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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Parthasarathy H. (2013) Dissolution of Arsenic and Iron from Reservoir and Cap-Rocks of Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage Sites
Parthasarathy H, Lopano C, Hakala A, Dzombak D & Karamalidis A
(2013) Dissolution of Arsenopyrite Under Geologic Carbon Storage Conditions
Parthasarathy H, Dzombak D & Karamalidis A

Parthiban G. (2013) Rare-Earth Element Speciation in Ferromanganese Oxides from the Indian Ocean
Nagender N, Vineesh TC & Parthiban G
(2010) Sr-Nd Isotopic Variations in the Central Indian Basin Surface Sediments
Sukumaran NP, Pattan JN, Parthiban G & Bhaskar Rao YJ

Partin C. (2022) An Appraisal of Paleoproterozoic Oxygenation Trends in the Time of the Nuna Supercontinent
Partin C
(2018) Cascading State Shifts in the Paleoproterozoic Biosphere, Atmosphere, and Lithosphere
Spencer C, Partin C, Kirkland C, Raub T & Liebmann J
(2016) Tungsten in Ancient Seawater: Did Early Microbes Like Heavy Metal?
Partin C, Robbins L, Lalonde S & Konhauser K
(2013) Filling in the Juvenile Magmatic Gap: Evidence for Continued Paleoproterozoic Plate Tectonics during the Great Oxidation Event
Partin C, Bekker A, Sylvester P, Wodicka N, Stern R, Chacko T & Heaman L
(2012) Fluctuations in Precambrian Atmospheric and Oceanic Oxygen Levels: A New Precambrian Paradigm Emerging?
Partin C, Bekker A, Planavsky N, Gill B, Li C, Podkovyrov V, Maslov A, Konhauser K, Love G & Lyons T
(2012) Great Oxidation Event: How Quickly did it Come and go?
Bekker A, Planavsky N, Scott C, Partin C & Rasmussen B

Partin Jud (2007) Stalagmite Records of Tropical Pacific Climate Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Partin J, Cobb K, Adkins J & Clark B

Partin Judson (2018) Western North Pacific Monsoon Variability Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Partin J, Quinn T, Shen C-C, Erb M, DiNezio P, Okumura Y, Siringan F, Cardenas MB, Thirumalai K, Lin K, Wu C-C, Banner J, Hu H, Jackson C & Taylor F

Partington D. (2022) Buried Paleo-Channel Identification via Dissolved Atmospheric Noble Gases and Preferred Anisotropy Pilot Point Inversion
Schilling OS, Partington D, Doherty J, Kipfer R, Hunkeler D & Brunner P
(2016) Using Isotopic Data for the Calibration of a Coupled Surface Water-Groundwater Model
Schilling OS, Partington D, Gerber C, Purtschert R, Kipfer R, Hunkeler D & Brunner P

Partiyal B. (2023) An Integrated Palaeoclimatic Record of Himalayan Foreland Basin during Pleistocene, NW Himalaya, India
Chauhan MM, Ali S, Singh BP, Adlakha V & Partiyal B

Partridge M. (2009) Sulfur and Carbon Cycling in the Late Archean Hamersley Basin
Partridge M, Golding S, Baublys K & Young E
(2007) Multiple Redox States in the Archean-Proterozoic Hydrosphere
Partridge M, Golding S, Baublys K & Young E

Partridge T.C. (2006) U-Pb dating of speleothems from Sterkfontein Cave, South Africa
Pickering R, Kramers JD, Partridge TC & Venneman TM
(2006) Quantitative tests of cosmogenic nuclide burial dating accuracy
Granger D, Cyr A & Partridge T

Partzsch G. (2004) In situ Study of the Iron Species in Silicate Melts
Wilke M, Partzsch G, Schmidt C, Farges F, Simionovici A & Hahn M

Parvaresh M. (2009) Mineral-Geochemical Investigation in Order to Determinate the Arsenic Bearing Mineral in the Stream Sediments at the Kuhsorkh Polluted Area, NE Iran
Tabasi S, Abedi A & Parvaresh M

Parvaz Dan (2021) The 4D Trans-Crustal Architecture of a Porphyry Copper-Forming Magmatic System
Carter LC, Tapster SR, Williamson BJ, Buret Y, Selby D & Parvaz D

Parvaz Daniel (2019) Enlightening Advances in Critical Raw Material Recovery from Industrial Wastes Using High Voltage Electric Pulse Crushers
Parvaz D, Bru K, Rossi P, Andrey P, Weh A & von der Weid F
(2019) Assessing Magmatic Volatile Flux in Ancient VMS Systems
Martin A, Keith M, Parvaz D, McDonald I, Boyce A, McFall K, Jenkin G & MacLeod C

Parvez Z.A. (2022) Dual Clumped Isotope Data for Amorphous Carbonates and Transformation Products Reveal Novel Mechanisms for Nonequilibrium Effects
Lucarelli JK, Purgstaller B, Ulrich R, Parvez ZA, Leis A, Goetschl K, Eagle RA, Dietzel M & Tripati AE
(2021) Using Clumped Isotope Systems and Modeling to Study Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Transformation in Waters at the Cedars
Parvez ZA

Parviainen Annika (2008) Arsenic Mobility in a Stream Affected by Acid Mine Drainage (SW Spain)
Parviainen A, Sarmiento A, Sánchez-Rodas D & Nieto JM
(2007) Tailings Oxidation and Mineralogy of Haveri Au-Cu Mine, SW Finland – Preliminary Results
Parviainen A & Eklund M

Parviainen Annika (2015) Behavior of Trace Elements during Aging of Acid Drainage Precipitates
Cruz-Hernández P, Parviainen A, Pérez-López R, Lindsay MBJ & Nieto JM

Parviainen Annika (2017) Fingerprinting the Impact of Chronic Metal Exposure on Humans Through Gallstones
Parviainen A, Suárez-Grau JM, Garrido CJ, Pérez-López R, Nieto JM & Marchesi C
(2017) Mobility of Trace Elements in Phosphogypsum Leachates during Seawater Mixing
Papaslioti E-M, Pérez-López R, Parviainen A, Nieto JM, Marchesi C & Garrido CJ
(2017) Trace Elements Role during AMD Precipitates Ageing: Natural and Artificial Processes
Cruz-Hernández P, Pérez-López R, Parviainen A, Lindsay MBJ, Carrero S, Fernández-Martínez A & Nieto JM

Parviainen Annika (2019) Haveri Tailings –Environmental Threat or Potential for Reprocessing
Parviainen A & Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K

Parviainen Annika (2022) Parent Material and Atmospheric Deposition as Pollution Sources of Urban Soils and their Human Exposure Risk in Minas de Riotinto (Spain)
Parviainen A, Vázquez-Arias A & Martin-Peinado FJ

Parworth C. (2014) Sources and Optical Properties of Light-Absorbing Aerosols in Fresno, California during DISCOVER-Aq 2013
Zhang X, Kim H, Parworth C, Zhang Q & Cappa C

Pasa Tolic L. (2021) Assessing Soil Organic Matter Features Under Drought and Normal Conditions Using Direct Infusion High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and LC-Ms/MS Feature Based Molecular Networking
DiDonato N, Rivas Ubach A, Clendinen C, Sokol N, Tolic N, Adhikari D, Martinez CE, Pett-Ridge J & Pasa Tolic L

Pasa-Tolic L. (2018) Deciphering DOM-Metal Speciation with 21 Tesla FT-Icrms
Boitieau R, Shaw J, Pasa-Tolic L & Jansson J
(2014) Characterizing SOM Leveraging Extraction Bias and Controlling for Distortion Effects
Roscioli K, Shen Y, Fillmore T, Tfaily M, Zhao R, Tolic N, Anderson B, Anderton C, Pasa-Tolic L, Hess N & Robinson E

Pasakarnis Tim (2014) Fe2+ Catalyzed Iron Atom Exchange and Re-crystallization in Soils from the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory
Thompson A, Tishchenko V, Meile C, Scherer M & Pasakarnis T

Pasakarnis Timothy (2012) Does Fe Electron Transfer and Atom Exchange Occur between Fe(II) Minerals and Aqueous Fe(III)?
Pasakarnis T, Parkin G & Scherer M
(2012) Imposed Redox Frequency and Amplitude Flux in the Study of Iron Biogeochemical Dynamics
Wilmoth J, Meile C, Ginn B, Pasakarnis T, Hall S, Scherer M & Thompson A
(2012) Fe Reduction and Atom Exchange Rates during Redox Oscillation of Luquillo CZO Forest Soils
Thompson A, Ginn B, Tishchenko V, Meile C, Wilmoth J, Pasakarnis T & Scherer M
(2012) Fe Electron Transfer and Atom Exchange at Mineral/Water Interfaces
Scherer M, Latta D, Pasakarnis T, Neumann A, Barger M, Rosso K & Johnson C

Pašalić H. (2011) Wetting of Mineral Surfaces – Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Tunega D, Solc R, Pašalić H, Gerzabek MH & Lishka H

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