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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Pancost Richard D. (2018) Elevated Terrestrial Temperatures during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: A Multi-Proxy Perspective
Inglis G, Naafs D, Rohrssen M, Kennedy L & Pancost R
(2018) Leaf Wax δ13C Shows Climatic Precession Control of C4-plant Expansion in the Late Messinian Mediterreanean
Mayser JP, Flecker R, Hilgen F & Pancost RD
(2018) Long-Term Terrestrial Temperature Changes Across the Cenozoic: Applications of Organic Geochemical Proxies to Lignite Deposits
Lauretano V, Naafs D, Wallace MW, Korasidis VA, Holdgate GR & Pancost RD
(2018) Climate Controls on Weathering Fronts and Implications for Critical Zone Responses to Global Change
Buss H, Hayes N, Moore O & Pancost R
(2018) Why Proxy Uncertainty Matters and Why it is Hard to do it Right
Pancost R

Pancost Richard D. (2021) Sensitivity of Lipids and their Isotopic Composition to Shifting Carbon Cycle Dynamics along a Coastal Marine-Freshwater Wetland Gradient
Blewett J, Pancost RD & Naafs D
(2021) Assessing the Evolution of Primary Productivity at Distal Sections from Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction
Sosa Montes de Oca C, Rodrigo-Gámiz M, Huang Y, Taylor KWR, Hollis CJ, Martínez-Ruiz F, Rodríguez-Tovar FJ, Castro JM, Quijano ML & Pancost RD
(2021) Improving Quantification of Iron-Associated Organic Carbon in Organic-Rich Soils
Eberle A, Byrne JM, Patzner MS, Gallego-Sala A, Pancost RD, Kappler A & Bryce C

Pancost Richard D. (2023) Spatial Patterns of Fossil Carbon Mobilisation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Hollingsworth EH, Pancost RD, Dickson AJ, Badger M, Elling F, Freeman KH, Baczynski A & Inglis GN
(2023) The Role of Iron in Thawing Permafrost Peatlands
Eberle A, Ring-Hrubesh F, Lee H, Gallego-Sala A, Pancost RD & Bryce C
(2023) Lessons from the Environmental Justice Movement for Inclusion and Equity in Geochemical Research
Pancost RD
(2023) Organic Matter – Microbial Interactions in Tropical Peatland
Pancost RD, Vreeken M, Gallego-Sala A, Blewett J, Antoszkiewicz J & Naafs D
(2023) Microbial Responses to Peatland Degradation and Restoration
Bryce C, Ring-Hrubesh F, Pancost RD, Gallego-Sala A, Griffiths R, Welch B & Johnes PJ

Pánczél E. (2021) Apparent Selective Elemental Disequilibrium between Melt and Mineral Phases of the Haramul Mic Lava Dome
Pánczél E, Petrelli M, Lukács R, Bachmann O & Harangi S

Panczer Gerard

Panczer Gérard (2019) LIBS Imaging for Geological Samples: Short Review of Applications
Motto-Ros V, Fabre C, Trichard F, Pelascini F, Panczer G, Gaft M, Cugerone A, Genty D, Cauzid J, Tarantola A & Munoz M

Pańczyk M. (2022) Metal Migration Through an Oceanic Crust-Mantle Transition Zone (ICDP OmanDP Holes CM1A and CM2B)
Marciniak D, Ciążela J, Jesus AP, Koepke J, Pieterek B, Strauss H, Lazarov M, Horn I, Kuhn T, Czupyt Z, Panczyk M, Slaby E & Prell M
(2015) REE Minerals from the Ełk Alkaline Intrusion (East European Platform, NE Poland)
Pańczyk M, Zieliński G, Bazarnik J, Nawrocki J, Krzemiński L & Giro L

Panda A. (2024) Origin of High-Temperature Garnet Granitoids: Constraints from the Phase Equilibrium Modelling
Mukherjee S & Panda A
(2024) Origin and Evolution of Porphyritic Granitoid in the Eastern Ghats Province: Implications for Indo-Antarctic Amalgamation during the Formation of Rodinia Supercontinent
Tiwari SK, Mukherjee S & Panda A

Panda B. (2023) A Sr Isotopic Study of the Interaction of River Water, Seawater, and Groundwater in the Hooghly (Ganga) Estuary
Panda B, Chakrabarti R, Misra DS & Vuruputur V

Panda C.R.

Panda D. (2015) Composition and Characterisation of Chromites, Alloys and Sulphide Inclusions from the Indo-Myanmar Ophiolite Belt of Northeastern India
Maibam B, Foley SF, Jacob DE, Singh TB, Ray D & Panda D

Panda R.K. (2019) Geochemical and Isotopic Investigation of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Ganga (Hooghly) River Estuary: Source Composition or Estuarine Degradation?
Panda RK, Dalai TK, Tiwari RK, Kumar S, Werne J, Arnold TE & Samanta S

Panda S.K. (2023) Fluid-Mediated LREE Mineralization by Alteration of Allanite and Zircon in A-Type Jharsuguda Granites, India
Panda SK & Pruseth KL

Pandamouz A. (2000) Magmagenesis and Evolution at Damavand Volcano, Iran
Davidson J, Hassanzadeh J, Berzins R, Pandamouz A, Turrin B & Young A

Pande K (2003) Geochemistry of Rivers Draining the Deccan Basalts, India
Das A, Pande K, Sarin M & Krishnaswami S

Pande Kanchan (2024) Ar-Ar Geochronology and Petrogenesis of Western Indian Offshore Volcanics: A Geodynamic Perspective
Kondepudi PVSSS, Pande K & Munukutla R
(2023) Ar-Ar Geochronology of Basaltic Rocks from Bombay Offshore: Implications on India-Seychelles Breakup
Kondepudi PVSSS, Pande K & Munukutla R
(2022) Palaeoenvironmental Implication of Red and Green Palaeosol Developed within Lava Flow of Deccan Volcanic Province, India
Singh P, Banerjee S & Pande K
(2020) Spatial-Temporal Evolution of the Deccan Traps Volcanic System
Renne P, Tholt A, Pande K, Sprain C, Vanderkluysen L, Self S, Fendley I & Marzoli A
(2017) The Interaction of Impact and Volcanism at the End of Earth’s Cretaceous Period
Renne P, Sprain C, Richards M, Self S, Vandercluysen L, Pande K & Fendley I

Pandeli E. (2019) “Sources and Pathways of Fluid Migration in Mt. Amiata Area (Central Italy): Novel Insights from Full Noble Gas Isotope Investigations”
Magi F, Darrah TH, Minissale AA, Pandeli E, Tassi F & Vaselli O

Pandey Akash Kumar (2023) Presence of Tonian Cryogenian Orogeny in the Interior of Princess Elizabeth Land: Evidence from Detrital Zircons Isotopic Ages
Pandey AK, Pandey M, Gupta R, Arora D, Pant NC & Singh AK

Pandey Ashutosh (2023) Discovery of the Deepest Rock from the Indian Shield: Insight from a Kimberlite-Borne Eclogite Xenolith from the Dharwar Craton
Chatterjee A, Chalapathi Rao NV, Pandey R & Pandey A
(2022) Do the Precambrian Indian Kimberlites Constitute a Part of a Large Igneous Province?
Pandey A & Chalapathi Rao NV
(2020) Geochemical Insights into the Distinct Mantle Sources of Coeval Shoshonitic Lamprophyres and Kimberlites from the Wajrakarur Kimberlite Field, Dharwar Craton
Pandey A & Chalapathi Rao NV

Pandey D (2005) Geochemistry of Amphibolite Weathering in Different Climatic Setup of Kaveri Catchment of Southern India and its Implications
Mehta P, Tripathi JK, Pandey D & Rajamani V
(2005) Chemical Speciation Study of Amphibolite Weathering Under Different Climatic Setup of Mysore Plateau, Southern India
Pandey D, Tripathi JK, Mehta P & Rajamani V

Pandey Deepika (2018) Mobilization and Redistribution of Elements in a Spheroidally Weathering Profile of Amphibolite, Southern India
Pandey D & Vedharaman R
(2017) Element Differentiation during Weathering of Ambhibolites and Gneisses Under Humid and Arid Climate Set up of a Tropical Region
Pandey D & Rajamani V

Pandey M. (2023) Presence of Tonian Cryogenian Orogeny in the Interior of Princess Elizabeth Land: Evidence from Detrital Zircons Isotopic Ages
Pandey AK, Pandey M, Gupta R, Arora D, Pant NC & Singh AK
(2022) A Review of Imprints of Pan-African Orogenic Event in East Antarctic Shield: Linkages and Correlation
Arora D, Pant NC, Pandey M & Naraga P
(2020) Rare Earth Elements Mineralization in the Deri Ambaji Area of South Delhi Fold Belt, India
Arora D, Pandey M, Ansari S, Pant NC & Gupta R
(2020) Deciphering the Provenance, Climate and Tectonic Settings of High Altitude Quaternary Deposits in Ladakh-Nw Himalayas
Lal R, Pandey M, Pant NC & Saini HS
(2020) Implication of Mineralogical Attributes to Define the Provenance Geology of Sediments Deposited in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
Gupta R, Pandey M, Rao NVC, Pant NC & Arora D

Pandey Om (2016) Microspherules from the Infratrappean Gondwana Sediments Below Deccan Volcanic Covered Killari Earthquake Region, Maharashtra (India)
Pandey O

Pandey Om P. (2023) Magmatic Processes in Felsic Intraplate Volcanism; Insights from Harrat Rahat, Saudi Arabia
Jägerup BS, van der Zwan FM, Hansteen TH & Pandey OP
(2023) Geochemistry of The Jizan Group Volcanics, Saudi Arabia and Its Suitability For Carbon Storage and Mineralization
Al Malallah MY, van der Zwan FM, Pandey OP, Alsalman M, Omar A & Hoteit H

Pandey Om Prakash (2023) Did Modern-Style Plate Processes Operate during Early Earth? Insights from P-T-T History of the Archean Crust from Singhbhum Craton, Eastern India
Chattopadhyay S, Foley SF, Whattam SA & Pandey OP
(2023) Archean Mantle Metasomatized by Sediment Melts Recorded in Mafic Dykes of the Singhbhum Craton
Chatterjee S, Ravindran A, Ahmad Q, Pandey OP, Wille M & Mezger K
(2022) Initial 87Sr/86Sr from Apatite and 176Hf/177Hf from Zircon – Whole Rock Pair Constrain the Origin of Archean Felsic Crust and Presence of Archean Crustal Cycle
Chatterjee S, Pandey OP, Mezger K, Schmitt MK & Kooijman E
(2021) Evolution of Paleoarchean Singhbhum Craton: Constrains from Sr Isotope Analysis of Apatite Inclusions in Zircon
Chatterjee S, Pandey OP, Mezger K, Kielman-Schmitt M & Kooijman E
(2021) Isotopic Evidence for Episodic Mantle Melting in the Hadean
Maltese A, Caro G, Pandey OP, Upadhyay D & Mezger K
(2017) Archean Crust-Mantle Evolution: Constraints from the Singhbhum Craton, Eastern India
Pandey OP, Mezger K, Upadhyay D & Villa IM
(2014) Seismic Imaging of the Signatures of Mantle Plume and Collisional Zone in and Around Cuddapah Basin, South Indian Shield
Koteswara C & Pandey OP
(2014) Composition and Elastic Properties of Deccan Volcanic Basement: Evidences from Killari Borehole, Western India
Pandey OP, Vedanti N, Lakshmi K, Tripathi P, Sen M, VIjay Kumar K & Ravinder S
(2013) Anomalous Lithospheric and Geodynamical Evolution of the Southern Part of Vindhyan Basin, Central India
Pandey OP, Vedanti N & Srivastava RP
(2011) Chlorine and CO2 Rich Fluids in 2.5 Ga Amphibolite-Granulite Facies Basement Below the Killari Earthquake Region, India and Seismogenesis
Pandey O, Parthasarathy G, Tripathi P, Rajagopalan V & Sreedhar B
(2010) Mantle Metasomatism in the Basement of the Deccan Trap: Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Carbonates from the Killari Borehole, Maharashtra, India
Pandey OP, Parthasarathy G, Ahmad SM & Tripathi P
(2009) Mafic Crustal Exhumation Below Jabera-Damoh Region of Vindhyan Basin (India) and Thermo-Tectonic Evolution
Srivastava RP, Vedanti N, Pandey O & Dimri V
(2009) Geodynamic, Thermal and Subsurface Structure Below the K-T- Boundary Impact Site, Offshore Mumbai, India
Pandey O & Parthasarathy G
(2008) Presence of CO2 in the Uplifted Lower-Crust Below Seismogenic Region Latur, India
Pandey OP & Parthasarathy G

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