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Parr J. (2011) Agriculture’s Impact on the Si Cycle by Accelerated Biomineralisation
Sullivan L & Parr J
(2007) 'Green' Geosequestration: Secure Carbon Sequestration via Plant Silica Biomineralisation
Sullivan L & Parr J

Parra D. (2021) Geochemical Variation of the Central El Negrillar Volcanic Cluster: in the Midst of One of the Largest Monogenetic Fields in the Central Andes, Chile
Parra D, Larrea P, Godoy B & le Roux P
(2020) El Astillero and El Pedregal Monogenetic Volcanoes (Michoacán, Mexico): A Multi-Isotopic Study of the Eruptive Sequence
Larrea P, Widom E, Siebe C, Parra D & Salinas S

Parra L.A. (2013) New Zircon U-Pb Age and Hf-Isotope of the Birimian Terrane of the West Africa Craton
Parra LA, Fiorentini ML, Belousova E, Kemp AIS, Miller J, McCuaig TC & Said N

Parra M. (2023) Spatial and Temporal Trends of Cenozoic Rock Denudation along the Santa Marta Range, Southern Caribbean Margin
C. Dias AN, Parra M, Chew DM, Sales ASW & Pereira VDQ
(2021) Drainage Network Reorganization and Aridification in “El Desierto de la Tatacoa” (Colombia) in the Late Pleistocene
Souza DH, Parra M, Pupim F & del Rio I
(2017) Bayesian Thermal History Modelling of Detrital Thermochronometric Data
Gallagher K, Parra M, Echeverri S & Patiño AM
(2015) Pliocene Paleodrainage in Northwestern South America Constrained by Multi-Method Sedimentary Provenance in the Alta Guajira Peninsula, Colombia
Perez Consuegra N, Parra M, Montes C & Jaramillo CA
(2015) Sediment Mixing in a Tropical Foreland: Multisample Comparison of Detrital U-Pb Distributions
Parra M, Vermeesch P, Mora A & Amorocho R

Parra T. (2006) Reactivity of Some Silicate Minerals Under Low pH and Temperature Conditions
Parra T & Kohler E

Parra Encalada D. (2023) Thermodynamic Modeling of the Magmatic Processes Controlling the Evolution of El Negrillar Monogenetic Field (Central Andes, Chile)
Loaiza CC, Larrea P, Godoy B, Parra Encalada D, Salinas S, Caceres D & Cartagena R
(2022) A Multi-Isotopic Study of the Central Sector of One of the most Voluminous Monogenetic Fields in the Central Andes: El Negrillar Volcanic Field, Chile
Parra Encalada D, Larrea P, Godoy B & le Roux P

Parra-Avila L. (2017) The Paleoproterozoic Baoulé-Mossi Domain, West African Craton: Plate Tectonics at 2.3-2.0 Ga?
Parra-Avila L
(2015) Zircon Hf- and O-Isotope Constraints on the Evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Baoulé-Mossi Domain of the West African Craton
Parra-Avila L, Fiorentini ML, Belousova E, Kemp AIS, Miller J & McCuaig TC

Parrado A. (2023) Plio-Pleistocene Climate and Environmental Reconstruction in the Bogotá Basin, Northern Tropical Andes of Colombia
Pérez-Ángel LC, Sepúlveda J, Russell JM, Snell K, Mora-Páez H, Eaman K, Parrado A, González-Arango C & Maloney A

Parrado Ospina L. (2023) Pyridinium–Water Nanodroplets Under Irradiation
Parrado Ospina L, Lissillour H, Comte D, Lavy L, Bertier P, Calabria P, Fillol R, Calvo F, Farizon B, Farizon M & Märk TD
(2023) Formation and Elongation of Polyglycine via Unimolecular Reaction in the Gas Phase
Lissillour H, Parrado Ospina L, Comte D, Lavy L, Bertier P, Calabria P, Fillol R, Calvo F, Daniel I, Farizon B, Farizon M & Märk TD

Parraguez S. (2023) Inversion of Permafrost Methane Emissions Using TM5-MP/4DVAR with TROPOMI Measurements
Parraguez S, Daskalakis N, Kanakidou M, Vrekoussis M, Segers A, Schneising O & Buchwitz M

Parrenin F. (2013) A Precise Climatic Sequencing of the Penultimate Glacial Termination
Landais A, Dreyfus G, Capron E, Jouzel J, Masson-Delmotte V, Roche D, Prié F, Caillon N, Chappellaz J, Leuenberger M, Lourantou A, Parrenin F, Raynaud D & Teste G

Parrinello M. (2012) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Materials
Parrinello M

Parris D. (2018) Characterization of Icelandic Mars Analog Environment Using 16S rRNA Sequencing
Tan G, Holtzen S, Parris D, Stewart F, Stockton A & Feldspar T

Parrish C. (2003) Variation in Fatty Acid Molecular and 13C Composition of Both Benthic Invertebrates and Settling Particles during a Spring Bloom
Ramos C, Parrish C & Abrajano T

Parrish D. (2009) How Much Biogenic SOA Is Present In The Northeastern U.S.?
de Gouw J, Warneke C, Montzka S, Brioude J, Holloway J, Parrish D, Fehsenfeld F, Atlas E, Weber R & Flocke F

Parrish Randall (2019) Timing of Brittle Deformation in the Jura Mountains Revealed by U-Pb Calcite Dating
Weiss L, Mottram C, Parrish R & Darling J
(2017) Storing Metamorphic Time: Ages, Stages, Dates and Rates
Warren C, Roberts N, Greenwood L, Parrish R, Argles T & Harris N

Parrish Randall R. (2018) Detrital Zircon Populations Versus Age Populations: Fingerprinting Eastern Himalayan Bedrock Sources by Micro-Texturally Driven U-Pb LA ICP-MS Geochronology
Bracciali L, Parrish RR, Horstwood MSA & Najman Y
(2013) In situ U-Pb Dating of Carbonate by LA-Icp-(MC)-MS and ID-TIMS
Parrish R, Horstwood M, Austin-Giddings W, Roberts N, Condon D & Rasbury T
(2013) U-Pb Dating of Carbonates and Fluorite: Prospects for Understanding Fluids from Deposition Through Burial
Rasbury T, Parrish R, Austin-Gidding W, Lanzirotti T, Tomascak P & Kyle R
(2013) Adopting a Combined U-Th-Pb Strategy to Date Speleothems >200 ka
Smith C, Richards D, Condon D, Horstwood M, Parrish R, Woodhead J & Ford D
(2013) Coupled LA U-Pb Chronology of Detrital Zircon and Rutile: A Powerful Provenance Tracer
Bracciali L, Parrish RR, Horstwood MSA & Najman Y
(2013) Calculating Rates of Ductile Thrusting
Mottram C, Parrish R, Warren C, Harris N & Argles T
(2012) The U-Th-Pb Allanite Petrochronometer: A Combined ID-TIMS and LA-ICP-MS Study
Smye A, Roberts N, Condon D, Horstwood M & Parrish R
(2011) Testing Crustal Deformation and Erosion-Tectonic Feedback Models in the Easternmost Himalaya Using Palaeo-Brahmaputra Deposits
Bracciali L, Parrish RR, Najman Y & Horstwood MSA
(2011) Taking Advantage of Both U-Th and U-Pb Disequilibrium Methods for Speleothem Geochronology
Richards D, Smith C, Smart P, Farrant A, Parrish R & Ford D
(2010) Rapid Formation and Exhumation of Eclogites in the Eastern Alps
Smye A, Bickle M, Holland T, Parrish R, Condon D, Horstwood M & Cottle J
(2009) In situ Chronometry and its Application to Determining Rates of Tectonic Processes
Parrish R
(2008) Synthetic U-Pb ‘standard’ Solutions for ID-TIMS Geochronology
Condon D, McLean N, Schoene B, Bowring S, Parrish R & Noble S
(2008) Improving the Utility of Detrital Zircon Studies Through Chemical Abrasion
Horstwood M, Cottle J & Parrish R
(2008) The Environmental Fate of Depleted Uranium Particulates after 25 Years
Lloyd N, Parrish R, Chenery S & Arnason J
(2008) A New Method for Analysing Thin (≥2 μm) Zircon Rims by LA- ICP- MS
Cottle J, Parrish R & Horstwood M
(2008) Oxidation of Uranium Oxide Aerosol Particles in the Near-Surface Environment
Arnason J, Lloyd NS, Parrish R, Tang Y & Reeder R
(2008) High Precision Uranium Isotope Analysis in Urine by MC-ICP-MS and the Detection of Historic Exposure to Depleted Uranium
Parrish R, Horstwood M, Lloyd N & Arnason J
(2006) The Origins and Histories of Metasedimentary Units in the Core of the Himalaya
Argles TW, Richards AP, Chambers JA, Parrish RP, Ahmad T & Harris NBW
(2006) EARTHTIME U-Pb Tracer For Community Use
Parrish R, Bowring S, Condon D, Schoene B, Crowley J & Ramezani J
(2006) Laser ablation acquisition protocols and non-matrix matched standardisation of U-Pb data
Horstwood M, Parrish R, Condon D & Pashley V
(2006) Association of granitic magmatism in the Songpan-Garze fold belt, eastern Tibet Plateau: Implication for lithospheric delamination
Zhang H, Harris N, Parrish R & Zhang L
(2005) New High Precision Zircon Ages from the Carboniferous of Scotland and their Implications for the Systematic Bias between U-Pb and <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Dating Techniques
Parrish R, Monaghan A & Pringle M
(2005) EARTHTIME: A Community-Based Effort Towards High-Precision Calibration of Earth History
Bowring S, Erwin D, Parrish R & Renne P
(2003) Common-Pb Corrected U-Pb Geochronology by LA-MC-ICPMS
Horstwood M, Foster G, Parrish R, Noble S & Nowell G
(2002) Metamorphic Monazite and the Generation of P-T-T Paths
Foster G, Parrish R & Horstwood M
(2002) Sr-Isotope Diffusion Profiles from Alpine Marbles: What do They Mean?
Jenkin G, Townley H & Parrish R
(2001) Common-Pb and Inter-Element Corrected U-Pb Geochronology by LA-MC-ICP-MS
Horstwood MSA, Foster GL, Parrish RR & Noble SR
(2000) Probing the Hf Isotope Systematics of the Sub-Continental Mantle at 3.5 Ga: The Tarssartôq Dykes of the Isua Region, Southern West Greenland
White RV, Crowley JL, Nowell GM & Parrish RR
(2000) Contaminant Source Apportionment in Brownfield Soils by Combined SEM Image Analyses and Plasma Ionisation, Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometry (PIMMS)
McGill RA, Pearce J, Fortey NJ, Watt J, Parrish RR, Young SD & Thornton I
(2000) Hf Isotopes in Zircon and Archaean Crustal Growth in the Western Superior Province
Davis DW, Amelin Y, Nowell G & Parrish R
(2000) Further Advances in U-Th-Pb LA-Pimms
Horstwood M, Parrish R, Nowell G & Noble S
(2000) The Effect of Chemical Exchange on Mica Rb-Sr Ages in Slowly Cooled Rocks: Theory and Results
Townley H, Jenkin G & Parrish R

Parrish Randy (2014) Uranium-Lead Age Constraints for the “Taung Child”, Australopithecus africanus, from Taung, South Africa
Hopley P, Parrish R, Herries A, Menter C & Kuhn B

Parro Victor (2013) Carbonate Biomineralization Under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions by a Novel Deep Subsurface Bacterial Isolate
Puente-Sánchez F, Sánchez-Román M, Rodríguez N, Fernández-Remolar D, Parro V & Amils R
(2012) Exploring the Geomicrobiology of the Rio Tinto Subsurface Mars Analog by Using a Life Detector Biochip
Puente F, Moreno-Paz M, Cruz-Gil P, Rivas L, Postigo M, Gomez M, Garcia-Villadangos M & Parro V
(2009) Preservation Under the Río Tinto Extreme Acidic Conditions and a Potential Location on Aram Chaos, Mars
Fernández-Remolar D, Johnson E, Clelan T, Lichtenberg K, Menor-Salvan C, Schweitzer M, Amils R, Parro V & Arvidson R
(2004) The Iron Oxidizing Bacterium Leptospirillum ferrooxidans as a Model for Biomarker Search on Mars
Parro V, Moreno-Paz M, Bastolla U, Briones C, García M & Fernández-Remolar D

Parro Víctor (2014) Studying the Response to Deglaciation Through the Prokaryotic Diversity and Metabolisms in the Sediments of Oligotrophic Andean Lakes
Parro V, Blanco Y, Rivas L, Puente-Sánchez F, Echeverría A, Demergasso C & Cabroll N

Parro Garcia V. (2013) Geochemical and Microbial Signals Related to Carbonate Formation in the Subsurface of Rio Tinto
Sánchez-Román M, Fernandez-Romar D, Puente-Sánchez F, Parro Garcia V, Rodriguez N & Amils R

Parruzot B. (2020) Forward Alteration Rate Measurement Using the Stirred Reactor – Coupon Analysis (SRCA) Technique
Parruzot B, Ryan J, Reiser J, Lu X, Kerisit S, Cooley S, Bonnett J, Seymour L, Prather D, Asmussen M & Vienna J
(2020) Long-Term Occurrence and Evolution of an Accelerated Alteration Rate for Nuclear Waste Glasses in Repository Conditions
Crum J, Parruzot B, Bonnett J, Kerisit S, Cooley S & Daniel R
(2014) Contribution of Water Transport Through Basaltic Glass to the Long-Term Alteration Rate
Parruzot B, Rebiscoul D, Jollivet P, Gin S & Fournier M
(2013) Long-Term Residual Alteration Rates of Synthetic Basaltic Glass
Parruzot B, Jollivet P & Gin S

Parry Samuel A (2012) Organic Matter and Fe Oxide Coatings Reduce the Relevance of Laboratory Rates to Mineral Dissolution in Soil
Hodson M, Parry S, Kemp S & Oelkers E
(2009) Turning Rock into Soil – Variations in Soil Mineral Reactivity, Surface Area, and Porosity Through the Critical Zone
Parry SA, Hodson ME, Oelkers EH & Kemp SJ
(2007) Impact of Earthworms on Metal Mobility and Availability
Parry S, Ashton H & Hodson ME
(2006) In-situ study of the structure of talc and 10Å phase at high pressure using synchrotron IR and XRD
Parry SA, Pawley AR, Jones RL & Clark SM

Parry Stephen (2018) Plutonium Leaching from Cemented Radioactive Waste
Law K, Parry S, Bryan N, Heald S, Charnock J, Heath S, Knight D, O'Brian L, Fuller A, Law G & Livens F
(2007) Corroded Magnox Sludge and Plutonium Waste Cementation
Parry S, Livens F & O'Brien L

Parsapoor A. (2015) Discrimination between Mineralized and Unmineralized Alteration Zones by Using Surfacial Geochemical and Primary Halows of the Darreh-Zar Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit, Southeast of Iran
Parsapoor A, Dilles J & Khalili M

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