F & Cambon MA
(2021) Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G

Pastor Lucie (2023) Impact of Volcanism on Sedimentary Diagenesis
Manoux M, Dumoulin J-P, Bombled B, Monvoisin G, Gauthier C, Cheron S, Boissier A, Germain Y, Rabouille C, Pastor L, Rouxel O & Cathalot C

Pastore G. (2023) An Internal Isochron Method for U-Th-Raman Thermochronology
Vermeesch P, Pastore G, Resentini A, Buret Y & Carter A

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