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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Pignet P. (2009) Methanogens Diversity and Distribution in Sediments of the Häkon Mosby Mud Volcano
L'Haridon S, Roumagnac M, Estebanez V, Pignet P, Chalopin M & Toffin L
(2009) Detecting Total Dissolved Sulfide Anomalies in Marine Sediments Using XRF Core Scanner
Etoubleau J, Caprais J-C, Bayon G, Birot D, Ruffine L, Pignet P & Dennielou B

Pigot T. (2023) Experimental Investigation of Oxygen Kinetic Reduction by Ferrous Iron: The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species
Mousques Soulas L, Thibault de Chanvalon A & Pigot T
(2021) Mechanistic Elucidation of Abiotic Monomethylmercury Photodemethylation in Freshwaters: Experimental Evidence
Lotfi Kalahroodi E, Tessier E, Le Bechec M, Bérail S, Pigot T & Amouroux D

Pigott Jeffrey (2018) Helium Diffusion in Periclase
Cherniak DJ, Krawczynski M, Van Orman JA, Mukhopadhyay S & Pigott J
(2018) Equations of State and Phase Diagram of SiO2 to Lower Mantle Conditions
Fischer R, Campbell A, Chidester B, Reaman D, Thompson E, Pigott J, Prakapenka V & Smith J

Pigott Jeffrey S. (2016) The Water Undersaturated Transition Zone
Panero WR, Thomas C, Myhill R & Pigott JS

Pigram P. (2006) Solutions and implications for environmental issues using synchrotron research
Kappen P, Kitching M, Roe G & Pigram P

Pihlap E. (2023) Mitigation of Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions during Maize Production with Basalt Amendments
Chiaravalloti I, Theunissen N, Zhang S, Wang J, Sun F, Ahmed A, Pihlap E, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ

Pijanka J. (2011) Biochemical Characterization of Single Weathering Hyphae of Paxillus involutus Using CLSM and Synchrotron Based µFTIR
Schmalenberger A, Bray A, Duran A, Leake J, Banwart S, Cinque G, Frogley M, Filik J, Pijanka J, Bonneville S, Benning L & Romero-Gonzalez M

Pijanowski B. (2010) Assessing Landscape Response to Land-Use Change Using Sediment-Chemical Chronologies and Backcast Modeling
Long D, Yansa C, Pijanowski B & Parsons M
(2005) Exploring the Effects of Urban and Agricultural Land Use on Surface Water Quality
Lindeman M, Long D, Pijanowski B & Stevenson RJ

Pik Raphael
(2017) U-Pb SIMS Apatite Dating Using a Common Lead Correction (Examples from the Scottish Caledonides)
Jewison E, Deloule E, Villeneuve J, Bellahsen N, Labrousse L, Rosenberg C, Pik R & Chew D
(2017) Unravelling Thermal History in Lower Greenschist Metamorphic Conditions: Coupling Thermochronometers and Thermometers in the Axial Zone, Pyrenees
Waldner M, Bellahsen N, Mouthereau F, Pik R, Bernet M & Scaillet S
(2013) Paleo-Denudation Rates at the Plio-Pleistocene Transition from in situ Produced Cosmogenic 10Be: Method and New Results from the Tianshan and the Himalayas
Charreau J, Puchol N, Blard P-H, Pik R, Braucher R, Leanni L, Bourles D, Lave J & Bourles O
(2012) Recycling of Crust in Proterozoic Convergent Margins: Evidences from Sm-Nd Isotopes and Trace Elements of Mafic-Ultramafic Plutonic Rocks from the Grenville Province
Constantin M, Hemond C, Sappin A-A, Montreuil J-F & Pik R
(2011) Himalayan Erosion Rates and 10Be Systematics in the Ganga Basin
Lavé J, Lupker M, Blard P-H, France-Lanord C, Bourlès D, Charreau J, Leanni L, Pik R & Puchol N
(2009) Cosmogenic 36Cl Production Rate Calibration from Ca and K Spallation
Schimmelpfennig I, Benedetti L, Garreta V, Pik R, Blard PH, Bourlès D, Finkel R, Ammon K & Dunai T
(2008) In situ Cosmogenic 36Cl Production Rate Calibration from Ca and K in Lava Flows
Schimmelpfennig I, Benedetti L, Pik R, Burnard P, Blard PH, Dunai T & Bourlès D
(2007) Low-Latitude Calibrations of Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rates
Williams A, Pik R & Burnard P
(2007) In situ Cosmogenic 36Cl Production Rate Calibration on Basaltic Flows of Mount Etna (Sicily, 38°N)
Schimmelpfennig I, Benedetti L, Pik R, Burnard P, Blard P-H & Bourlès D
(2006) Erosion and landform evolution of the Ethiopian highlands constrained by cosmogenic nuclides
Pik R, Lave J & Blard PH
(2006) Isochrones for in situ cosmogenic 3He measurement
Blard PH & Pik R
(2004) High Elevation Cosmogenic 3He Production Rates (Central Nepal) Determined from 10Be Cross-Calibration
Gayer E, Pik R, France-Lanord C, Lave J, Bourles D & Marty B
(2002) Long-Term Drainage Network Stability and Uplift of the Ethiopian Plateau Deduced from (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry
Pik R, Marty B & Carignan J
(2002) Extension of the Afar Plume Material: He Isotope Constraints
Yokochi R, Pik R, Marty B & Chazot G
(2002) Solubility and Diffusion of Helium in Amorphous Diopside and Anorthite: Measurements Above and Below the Glass Transition
Marrocchi Y, Toplis M, Pik R & Marty B

Pik Raphaël (2023) Helium Migration in post-Variscan Collision Batholiths: New Insight from the Corsica Island
Dutoit H, Donzé FV, Truche L, Dusséaux C, Dantas Cardoso C, Laurent D & Pik R
(2023) Groundwater Noble Gas Paleothermometry Record of 9℃ LGM Cooling in Eastern France
Bekaert DV, Blard P-H, Raoult Y, Pik R, Kipfer R, Seltzer AM, Legrain E & Marty B
(2023) Unraveling the Composition of Mantle Noble Gases from CO2-rich Geothermal Emanations, Homa Hills, Kenya
Marty B, Contamine D, Pik R, Seltzer AM, Bekaert DV, Diraison M, Walter B, Géraud Y, Omenda P & Varet J
(2021) 3He/4He Monitoring of Groundwater in Hafralækur, North Iceland: Preliminary Results
Dantas Cardoso C, Pik R, Caracausi A, Halldorsson S, Stefansson A & Zimmermann L

Pika P. (2021) Global Budgets of Organic Carbon Degradation Pathways in Marine Sediments
Hülse D, van de Velde S, Bradley JA, Pika P, Dale A & Arndt S

Pike A. (2007) LA-MC-ICPMS 87Sr/86Sr Analysis on Tooth Enamel – Pitfalls and Problems
de Jong H, Foster G, Hawkesworth C & Pike A
(2007) Pb Isotope Provenance Study of Irish Bronze Age Gold Using LA-ICP-MS
Pike A, Standish C, Foster G, Pollard CJ, Cahill M & Chapman R
(2006) Direct U-series Dating of Fossil Human Bone by Laser Ablation MC-ICPMS
Pike A, Foster G, Stringer C, Eggins S & Grun R
(2005) In situ U-Series Dating by Laser-Ablation MC-ICPMS
Eggins S, GrÜn R, Mcculloch MT, Pike AWG, Chappell J & Kinsley L
(2002) Providing Reliable Chronologies for Later Human Evolution: Direct Dating of Bone by U-Series Disequilibrium
Pike A, Hedges R & VanCalsteren P
(2002) U-Series Dating of Archaeological Bone Material by Laser Ablation Multiple-Ion-Counter ICP-MS
Belshaw NS, Pike AWG & Henderson GM
(2000) A New Approach to U-Series Dating of Bone Using TIMS
Pike AW, Hedges RE & vanCalsteren P

Pike C. (2023) Forming a Talc-Rich Slow Slipping Subduction Interface: P-T-T-X History of Metasomatic Rocks
Hoover WF, Condit CB, Teng F-Z, Moser A, Mulcahy S, Easthouse G, Pike C, Lindquist PC, Guevara VE & Berg A

Pike D. (2021) Reinventing a Primordial Hydrogenase with a di-Nickel Center
Timm J, Mancini J, Pike D, Tyryshkin A, Poudel S, Nanda V & Falkowski P

Pike J. (2019) Sedimentary Nutrient Supply in Productive Hotspots off the West Antarctic Peninsula Revealed by Silicon Isotopes
Cassarino L, Hendry K, Henley S, MacDonald E, Arndt S, Sales de Freitas F, Pike J & Firing Y

Pike Steve (2017) Evolution of Surface Concentrations of 90Sr and 137Cs Through 2016 from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Accident
Kenyon J, Buesseler K, Casacuberta N, Castrillejo M, Otosaka S, Drysdale J, Pike S & Diaz X

Pike Steven (2016) Thorium-234 Distribution along the Eastern Pacific GEOTRACES Transect and Implications for Export and Remineralization of Carbon and Trace Metals
Black E, Buesseler K, Pike S, Lam P & Charette M
(2016) Resuspension and Lateral Transport of Radiologically-Contaminated Seafloor Sediment off Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Honda M, Buesseler K, German C, Otosaka S, Black E, Kawakami H, Manganini S & Pike S
(2016) What are the Main Sources of Fukushima-Derived Radionuclides to the Ocean off Japan Fiver Years Later ?
Sanial V, Buesseler K, Charette M, Castrillejo M, Henderson P, Juan Diaz X, Kanda J, Masque P, Nagao S, Nishikawa J, Otosaka S & Pike S
(2015) Revisiting Radionuclide Sources at the Marshall Islands
Buesseler K, Charette M, Breier J, Pike S, Henderson P, Kipp L & Tradd K

Piketh S. (2017) Re-evaluation of the Global Dust Longwave Direct Radiative Effect from Laboratory Estimates of the Refractive Index and Model Simulations
Di Biagio C, Formenti P, Balkanski Y, Caponi L, Cazaunau M, Pangui E, Journet E, Nowak S, Caquineau S, Andreae MO, Kandler K, Saeed T, Piketh S, Seibert D, Williams E, Boucher O & Doussin J-F

Pikhulina A. (2015) New Evidence of Liquid Immiscibility Occurrence during Formation of Rare Metal Volatile-Rich Granitic Systems
Badanina E, Thomas R, Syritso L & Pikhulina A
(2015) The Application of Raman Microprobe Spectroscopy in the Study of Fluid and Melt Inclusions in Quartz from Sherlovaya Gora (Russia)
Pikhulina A, Badanina E, Sagitova A, Syritso L, Thomas R & Bocharov V

Pikridas M. (2014) Evolution of Near Field Biomass Burning Aerosols
Lewis E, Sedlacek A, Kleinman L, Arnott P, Adachi K, Buseck P, Onasch T, Pikridas M, Shilling J, Springston S, Wang J & Yokelson B

Pilbeam L. (2011) Melt Compositions and Processes in the Kimberlite Province of Southern West Greenland
Pilbeam L, Nielsen T & Waight T

Pilecky M. (2023) Compound-Specific Fatty Acid δ13C and δ2H Analysis: A New Method for High-Spatial-Resolution Tracking of Origin and Mobility
Pilecky M, Závorka L, Wassenaar LI & Kainz M

Pilet S. (2020) Etna Lavas are Melts Leaking from the Low Velocity Zone
Pilet S, Reymond J, Chiaradia M & Corsaro RA
(2020) Breakdown of Mantle Metasomatic Phases and Implications for Primary Basalt Compositions in Intraplate Volcanic Provinces
Brenna M, Pontesilli A, Palin JM & Pilet S
(2020) Are Petit-Spot Volcanoes a Unique Type of Seamount?
Pilet S
(2017) Oceanic Lithosphere Refertilization: Implications for the LAB and Mantle Evolution
Pilet S, Muntener O & Duretz T
(2016) How Petit-Spot Mantle Xenoliths Will Refine LAB Processes
Pilet S, Rochat L, Muntener O, Kaczmarek M-A, Duretz T, Abe N, Hirano N & Machida S
(2016) Petit-Spot Lavas as Test for Alkaline Magma Generation
Rochat L, Pilet S, Kaczmarek M-A, Müntener O, Abe N, Hirano N & Machida S
(2015) Evidence for Deep Metasomatic Enrichment in Oceanic Lithospheric Mantle
Pilet S, Rochat L, Abe N, Kaczmarek M-A & Muntener O
(2015) Is Metasomatism a Global Mechanism at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary?
Rochat L, Pilet S, Abe N, Kaczmarek M-A, Baumgartner L & Müntener O
(2013) Evidence for Global Metasomatic Enrichment in Oceanic Lithosphere
Pilet S, Abe N, Rochat L, Buchs D & Baumgartner PO
(2011) Evidence for Metasomatic Enrichment in the Oceanic Lithosphere and Implication for the Generation of Enriched Reservoirs
Pilet S, Buchs D, Cosca M, Flores K, Bandini A & Baumgartner P
(2011) Petit Spot-Like Volcanoes Exposed in Costa Rica
Buchs D, Pilet S, Baumgartner P, Cosca M, Flores K & Bandini A
(2009) Partial Melting of Heterogeneous Sources: Implications for the Petrogenesis of Alkaline Magmas
Stolper E, Pilet S & Baker M
(2009) Implication of the Nephelinite-Alkali Basalt Transition on Alkaline Lavas Petrogenesis
Pilet S, Baker MB & Stolper EM
(2008) Can Alkaline Basalts Form by High Degrees of Melting of Metasomatic Veins?
Pilet S, Baker MB & Stolper EM
(2007) Experimental Constraints on the Origin of Alkaline Basalt: Evidence for a Metasomatized Lithospheric Source
Pilet S, Baker MB & Stolper EM
(2005) Lu-Hf Geochronology of Eclogites from Pfulwe, Zermatt-Saas Ophiolite, Western Alps, Switzerland
Mahlen N, Skora S, Johnson C, Baumgartner L, Lapen T, Beard B & Pilet S
(2005) Garnet Zoning Pattern, Growth Mechanisms and the Development of Lu-Depleted Halos in Eclogites
Skora S, Mahlen N, Baumgartner L, Johnson C & Pilet S
(2004) Isotopic Signature in OIB Mantle Sources: The Metasomatic Alternative
Pilet S, Hernandez J & Sylvester P

Pilgrim L. (2012) Mineralogical and Geochemical Evidence for Syngenetic Precious Metal Enrichment in a Deformed Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) System
Brueckner S, Piercey S, Sylvester P, Maloney S & Pilgrim L

Pilgrim T. (2009) An Integrated Inorganic and Organic Geochemical Study to Evaluate the Origin/Age of Crude Oils
Maslen E, Grice K, Pilgrim T, Watling J & Edwards D

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