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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Parent B. (2016) Impact of an in situ Acidification Experiment on Benthic Foraminifera Ecology and their Calcite Geochemistry
Vigier N, Barras C, Cox E, Gazeau F, Rollion-Bard C, Plihon M, Mahacek P, Kerros M-E, Parent B, Alliouane S, Jorissen F & Gattuso J-P

Parent M. (2004) Crustal Evolution of the Inukjuak Domain and the ca. 3.8 GA Nuvvuagittuq Sequence, Superior Province, Canada
Stevenson R, David J, Parent M & Maurice C

Parente Mariano (2024) Carbonate Uranium Isotopes Record Global Expansion of Marine Anoxia during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Remírez M, Gilleaudeau GJ, Gan T, Kipp MA, Tissot FLH, Kaufman AJ & Parente M
(2021) A Revised Paradigm for the Interpretation of δ238U during Periods of Calcite Seas
Romaniello SJ, Lau KV, Sabbatino M & Parente M

Parente Mario (2008) Sulfates on Mars: How Recent Discoveries from CRISM, OMEGA and the MERs are Changing Our View of the Planet
Bishop J, Lane M, Dyar D, Parente M, Roach L, Murchie S & Mustard J

Parenteau M. Nichole (2018) Trophic Relationships in Modern Microbial Mats Determined Using Protein Stable Isotope Fingerprinting
Gonzalez Valdes AC, Mohr W, Tang T, Sattin S, Parenteau MN, Jahnke LL, Grim SL, Dick GJ & Pearson A

Parenteau Mary (2018) Examining the Evolution of Oxygenic Photosynthesis on the Early Earth and Potentially Exoplanets
Parenteau M, Jahnke L, Broddrick J, Cady S & Pierson B

Parenteau Mary N. (2014) Transformations and Fates of Lipid Biomarkers in Microbial Mat Ecosystems
Jahnke L, Lee C, Parenteau M, Carlson M, Kubo M, Love G & Des Marais D
(2008) Analytical HRSEM, HRTEM and FIB Characterization of Carbonaceous Remains Associated with Hydrothermal Deposits
Cady SL, Hugo RC, Smythe WF, Parenteau MN, Goin JC, Oakes-Miller H, Hode T, Pogula S, Huster J & Cavalazzi B

Parenteau N. (2014) Lipid Biomarkers in Acidic Ecosystems: Relevance to Early Earth
Parenteau N, Jahnke L, Bristow T, Carlson M, Harris R, Farmer J & Des Marais D

Pareti S. (2011) Chemical and Mineralogical Profile of the Local Wind-Blown Surface Soil Contribution to Respirable Airborne PM in Rome (Italy)
Pietrodangelo A, Salzano R, Pareti S, Rantica E & Perrino C

Paretti N.V. (2022) Anthropogenic Compounds Associated with Groundwater Near an Abandoned Copper and Uranium Mine, Grand Canyon, AZ, USA
Beisner K, Paretti NV, Jasmann JR & Barber LB

Parez S. (2013) Computational Study of Rutile and Quartz Interfaces with Aqueous Solutions
Predota M, Kroutil O, Chval Z & Parez S

Parfenova V. (2004) Sedimentary Fe and Mn Cycling in Lake Baikal
Granina L, Mizandrontsev I, Parfenova V & Zakharova Y

Parfitt R. (2010) Causes and Consequences of Ecosystem Retrogression
Peltzer D, Wardle D, Allison V, Baisden T, Bardgett R, Chadwick O, Condron L, Parfitt R, Porder S, Richardson S, Turner B, Vitousek P, Walker J & Walker L

Parham R. (2024) Iron in Volcanic Ash: Iron-Specific Mineralogy Explains Solubility
Elliott HE, Gaston C, Blades E, Royer H, Oehlert A, Kukkadapu R, China S, Cheng Z, Lata NN, Buck C, Kollman C, Gazel E, Hornby A, Parham R, Meagher L & Ault A

Parianos J. (2017) A Conduit Facies Analysis of Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits
Firstova A, Dyriw N, Cherkashov G & Parianos J

Pariat A. (2017) Investigations into Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle and Pesticide Interactions in Aqueous Environments
Ilina S, Ollivier P, Slomberg D, Baran N, Pariat A, Devau N, Sani-Kast N, Scheringer M & Labille J
(2017) Heteroaggregation of Manufactured Nanoparticles with Suspended Particulate Matter Analogues as Compared to a Natural River System
Slomberg D, Labille J, Pariat A, Praetorius A, Ollivier P, Radakovitch O, Sani-Kast N & Scheringer M
(2016) The Role of Pesticides in Stabilization of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Aquatic Environments
Ilina S, Ollivier P, Baran N, Slomberg D, Devau N, Pariat A, Sani-Kast N, Scheringer M & Labille J

Parida B. (2010) Modelling the Terrestrial Phosphorus Cycle in the Framework of an Earth System Model (ESM)
Goll DS, Brovkin V, Parida B, Reick CH & Gayler V

Parihar R. (2017) Textural Sector Zoning in Garnet: A Result of Pseudomorphic Replacement of Carbonates
Parihar R, Pruseth KL & Upadhyay D

Parikh M. (2012) Role of Syntrophy in the Microbial Reduction of Crystalline Iron Oxides
Parikh M, Barkay T & Yee N
(2011) Iron Reduction by a Clostridia Consortium
Parikh M, Lin C-C, Barkay T & Yee N
(2010) Novel Iron-Reducing Bacterium Isolated from Oak Ridge TN
Parikh M, Lin C-C, Wang Y, Dohnalkova A, Kukkadapu R, Bowden M, Barkay T & Yee N
(2010) Reduction of Hg(II) to Hg(0) by Biogenic Magnetite
Yee N, Parikh M, Lin C-C, Kukkadapu R & Barkay T

Parikh S. (2020) Mineralogical Controls on the Retention and Chemical Composition of Dissolved Pyrogenic Carbon
Santos F, Yan J, Li H, Herndon E, Parikh S, Ghezzehei T, Blanchette F, Bird J & Berhe A
(2017) Drought Mitigation Through Carbon Management: Improved Understanding of the Role of Soil Aggregates in Agriculture
Ying S, Avila CC, Berhe A, Bogie N, Brodiee E, Dubinsky E, Ghezzehei T, Marklein A, Nico P, Parikh S, Rath D, Riley W, Schaefer M, Scow K & Torn M
(2014) Examining the Impacts of Pyrogenic Carbon on Organic Matter Storage in Forest Soils
Buelow MC, Mukome FND, Boyce A, Sayre M, Robertson G, Jenkins BM, Horwath WR & Parikh SJ
(2010) Attachment of Acidic Amino Acids to Mineral Surfaces: Implications for Prebiotic Chemistry
Sverjensky D, Jonsson C, Jonsson C, Estrada C, Lee N, Klochko K, Cleaves J, Hazen R, Parikh S, Kubicki J & Sparks D
(2009) A Multi-Scale Investigation of the Kinetics and Mechanisms of As(III) Oxidation on Hydrous Manganese Oxide
Sparks D, Ginder-Vogel M, Lafferty B & Parikh S

Parini M. (2002) Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of a Flow Barrier in the Tiwi Geothermal Field, Philippines
Molling P, Sunio E, Ching J, Parini M & Nordquist G

Parinos C. (2024) Fate and Distribution of Emerging Contaminants in the Marine Ecosystem, Following Extreme Climate Change Induced Storm Events at Aegean Sea, Greece, Eastern Mediterranean, Utilizing the Technique of LC-Vip-Hesi-Tims-Hrms
Lougkovois R, Chatzianestis I, Gkotsis G, Nika M-C, Parinos C, Pavlidou A & Thomaidis N
(2013) Impact of Saharan Dust and Polluted Aerosol on the Microbial Food Web of the Eastern Mediterranean – A Mesocosm Approach
Pitta P, Krom MD, Tsagaraki TM, Giannakourou A, Gogou A, Lagaria A, Mihalopoulos N, Panagiotopoulos C, Parinos C, Rahav E, Shi Z, Tsapakis M, Tsiola A, Violaki K & Herut B

Parinos K. (2013) Linking Reactive Silica to Organic Matter Burial in Mississippi Delta Sediments
Michalopoulos P & Parinos K

Paris B. (2022) Reactive Transport Modeling of Contaminant Release from Encased Unirradiated Fuel to Hanford Sediments
Nell R, Paris B & Mehta S

Paris Eleonora (2013) The Structural Role of Iron in Pantelleritic Glasses
Stabile P, Cicconi MR, Giuli G, Behrens H, Knipping J & Paris E
(2011) Europium Structural Role in Silicate Glasses
Cicconi MR, Giuli G, Paris E, Ingrisch-Ertel W, Dingwell DB, Ulmer P, Cicconi MR & Cicconi MR
(2011) Effect of Alkali Content and Fe Oxidation State on the S Oxidation State and Solubility in Rhyolitic Glasses
Giuli G, Paris E, Mori R, Glatzel P, Cicconi MR, Scaillet B & Eeckhout S

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