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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Picardal F. (2016) Effects of Suspended Particulates on Microbial Growth and Examination of Proposed Mechanisms
An T & Picardal F
(2011) Enhanced Growth of Acidovorax Delafieldii 2AN during Nitrate-Dependent Fe(II) Oxidation in Continuous-Flow Systems
Chakraborty A, Schieber J, Roden E & Picardal F
(2011) Chemical Compound Classes Supporting Microbial Methanogenesis in Coal
Furmann A, Picardal F, Schimmelmann A, Brassell S & Mastalerz M
(2010) Using Direct-Current and Complex Electrical Conductivity to Monitor Biogeochemical Redox Reactions
Regberg A, Singha K, Bond D, Picardal F, Zheng Q, Roden E & Brantley S
(2009) Electrical Conductivity Associated with Dissimilatory Iron Reduction: Are Microbial Biofilms Conductive?
Regberg A, Singha K, Picardal F, Zheng Q, Bond D & Brantley S
(2009) Microbially-Mediated Anaerobic Redox Cycling of Iron and Nitrogen in Sediments
Coby A, Shelobolina E, Xu H, Roden E & Picardal F
(2002) Effect of Sediment Mineralogy on Microbiologically Induced (DMRB) Changes in Divalent Metal Speciation
Cooper C, Neal A & Picardal F
(2001) Chemical and Biological Interactions during Nitrate and Goethite Reduction by Shewanella putrefaciens 200
Cooper DC, Picardal FW, Schimmelman A & Coby AJ

Picardi G. (2005) Subsurface Sounding in „Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding‰ (MARSIS)
Picardi G
(2004) MARSIS: Subsurface Sounding Performances
Picardi G, Cartacci M, Masdea A, Seu R & Melacci P

Piçarra J.M. (2011) Preliminary Account of the Silurian Carbon Isotope Record (δ13Corg) from the Barrancos Region, Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal
Lopes G, Fernandes P, Goodhue R, Pereira Z & Piçarra JM

Picaud S. (2023) Molecular-Scale Studies of Organic Aerosols: From the Formation of Aerosol Precursors to the Characterization of the Aerosol Interactions with Surrounding Water Molecules
Radola B, Vardanega-Bonneton D & Picaud S
(2023) Gas Trapping at the Ice Surface and in Clathrate Hydrates Under Astrophysical Conditions, as Studied by GCMC Simulations
Joliat J, Patt A & Picaud S

Picazo A. (2017) Nitrate-Dependent Microbial Oxidation of Fe(II) in Stratified Freshwater Lakes
Zopfi J, Walter XA, Tischer J, Picazo A, Lehmann MF & Camacho A

Picazo-Mozo A. (2009) Anaerobic Microbial Iron Oxidation in an Iron-Meromictic Lake
Walter XA, Picazo-mozo A, Miracle R-M, Vicente E, Camacho A, Aragno M & Zopfi J

Piccardo G B (2000) Light Lithophile (Li, Be and B), Volatile (H, F and Cl) and Trace Elements Composition of Mantle Amphiboles from Zabargad Peridotite: Insights into the Multistage Subsolidus Evolution of Sub-Continental Mantle during Red Sea Rifting
Zanetti A, Oberti R, Piccardo GB & Vannucci R

Piccardo Giovanni B. (2009) Extreme Heterogeneity in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle: Insights from the Lanzo Peridotite
Guarnieri L, Piccardo GB, Nakamura E, Shimizu N, Vannucci R & Zanetti A

Piccarreta G. (2013) REE Distribution in Granulite Assemblage from Lower Crust of the Serre Massif (Calabria-Italy)
Fornelli A, Langone A, Micheletti F, Muschitiello A & Piccarreta G
(2013) Chemical and Isotopic Features of Mafic Granulites from Serre Massif (Calabria-Italy)
Micheletti F, Fornelli A, Muschitiello A & Piccarreta G

Piccione G. (2023) Microbial Respiration of Fossil Carbon beneath Antarctica
Piccione G & Blackburn T
(2023) Subglacial Chemical Precipitates Record Antarctic Ice Sheet Response to Southern Ocean Warming
Gagliardi J, Blackburn T, Piccione G, Tulaczyk S & Keller CB
(2019) U-Series Isotopics Constrain Timescale of Bedrock Comminution and Glacial Incision in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Edwards G, Blackburn T, Tulaczyk S & Piccione G
(2019) Assessing the Effects of Non-Detrital Material on U-Series Comminution Measurements
Piccione G, Blackburn T & Edwards G

Piccioni G. (2015) Composition of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Refractory Crust as Inferred from VIRTIS/ROSETTA
Quirico E, Moroz L, Beck P, Schmitt B, Arnold G, Bonal L, Filacchione G, Capaccioni F, Leyrat C, Bockelée-Morvan D, Erard S, Tosi F, Ciarnello M, Raponi A, Di Capria MT, De Sanctis M-C, Piccioni G, Barucci A, Drossart P & Virtis Team T

Piccirillo E. (2004) Geodynamic Implications of the Deseado Massif Volcanism (Patagonia, Argentina)
Busà T, Fantauzzi G, Bellieni G, Echeveste H, Fernandez R & Piccirillo E

Piccoli F. (2023) Petrochronology of Metasomatic Rocks: Insights into Metamorphism, Fluid Flow and Deformation during Subduction
Piccoli F, Rubatto D, Millonig LJ, Gerdes A, Vitale Brovarone A & Hermann J
(2023) Tracking Fluid Flow in Subducted Serpentinites of the Zermatt-Saas HP-Ophiolite (Western Alps) Using Oxygen Isotopes
Ulrich M, Rubatto D, Hermann J, Piccoli F & De Hoog C-J
(2023) Dating the Migration of High-Pressure H2-/CH4-bearing Fluids in Subduction Zones
Peverelli V, Vitale Brovarone A, Olivieri OS & Piccoli F
(2021) A Report on Gender Diversity and Equality in the Geosciences: An Analysis of the Swiss Geoscience Meetings from 2003 to 2019
Piccoli F & Guidobaldi G
(2021) Textural and Geochemical Evidence for Magnetite Production Upon Antigorite Breakdown during Subduction
Vieira Duarte JF, Piccoli F, Pettke T & Hermann J
(2021) Trace Element in Metamorphic Olivine: Implications for Geothermometry in Ultramafic Rocks
Kempf E, Piccoli F, Hermann J & Pettke T
(2021) Fresh, Pseudotachylyte-Bearing Mantle Peridotites from the Lawsonite Eclogite-Facies San Petrone Unit, Alpine Corsica
Vitale Brovarone A, Piccoli F, Frasca G & Giuntoli F
(2019) Redox Conditions Across the Antigorite Dehydration Reaction Constrained by Sulfide-Oxide-Silicate Mineral Geochemistry
Vieira Duarte J, Piccoli F, Hermann J & Pettke T
(2019) Reduced Fluids Released at Sub-Arc Depth from Subducting Ultramafic Rocks
Piccoli F, Kempf E, Viera Duarte JF, Hermann J, Pettke T & Connolly J
(2018) Metamorphic “Unconventional” Hydrocarbons in Subduction Zones
Vitale A, Martinez I, Sverjensky DA, Daniel I & Piccoli F
(2017) High-Pressure Rock Carbonation: A Sr-Nd Isotopes Perspective
Piccoli F, Bosch D & Vitale Brovarone A
(2017) High-Pressure Rock Carbonation: Implications for Interpretation of Nature and Magnitude of Fluid Flow in Subduction Zones
Piccoli F, Ague JJ & Vitale Brovarone A
(2015) Carbonate Formation during Subduction Metasomatism: Insights from Eclogitic Marbles (Alpine Corsica, France)
Piccoli F, Vitale Brovarone A, Beyssac O, Martinez I & Chaduteau C

Piccoli Phil M. (2014) Interpreting Volatiles in Augustine Volcano Magmas Using Apatite, Melt Inclusions, and Experiments
Webster J & Piccoli P
(2014) A Mélange of Subduction Temperatures: Zr-in-Rutile Thermometry and the Nature of the Slab-Mantle Interface
Penniston-Dorland S, Kohn M & Piccoli P
(2013) Mo-W-Re-au-cu Partitioning between Vapor, Brine and Felsic Melt: Super-Solidus to Sub-Solidus
Tattitch B, Blundy J, Candela P & Piccoli P
(2013) Supersolidus and Subsolidus Equilibria in Indium-Bearing Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Candela P, Piccoli P, Kayser S & Nance J
(2013) Petrogenesis of Peraluminous Granites from Deep Crustal Sources
Brown C, Brown M & Piccoli P
(2013) Controls on the Composition of Magmatic Volatiles in the Crust: Implications for Ore Genesis and Volcanic Degassing
Zajacz Z, Candela P, Piccoli P & Sanchez-Valle C
(2012) Cretaceous P-T-T Evolution of the Fosdick Migmatite-Granite Complex, West Antarctica: Orogenic Collapse along the East Gondwana Margin
Yakymchuk C, Korhonen FJ, Brown M, Piccoli PM & Siddoway CS
(2012) Copper Partitioning in CO2-Bearing Melt-Vapor-Brine Systems
Tattitch B, Candela P, Piccoli P, Bodnar R & Fedele L
(2011) The Solubility of Au and Cu in Andesite Melts
Zajacz Z, Candela PA, Piccoli PM, Wälle M & Sanchez-Valle C
(2010) The Effect of Magma Composition on the Genesis of Hydrothermal Gold and Copper Ore Deposits
Zajacz Z, Seo JH, Candela P, Piccoli P & Heinrich C
(2010) Slow Cooling in the Lowermost Crust of a Continent-Continent Collision: Evidence from Accessory Phase U-Pb Thermochronology of Deep Crustal Xenoliths from the Mozambique Belt, Tanzania
Blondes M, Rudnick R, Ramezani J, Piccoli P & Bowring S
(2009) Lithium as a Tracer of Fluids in Subduction Zones: The Franciscan Complex, CA
Penniston-Dorland S, Ash R, Piccoli P & Sorensen S
(2008) Impact of Sulfide Separation on Ag and Mo Budgets in Arc Magmas
Mengason M, Piccoli P & Candela P
(2007) Fractionated HSE in Suboceanic Mantle: Assessing the Influence of Refertilization Processes on Upper Mantle Peridotites
van Acken D, Becker H, Wombacher F, Walker RJ, McDonough WF, Ash RD & Piccoli PM
(2006) Gold and Arsenic Partitioning at Magmatic Conditions.
Simon A, Pettke T, Candela P, Piccoli P & Heinrich C
(2005) The Effect of Volatile Sulfur on Metal Partitioning at Magmatic Conditions
Simon A, Pettke T, Candela P, Piccoli P & Heinrich C
(2005) Zircon Paragenesis and Timing of UHT Metamorphism in the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex, Brazil
Baldwin J, Brown M, McDonough W, Piccoli P & Timpa S
(2001) Gold Solubility, Speciation and Partitioning in Granite-Volatile Phase Systems
Frank MR, Candela PA, Piccoli PM & Glascock MD
(2001) Chlorine and Iron in Magnetite-Melt-Volatile Systems
Simon AC, Candela PA, Piccoli PM & Frank M
(2001) Evaluating the Behavior of Metals in Porphyry-Type Ore-Systems: Evidence from Experimental Studies
Piccoli PM, Stuller B, Rocca T & Candela PA
(2000) Quantitative Modeling of Magmatic Volatile Phase Exsolution
Candela P, Frank M & Piccoli P

Piccoli Philip (2020) The Spatial Distribution of ƒO2 in the Mantle: Insights from V Partitioning Behavior in Ocean Island Basalts
Willhite L, Arevalo R, Locmelis M, Piccoli P, Farcy B, Castillo M, Funderburg R, Jackson M, Day J, Ireland T & Lassiter J
(2020) Early Jurassic Accretion of High-Pressure Granulites in the Amdo Complex, Bangong–Nujiang Suture Zone, Central Tibet
Tian Z, Zhang Z, Dong X & Piccoli P
(2019) Comparison of Single-Phase Thermobarometers and their Application to Reconstructing the Tectonometamorphic Evolution of the Rio San Juan Complex (Dominican Republic)
Harvey K, Dragovic B, Penniston-Dorland S, Piccoli P & Bodnar R
(2018) Phase Equilibria of MT–UHP Eclogite: A Case Study of Coesite Eclogite at Yangkou, Sulu Belt, China
Xia B, Brown M, Wang L, Wang S & Piccoli P
(2017) Generation and Evolution of Fluid/ Melt during Exhumation from UHP Conditions
Brown M, Wang S-J, Wang L, Piccoli P & Johnson T
(2016) A Mélange of Subduction Temperatures: Zr-in-Rutile Thermometry of the Catalina Schist
Penniston-Dorland S, Kohn M & Piccoli P
(2016) Evaluating the Role of Sulfate as an Oxidant during the Magmatic History of Paired MIL 03346/090030/090032/090136 Meteorites
Dottin Iii J, Piccoli P, Farquhar J & Labidi J

Piccoli Philip M (2022) Elevated and Heterogeneous Oxygen Fugacity in Global Hotspot Lavas
Willhite LN, Arevalo R, Piccoli PM, Rand DS, Locmelis M, Nicklas RW, Jackson MG, Day JMD, Lassiter JC, Ireland T, Puchtel IS & Finlayson V
(2022) Lithium Diffusion in Pyrope-Almandine Rich Garnets
Hoff CK, Penniston-Dorland SC, Piccoli PM, Stockli DF & Stockli LD
(2021) Experimental Constraints on the Formation of Pegmatite-Forming Melts by Anatexis of Amphibolite: A Case Study from Evje-Iveland, Norway
Gion AM, Piccoli PM, Fei Y, Candela PA & Ash RD

Piccolo A. (2023) Application of a Shotgun Humeomics Approach by UPLC / Fourier Transform Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry to Study the In-Depth Molecular Diversity of Green Composts
Orlando M, Drosos M, Scopa A, Piccolo A & Bridoux M
(2023) Probing the Molecular Composition of Humic Substances Extracted from Green Composts and Used for Soil Remediation
Stancampiano L, Meignant I, Verrillo M, Spaccini R, Piccolo A & Bridoux MC
(2022) Complementary Atmospheric Pressure Electrospray and Photoionization High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Unravel the Molecular Complexity of Soil Humeomes
Vinci G, Piccolo A & Bridoux M
(2020) Molecular Insights into the Humeome of Two Contrasting Soils Using HRMS, NMR and GC/TOF MS
Vinci G, Mazzei P, Piccolo A & Bridoux M

Piceno Yvette (2018) Sulfidogenesis and Perchlorate Control: Novel Mesoscale Tank Experiment and Reactive Transport Modeling
Cheng Y, Wu Y, Wen H, Hubbard C, Tom L, Piceno Y, Engelbrektson A, Bill M, Anderson G, Coates J, Conrad M & Ajo-Franklin J

Piceno Yvette M. (2014) Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Isotopes of Seafloor Sediments Associated with Natural Hydrocarbon Seeps from the Gulf of Mexico
Bill M, Conrad ME, Piceno YM & Yang W
(2011) Isotopic Evidence for Microbial Oxidation of Dissolved Methane in the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Deep Plume
Conrad M, Bill M, Stringfellow W, Borglin S, Mason O, Dubinsky E, Piceno Y, Fortney J, Tom L, Chavarria K, Lamendella R, Joyner D, Wetmore K, Kuehl J, Mackelprang R, Wu C, Lim H, Reid F & Hazen T
(2009) A Geobiological Comparison of High- and Low-Silica Containing Weathered Volcanic Glass
Kelly L, Herrera A, Olsson-Francis K, Andersen G, Piceno Y & Cockell C

Pichat A. (2020) Structural Control of “Dehydratites” Deposition ?
Calassou S, Gaucher EC, Pichat A, Legeay E & Denis M
(2020) Salt Mineralogy and Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous Evaporites of the West African Margin
Pichat A, Gindre-Chanu L, Delhaye-Prat V, Gaucher E, Ferrage E & Pedley A
(2020) Multiple Origin of Aptian Salt Deposit in Proximal Domain of the West African Margin
Pichat A, Gaucher E, Revillon S, Agrinier P, Catherine L & Christine F
(2020) Synthesis of Tachyhydrite and Bischofite for Isotopic Calibration Measurements
Gaucher EC, Pichat A, Ferrage E, Lerouge C, Flehoc C & Agrinier P

Pichat S. (2021) Meridional Shifts of the South Westerly Winds over the Southern Atlantic Ocean during Abrupt Climate Events
Pichat S, Gravier B, Lodyga O & Schaaff V
(2018) Glacial Northward Shifts of the South Westerlies Altered Dust Sources to the Atlantic Southern Ocean
Pichat S, Lodyga O, Galer SJG, Alfredo M-G & Haug GH
(2017) New Constrains on Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Changes during the Past 40 ky from Combined 231Pa/230Th, Benthic δ13C and 14C Benthic-Planktonic Ventilation Ages
Missiaen L, Waelbroeck C, Pichat S, Dapoigny A, Thil F, Foliot L, Wacker L, Hajdas I, Böhm E, Vasquez-Riveiros N & Moreira Martinez S
(2017) Tracing Dust Sources in the Atlantic Southern Ocean during the Last 160 ka
Lodyga O, Pichat S, Martínez-García A & Galer S
(2013) New Sedimentary Pa/Th Records from the Northern Brazilian Margin over MIS3
Burckel P, Waelbroeck C, Gherardi J & Pichat S
(2011) Isotopic Fractionation of Cu in Plants
Weinstein C, Moynier F, Wang K, Paniello R, Foriel J & Pichat S
(2011) An Atlantic Ocean Pa/Th Survey
Lippold J, Pichat S, Luo Y, Gherardi J-M & Francois R
(2011) Do 226Ra-230Th Isochrons Provide Realistic Crystallization Ages?
Sims KWW, Pichat S, Reagan M, Kyle P, Dunbar N & Blichert-Toft J
(2009) Opposite Export of North Atlantic Deep and Intermediate Waters during the Last Glacial Inception
Guihou A, Pichat S, Nave S, Govin A, Michel E, Waelbroeck C & Labeyrie L
(2009) Zn Isotope Variations in Ediacaran Carbonates
Moynier F, Fike D & Pichat S
(2009) Stable Zinc Isotope Fractionation between Plant and Growth Water
Aucour A-M, Macnair M, Oger P & Pichat S
(2008) Tracing Zn Biogeochemical Cycle Using the δ68/66Zn of the Coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi
Pisapia C, Pichat S & Oger P
(2008) Localisation and Extent of Zn Isotopic Fractionation in Higher Plants
Pichat S & Oger P
(2008) Zn Stable Isotope Variability up the Kruger Park Trophic Chain
Balter V, Moynier F, Pichat S, Pons M-L, Thackeray F & Albarède F
(2002) Major Change in Pb Inputs to the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Since the Last Deglaciation
Pichat S & Abouchami W
(2000) A High Resolution (231Pa/230Th)xs, 0 Profile from the Western Pacific Warm Pool over the Last Five Isotopic Stages
Pichat S, Albarede F, Beaufort L, Francois R & Sims KW

Pichavant Michel (2015) Sulfur Behavior in Etnean Magmatic System (Italy)
Gennaro E, Iacono-Marziano G, Rizzo A, Pichavant M, Paonita A, Liotta M, Rotolo S & Martel C
(2015) Evaluation of Reactive Migration of Hydrogen Through Sandstone: Application to Geological Storage
Yekta AE, Audigane P & Pichavant M
(2015) Cycle of Metals during Hydrothermal Alteration of the Oceanic Crust: Experimental Study of Sulfide Leaching by Hydrothermal Fluids
Launay G, Jego S & Pichavant M
(2015) The Source-Granite-Pegmatite Connection Through Mica/Melt Partitioning from Crustal Melting to Magma Crystallisation
Villaros A & Pichavant M
(2014) Quantification and Kinetics of H2 Generation during Hydrothermal Serpentinization Experiments
Fauguerolles C, Castelain T, Villeneuve J & Pichavant M
(2013) Successive Geotherms, Granitic Production and Evolution of the Lower Crust in a Post Collisional Context
Villaros A, Moyen J-F & Pichavant M
(2011) Erebus: A Laboratory Volcano in Antarctica
Oppenheimer C, Kyle P, Jones L, McIntosh W, Dunbar N, Ilanko T, Peters N, Moussallam Y, Iacovino K, Boichu M, Sawyer G, Tsanev V, Scaillet B, Pichavant M, Burgisser A, Alletti M & Molina I
(2009) Experimental Determination of the Solubility of Gold (Au) in Intermediate Arc Magmas
Jego S, Pichavant M & Mavrogenes J
(2006) The connection betwen high K melts and Au deposits: Evidence from natural and experimental systems.
Mavrogenes J, Scaillet B, Pichavant ME & England D
(2005) Petrogenesis of the Peralkaline, Cryolite-Tin-Mineralized Albite Granite from Pitinga, Brazil
Costi HT, Dall'Agnol R, Rämö OT & Pichavant M
(2002) Experimental Simulation of Interactions between Evolved Hydrous Liquids and Gabbroic Minerals at 200-400 MPa
Costa F, Scaillet B & Pichavant M
(2001) Experimentally Reproducing Sulphur Solubilities Seen in Glass Inclusions from Vesuvius: Preliminary Results
Moncrieff DHS, Scaillet B & Pichavant M

Pichavant Michel (2016) Melt Inclusions Constrain S Behaviour and Redox Conditions in Etnean Magmas
Gennaro E, Iacono-Marziano G, Rizzo A, Paonita A, Liotta M, Pichavant M, Martel C & Rotolo S
(2016) Experimental Study of the Fate of Metals during Metasomatism of the Mantle Unit of the Troodos Ophiolite by Aqueous Fluids Coming from the Underlying Slab
Tourneur E, Jego S & Pichavant M

Pichavant Michel (2017) Melt Inclusions Track Changes in Chemistry and Oxidation State of Etnean Magmas
Gennaro E, Iacono-Marziano G, Paonita A, Rizzo A, Martel C, Rotolo S, Liotta M & Pichavant M
(2017) Origin of Specific Textures in Granitic Pegmatites: An Experimental Study
Devineau K, Champallier R & Pichavant M
(2017) Evaluation of Geochemical Reactivity of Hydrogen in Sandstone: Application to Geological Storage
Yekta A, Pichavant M & Audigane P
(2017) From Rare Metal Granite to Sn-W-Li-Nb-Ta Mineralizations: Results on Argemela (Central Portugal)
Michaud J, Marcoux E, Pichavant M, Gumiaux C & Gloaguen E
(2017) The Role of Source Processes in the Origin of Rare Metal Magmas – Insights from Micas in Granites and Pegmatites
Villaros A & Pichavant M
(2017) Linking H2 Concentration and Redox State ( fH2 and fO2) in H2O-H2-NaCl Fluids
Fauguerolles C & Pichavant M

Pichavant Michel (2018) Tracing Magma Degassing Using Experimental Approaches
Le Gall N, Pichavant M, Burton M & Lee P
(2018) Metal Mobility and Sources during Hydrothermal Alteration of the Oceanic Crust: LA-ICP-MS Study of Sulfides from the Troodos Ophiolite
Jégo S, Pichavant M, Ramboz C & Sizaret S

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