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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Phillips Rachel F (2022) Formation of Iron Molybdenum Sulfur Clusters Under Abiotic and Biotic Euxinic Conditions
Phillips RF & Xu J

Phillips Richard (2010) Biogeochemical Consequences of Changes in Root-Derived Carbon Inputs to Soil in a Forest Exposed to CO2 Enrichment
Phillips R, Finzi A & Bernhardt E

Phillips Richard (2011) Erosion Rate Estimated from Surface and Profile of Cosmogenic 36Cl in Carbonates in China
Liu C-Q, Xu S, Freeman S, Lang Y-C, Phillips R, Tu C-L & Wilcken K

Phillips Stephen (2020) Methane Isotopologues in a High-Concentration Gas Hydrate Reservoir in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Phillips S, Formolo M, Wang D, Xie H, Becker S & Eiler J
(2007) Extraction of Biosignatures from Weathered Basalts
Phillips S & Parnell J

Phillips Steve (2019) Improved Sampling Technique to Measure Noble Gas and Hydrocarbon Composition of Gas Hydrate Reservoirs in Green Canyon, Block GC955, Gulf of Mexico
Moore M, Phillips S, Cook A, Wulsin G & Darrah T

Phillips V. (2014) Aerosol-Cloud-Lightning Interactions
Phillips V & Formenton M
(2014) Global Assesment of Aerosol – Ice Cloud Interactions with the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS-5)
Barahona D, Nenes A, Molod A & Phillips V
(2009) Distribution and Potential Impacts of Biological Ice Nucleators in the Atmosphere
Christner B, Morris C, Sands D & Phillips V
(2009) Marine Clouds over the Eastern Pacific in a Regional Climate Model
Lauer A, Wang Y, Phillips V, McNaughton C & Bennartz R

Phillips W. (2007) Application of in situ Cosmogenic Nuclide Analysis to Landform Evolution in (Palaeo)-Periglacial South-West Britain
Hagg J, Summerfield M, Schnabel C, Phillips W & Freeman S
(2005) Dating Alluvial Sediments with Cosmogenic Nuclides
Phillips W, Barham L & Kubik P

Phillips Writer E.H. (2012) Isotopic Constraints on the Genesis of Basanitic Lavas beneath Haleakala
Phillips Writer EH, Sims KWW & Salters VJM

Phillips-Lander Charity (2020) Exploring Salty Worlds: Brines, Ice, and Weathering Products
Elwood Madden M, Mason D, Rodriguez A, Cullen M, Elwood Madden A & Phillips-Lander C
(2018) Mars Brine Attacks! Accelerated Dissolution Rates and Unique Reaction Products in High Salinity Brines
Elwood Madden M, Phillips-Lander C, Elwood Madden A, Cullen M, Hausrath E & Miller K
(2014) Authigenic Smectite Formation in Acid-Sulfate Systems: Implications for Martian Geochemistry
Phillips-Lander C, Zhao L, Dong H, Fowle D & Roberts J
(2014) Paragenesis of Cements in the El Abra Formation, Mexico, Based on Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Lawson M, Becker S, Buono A, Eiler J, Phillips-Lander C, Rasbury T, Shenton B, Stolper D & Yurewicz D

Phillips-Lander Charity M (2023) Volcanic (Lava Tube) Caves Water Chemistry Influenced by High Magnitude Wildfires on Surface
Hollan SH, Heathman I, Kulkarni H, Medley J, Hathaway J, Phillips-Lander CM, Northup DE & Datta S
(2022) Impacts of Wildfire on Volcanic (Lava Tube) Cave Water Chemistry
Datta S, Kulkarni HV, Medley J, Hathaway J, Phillips-Lander CM & Northup DE

Philp P. (2017) Integration of Epidemiology, Toxicology, and Geochemistry to Evaluate the Lignite-Water Hypothesis in the Gulf Coast
Ojeda A & Philp P
(2014) Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis of 1, 2-Dibromoethane: Characterization of Biotic and Abiotic Degradation Pathways and Analytical Methodology Considerations
Kuder T, Philp P, Hatzinger P, Streger S & Wilson J
(2013) Reactive Transport Modeling of Carbon, Chlorine, and Hydrogen CSIA Data to Improve Monitored Natural Attenuation for Chlorinated Ethenes
Thouement HAA, Vanderford M, Kuder T, Philp P & van Breukelen BM
(2008) Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Effects in Contaminant Volatilization and Phase Partitioning – Implications for Contaminant Attenuation Studies
Kuder T & Philp P

Philpotts A. (2019) Two CAMP Explosive Eruptions
Olsen P, Kinney S, Stüeken E, Jaret S, Percival L, Philpotts A & Whiteside J
(2017) CAMP Ashes and the ETE
Olsen P, Kinney S, Hemming S, Jarett S, Rasbury T & Philpotts A

Phipps D. (2014) Influence of Calcium and Magnesium on Arsenic Sorption to Phyllosilicate Clays
Fakhreddine S, Dittmar J, Phipps D, Dadakis J & Fendorf S

Phipps S. (2013) Reducing Uncertainty in the Climatic Interpretations of Speleothem δ18O
Jex C, Phipps S, Baker A & Bradley C

Phipps Morgan J. (2012) Geochemical Zonation of Mantle Plumes: Lower Mantle Chemical Heterogeneity and Plume Splitting
Hoernle K, Deppe J, Hauff F, Werner R & Phipps Morgan J
(2011) Implications of a Non-Chondritic Earth for Terrestrial Heat Production and Geodynamics
White W & Phipps-Morgan J
(2008) Constraining Rates of Crustal Recycling Using Geophysical and Geochemical Methods
Vannucchi P, Clift P & Phipps-Morgan J
(2002) Does Slab Serpentinization and Deserpentinization Create the Primary HIMU Mantle Component?
Rüpke L, Phipps Morgan J & Hort M
(2002) Are the Rare Gases within MORB Contained within Melt-Inclusion-Like Bubbles that Preserve a Record of the Underlying Melting Column?
Phipps Morgan J
(2002) What Causes the Geochemical Diversity of Arc Lavas?
Hort M, Rüpke L & Phipps Morgan J
(2002) Rare Gases Suggest that the MORB Source was Made by OIB/EMORB Melt Extraction from the Mantle
Morgan WJ & Phipps Morgan J
(2002) Modelling the Joint Rare Gas, Solid-Isotope, and Trace Element Evolution of a Multi-Component Mantle
Phipps Morgan J & Morgan WJ
(2000) Contrasting Mantle Convection Models by Modeling their Geochemical Evolution with the Terra Nova Toolbox (TnT2000)
Koppers A, Phipps Morgan J & Staudigel H
(2000) 'Missing' Dynamic Topography: Geodynamic Evidence Against Deeply Layered Mantle Convection
Phipps Morgan J, Morgan WJ & Ravine MA

Phoenix Vernon (2016) Porosity and Fracture Sealing in Rock with Bacterial Calcite Precipitation: From Lab to Field Trials
Phoenix V, Tobler D, Cuthbert M, Riley M & Handley-Sidhu S

Phoenix Vernon R. (2012) Understanding Biogeochemical Mechanisms for Heavy Metal Removal in SuDS
Norris M, Haynes H, Dorea C, Pulford I & Phoenix V
(2012) Nanoparticle Remediation Through Porous Media
Skuce R, Tobler D, Lee M & Phoenix V
(2012) Microbial Transport Through Rock and its Importance for Microbially-Induced Mineral Precipitation
Tobler D, Lakshmanan S & Phoenix V
(2012) Microbial Biomineralization as a Technique for Grouting Fine Aperture Rock Fractures
El Mountassir G, Tobler DJ, Lunn RJ, Moir H & Phoenix VR
(2012) Opening the Black Box: Imaging Nanoparticle Transport Through Rock with MRI
Phoenix V, Lakshmanan S, Sloan W & Holmes W
(2011) Enhancing Heavy Metal Immobilization in SuDS
Norris M, Phoenix V, Pulford I, Haynes H & Dorea C
(2011) Plugging of Porous Media and Rock Fractures Using Ureolysis-Driven Calcite Precipitation
Tobler D & Phoenix V
(2011) Imaging Nanoparticle Transport Through Porous Media Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lakshmanan S, Holmes W, Sloan B & Phoenix V
(2011) Nanoparticle Bioremediation: Application of Solid Phase Capture
Skuce R, Tobler D, Lee M & Phoenix V
(2011) Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Pollutant Mass Transport in Biofilms
Ramanan B, Holmes W, Sloan W & Phoenix V
(2010) Imaging Nanoparticle Transport with Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lakshmanan S, Holmes W, Sloan B & Phoenix V
(2010) The Potential of Groundwater Microbial Communities to Induce Calcite Precipitation
Tobler DJ & Phoenix VR
(2009) Imaging Biogeochemical Processes with MRI: Application of Paramagetic Tracers
Phoenix V, Ramanan B, Sloan W & Holmes W
(2005) Bacterial Surface Charge Heterogeneity: Implications for Cell-Metal/mineral Interaction
Phoenix V & Beveridge T
(2004) Lipopolysaccharide and Surface Proton Binding Characterization of Shewanella sp
Phoenix V, Korenevsky A, Berveridge T, Gorby Y & Ferris F
(2002) The in situ Molecular Characterisation of a Biomineralization Process: A Synchrotron Infrared Study
Benning LG, Yee N, Phoenix V & Konhauser K
(2000) The Role of Biomineralization as an Ultraviolet Shield
Konhauser K, Phoenix V & Adams D
(2000) Photo-Chemical and Biologically Mediated Precipitation of Iron and Silica
Hamade T, Phoenix V & Konhauser K
(2000) Mechanisms of Rapid Silicate Biomineralisation in Hot Springs
Phoenix V, Konhauser K & Howe A

Phrommavanh V. (2017) U and 226Ra Mobility in the Uranium Mill Tailings of Bellezane (France)
Ballini M, Nos J, Phrommavanh V & Descostes M
(2015) Development of DGT for the Estimation of the U Bioavailable Fraction in Mining Environments
Drozdzak J, Leermakers M, Gao Y, Phrommavanh V & Descostes M
(2014) Geochemical Controls on the Formation of U(IV)-bearing Colloids in a Mining-Impacted Natural Wetland
Wang Y, Frutschi M, Bagnoud A, Suvorova E, McGivney E, Chasaux L, Phrommavanh V, Descostes M, Osman A, Geipel G & Bernier-Latmani R
(2013) Uranium(IV) Mobility in a Mining-Impacted Wetland
Wang Y, Frutschi M, Suvorova E, Phrommavanh V, Descostes M, Osman A, Geipel G & Bernier-Latmani R
(2013) Changes in Bacterial Diversity and Community Structure within a Geochemically Variable Uranium-Mine Water Treatment Plant
Sánchez-Castro I, López-Fernández M, Amador-García A, Phrommavanh V, Nos J, Descostes M & Merroun ML
(2013) Geochemical Characterization of Uranium Mill Tailings
Nos J, Boizard A, Peiffert C, Phrommavanh V, Cathelineau M & Descostes M
(2013) Insights into the Uranium Speciation in the Mill Tailings of the Cominak Mine at Akouta, Niger
Déjeant A, Galoisy L, Calas G, Phrommavanh V & Descostes M
(2013) Weathering Processes and Supergene Formation of Uranium Bearing Minerals at U-Mines in the Saint-Sylvestre Area (French Massif Central)
Boekhout F, Gérard M, Phrommavanh V, Descostes M & Calas G
(2012) Radium Interactions with Iron (Oxy)hydroxide Minerals
Sajih M, Bryan N, Vaughan D, Descostes M, Phrommavanh V & Morris K
(2012) Supergene Evolution of Granitic Waste Rock Piles Around U-Mines in the Saint-Sylvestre Area (French Massif Central)
Galoisy L, Gerard M, Poquet T, Calas G, Descostes M & Phrommavanh V
(2012) Role of Iron Oxides and Organic Matter in the Accumulation of Uranium in a Peatbog
Wang Y, Frutschi M, Phrommavanh V, Descostes M & Bernier-Latmani R
(2012) Uranium Mineralogy and Factors of Stability in the Mill Tailings of the COMINAK Mine at Akouta (Niger)
Dejeant A, Galoisy L, Calas G, Menguy N, Phrommavanh V & Descostes M
(2011) Mechanism of Uranium Accumulation in a Mining-Impacted Acidic Peatbog
Wang Y, Frutschi M, Phrommavanh V, Descostes M & Bernier-Latmani R
(2008) Migration of U in a Polluted Calcareous Peat-Land
Phrommavanh V, Descostes M, Beaucaire C, Laporte E & Gaudet J-P
(2007) Role of Bacteria on Uranium Migration in a Calcareous Peatland
Phrommavanh V, Klein J, Descostes M, Beaucaire C, Gaudet J-P, Prestel E, Dubow M & Laporte E

Phu V. (2014) Continental Temperature Variability in the Beringian Arctic during the Past 3.6 Ma: The Lake El’gygytgyn MBT/CBT Record
Castaneda IS, Salacup J, de Wet G, Habicht MH, Keisling B, Phu V, Johnson J & Brigham-Grette J

Phua M. (2022) Improved Volatile Quantification in Unexposed Quartz-Hosted Melt Inclusions by FTIR Spectroscopy and an Application to the Toba Caldera Complex, Sumatra (Indonesia)
Lee DWJ, Hsu Y-J, Forni F, Bouvet de Maisonneuve C, Phua M, Rifai H & Redfern S
(2019) LA-ICP-MS Imaging of Heterogeneous Volcanic Glass: Method and Applications
Oalmann J, Phua M & Bouvet de Maisonneuve C

Phua Y.J. (2017) Concrete Production Through Microbially Induced Dissolution and Re-precipitation of Limestone
Røyne A, Phua YJ, Eikjeland IG, Le SB, Markussen S, Josefsen K & Wentzel A
(2016) Morphology and Polymorphism of Calcium Carbonate Precipitated from Different Calcium Sources via Enzyme Induced Carbonate Precipitation
Phua YJ & Røyne A

Phukon P. (2017) Paleoproterozoic Active Volcanic Arc Setting of the North Indian Continental Margin: Insights from U-Pb Ages and Bulk Rock Geochemistry from Kumaun Himalaya
Phukon P, Sen K, Srivastava HB, Singhal S & Sen A

Phung A. (2014) Experimental Investigation of Si Isotope Fractionation during Dissolution of River Suspended Particulate Matter into Seawater
Estrade N, Phung A, Weis D, François R & Jeandel C

Phuntsho S. (2014) Characterising Aggregate Structure in Natural Waters Using On-Line Laser Light Scattering
Chekli L, Phuntsho S, Tijing L & Shon HK

Phyo Maung Maung (2013) Holocene Marine Reservoir Correction (ΔR) Variability in the Eastern Bay of Bengal
Chiang H-W, Wang Y, Shyu JBH, Wang C-C, Lin Thu Aung , Phyo Maung Maung , Oo Than , Soe Thura Tun  & Shen C-C

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