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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Pierchala A. (2018) Assessing the Origin of Water Appearances in Salt Mines: Triple Isotope Analyses (δ2H, δ18O, δ17O) of Heavy Brines from the Klodawa Salt Mine, Central Poland
Dulinski M, Pierchala A, Rozanski K, Gorczyca Z, Czub R & Marzec M

Pieretti M. (2023) Effects of Evaporation-Induced Aquifer Scale Mixing on Mineral Precipitation
Pieretti M & Abarca E
(2022) Reactive Transport Modeling Based Interpretation of Humidity Cell Tests: Challenges and Limitations
Pieretti M, Karlsson T, Arvilommi S & Muniruzzaman M

Pieronek J. (2013) Back to the Future: High-Sensitivity, Low Blank Noble Gas Mass Spectrometers with Modern Electronics
Pieronek J, Hames W, Becker T, Renne P, Billor Z & Illies A

Pierotti L. (2013) Anomalous CO2 Contents in a Shallow Aquifer of the Mt. Amiata Geothermal Area, Italy
Pierotti L, Cortecci G, Facca G & Gherardi F

Pierre B. (2013) Multi-Wavelength Raman Survey of IOM from Primitive Meteorites
Quirico E, François-Regis O-D, Pierre B, Lydie B, Rosario B, Emmanuel D, Thomas P, Gilles M, Jean-Noel R, Cecile E & Jean D

Pierre C. (2009) REEs in Authigenic Carbonates: A New Proxy for Tracing Fluid Sources at Cold Seeps
Rongemaille E, Bayon G, Pierre C, Mecozzi S, Bollinger C, Etoubleau J, Voisset M & Fouquet Y
(2007) U-Th Stratigraphy of a Cold Seep Carbonate Crust
Bayon G, Henderson G, Bohn M, Gontharet S & Pierre C
(2006) Constraints on the dynamic of gas hydrates in Niger Delta sediments from U/Th dating of cold-seep carbonates
Bayon G, Henderson GM, Pierre C, Caprais J-C & Voisset M
(2000) Lipid Biomarkers in Carbonate Crusts from Mud Volcanoes of the Eastern Mediterranean Ridge: Implications for Methane Oxidation
Bouloubassi I, Aloisi G, Pancost RD, Sinninghe Damste JS, Pierre C & Medinaut Scientific Party 
(2000) Nd and Sr Isotopes in South East Atlantic Cores – Looking for Fluctuations in Sediment Provenance and Transport Processes between Interglacial and Glacial Periods
Bayon G, German CR, Nesbitt RW & Pierre C

Pierre G. (2012) The Role of Fluids in the Monazite Record during Successive Partial Melting Events: A Textural, Chemical and in situ Dating Study in Grt-Ky Gneisses of the Central Rhodope (Bulgaria, Greece)
Didier A, Bosse V, Cherneva Z, Georgieva M, Pierre G, Paquette J-L & Gerdjikov I

Pierre W. (2022) Volcanological and Petrological Study of Volcanic Rocks from the North West Flank of oku Volcanic Complex (Cameroon Volcanic Line): Constraints from Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Marie Louise Vohnyui C, Pierre W & David N

Pierre-Louis O. (2023) Crystal Growth in Nano-Confinement: Non-Equilibrium Effects Governed by Atomic Step Kinetics
Pierre-Louis O & Marguet B
(2017) Thin Film Model of Crystal Growth and Dissolution
Gagliardi L, Kohler F, Dysthe DK & Pierre-Louis O

Pierrehumbert R. (2014) Atmosphere-Interior Exchange of Nitrogen on the Primitive Earth
Wordsworth R, Hebrard E & Pierrehumbert R
(2010) Element Cycling and the Evolution of the Earth System
Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, Williams J, Roelandt C, Schott J, Pollard D, Pierrehumbert R & Brantley S
(2008) Causal or Casual Link between the Rise of Nannoplankton Calcification and an Abrupt Tectonically-Driven Atmospheric CO2 Decline in the Late Triassic?
Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, De Vargas C, Pierrehumbert R, Dromart G & van de Schootbrugge B
(2006) A plausible link between the onset of Pangea break-up and the evolution of marine biocalcifiers through changes in atmospheric CO2 and ocean chemistry
Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, Pierrehumbert R & Jacob R
(2005) Links between Climate, Paleogeography and Silicate Rock Weathering: A Cretaceous vs Present day Comparative Study with the GEOCLIM Model
Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, Tombozafi M, Pierrehumbert R, Gaillardet J, Kump L & Dupre B
(2004) Modelling Long Term Climatic and Geochemical Consequences of the Karoo-Ferrar Traps Eruption (183 Ma)
Donnadieu Y, Godderis Y, Cecca F, Pierrehumbert R, Ramstein G, Dessert C & Dupré B

Pierret Marie Claire (2015) Combined Analysis of Uranium Series Nuclides and in situ Beryllium in a Weathering Profile Located in the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges Massif, France)
Ackerer J, Chabaux F, Van Der Woerd J, Kali E, Pelt E, Pierret MC, Viville D, Wyns R & Negrel P
(2014) Modifications over the Last 20 Years of Weathering Reactions in the Granitic Strengbach Catchment: Evidence from Geochemical and U-Sr Isotope Data in Soils, Soil Solutions and Vegetation Samples
Chabaux F, Prunier J, Pierret M-C, Stille P & Viville D
(2013) Origin of the Chemical and U-Sr Isotopic Variations of Soil Solutions, Stream and Source Waters at a Small Catchment Scale (the Strengbach Case; France)
Pierret M-C, Prunier J, Chabaux F & Stille P
(2013) Absorption and Fractionation of Rare Earth Elements (REE) by Plants
Steinmann M, Brioschi L, Lucot E, Pierret M-C, Stille P, Prunier J & Badot P-M
(2011) Short-Lived Nuclides of the U and Th-Series Probing Recent Pedogenic Processes in Soils
Rihs S, Prunier J, Thien B, Lemarchand D, Pierret M-C & Chabaux F
(2011) Sedimentary and Chemical Weathering Fluxes at the Outlet of the Granitic Strengbach Catchment (Vosges Massif, Eastern France)
Viville D, Chabaux F, Stille P, Pierret M-C, Gangloff S & Benarioumlil S
(2011) Long Term Chemical Variations in Stream Waters Draining a Granitic Catchment (1986-2010). Link between Hydrology and Weathering (Strengbach Catchment, France)
Pierret M-C, Viville D, Chabaux F, Stille P & Probst A
(2010) Sensitivity of the Chemical Weathering of the Continents to Environmental Gradients
Godderis Y, Violette A, Beaulieu E, Williams J, Roelandt C, Vigier N, Schott J, Pollard D, Pierret M-C & Brantley S
(2009) Absorption and Fractionation of REE by Vegetation: A Comparative Field Study on Plants Grown on Granite, Carbonate, and Carbonatite
Brioschi L, Steinmann M, Lucot E, Pierret M-C, Stille P & Badot P-M
(2008) Distribution of Stable Isotopes in Soil: A Clue to Discriminate between Lithogenic and Biogenic Fluxes
Lemarchand D, Cividini D, Lemarchand E, Pierret M-C & Chabaux F
(2008) Time Constants of Chemical Transfers in a Forested Ecosystem Inferred from Short-Lived Nuclides (226-228Ra, 210Pb and 137Cs)
Rihs S, Thien B, Prunier J, Lemarchand D, Pierret M-C, Stille P & Chabaux F
(2008) Bio-Geochemical Cycles in Acidic Soils from a Granitic Watershed
Pierret M-C, Stille P, Chabaux F, Viville D, Prunier J & Lemarchand D
(2007) Lithium Isotope Systematics in the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges, France)
Lemarchand E, Chabaux F, Vigier N, Millot R & Pierret MC
(2007) U-Th-Ra Fractionation in Soil Horizons of Forested Ecosystem (Strengbach Catchment, France)
Prunier J, Pierret M-C, Chabaux F & Tremolieres M
(2007) Origin of Calcium Isotope Fractionation in River Waters: Evidence from the Strengbach Catchment, France
Cenki-Tok B, Chabaux F, Lemarchand D, Stille P, Bagard M-L & Pierret M-C
(2007) Chemical and Isotopic Variations of Surface Waters at a Small Catchment Scale, Lithological vs Biological Controls (the Strengbach Case)
Pierret M-C, Chabaux F, Prunier J, Stille P, Viville D & Lemarchand D
(2007) Biogeochemical Cycling of Rare Earth Elements in Surface Soils
Steinmann M, Stille P & Pierret M-C
(2004) Sr and U Isotopic Variations in the Water-Soil-Plant System: Example of the Strengbach Watershed
Pierret M, Chabaux F, Huybrecht F, Mergnac L & Riotte J
(2002) Isotopic Variations in the Sediments of the Caspian Sea: A Record for the Quaternary Continental Weathering?
Pierret M-C, Chabaux F, Clauer N & Causse C

Pierret Marie-Claire (2023) Titanium Isotopes in the Critical Zone: A Novel Tracer for Surface Evolution?
Vilela N, Greber ND, Pierret M-C, Cotel S, Bautzmann R & Rentsch D
(2021) Investigating the Contribution of Atmospheric Sources to the Mo Surface Cycle
O'Sullivan E, Nägler TF, Waber N, Pierret M-C & Kaufmann AKC
(2019) The Potential Global Contribution of Marine Aerosol to the Mo Cycling in the Critical Zone
Nägler TF, Pierret M-C, Voegelin AR, Pettke T, Aschwanden L & Villa IM
(2019) Nutrient (Ca, Mg, K) Behavior in Soils Located in Decline Forest (Strengbach Catchment, Vosges Mountain, NE France). Development of a New Experimental Approach
Oursin M, Pierret M-C, Legout A & Zeller B
(2019) How Tree Disease Impact Rapidly the Biogeochemical Cycle of Some Elements in Soil Solutions Until Return to a New Balance (Strengbach Catchment, France)
Pierret M-C, Legout A & Zeller B
(2016) Hydro-Geochemical (KIRMAT) Modeling of 20-Year Geochemical Variations of Granitic Strengbach Catchment Springs (Vosges Massif, France)
Ackerer J, Chabaux F, Lucas Y, Viville D, Pierret M-C, Beaulieu E & Négrel P
(2016) Water Residence Time by Coupling Anthropogenic Gases (CFC, SF6) and Isotopic Ratios (234U/238U, 87Sr/86Sr) in the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges Massif, Eastern France)
Viville D, Chabaux F, Ackerer J, Chatton E, Labasque T, Pierret M-C, Granet M, Perrone T & Aquilina L
(2016) Effects of Climate Change on Vegetal Cover Simulations in a Mountainous Forest Catchment
Beaulieu E, Lucas Y, Viville D, Chabaux F, Ackerer P, Goddéris Y & Pierret M-C
(2016) Long-Term Record of Open Field Precipitation and Throughfall in a Medium Altitude Forested Environment (Strengbach Watershed – NE France): Response to Atmospheric Pollution Trend
Pierret M-C, Viville D, Dambrine E & Cotel S
(2016) The Complete Mo Isotope Balance of a Small Catchment; Well Almost..
Nägler TF, Voegelin AR, Pierret M-C & Stille P

Pierret Mc (2021) Architecture of the Critical Zone and Geometry of the Water Pathways in the Strengbach CZO (France)
Chabaux F, Lerouge C, Gal F, Viville D, Ranchoux C, Ackerer J, van der Woerd J, Pierret M, Reuschlé T, Negrel P & Dezayes C

Pierrot H. (2023) Mississippian Geodynamic Evolution of the Variscan Chain in the Morvan Region (NE of the French Massif Central): Insights on the Origine of the Post-Subduction Vaugnerites
Pierrot H, Pallares C, Barbarand J, Poujol M, Revillon S & Wadier P

Pierru R. (2021) Melting Properties of Pyrolite: Implication for Chemical Segregation in the Primitive Earth’s Mantle
Pierru R, Andrault D, Manthilake G, Guignot N, Itie J-P, King A & Hennet L

Piersanti A. (2022) Multi-Level Continuous Monitoring of Indoor Radon Activity in the Museum of Rocca di Papa (Rome, Italy)
Soldati G, Galli G, Piersanti A & Cannelli V
(2022) Indoor Radon in the City of Rome: Active Measurements Survey in Residential Dwellings
Ciaccio MG, Soldati G, Cannelli V, Galli G & Piersanti A

Pierson B. (2018) Examining the Evolution of Oxygenic Photosynthesis on the Early Earth and Potentially Exoplanets
Parenteau M, Jahnke L, Broddrick J, Cady S & Pierson B

Pierson D. (2020) Root Activity, Root Death, and the Stability of Soil Organic Matter
Lajtha K, Pierson D, Bowden R, Nadelhoffer K & Simpson M

Pierson L.S. (2009) Bacterial and Archaeal Diversity in Kartchner Caverns, a Carbonate Cave in Southwest of the USA
Legatzki A, Ortiz M, Neilson JW, Pryor BM, Pierson LS & Maier RM
(2009) Intra- and Inter- Speleothem Variability of Bacterial Communities in Kartchner Caverns
Ortiz M, Legatzki A, Neilson JW, Pryor BM, Pierson LS & Maier RM

Pierson-Wichmann A-C. (2018) Iron Isotope Fractionation in Iron-Organic Matter Associations: Experimental Evidence Using Filtration and Ultrafiltration
Lotfi Kalahroodi E, Pierson-Wichmann A-C, Guénet H, Rouxel O, Ponzevera E, Bouhnik-Lecoz M, Vantelon D & Davranche M

Pierson-Wickmann A-C. (2023) Refining the Stratigraphy of the Moroccan Phosphate-Bearing Sequences: Insights from the U-Pb Dating and ∂13C Chemostratigraphy
Aubineau J, Parat F, Poujol M, Pierson-Wickmann A-C, Chi Fru E, Séranne M, El Bamiki R, Elghali A, Raji O, Munoz M, Jourani E-S, Yazami OK & Bodinier J-L
(2021) Is it Possible to Monitor Nanoplastic’s Degradation Through Carbon Isotope Fingerprinting?
Leblay C, Pierson-Wickmann A-C, Dia A, Anquetil C & Derenne S
(2019) Sorptive Fractionation of Natural Organic Matter and its Impact on Contaminants Transport Under Flow-Through Conditions
Marsac R, Cheng W, Leblay C, Pierson-Wickmann A-C, Dia A & Hanna K
(2013) Establishment of Euxinic Oceanic Conditions Following the Lomagundi Event
Ngombi-Pemba L, Canfield DE, Hammarlund EU, Bengtson S, Pierson-Wickmann A-C, Gauthier-Lafaye F, Rouxel O & El Albani A
(2004) Evolution of Nitrate and Sulfate in a Fractured Aquifer Related to Pumping
Ayraud V, Aquilina L, Pauwels H, Tarits C, Pierson-Wickmann A & Bour O
(2004) High Chemical Weathering Induced by Agricultural Pressure
Pierson-Wickmann A, Aquilina L, Martin C, Gascuel C & Jaffrezic A
(2002) Neoproterozoic Glaciations in the Windermere Supergroup, Canada
Pierson-Wickmann A-C, Kyser TK, James N & Narbonne G
(2000) Erosion Processes and Fluxes in the Central Himalaya from Geochemical Constraints
France-Lanord C, Galy A, Gajurel A, Derry L, Evans M, Hurtrez J, Riotte J, Pierson-Wickmann A & Rose E
(2000) Another Source of Radiogenic Os in the Himalayas: The Lesser Himalaya Carbonates
Pierson-Wickmann A, Reisberg L & France-Lanord C

Piertney S. (2017) Hybrid ROV Surveys Reveal Hadal Megafaunal Community Structure Varies with Depth in the Kermadec Trench
Shank T, Drazen J, Yancey P, Jamieson A, Rowden A, Clark M, Mayor D, Bourgue J, Demopoulos A, Bartlett D, Piertney S & Ruhl H

Piessens L. (2018) Volcanogenic Acid Deposition Enhances Weathering of Andisols in Nicaragua
Delmelle P, Paque M & Piessens L

Piestrzyński A. (2015) Organic Matter Properties as Factors Controlling Ore Mineralization Process in the Kupferschiefer, Lubin-Sieroszowice Copper Deposit, Poland
Więcław D, Pieczonka J, Kotarba MJ & Piestrzyński A

Piet H. (2022) Hydrogen in the Deep Mantle
Shim S-H, Nisr C, Piet H, Chen H, Ko B, Kim T, Allen-Sutter H, Chariton S, Prakapenka V, Kunz M, Liu Z, Lee Y, Chizmeshya A, O'Rourke J, Chen B & Speziale S

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