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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Pieterek B. (2022) Sulfide-Rich Crust-Mantle Transition Zone of Balmuccia Orogenic Massif: New Insights from Fe-S Isotope System in Sulfides
Pieterek B, Ciążela J, Tribuzio R, Matusiak-Małek M, Strauss H, Lazarov M, Weyer S, Horn I, Kuhn T & Nowak I
(2022) Sulfide Ore Deposits Remote Detection in the Rio Tinto Area, Terrestrial Analog of Mars
Ciazela M, Ciążela J, Marciniak D & Pieterek B
(2022) Migration of Chalcophile Elements in the Oceanic Lithosphere and Implications for Future SMS Prospecting along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR, 26-33°N)
Ciążela J, Tomczak M, Marciniak D, Pieterek B & Kozlowska-Roman A
(2022) Metal Migration Through an Oceanic Crust-Mantle Transition Zone (ICDP OmanDP Holes CM1A and CM2B)
Marciniak D, Ciążela J, Jesus AP, Koepke J, Pieterek B, Strauss H, Lazarov M, Horn I, Kuhn T, Czupyt Z, Panczyk M, Slaby E & Prell M
(2022) Perspectives for Ore Prospecting in Space: Multiplanetary Far-Ir ORE Spectrometer (MIRORES)
Jozefowicz M, Ciazela J, Kowalinski M, Bakala J, Zalewska N, Ciazela M, Marciniak D, Pieterek B, Paslawski G, Szaforz Z & Sniadkowski A
(2019) Fe-Cu Stable Isotope and Trace Element Variations during Mantle Metasomatism – A Study on Sulfide Blebs from Peridotite Xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
Szabó C, Patkó L, Ciążela J, Aradi LE, Liptai N, Pieterek B, Lazarov M, Holtz F & Kovács IJ
(2019) Ni-Fe Isotope Fractionation during Cooling of Sulfide Liquid
Ciazela J, Weyer S, Weyrauch M, Horn I, Dick H & Pieterek B
(2017) Igneous Sulfides in Gabbros of the Lower Oceanic Crust: IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge
Ciazela J, Koepke J, Strauss H, Bender M, Pieterek B, Kuhn T, Dick H & Muszynski A

Pieters A. (2009) In situ Conditioning and Stabilisation of Dredging and Mineral Sludge
Van Roy S, Accoe F, Dejonghe W, Daems M, Ryngaert A, Diels L, Cichocka D, Springael D, Barbetti L, Van Impe P, Van Staeyen G, Meesschaert B, Duerinckx L, Vandekeybus J, Pieters A, Ide G, Seffelaar H, Pensaert S, Geeraert M, Ramdas R, Carpels B, Heylen A, Van Goylen E, Berteloot M & Dubois M

Pieters C. (2016) Investigation of Young (< 100 Million Years) Lunar Surface Features: Evidence for Outgassing or Basaltic Volcanism?
Donaldson Hanna K, Bowles N, Schultz P, Pieters C, Greenhagen B & Bennett K
(2014) Compositional Diversity of the Vestan Regolith Derived from Howardite Compositions and Dawn VIR Spectra
Mittlefehldt DW, Ammannito E, Hiroi T, De Angelis S, Moriarty DP, Di Iorio T, Pieters CM & De Sanctis MC
(2010) New Lunar Discoveries from the Moon Mineralogy Mapper on Chandrayaan-1
Isaacson P, Pieters C & Taylor L
(2010) Lunar Space Weathering via Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation
Kuhlman K, Garrison D, Hiroi T & Pieters C

Pietilä R. (2022) Baselines for Potentially Harmful Elements in Mining Activity Areas in Central Lapland, Finland
Pietilä R & Hatakka T

Pietramellara G. (2013) From Death of a Glacier to the Beginning of Life in Soil: A Case Study in the Swiss Alps
Ascher J, Mavris C, Fornasier F, Ceccherini M, Pietramellara G & Egli M

Pietranik A. (2017) Environemental Impact of the Weathered Zn-Pb Slag Heap in Upper Silesia, Poland
Tyszka R & Pietranik A
(2016) Zircon Composition at Different Stages of the Variscan Orogeny
Słodczyk E, Pietranik A, Storey C & Lasalle S
(2016) Zircon from Continental and Oceanic Diorites: Why are They Different?
Pietranik A, Storey C, Lasalle S & Dhuime B
(2016) Cadmium Rich Smelting Wastes Issued from Processing of Zn-Pb Ores in Poland (Central Europe)
Kierczak J, Tyszka R & Pietranik A
(2014) Silicic Magmatism in the Polish Lowland: How Crust Formation and Evolution is Recorded in Zircons
Słodczyk E, Pietranik A & Breitkreuz C
(2013) Evolution of Rhyolite Magmas in the Halle Volcanic Complex – A Record from Hf and O Isotope and Hf Concentrations in Zircon
Słodczyk E, Pietranik A, Breitkreuz C & Fanning M
(2013) What is Hidden in a Slag Heap?
Tyszka R, Kierczak J, Pietranik A, Ettler V & Mihaljevič M
(2012) Voluminous Magmas in Intra-Continental Setting: Hf and O Isotopes in Zircons from Late Paleozoic Volcanic Rocks in NE Germany
Pietranik A, Storey C, Breitkreuz C & Deja E
(2011) Correlations between Hf, O and Trace Element Concentrations in Zircon from Rhyolitic Rocks (NE German Basin)
Deja E, Pietranik A, Kierczak J, Milke R & Breitkreuz C
(2011) Factors Affecting the Stability of Slags and Metal Release: The Case Study of Historical Cu Slags from Lower Silesia (SW Poland)
Kierczak J, Pietranik A & Potysz A
(2011) Lead Sources in Lower Silesia (S.W. Poland): Isotopic Study of Soils, Basement Rocks and Anthropogenic Materials
Tyszka R, Pietranik A, Kierczak J, Ettler V & Mihaljevic M
(2009) Historical Cu Slags of the Rudawy Janowickie Mountains (SW Poland) – Mineralogy and Potential Environmental Impact
Kierczak J & Pietranik A
(2009) Depleted Mantle Evolution and How it is Recorded in Zircon
Pietranik A, Hawkesworth C, Storey C & Kemp T
(2009) The Generation, Evolution and Preservation of the Continental Crust
Hawkesworth C, Storey C, Dhuime B, Marschall H, Pietranik A & Kemp T
(2008) Episodic, Mafic Crust Formation in the Slave Craton, Canada
Pietranik A, Hawkesworth C, Storey C, Kemp T, Sircombe K, Whitehouse M & Bleeker W
(2007) Processes and Sources during Late Variscan Dioritic-Tonalitic Magmatism (Gesiniec Intrusion, Bohemian Massif)
Pietranik A & Waight T

Pietrantonio G. (2023) Geochemical and Geodetic Monitoring of CO2 Degassing Site in a Tectonically Active Area: The Mefite D’Ansanto (Irpinia, Southern Italy) Case Study in the Frame of the FURTHER Project
Sciarra A, Voltattorni N, Gasparini A, Ruggiero L, Pizzino L, Chiodini G, Esposito A, Doumaz F, Galvani A, Palano M, Pietrantonio G, Riguzzi F, Sepe V, Sparacino F, Iannarelli M & Pecoraro P

Pietras B. (2015) Submicron Particulate Matter in Urban Atmosphere in Kraków (S Poland)
Pietras B, Wilczyńska-Michalik W, Samek L, Rzeźnikiewicz K, Łatkiewicz A & Michalik M

Pietro M. (2013) μ-XRD, μ-XRF, and µ-XANES Synchrotron Analyses of Heterogeneous Mine-Waste Materials Related to AMD Processes
Carbone C, Giuli G, Sirio C, Pietro M & Lucchetti G

Pietrodangelo A. (2011) Chemical and Mineralogical Profile of the Local Wind-Blown Surface Soil Contribution to Respirable Airborne PM in Rome (Italy)
Pietrodangelo A, Salzano R, Pareti S, Rantica E & Perrino C

Pietrucci F. (2017) Theoretical Investigation of Zn Isotope Fractionation
Ducher M, Blanchard M, Pietrucci F, Ferlat G & Balan E
(2016) Prebiotic Chemistry at an Oxide/Water Interface
Laporte S, Pietrucci F, Guyot F & Saitta AM
(2015) Ab Initio Prebiotic Chemistry: Miller-Like Experiments and Beyond
Saitta AM, Saija F, Pietrucci F, Laporte S, Finocchi F & Guyot F

Pietrucha J. (2021) High Mercury Sorption in Low Organic Matter Aquifer Material Using Column Experiments
McLagan DS, Esser C, Schwab L, Pietrucha J, Wiederhold JG, Kraemer SM & Biester HU

Pietruszka Aaron (2020) Mantle Controls on Kīlauea’s Magmatic and Eruptive Behavior
Pietruszka A
(2018) Deciphering Magmatic Processes during the Ongoing Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
Garcia M, Pietruszka A, Rhodes JM, Lynn K & Walker B
(2018) Explosive Summit Collapse of Kīlauea Volcano in 1924 Preceded by a Decade of Anomalous Lava Chemistry
Pietruszka A, Heaton D & Garcia M
(2018) A High Carbon Content of the Hawaiian Mantle from Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Tucker J, Hauri E, Marske J, Garcia M, Pietruszka A & Trusdell F
(2015) Petrology and Geochemical Evolution of Lavas from the Ongoing and Voluminous Puu Oo Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
Garcia M, Pietruszka A, Marske J, Norman M, Rhodes JM & Greene A
(2015) Determination of Ce Isotope Ratios on the Nu Plasma II MC-ICP-MS Using a High-Gain Detection System
Zhao Y, Scheiderich K & Pietruszka A
(2015) High Spatial Resolution SHRIMP and LA-ICPMS U-Pb Geochronology of Pea Ridge Fe-Ree-Au Deposit, USA
Neymark L, Aleinikoff J, Holm-Denoma C, Pietruszka A, Pillers R & Moscati R
(2014) Lead Isotopic Evolution of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaiʻi
Pietruszka A, Marske J, Heaton D, Burns D & Garcia M
(2013) Investigating the Link between Magmatic Volatiles and Mantle Source Lithology in the Hawaiian Plume: A View from Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions, Glasses, and Osmium Isotopes
Marske J, Hauri E, Garcia M & Pietruszka A
(2012) The Origin of Chemical Heterogeneity in the Hawaiian Mantle Plume
Pietruszka A, Norman M, Garcia M, Marske J & Burns D
(2011) Slow Mantle Upwelling on the Margin of the Hawaiian Plume Based on 230Th-238U Disequilibria at Loihi Seamount
Pietruszka A, Hauri E, Carlson R & Garcia M
(2011) Mantle Controls on the Geochemistry of Kīlauea Lavas Erupted over the Last Millennium
Burns D, Pietruszka A, Norman M, Marske J, Garcia M & Rhodes JM
(2011) Short Magma Residence Times for Kilauea Volcano Based on High-Precision Pb Isotope Ratios
Heaton D, Pietruszka A, Garcia M & Marske J
(2008) Development of a 58Fe-57Fe Double Spike for Fe Isotopic Analysis Using a Nu Plasma 1700 MC-ICP-MS
Konter J, Pietruszka A & Hanan B
(2008) Crustal Contamination of Mantle-Derived Magmas within the Edifice of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano
Pietruszka A, Hauri E, Blichert-Toft J & Albarède F
(2008) Hf and Pb Isotope Constraints on the Source Origin of Northern Lau Basin Back-Arc Basin Basalts
Hanan B, Rooney T, Pietruszka A, Tian L, Hahm D, Castillo P, Hilton D & Hawkins J
(2008) Controls on the Volatile Systematics of the Lau Basin
Hahm D, Hilton D, Castillo P, Hawkins J, Hanan B, Pietruszka A & Hauri E
(2005) Assessing Kilauea Volcano's Historical Parental Magma Compositional Variations
Garcia M, Norman M & Pietruszka A
(2005) Time Scales of Chemically Zoned Magma Chamber Formation: U-Series Disequilibria in the Fogo Trachyte Deposits, São Miguel, Azores
Snyder D, Widom E, Pietruszka A & Carlson R
(2005) The <+>226<$>Ra Chronology and Magma Residence Time of Young Lavas from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii
Pietruszka A, Hauri E, Carlson R & Garcia M
(2002) Time Scales of Formation of Zoned Magma Chambers: U-Series Disequilibria in the Fogo Trachytes
Snyder DC, Widom E & Pietruszka AJ
(2001) U-Series Isotope Geochemistry of Young Lavas Collected from Loihi Seamount Using the Alvin and Shinkai 6500 Submersibles
Pietruszka AJ, Hauri EH & Garcia MO

Pietruszka Aaron J. (2022) Mantle vs. Crust: Untangling Influences on Melt Stable O Isotopic Composition via Tandem Olivine-Glass δ18O Analyses at Kama'ehu Volcano, Hawai'i
Cunningham MJ, Pietruszka AJ, Garcia MO & Bindeman IN
(2022) Accumulated Puʻu ʻŌʻō Magma Fed the Voluminous 2018 Rift Eruption of Kīlauea Volcano: Evidence from Lava Chemistry
Pietruszka AJ, Garcia MO & Rhodes JM

Pietruszka D.K. (2020) Magnetite-Apatite Deposits at El Laco, Chile, Formed by Eruption of Fe-Rich Immiscible Melt
Keller T, Hanchar JM, Tornos F, Suckale J, Pietruszka DK, Graham NA & Severin KP

Piette L. (2019) Impact of an ex situ Treatment for Cesium Decontamination on Soil Bacterial Communities
Chapon V, Piette L, Blot S, Leonhardt N, Latrille C, Chagvardieff P, Faure S, Sarrobert C & Berthomieu C
(2016) Uranium Biomineralization in Environmental Bacteria
Chapon V, Theodorakopoulos N, Piette L, Fevrier L, Coppin F, Gallois N, Armengaud J, Alpha-Bazin B, Barakat M, Ortet P, Carriere M, Vercouter T & Berthomieu C
(2015) Interaction between Uranium and Four Microbacterium Strains Isolated from Metal and Radionuclide-Rich Environments
Chapon V, Theodorakopoulos N, Piette L, Barakat M, Ortet P, Zirah S, Kish A, Berthomieu C & Fevrier L
(2012) Pyrosequencing Analysis of Bacterial Diversity in Tchernobyl Contaminated Trenches
Theodorakopoulos N, Christen R, Piette L, Fevrier L, Coppin F, Martin-Garin A, Le Marrec C, Sergeant C, Chapon V & Berthomieu C
(2011) Uranium Interactions with Bacterial Communities from Contaminated Soils in Chernobyl
Sergeant C, Theodorakopoulos N, Piette L, Vesvres M-H, Le Marrec C, Christen R, Coppin F, Fevrier L, Martin-Garin A, Berthomieu C & Chapon V
(2010) Bacterial Community Analysis of Contaminated Soils from Chernobyl
Sergeant C, Chapon V, Berthomieu C, Vesvres M-H, Piette L, Le Marrec C, Coppin F, Fevrier L & Martin-Garin A

Pietu V. (2015) Recent Results of the Chemistry In Disks Consortium
Chapillon E, Dutrey A, Henning T, Guilloteau S, Hersant F, Pietu V, Reboussin L, Semenov D, Teague R & Wakelam V

Pietzsch R. (2023) Geochemical Complexity and Emerging Organisation in Alkaline Lakes
Pietzsch R & Tosca NJ
(2022) Chemical Controls on Carbonate Sediment Production and Phosphate Concentration in Alkaline Lakes
Pietzsch R, Tosca NJ & Henderson GM
(2019) Chemical Controls on Fabric Development in Non-Skeletal Carbonates
Pietzsch R, Roest-Ellis S & Tosca N
(2007) PAHs in Sediment Cores from an Estuary in South of Brazil
Pietzsch R, Patchineelam S & Torres J

Piffarerio R. (2006) Hydrologic balance of Lake Geneva: insights from stable isotope compositions
Vennemann T, Favre L & Piffarerio R

Piga D. (2009) Respective Contribution of the Dust Flux and the Dust Concentration of Activity in the Enhancing Level of Radioactivity in Air during Saharan Dust Outbreaks
Masson O, Piga D & De Vismes A
(2009) Using Artificial Radionuclides as Tracer of Natural Process Emissions
Piga D, Masson O & Despiau-Pujo S

Pigati J. (2005) Integrating Geomagnetic Records and Cosmogenic Nuclide Production
Pigati JS, Lifton NA & Desilets D
(2003) Testing Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rate Scaling Models Using in situ Cosmogenic 14C from Surfaces at Secular Equilibrium
Lifton N, Pigati J, Jull A, Quade J, Bierman P & Kober F
(2002) Altitudinal Variation of in situ Cosmogenic 14C Production Rates: Preliminary Results from the Southwestern U.S
Lifton N, Pigati J, Jull AJT & Quade J

Pige N. (2023) Reconstruction of Sedimentation Rates and Nannofossil Fluxes Using Extraterrestrial 3He Across the Paleocene-Eocene Transition in the North Pacific
Pige N, Suan G, Blard P-H & Mattioli E

Pignatari M (2003) Isotopic Composition of Kr in Presolar Mainstream SiC Grains
Fazio C, Gallino R, Pignatari M, Mutti P, Amari S & Lewis R

Pignatari Marco (2023) Abundances from Stellar Burning for Comparison to Meteorite Data
Lugaro M, Ek M, K Peto M, Pignatari M, Makhatadze GV, Onyett IJ, Balázs GG, Roberti L & Schönbächler M
(2017) Presolar Silicon Carbide Grains from Supernovae: The Role of Carbon-14
Hoppe P, Pignatari M, Kodolányi J, Gröner E & Amari S

Pignatelli I. (2019) 3D Electron Diffraction in Nano-Geology: Present and Perspectives
Mugnaioli E, Gemmi M, Campanale F, Folco L, Németh P & Pignatelli I
(2013) Characterisation of Cronstedtite Synthesized by Iron Clay Interaction in a Cooling Procedure
Pignatelli I, Mugnaioli E, Hybler J, Mosser-Ruck R & Cathelineau M
(2013) Fe-Serpentines to Fe-Chlorites Experimental Synthesis: An Iron Metal-Shale Interaction between 60 and 300℃
Cathelineau M, Mosser-Ruck R, Pignatelli I, Caumon M-C & Truche L

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