Park Jung-Woo
Noble Metal Enrichment in the Crust Through Hydrous Boninitic Melts
Bénard A, Park JW, Nebel O, Ionov DA, Arculus RJ, Alard O & Shimizu N
Why El Abra is a Cu-Only Porphyry
Cocker H, Park J-W, Campbell I & Valente D
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Yangyang IOA Deposit, South Korea
Choi S-G, Seo J, Park J-W & Kim DW
Park Jung-Woo
The Role of Cr-Spinel Crystallization on Platinum Group Elememt Fractionation in Terrestrial Magmas
Park J-W, Kamenetsky V & Campbell I
Park Junghoon
Hydrochemical and Isotopic Assessment of Deep Groundwater: Residence Time, Circulation and Inter-Aquifer Mixing in South Korea
Choi J, Yu S, Park S, Park J, Lee J & Yun S-T
Park Junhee
Degradation of Mercury (Hg) Signals on Incipient Weathering Calls Attention to the Use of Hg from Outcrops as a Volcanic Paleoproxy
Park J, Stein H, Georgiev S & Hannah J
Age of the J/K Boundary Using Re-Os Geochronology of Black Shale from Central Spitsbergen, Svalbard
Park J, Stein H, Hannah J, Georgiev SV, Yang G, Hammer Ø & Olaussen S
Park Justin G.
Direct Constraints on the Composition of the Ancient Atmosphere from Fluid Inclusions in Surficial Minerals at Key Intervals of Earth’s History
Schaller M, Park JG, Hudgins MN, Berman M & Turrin BD
Park Kanghyun
Biofilm Development on Fractured Rock Surface Under Oligotrophic Groundwater Environment: An Experimental Study Using in situ Reactors
Park K, Kim K-Y & Kwon MJ
Assessment of Sources and Pathways of Spring Water Contamination by the Combined Use of Hydrochemical, Isotopic, Microbial and Geophysical Data
Yu S, Kang H-J, Park K & Yun S-T
Park Kap-Song
Analysis of TVOC in Sediments Using in situ TDS-Gc-Msd Sampling in the Nakdong River Estuary, South Korea
Lee J-H, Woo HJ, Jeong K-S & Park K-S
Park Keunsu
Mineral Chemistry of Peridotite Xenoliths in Trachybasalt from Mt. Baekdu (Changbaishan)
Park K, Choi SH & Lee D-C
Park Keyhong
Characteristics of the Horizontal and Vertical Distributions of Dimethyl Sulfide throughout the Amundsen Sea Polynya
Kim I, Park K, Hahm D, Choi J-O, Zhang M & Lee S
Park Ki-Hwa
Identification of Distinct Sources of Water and Solutes from Temporal Variations of Chemical and Isotopic Compositions during a Pumping Test in a Test Borehole
Koh D-C, Chae G-T, Lee K-S, Yoon Y-Y & Park K-H
Characteristics of Trace Elements in Groundwater from Basaltic Aquifers with Natural Land Uses in Jeju Island
Koh D-C, Ryu J-S, Kang B-R, Chae G-T, Koh G-W & Park K-H
Park Ki-Tae
Atmospheric Dimethyl Sulfide in the Arctic Ocean and its Relation to Phytoplankton Productivity
Lee K, Park K-T & Yoon YJ
Park Kihong
Analysis of Organic Mixtures from Particulate Matters by Using GCxGC/High Resolution Mass Spectrometer
Park M-H, Jang K-S, Park K & Kim YH
Park Kwang-Su
Charaterizing the N Isotopic Compositions of Ammonium and Nitrate in PM2.5 in South Korea: Seasonal Perspective
Park K-S, Kim H, Yu S-M, Noh S, Seok K-S & Kim Y-H
Chemical and Isotopic Compositions of Atmospheric Particulate-Bound Mercury at Urban and Rural Sites in South Korea
Kim Y-H, Kim H, Seok K-S, Kim RH, Yu S-M, Park K-S, Noh S & Lee SH
Seasonal Variation of Aerosol δ 13C Isotopes at Seoul and Baengnyeong, Korea
Kim H, Park K-S, Yu S-M, Noh S, Seok K-S & Kim Y-H
Seasonal Changes of N-No3 and O-No3 Isotope Compositions in PM2.5 at Baengnyeong Island and Seoul, Republic of Korea: Multi-Isotopic Approaches for Source Identification
Kim Y, Park Y-M, Park K-S, Park J-J, Yu S-M, Seok K-S, Kim M-S & Choi K
Park Kye-Hun
Mantle-Crust Interaction Recorded in Zircons from Jeju Trachytes
Cheong C-S, Jeong Y-J, Sohn YK & Park K-H
Sr, C and O Isotope Composition of Hyangsanni Dolomite in Northeastern Okcheon Metamorphic Belt, South Korea: Additional Constraints on Neoproterozoic Glaciation in the Sino-Korean Craton
Ha Y, Song Y-S, Park K-H, Satish-Kumar M, Kim MJ & Jeong SW
REE and Sr Isotope Geochemistry of Apatites from the Yeongju and Andong Granites, Yeongnam Massif, Korea
Yoon R, Lee S-G, Park K-H & Song Y-S
Late Paleozoic to Early Cenozoic Subduction-Related Magmatism in Korea: Cyclic Changes of Rock Type and Juvenile Mantle Input
Park K-H & Song Y-S
Evaluation of Alkali Fusion Method for Precise Determination of 28 Trace Elements in Silicate Rocks by LA-ICPMS
Kim MJ & Park K-H
Temporal Variation in Nd Isotopic Compositions of the Phanerozoic Granitoids of Korea
Park K-H & Song Y-S
Sr, Nd and Pb Isotopic Compositions of the Ulleungdo and Dokdo Islands, East Sea
Park K-H & Song Y-S
Delaminaiton of Subcontinental Lithosphere beneath the Korean Peninsula: Evidence from Ultramafic Xenoliths in Cenozoic Basalts
Park K-H & Song Y-S
Petrogenesis of Cenozoic Plateau Lavas from the Pali Aile Volcanic Filed and Morro Chico Volcano, Southern Patagonia in South America
Choo MK, Lee MJ, Lee JI, Kim KH & Park K-H
U-Series Isotope Data on Deception Island Volcanic Rocks
Huh Y, Lundstrom C & Park K-H
Park Kyeong Ryang
Microbial Fe, As and S Redox Cycle Aossociated with Mineral Alteration/Precipitation in Extreme Environment, Yellowstone National Park, USA
Koo T-H, Kim J-Y, Kim JE, Park KR, Jung DH, Geesey G & Kim J-W
Park Kyeongyang
Formation of Fe-Mn Crust in Western Pacific Magellan Seamount
Park H, Yang K, Kim J, Baik H, Yoon J, Park K & Kim J
Park Kyoungkyu
POC Export Fluxes in the Western Indian Ocean Based on 234Th as Tracer
Seo J, Kim I, Kim SH, Choi JY, Lee H & Park K
Park M
Statistical Examination of Subsurface and Surface Water Chemistry in Jeonju Area, Korea: Possible Tracers for Water-Rock Interaction
Park M, Yu J, Choi B & Yum B
Park M.r.
Laser-Induced Breakdown Detection (LIBD) of Uranium and Silica Colloids
Jung EC, Cho H-R & Park MR
Park Mi
An Investigation into Seasonal and Regional Aerosol Characteristics in East Asia Using Model-Predicted and Remotely-Sensed Aerosol Properties
Song C, Park M, Lee K, Ahn H, Lee Y, Kim J, Han K, Kim J, Ghim Y & Kim Y
Park Mi-Sun
Assessing Fluoride Adsorption Efficiencies by Alum- and Ferric (Hydr)oxide-Based Adsorbents
Lim D-G, Kim D-M, Lim W-L, Kwon H-L, Park M-S, Kwon O-H & Yun S-T
Coprecipitation and Adsorption of Mn by Fe (Hydr)oxides during Limestone Reaction in Passive Treatment Facilities
Kwon H-L, Kim D-M, Lim D-G & Park M-S
Park Mihee
Natural Occurring Radioactive Materials in Filters of Drinking Water Plants
Park M, Jeon S, Shin W, Han J, Ryu J-S, Choung S & Chang B-U
Characteristics of Water-Soluble Organic Carbon Species and Sources in PM2.5 in Gosan Supersite, Jeju, Korea
Kim J-A, Park M, Lee M, Ahn Y-G, Shin J-H & Yoon H-O
Park Minho
Study for TPH Removal Efficiency of Landfarming Process Using Indigenous Microorganisms to Diesel Contaminated Site
Park M, Park S & Lee M
Study for the Geochemical Reaction of Bukpyong CO2 Sequestration Site, Korea
Park J, Kang H, Park M & Lee M
Park Misun
Developing Extraction Method for Mercury Analysis in Soils with Different Mineral Composition
Park M, Shin M, Yoon H & Yoon C
Inorganic Arsenic Speciation in Contaminated Soils, in Korea
Shin M, Yoon H, Park M & Yoon C
Park Moon-Hee
Analysis of Organic Mixtures from Particulate Matters by Using GCxGC/High Resolution Mass Spectrometer
Park M-H, Jang K-S, Park K & Kim YH