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Pinto M. (2015) Contaminated Soils, Stream Sediments and Waters Close to an Abandoned Uranium Mine from Central Portugal
Neiva A, Carvalho P, Antunes I, Silva M, Santos A, Pinto M & Cunha P
(2007) Chemical Compositions of Zircon from an U-Mine Area, Portugal
Pinto M, Silva M & Neiva A

Pinto de Abreu M. (2011) He and Ne Isotopic Ratios from the Terceira Rift (Azores): Constraints on the Boundary between Eurasia and Nubia Mantle Sources
Madureira P, Moreira M, Nunes J, Lourenço N, Gautheron C, Carvalho R, Mata J & Pinto de Abreu M

Pinto Ferreira V. (2020) 30my Building a Granitic Batholith: The Santana do Ipanema Batholith, Northeastern Brazil
Pinto Ferreira V, das Neves C, da Silva T, Lima M & Sial A
(2002) Oxygen Isotopes and Granitoid Series Characterization in the Borborema Province, Northeastern Brazil
Pinto Ferreira V, Valley J, Sial A & Spicuzza M

Pinto-Coelho C. (2017) Hydrothermal Dolomite in Southern Brazil: Implication for Porosity Development
Pinto-Coelho C, Silva T, Silva LG, Botelho A, Fregatto M, Lopes A & Bahniuk A

Pinton R. (2011) Mineral Weathering and Mobilization of Trace Metals in the Rhizosphere: The Role of Root Exudates
Terzano R, Medici L, Mimmo T, Tomasi N, Pinton R & Cesco S

Piñuela L. (2023) Regional Paleoenvironmental Features Modulated T-OAE Global Effects (Toarcian, Early Jurassic): Aqueous Molybdenum Drawdown
Fernández-Martínez J, Martinez-Ruiz F, Rodríguez-Tovar FJ, Piñuela L, García-Ramos JC & Algeo TJ
(2021) Geochemical Approach to Constrain Bottom-Water Oxygenation during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-Oae) at the Northern Iberian Palaeomargin
Fernández-Martínez J, Rodríguez-Tovar FJ, Martinez-Ruiz F, Piñuela L & García-Ramos JC

Pinzer B. (2013) Direct Observation of Gas Hydrate Formation in a Sedimentary Matrix on the Microscale
Sell K, Chaouachi M, Enzmann F, Kuhs WF, Kersten M, Pinzer B & Saenger EH

Pio C. (2020) Phosphorus Transformation in Saharan Dust during Trans-Atlantic Dust Transport
Zhu M, Dam T, Angert A, Bigio L, Mayol O, Santos-Figueroa G & Pio C
(2015) Earth's Natural Fertilizer: Tracing Phosphorus in Dust from the Sahara Towards America's Tropical Rain Forests
Gross A, Turner B, Goren T, Pio C, Cardoso J, Tirosh O, Todd M, Rosenfeld D, Weiner T, Custodio D & Angert A
(2009) Major Sources of PM2.5 Organic Aerosols in Europe: Predominance of Biomass Burning and Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA)
Gelencsér A, May B, Simpson D, Sánchez-Ochoa A, Kasper-Giebl A, Puxbaum H, Caseiro A, Pio C & Legrand M

Piochi M. (2021) Subsurface Fluid Geochemistry Shape Microbial Community Structure and Function at Solfatara-Pisciarelli Hydrothermal Systems, Italy
Ugwuanyi IR, Glamoclija M, Steele A, Fogel M, Bowden R, De Natale G, Troise C, Somma R, Piochi M & Mormone A
(2012) The Nearly-Primary Magmas at the Phlegraean Volcanic District (Italy): New Insights by the Isotope and Trace Element Whole-Rock and in situ Melt Inclusion Geochemistry
Piochi M, De Astis G, Mormone A, Moretti R & Zanetti A

Pioli L. (2016) Insights into Tephra Total Grain-Size Distribution from Field Data Analysis
Costa A, Pioli L & Bonadonna C
(2016) Dynamic Effects of Magma Degassing at Open Vent Volcanoes
Pioli L & Azzopardi B

Piontkivska H. (2006) Hyperthermophilic Biogenesis and Early Biospheric Evolution
Piontkivska H, Schwartzman DW & Lineweaver CH

Piotrowska N. (2021) Unequal Anthropogenic Enrichment of Mercury in Earth’s Northernand Southern Hemispheres
Li C, Sonke JE, Le Roux G, Piotrowska N, Van der Putten N, Roberts SJ, Daley T, Rice E, Gehrels R, Enrico M, Mauquoy D, Roland TP & De Vleeschouwer F
(2016) Japanese Peat Records of Atmospheric Deposition of Artificial Radionuclides (J-Peat): Impacts of Fukushima Accident and Implications for Radiochronology
De Vleeschouwer F, Le Roux G, Sonke J, Van Beek P, Souhaut M, Pourcelot L, Masson O, Guarriaran R, Hughes P, Piotrowska N, Tanimizu M & Hotes S
(2013) Holocene Peat Bog Records of Atmospheric Dust Fluxes in Southern South America
De Vleeschouwer F, Vanneste H, Mattielli N, Vanderstraten A, Piotrowska N, Coronato A & Le Roux G
(2013) Holocene Dust Record in a NW European Peat Bog: A Multiproxy Approach
Allan M, le roux G, Verheyden S, Mattiel N, Piotrowska N, Fagel N & Beghin J
(2012) Rare Earth Elements in the Misten Peat Bog (Belgium) as Tracers of Dust Depositions and Past Environmental Changes
Allan M, Le Roux G, Mattielli N, Piotrowska N & Fagel N

Piotrowski Alex (2019) Marine Precipitates as a Significant Source of REEs in the Mackenzie River
Larkin C, Tipper E, Hindshaw R, Piotrowski A & Hilton R

Piotrowski Alexander (2021) Scavenging and Advection – Resolving the Neodymium Paradox in the South Atlantic
Wang R, Clegg JA, Scott PM, Larkin C, Deng F, Thomas A, Zheng X-Y & Piotrowski A
(2021) REE and Nd Isotopes in Sedimentary Fe Oxides as Proxies for Shale Weathering
Bayon G, Jang K, Vigier N, Tachikawa K, Larkin C, Piotrowski A & Tipper E
(2020) Behaviors of Neodymium Isotopes and Carbon Isotopes in the South Atlantic Ocean
Wang R, Piotrowski A, Clegg J & Henderson G
(2015) Isoptoic Tracers of Crustal Alteration in Low Temperature Hydrothermal Settings
Rennie V, Misra S, Piotrowski A & Turchyn A
(2015) Glacial North Atlantic Deep Water Production Drives Atlantic Carbon Storage
Howe J & Piotrowski A
(2015) Neodymium Isotope Variability of the Pacific Ocean in the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum
Hu R & Piotrowski A
(2015) Atlantic and Pacific Deep Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling Changes during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Piotrowski A, Howe J, Rennie V, Clegg J & Elderfield H
(2013) Deep Ocean Circulation and its Link to Carbon Storage Through Glacial Cycles
Wilson D, Piotrowski A, Galy A & Banakar V
(2013) Constraining the Nd Isotopic Composition of Antarctic Bottom Water Formed in the Weddell Sea
Piotrowski A, Hillenbrand C-D, Allen C, Domack E & Mackenesen A
(2013) Distinguishing between Advection and Source Changes Recorded by Nd Isotopes in the NE Atlantic
Roberts N & Piotrowski A
(2013) Pb Isotopic Composition of Himalayan Sediments
Galy A, Gattacceca J, Piotrowski A & Frank M
(2013) Effect of Trace Metals and Light Intensity on Biomarker Isotopic Fractionation
Hernandez Sanchez MT, Stoll HM, Piotrowski A, Milne A, Lohan M & Pancost RD
(2012) (231Paex/230Thex)0 Records from a Depth Transect in the NE Atlantic 0-20 ka
Roberts N, McManus J & Piotrowski A
(2012) Reconstructing the Large-Scale Deep and Intermediate Ocean Circulation in the North Atlantic during the LGM and Last Deglaciation
McManus J, Hoffmann S, Roberts N, Henry G, Bradtmiller L, Mohamed K, Jacard S, Yu J, Piotrowski A, Oppo D, Curry W, Praetorius M & Robinson L
(2011) Reconstructing Southern and Pacific Ocean Deep Circulation Using Nd Isotopes
Piotrowski A, Noble T & McCave N
(2011) A Spatial Perspective on Nd Isotope Records from the Western Indian Ocean: Evidence for a 'Boundary Exchange' Control?
Wilson D, Piotrowski A & Galy A
(2011) Rare Earth Element Association with Foraminifera
Roberts N, Piotrowski A, Eglinton T & Lomas M
(2011) Changes in Neogene Himalayan Erosion Regime: Input of Pb and Nd Isotopes into the Indian Ocean
Gattacceca JC, Galy A, Piotrowski AM & Frank M
(2009) Linking North and South Atlantic Deep Water Circulation Using Nd Isotopes
Piotrowski A, Galy A, Yu J, Scrivner A, Nicholl J, Roberts N, Wilson D & Noble T
(2009) Deglacial Changes in Neodymium Isotopes in the Western Indian Ocean
Wilson D, Piotrowski A & Galy A
(2009) Interpreting Nd Isotope and 231Pa/230Th Records in the Deep Western North Atlantic
Roberts N, Piotrowski A, McManus J & Keigwin L
(2009) Nd Isotopes in the Norwegian Sea: Glacial-Interglacial ISOW Variability?
Scrivner A, Piotrowski A, Elmore A, Wright J & Rosenthal Y
(2009) Neodymium Isotopic Composition of North Atlantic Fe-Mn Oxides
Elmore A, Piotrowski A, Wright J & Scrivner A
(2008) Neodymium Isotopic Reconstruction of Past North Atlantic Surface and Deep Water Compositions
Scrivner A, Piotrowski A, Elmore A & Wright J
(2008) Indian Ocean Circulation and Productivity during the Last Glacial Cycle
Piotrowski A, Banakar V, Scrivner A & Elderfield H
(2002) Climate Change in the Black Sea Region Through Termination I from Sr and O Isotopes
Major C, Goldstein SL, Ryan WBF, Piotrowski A & Lericolais G
(2002) North Atlantic Deep Water Strength during the Last Deglaciation from Nd Isotopes
Piotrowski A
(2000) Neodymium Isotopic Evidence for Late Glacial and Holocene Millennial-Scale Variations in North Atlantic Deep Water Export to the South Atlantic
Piotrowski AM, Goldstein SL & Hemming SR
(2000) North Pacific Deep Water Formation during the Last Glacial Maximum?
Goldstein SL, Hemming SR, Piotrowski AM & Machlus M

Piotrowski Alexander M. (2016) Exploring the Controls on Authigenic Nd and Pb Isotope Tracers in the Indian and Southern Oceans
Wilson D, van de Flierdt T, Struve T, Piotrowski A, Galy A & Adkins J
(2016) Reconstructing Deep Ocean Circulation Pathway and Strength with Grainsize-Specific Nd Isotopes
Piotrowski AM, Li Y, Cheng X, Crowhurst S, Clegg J, Buisman I, Lascu I, Harrison RJ & McCave IN

Piotrowski P. (2019) Tracking Oil and Gas Isotopic Signatures in Freshwater Bivalves
Warner N, Piotrowski P, Dorman F, Geeza T, McDevitt B, Tasker T & Gillikin D

Piotrwiak P. (2018) Anoxic Conversion of Rhodochrosite to Mn Oxides in the Presence of Ultraviolet Light
Liu W, Yee N, Elzinga E, Piotrwiak P, Nanda V & Falkowski P

Piovano E. (2013) Record of Historical Mercury Trends in Sediments from the Laguna del Plata, Córdoba, Argentina
Stupar Y, Schäfer J, García MG, Schmidt S, Piovano E, Blanc G, Huneau F & Le Coustumer P

Piper D. (2017) Reconstructing the Labrador Current during the Past 1, 400 Years Using Dynamic Sediment and Organic Geochemical Proxies
Rashid H, Xiao W, Xu Y, Li G & Piper D
(2012) Mobility of Trace Elements from the Sunbury Shale, Eastern Kentucky
Perkins R, Mason C & Piper D

Piper S. (2016) Increasing Summer Net CO2 Uptake in High Northern Ecosystems on Land
Welp L, Patra P, Roedenbeck C, Nemani R, Bi J, Piper S & Keeling R

Piper Hem C. (2004) Packing Schemes of Cavities in Selected Clathrasils and Zeolites and their Analogues in Crystal Structures
Piper Hem C, Makovicky E & Balic-Zunic T

Pipich Vitaliy (2021) Nano- and Mesoscale Structures and Chemical Labelling Support Nanoscale Assembly of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate from Prenucleation Clusters
Wolf SE, Colas B, Clark S, Jacob D, Zahn D, Kababya S, Schmidt A, Duchstein P, Schodder P & Pipich V

Pipich Vitaly (2014) (U)SANS and Imaging Analysis of Changes in Multiscale Porosity in the St. Peter Sandstone with Burial Diagenesis
Anovitz L, Cole D, Rother G, Littrell K, Wasbrough M, Pipich V, Fu Z & Freiburg J

Pipon Y. (2013) Interaction of Eu(III) with Calcium Carbonate: Spectroscopic Characterization
Sabau A, Jordan N, Lomenech C, Marmier N, Brendler V, Barkleit A, Toulhoat N, Pipon Y, Surble S, Giffaut E & Moncoffre N

Pipoyan D. (2023) Dietary Exposure to Reproductive Toxicant Trace Elements (Lead, Molybdenum and Nickel). The Case Study of Armenia
Pipoyan D, Beglaryan M, Davtyan L, Stepanyan S & Mantovani A

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