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Pichavant Michel (2019) Fe-Mg-Mn Exchange between Olivine and Melt and an Oxybarometer for Basaltic Systems
Blundy J, Melekhova L, Ulmer P, Pichavant M, Humphreys M, Ziberna L, Cerantolo V, Brooker R & McCammon C
(2019) Halogens Partitioning between Apatite, Fluid and Silicate Melts
Rondet M, Scaillet B, Pichavant M & Di Carlo I

Pichavant Michel (2021) Sulphur Behaviour and Oxygen Fugacity Variation in Mt. Etna System Revealed by Melt Inclusions
Gennaro EM, Iacono-Marziano G, Paonita A, Moussallam Y, Peters N, Pichavant M & Martel C
(2021) Tourmalinisation in Peraluminous Granitic Context: From Experiment to Thermodynamic Modelling
Fort J, Sizaret S, Pichavant M, Lassin A, Blanc P, Tuduri J & Blein O
(2021) Reactive Transport Experiments of Coupled Carbonation and Serpentinization in a Natural Serpentinite. Implication for Hydrogen Production and Carbon Geological Storage
Osselin F, Pichavant M, Ulrich M & Raimbourg H

Pichel L. (2021) Recent Insights into the Linked Deposition, Deformation, and Dissolution of Aptian (Lower Cretaceous) Evaporites on the Sao Paulo Plateau, Santos Basin, Offshore Brazil
Jackson CA-L, Rodriguez C, Hudec M, Bell R, Rotevatn A, Pichel L, Dooley T & Francis M

Pichevin Laetitia (2017) Southern Ocean High-Nutrient, Low-Chlorophyll Status during the Last Deglaciation: Insights from New N and Si Isotope Records
Dumont M, Pichevin L & Ganeshram R
(2017) ENSO and PDO Cycles Since Glacial Times: A 55, 000 Year Record of Inter-Annual and Decadal Variabilities from the Gulf of California
Pichevin L, Ganeshram R, Thurow J & Nederbragt A
(2016) Relative Impacts of Upwelling, Iron & Ocean Circulation on the Equatorial Pacific CO2 Source over the Last Deglaciation
Pichevin L, Ganeshram R & Sadekov A
(2015) Coupling between Nutrient Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ocean
Pichevin L, Ganeshram R, Geibert W & Squaratti F
(2014) Tight Coupling between Si and Fe Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ocean: Evidences from Diatom-Bound Proxies
Pichevin L, Ganeshram R, Geibert W, Thunell R & Hinton R
(2011) Diatom-Bound Trace Metals: A Tracer for Past Changes in Micronutrients Availability?
Pichevin L, Geibert W & Ganeshram R
(2008) Resolving the Opal Paradox in the Glacial Eastern Equatorial Pacific: Implications for the Biological Pump of Carbon
Pichevin L, Reynolds B, Ganeshram R & Cacho I

Pichevin Laetitia E (2023) Lithium at the Top of the World – Analyses and Modelling of Li Mobility in the Salar de Uyuni
Thiemens MM, Parlato JS, Ganeshram R, Butler I, Ngwenya B & Pichevin LE
(2022) Terrestrial Nutrient Supply, Marine Cycling and Limitation Traced Through Isotopes in the Eurasian Arctic
Debyser MCF, Pichevin LE, Tuerena RE, Dodd PA & Ganeshram R
(2021) The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillations Have Controlled Natural Variability in Deoxygenation in the Tropical Pacific at Multi-Decadal Timescales over the Last Climatic Cycle
Pichevin LE, Ganeshram R & Bollassina M

Pichler T. (2018) Generating False Negatives and False Positives for As and Mo Concentrations in Groundwater due to Well Installation
Pichler T & Wallis I
(2017) Numerical Evaluation of Arsenic and Molybdenum Mobilization Following Drilling into a Limestone Aquifer
Wallis I, Pichler T & Wecht J
(2013) Spatial Microbial Community Structure of a Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System
Sollich M, Santi I, Pop Ristova P, Pichler T, Hinrichs K-U & Bühring SI
(2011) Reactive Transport Modelling to Quantify Arsenic Mobilization and Capture during Aquifer Storage and Recovery of Potable Water
Wallis I, Prommer H, Pichler T, Post V & Simmons C
(2010) Geochemical Assessment of Geogenic Arsenic Contamination in the Floridan Aquifer
Lazareva O, Druschel G & Pichler T
(2009) Isotope/Chemical Mass-Balance Estimation of Water Inflow into a Constructed Wetland
Lazareva O & Pichler T
(2009) Enhanced Arsenic Bioaccumulation and Formation of Organoarsenicals in Coral Reef Organisms Near an Arsenic-Rich Marine Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System
Price R, London J, Wallschlager D & Pichler T
(2009) Pore Water Profiles in Marine Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Systems: Natural Laboratories to Study Redox Gradients
Pichler T, Price R & Amend J
(2008) Long-Term Performance of a Constructed Wetland/Filter Basin System Treating Wastewater
Lazareva O & Pichler T
(2007) Leaching Bench – Scale Experiments to Model Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Operations in Laboratory Conditions: Central Florida Case Studies
Lazareva O & Pichler T
(2006) Microbial Communities and Geochemical Energy in an Arsenic-Rich Marine Hydrothermal System
Amend J, Hsia Akerman N, Meyer-Dombard D, Osburn M, Pichler T & Price R
(2004) Distribution and Speciation of Arsenic in a Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System: Implications for Bioavailability
Price R & Pichler T
(2004) Geochemical-Microbial Processes in Hydrothermal Sediments, Ambitle Island, Papua New Guinea
Meyer-Dombard D, Price R, Pichler T & Amend J
(2004) The Arsenic Problem during Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR)
Pichler T, Arthur J, Price R & Jones G

Pichon Remy (2012) Combining µSXRF, EXAFS and Isotopic Signature to Understand the Ni Cycle in Impacted Ultramafic Soils
Quantin C, Jouvin D, Gelabert A, Montarges-Pelletier E, Sivry Y, Zelano I, Pichon R, Garnier J & Benedetti M

Pichon Remy (2013) Ni availability/Ni Solid Phases in Soils and Waters from Ultramafic Complexes in Brazil: A Narrow Relationship
Zelano I, Sivry Y, Quantin C, Gélabert A, Tharaud M, Jouvin D, Montarges-Pelletier E, Garnier G, Pichon R, Nowak S, Miska S, Abollino O & Benedetti M

Picinin A. (2019) Structure-Property Relationships in Barium Silicate Glasses & Crystals: Preliminary Results
Moulton B, Sampaio D, Rodrigues A, Doerenkamp C, Silva L, Picinin A, Eckert H, Rino JP, Zanotto E & Pizani P

Picioreanu C. (2016) Considerations for Saturation Calculations of Concentrated Non-Equimolar Calcium Carbonate Precipitation
Bergwerff L, Picioreanu C, van Loosdrecht M & van Paassen L

Pick T. (2011) The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Salt Water Intrusion into Coastal Aquifers
Rapaglia J, Bokuniewicz H, Vafeidis A & Pick T

Pickard A. (2003) Global Tectonics and Late Archean to Early Paleoproterozoic Environmental Change
Barley M, Krapez B, Pickard A & Bekker A

Pickard C.J. (2020) Stabilities of MgCO3 Polymorphs up to 150 GPa
Binck J, Bayarjargal L, Lobanov SS, Morgenroth W, Luchitskaia R, Pickard CJ, Milman V, Refson K, Jochym DB, Byrne P & Winkler B

Pickard Harvey (2021) Correlated Te, Zn, and Cd Isotopes in Chondritic Meteorites
Rydeblad EM, Rehkämper M, Pickard H & Wombacher F

Pickard Heidi (2019) Lifetime and Distribution of Perfluorooctanoic Sulfonate (PFOS) in the Global Oceans
Wagner CC, Thackray CP, Pickard H, Zhang X & Sunderland EM

Pickard M. (2013) Isotopic and Geochemical Constraints on the Origin of Post-Collisional Mafic Tholeiites from Erkilet, Central Anatolia
Kurkcuoglu B, Furman T, Pickard M, Sen E, Hanan B, Sen P, Sayit K & Yurur T
(2012) Petrogenesis of Alkaline Mafic Rocks from Sivas, Central Anatolia: New Insight into Ancient Continental Assembly and Break-Up
Pickard M, Furman T, Kurkcuoglu B, Hanan B & Sayit K

Picke N. (2000) Pb Isotopes as Tracers of Anthropogenic Inputs and Weathering Process (Strengbach Catchment, Vosges Mountains, France)
Quilici H, Picke N, Probst A & Loubet M

Pickel W. (2014) Radiolytic Alteration of Biopolymers in the Mulga Rock Uranium Deposit
Jaraula CM, Schwark L, Moreau X, Pickel W, Bagas L & Grice K

Pickering Ingrid (2020) Before and after Spectra: Enhanced Chemical Speciation Below Former Detection Limits
Nehzati S, Dolgova N, Sokaras D, Kroll T, Pickering I & George G

Pickering Ingrid J. (2012) Chronic Toxicity of Metals/Metalloids in Mammals is Mediated by their Effect on Se-Metabolism
Gailer J, George G & Pickering I
(2010) Biotransformation of Selenium in Multispecies Biofilm
Yang S-I, Pickering IJ & Lawrence JR

Pickering Juliet (2012) The Origin of Sulfur Isotope Mass-Independent Fractionation in Archean Rocks
Lyons J, Blackie D, Stark G & Pickering J
(2010) High-Resolution xSO2 Spectra, and Sulfur MIF due to SO2 Photolysis
Lyons J, Stark G, Blackie D & Pickering J

Pickering Juliet (2015) Medium and High-Resolution UV Cross Sections for Isotopic SO2
Lyons J, Stark G, Blackie D, Pickering J, Lemaire J-L & de Oliveira N

Pickering Juliet (2018) Pressure Broadening in SO2 and Implications for S-Mif
Lyons J, Herde H, Stark G, Blackie D, Pickering J & de Oliveira N

Pickering K T (2006) Provenance studies of the deep-marine Ainsa basin, Spanish Pyrenees using combined U-Pb and fission track techniques
Das Gupta K, Carter A, Pickering KT & Hurford AJ
(2000) Using Rare Earth Elements as Provenance Indicators in Mudrocks from a Range of Tectonic Settings
Alexander JL, Bailey EH & Pickering KT

Pickering Kenneth (2015) What Does Nature Tell us About Anthropogenic Aerosol Indirect Effect?
Yuan T, Remer L, Yu H, Pickering K, Oreopoulos L, Wilcox E, Bian H, Ziemke G, Albrecht R & Goodman S

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