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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Polya David A. (2019) Toolkit Approach for the Selection of Sustainable Arsenic Remediation Approaches for Rural Communities
Richards LA, Kumari N, Ghosh A, Joshi H, Mukherjee A, Clayton GE, Reynolds DM & Polya DA
(2017) Environmental Science Outreach for Undergraduate Students in Cambodia: A Case Study
Richards LA, Downie HF, Sovann C, Welfle A, Uhlemann S & Polya DA
(2017) Understanding Surface Water Incursion in a Shallow, Arsenic-Affected Aquifer in Cambodia: An Application of Geochemical Tracers
Richards LA, Magnone D, Sovann C, Sültenfuß J, Boyce AJ, Bryant C, van Dongen BE, Ballentine CJ & Polya DA
(2017) Understanding Controls on Groundwater “Age” in an Alluvial Aquifer
Chambers L, Richards L, Polya D, SÜLTENFUß J, Binley A & Gooddy D

Polyak Boris (2009) Mantle Helium and Other Components in Thermal Fluids of the Chukchi Peninsula: The Signs of Recent Magmatism
Polyak B, Prasolov E, Lavrushin V & Cheshko A

Polyak Boris (2015) Formation of Hydrocarbon Accumulations: Noble Gas Chronometry
Tolstikhin I, Ballentine C, Polyak B, Prasolov E & Kikvadze O

Polyak L. (2011) Mercury Stable Isotopic Variations in Arctic Ocean Pelagic Sediment
Gleason J, Blum J, Moore T, Polyak L & Jakobsson M

Polyak V. (2022) Mesoamerican Monsoon Failure during the Last Interglacial
Lachniet MS, Asmerom Y, Polyak V, Bernal J-P & Lucia G
(2020) A Late Holocene Sea Level Rise Event Inferred from Precisely Dated Speleothems from Mallorca
Asmerom Y, Onac B, Mitrovica J, Tuccimei P, Fornos J, Polyak V, Gines J, Gines A, Soligo M & Villa I
(2019) Isotope Ratio Measurements for Sample Dating Studies Using Multicollector ICP-MS and Signal Enhancement via a Desolvating Nebulizer Accessory with Nitrogen Gas Addition
Smith F & Polyak V
(2019) Multi-Proxy Approach to Constrain Temperature and Hydroclimate in Arid Regions
Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Lachniet M
(2018) Progress and Challenges in Speleothem-Based Climate Reconstruction
Asmerom Y, Polyak V, Baldini J, Lachniet M, Baldini L, Breitenbach S, Prufer K & Kennett D
(2018) Using Multicollector ICP-MS with a Desolvating Nebulizer Accessory for Stable and Radiogenic Isotope Ratio Measurements of Speleothem and Marine Coral Samples
Smith F & Polyak V
(2017) Early Hominin Cultural Development in Central Asia Constrained by High-Precision U-Series Chronology
Asmerom Y, Polyak V, Wagner J & Patchett J
(2016) Multicollector ICP-MS with a Desolvating Nebulizer System for U-Series Dating of Late Pleistocene Terrestrial Snails
Smith F & Polyak V
(2016) Holocene Monsoon Variability Using Stalagmite Record from Dandak Cave, India
Band S, Yadava M, Ramesh R, Gupta S, Polyak V & Asmerom Y
(2016) Hemispherical Scale Climate Variability during the Last Glacial Period
Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Lachniet M
(2015) Modes of ENSO and Solar Influence on Central American Rainfall during the Past Millennium from Bi-Monthly Speleothem Isotopic Data
Asmerom Y, Ridely H, Polyak V, Aquino V, Breitenbach S, Baldini J, Prufer K & Kennett D
(2014) Southern Hemisphere-Driven Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Changes during the Last Deglaciation
Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Lachniet M
(2014) Orbital Control of Southwestern North America Atmospheric Circulation and Climate over Two Glacial Periods
Lachniet M, Denniston R, Asmerom Y & Polyak V
(2014) Late Holocene 14C Variations Recorded by a Speleothem from Yok Balum Cave, Belize
Lechleitner FA, McIntyre C, Breitenbach SFM, Polyak V, Asmerom Y, Prufer KM, Culleton BJ, Kennett DJ, Baldini JUL & Eglinton TI
(2014) Effects of Natural and Anthropogenic Aerosols on ITCZ Position
Ridley H, Asmerom Y, Baldini J, Breitenbach S, Aquino V, Prufer K, Culleton B, Polyak V, Lechleitner F, Kennett D, Zhang M, Marwan N, Macpherson C, Baldini L, Xiao T, Awe J & Haug G
(2013) Timing of Northern Hemisphere Climate Transitions during the Last Glacial Period from Precisely-Dated Speleothem Data
Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Lachniet M
(2012) Enhanced Multicollector ICP-MS Coupled with a Desolvating Nebulizer System for Geochronology
Smith F & Polyak V
(2012) A Record of Northern Hemisphere Climate Variability during the Penultimate Glacial from High Resolution Speleothem Data
LaPointe Z, Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Lachniet M
(2008) Possible Extended Hyper Aridity during the Late Pleistocene in the SW USA from Speleothem Data
Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Burns S
(2006) Routine high-precision U-Th isotope analyses for paleoclimate chronology
Asmerom Y, Polyak V, Schwieters J & Bouman C
(2004) Holocene Climate History of the SW USA from Speleothem Chronology
Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Rasmussen J
(2003) Climate Variability in the Southwestern USA over the Past Half-Millennium from High-Resolution Speleothem Data
Rasmussen J, Polyak V & Asmerom Y
(2002) Timescale of Melt Differentiation from 231Pa-226Ra Data
Asmerom Y, Mukasa S, Cheng H, Polyak V & Edwards L

Polyakov G.V. (2002) Permian-Triassic Komatiites and their Os Isotopic Characteristics in Northern Vietnam
Hanski E, Walker RJ, Polyakov GV, Glotov AI, Balykin PA & Hoa TT

Polyakov V. (2017) The Fate of Carbon during Oceanic Crust Alteration Through Time
Shilobreeva S, Martinez I, Polyakov V & Agrinier P
(2014) Equilibrium Carbon Isotope Fractionation Factors for Hydrocarbons: Modified Method of Isotopic Bond Numbers
Polyakov V & Horita J
(2013) Fe β-Factors for Sulfides from NRIXS Synchrotron Experiments
Polyakov V, Osadchii E, Chareev D, Chumakov A & Sergeev I
(2012) Theoretical Carbon Isotope Fractionation Under Deep-Earth Conditions
Polyakov V & Horita J
(2011) Isotope Fractionation between Metallic Fe and Fe(III) and Fe(IV) Bearing Compounds
Polyakov V & Soultanov D
(2010) Combined High-Pressure Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction Study of H-D Substitution Effects on Brucite
Dos Santos A, Horita J, Tulk C, Chakoumakos B & Polyakov V
(2009) Iron Isotope Fractionation during Precipitation of Chalcopyrite
Polyakov V & Soultanov D
(2009) Isotope Fractionation of Fluids Under Geologic Conditions
Horita J, Polyakov V & Chialvo A
(2008) Equilibrium Iron Isotope Fractionation at Super-High Pressures
Polyakov V
(2007) Equilibrium Iron Isotope Fractionation Factors for Magnetite from Moessbauer Spectroscopy and Inelastic Nuclear Resonant X-Ray Scattering Data
Mineev S, Polyakov V & Permyakov Y
(2007) Novel Corresponding – States Principle Approach for Calculating the Isotopic Properties of Water Under Elevated Temperatures and Pressures
Polyakov V, Horita J, Cole D & Chialvo A
(2007) Calcite-Water Oxygen Isotope Fractionation at Elevated Temperatures: Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Effect of Pressure and Dissolved NaCl
Horita J, Polyakov V & Cole D
(2005) Iron and Tin Isotope Equilibrium Fractionation Factors from Mössbauer and Synchrotron Radiation Data
Polyakov V, Mineev S & Clayton R

Polyansky Oleg (2020) Stages of Tectonothermal History of the Taimyr – Severnaya Zemlya Orogen during Oblique Collision in the Carboniferous-Permian
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Proskurnin V, Polyansky O, Laevsky Y & Travin A
(2017) Numerical Model of Magmatic Mingling: An Example from the Bayankol Massif (Sangilen Plateau, South Siberia)
Polyansky O, Semenov A, Vladimirov V & Karmysheva I

Polyansky Oleg P. (2015) Linkage between Diapiric Magma Upwelling and Diking in the Vilyui Rift Province (Siberian Platform)
Polyansky OP, Prokop'ev AV, Babichev AV & Reverdatto VV
(2013) Thermal History of a Neoproterozoic Orogen and A-Type Leucogranites Formation (Yenisey Ridge, Western Margin of the Siberian Craton)
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Romanova I, Veyalko I, Polyansky O, Laevsky Y & Voronin K
(2013) Thermochronological Estimates of Uplift and Cooling Rates of the Bodonchin Metamorphic Wedge
Polyanskiy OP & Sukhorukov VP
(2009) Thermochronological Models for the Cooling History of Neoproterozoic Post-Collisional Granites
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Polyansky O & Travin A
(2009) Computer Model of Granite-Gneiss Diapirism
Polyansky O, Babichev A, Korobeinikov S, Reverdatto V & Sverdlova V
(2008) Computer Model of Underthrusting and Subduction Under Conditions of the Gabbro-Eclogite Transition
Polyansky OP, Korobeinikov SN, Sverdlova VG, Reverdatto VV & Babichev AV
(2007) An Experimental Basis for Eco-Safe Geoconservation of Radioactive Nuclides in Aluminosilicate Matrixes Based on Fusible Bentonites
Kovalev V, Bul'bak T, Boguslavsky A, Reverdatto V & Polyansky O
(2007) Modelling of Contact Metamorphism and Metasomatism Near the Talnakh Intrusion: Effect of Fluid Convection Versus Conductive Heat Transfer
Polyansky O & Reverdatto V

Polymenakou P. (2019) LA-ICP-MS Evidence for Decoupled Geochemical Behavior of Tl, As and Au in Modern SMS, Kolumbo Arc-Volcano (Santorini), Greece
Zegkinoglou N, Kilias S, Smith D, Keith M, Nomikou P & Polymenakou P
(2019) Metagenomic Evidence for Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation in Iron Mats at the Kallisti Limnes CO2-rich Seafloor Hydrothermal Pools, Santorini
Christakis C, Polymenakou P, Kilias S, Nomikou P, Nielsen T, Kyrpides N, Kristoffersen JB, Kotoulas G & Magoulas A
(2017) LA-ICP-MS Evidence for Au-Cu Coupling in Modern Sea-Floor Massive Sulfides, Kolumbo Arc-Volcano (Santorini), Greece
Zygouri E, Kilias S, Zack T, Pitcairn I, Chi Fru E, Nomikou P, Argyraki A, Ivarsson M, Polymenakou P & Carey S
(2017) Metal Resource Potential of Modern Sea-Floor Massive Sulfides at Kolumbo Shallow-Submarine Arc-Volcano (Santorini), Greece
Kilias S, Zygouri E, Nomikou P, Chrysafeni M, Ivarsson M, Chi Fru E, El Albani A, Zack T, Pitcairn I, Argyraki A, Polymenakou P & Carey S

Polymenis A. (2023) Ex situ Carbon Mineralisation Using Scoria
Haese RR, Agrawal A, Opat LR & Polymenis A

Pomberger R. (2019) Destruction of Dissolved Organic Contaminants by a Combination of Fe(0), UV Radiation and a Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode
Sedlazeck KP, Vollprecht D, Müller P, Mischitz R, Neuhold S & Pomberger R
(2017) Removal and Recovery of Metals from Mining and Metallurgy Waste Waters
Sedlazeck KP, Höllen D, Müller P, Mischitz R & Pomberger R
(2017) In situ Chemical Oxidation of Diesel-Contaminations in Silt Lenses
Höllen D, Philipp R, Bogolte BT, Staudigl A, Kulich M, Fehrer A, Grabmair J, Ausweger G & Pomberger R

Pombo S.A. (2011) Arsenic Concentration Influences Secondary Mineral Formation during Simultaneous As(V) and Fe(III) Reduction by Shewanella sp
Pombo SA, Huang J-H, Mikutta C, Dippon U, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2002) Tracing Microbial Activity in a Contaminated Aquifer at the Field Scale Using 13C-Labeling of Bacterial Fatty Acids
Pombo SA, Schroth MH, Pelz O & Zeyer J

Pomerantz A. (2018) Kerogen Properties Controlled by Thermal Maturity
Craddock P, Bake K & Pomerantz A
(2018) Critical-Point Drying for Kerogen Microstructural Preservation
Bake K, Craddock P, Sun T, Guanawan B, Darnell L, Bissada K & Pomerantz A
(2018) Organic Matter Chemical Composition & Mechanical Properties Measured at Nanoscale
Pomerantz A, Yang J, Hatcherian J & Hackley P
(2018) Quantifying Mineralogy, Total Organic Carbon, and Thermal Maturity in Unconventional Reservoirs with DRIFTS
Loan M, Craddock P & Pomerantz A

Pomeroy S. (2022) From Source to Surface: Tracing the Volatile Record of High-Titanium Mare Basalts
Barnes JJ, Wilbur ZE, Brounce M, Crow CA, Pomeroy S, Ong LJ, Hahn T, Mosenfelder J, Boyce JW & Erickson T
(2021) Coordinated Geochronology of an Apollo Regolith Fragment
Crow CA, Borg L, Cassata W & Pomeroy S

Pomies C. (2005) Record of the Weathering Timescale in Himalayan Rivers
Pomies C, Bickle M, Tipper ET, Chapman H, Fairchild I & Harris N
(2005) Timescale of TAG Activity Revisited
Bickle M & Pomies C
(2004) Intercomparison of New Th Isotopic Standards: Preliminary Results
Innocent C, Bollinger C, Chabaux F, Claude C, Durand N, Le faouder A, Kiefel B & Pomiès C
(2000) Neodymium Isotopes in Modern Foraminifera from Indian Ocean: Assessment of the Use of Nd Isotope Composition of Foraminifera as a Tracer for Palaeo-Oceanic Circulation Changes
Pomies C & Davies G

Pöml P (2006) 18O-tracing of the hydrothermal alteration of pyrochlore
Pöml P, Menneken M, Stephan T, Niedermeier D, Geisler T & Putnis A

Poml P F (2006) Antiquity of harzburgitic diamonds from the Venetia kimberlite, Limpopo Belt, Kaapvaal craton
Richardson SH, Harris JW & Poml PF

Pommer H. (2018) Microbial Arsenic Mobilization in Groundwater Aquifers of the Red River Delta, Vietnam
Patzner MS, Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Lightfoot A, Schneider M, Kipfler R, Winkel L, Cirpka O, Eiche E, Kontny A, Neumann T, Rhati B, Pommer H, Vu D, Tran M, Thrang P, Viet PH, Berg M, Kleindienst S & Kappler A

Pommer M. (2020) Hydrological Controls on Sulfur Cycling in the Green River Formation
Cremiere A, Cui X, Tino C, Pommer M, Roychowdhury M, Sarg F, Lyons T, Summons R, Sessions A & Adkins J

Pommier A. (2023) Investigating Mercury’s Internal Structure and Volatile Budget Using Trace Elements Partitioning Experiments
Pirotte H, Namur O, Cartier C, Pommier A, Zhang Y, Berndt J, Klemme S & Charlier B
(2022) A Multi-Spectroscopic Study of Electrical Conduction in Xenoliths
Tauber MJ & Pommier A
(2022) Investigating Metallic Cores Using Experiments on the Physical Properties of Liquid Iron Alloys
Pommier A

Pomonis P. (2018) Progression of Rodingitisation in the Veria-Naousa Ophiolitic Complex (Greece) Seen by Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes
Zaronikola N, Debaille V, Rogkala A, Petrounias P, Tsikouras B, Pomonis P & Hatzipanagiotou K

Pompilio M. (2023) Determination of the Oxidation State of Arc Primary Melts Using Two fO2 Proxies
Gaborieau M, Laubier M, Bolfan-Casanova N & Pompilio M
(2013) Characterizing Magma Migration Dynamics beneath Mt. Etna Using Combined Kinetic and Thermodynamic (MELTS) Modelling
Kahl M, Chakraborty S, Costa F & Pompilio M
(2013) Magma Dynamics at Etna Before the 122BC Plinian Eruption: Constraints from Plagioclase Zoning Profiles
Pompilio M & Del Carlo P
(2013) Synchrotron FTIR on Melt Inclusions, Clinopyroxene and Olivine from Mt Etna Recent Explosive Eruptions
Nazzareni S, Pompilio M, Skogby H, Perucchi A & Dumas P
(2013) Characteristics of Olivine and Diopside Crystals in Magma Erupted at Stromboli during the 2003, 2007 and 2009 Paroxysms: Implications for Magma Ascent Dynamics
D'Oriano C, Pistolesi M, Bertagnini A, Cioni R, Pompilio M & Métrich N
(2007) Trace Element and Volatile Signature of Etna Magma Source(s): A Melt Inclusion Approach
Metrich N, Kamenetsky V, Allard P & Pompilio M

Ponaryadov A. (2014) Surface Properties of Titanium Minerals
Ponaryadov A & Kotova O
(2013) Leucoxene Photoactivity in the Water – Mineral System
Ponaryadov A, Kotova O & Ryabkov Y
(2011) Reactivity of Chemically Modified Nanodisperse Anatase
Ponaryadov A & Kotova O
(2009) Synthesis and Properties of Nanostruсtured Titanium Minerals
Ponaryadov A

Poňavič M. (2017) Urban Geochemistry-Prague
Poňavič M, Wittlingerova Z & Coupek P

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