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Phillips C (2000) A New Conceptual Model for Microbial Processes in Sediments
Mortimer RJG, Hayes P, Krom M, Davies I, Davison W, Zhang H, Phillips C & Prosser J

Phillips Christina (2018) Engaging the Public in Electrical Energy Decision Making Through an Interactive Online Games
Shuller-Nickles L, Carbajales-Dale M, Moysey S, Godsey K, Hanna A, Hoover M, Phillips C, Boyer M & Smith F

Phillips David (2014) Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometry: A New Age for 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
Phillips D
(2014) Performance of the Helix-MC Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometer – Resolution of Argon Isobaric Interferences
Honda M, Zhang X, Phillips D, Matchan E, Szczepanski S, Deerberg M, Hamilton D, Krummen M & Schwieters J
(2014) High Precision 40Ar / 39Ar Dating of <100 ka Basalts Using an ARGUSVI Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometer
Matchan E & Phillips D
(2014) Carbonate Metasomatism at the Continental Scale: Insights from Kimberlite-Hosted Zircon Megacrysts
Woodhead J, Hergt J & Phillips D
(2013) New Generation Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometers Require New 40Ar/39Ar Standards
Phillips D & Matchan E
(2013) Multiple Controls on the Geochemistry of Early Cenozoic Volcanism in Victoria, Australia
Chang T-J, Hergt J, Holdgate G & Phillips D
(2013) Dating Mantle Metasomatism: A New Tool (U/Pb LIMA Titanate) and an Impostor (40Ar/39Ar Phlogopite)
Giuliani A, Phillips D, Kendrick MA, Maas R, Greig A, Armstrong R, Felgate MR & Kamenetsky VS
(2012) Extremely High Iodine and Noble Gas Abundances in Forearc Serpentinites
Kendrick M, Honda M, Pettke T & Phillips D
(2011) Halogens (Cl, Br, I) in Basalt Glasses
Kendrick M, Kamenetsky V, Woodhead J, Phillips D & Honda M
(2010) Distinct Neon Isotope Compositions found in Polycrystalline Diamonds and Framesites from the Jwaneng Kimberlite Pipe, Botswana
Honda M, Phillips D, Harris J & Matsumoto T
(2010) Volatile Subduction in Serpentinites
Kendrick M, Scambelluri M, Honda M & Phillips D
(2009) Constraints on Fluid-Rock Interaction and Magmatic Noble Gas Signatures in Hydrothermal Fluids
Kendrick M, Honda M & Phillips D
(2009) Noble Gas and Halogen Evidence for the Origin of Mineralising Fluids in Orogenic Gold Deposits: An Example from the Ballarat East Deposit, Australia
Fairmaid A, Kendrick M & Phillips D
(2009) Cosmogenic Neon Exposure Dating of Young Basalt Lavas in Australia
Honda M, Chivas A & Phillips D
(2009) Intercalibration of the 40Ar/39Ar Biotite Standard MD-2 from Mount Dromedary, Australia
Phillips D
(2008) African Kimberlites Revisited: In situ Sr-Isotope Analysis of Groundmass Perovskite
Woodhead J, Phillips D, Hergt J & Paton C
(2006) Evaluation of Wadeite as a Potential Ar-Ar and U-Pb Inter-calibration Standard
Phillips D
(2006) Petrogenesis and geochronology of the Cambrian Kalkarindji low-Ti CFB Province - northern Australia
Glass L, Bennett V & Phillips D
(2006) Laser ablation analysis of Sr isotopes in kimberlitic perovskite
Paton C, Hergt JM, Woodhead JD & Phillips D
(2005) Testing Time for the Fool's Clock: <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Dating of Pyrite
Phillips D & Miller J
(2005) Mineral Precipitation and Corrosion in a Long-Term Zero-Valent Iron Reactive Barrier
Phillips D, Watson D, Gu B, Roh Y & Choi S
(2004) A New Flood Basalt Province from Northern Australia: Geochronology and Petrogenesis of the Cambrian Kalkarindji Low-Ti Basalts
Glass L, Bennett V & Phillips D
(2003) Spatial and Temporal Relationships between Hydrothermal Alteration Assemblages at the Palinpinon Geothermal Field, Philippines
Rae A, Cooke D, Phillips D, Yeats C, Ryan C & Hermoso D
(2003) Unusual Noble Gas Compositions in Polycrstalline Diamonds from the Jwaneng Kimberlite, Botswana
Honda M, Phillips D & Harris J
(2000) Evidence that most Peridotitic and Eclogitic Diamonds from Kimberley Pool (RSA) Crystallised from the Same Carbon Source
Cartigny P, Harris J, Phillips D & Javoy M

Phillips David (2015) Alkali-Carbonate Rich Melt Inclusions in Magmatic Minerals of the Venetia Kimberlite, South Africa
Abersteiner A, Giuliani A, Kamenetsky V & Phillips D
(2015) Geochemical Constraints on Kimberite Ascent Mechanisms Revealed by Phlogopite in Kimberlite and Mantle Xenoliths
Giuliani A, Phillips D, Kamenetsky VS & Goemann K
(2015) Widespread Metasomatism in the sub-African Mantle: Fossil Evidence from Kimberlitic Zircon Megacrysts
Hergt J, Woodhead J, Phillips D, Giuliani A & Maas R
(2015) Atmospheric 21Ne Abundance Determined by the Helix-MC Plus Mass Spectrometer
Honda M, Zhang X, Phillips D, Deerberg M, Schwieters J & Hamilton D
(2015) Ultra-Precise 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology and 38Ar Exposure Dating on Young Basalts from the Newer Volcanic Province, Australia
Oostingh K, Jourdan F, Phillips D & Matchan E

Phillips David (2017) New Constraints on MARID- and PIC-Style Mantle Metasomatism and their Relationship to Continental Alkaline Magmatism
Fitzpayne A, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Hergt J & Janney P

Phillips David (2018) Olivine, Kimberlites and the Modification of Carbonated Melts in the Deep Earth
Giuliani A, Soltys A, Lim E, Farr H, Phillips D, Foley SF & Griffin WL

Phillips David (2019) Progressive Metasomatism of the Mantle by Kimberlitic Melts: Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotopic Compositions of MARID and PIC Minerals
Fitzpayne A, Giuliani A, Maas R, Hergt J, Janney P & Phillips D
(2019) Petrographic and Geochemical Variations in the Kaavi-Kuopio Kimberlite Field, Finland: The Role of Mantle Assimilation
Dalton H, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Hergt J & O'Brien H
(2019) What Controls the Explosive Emplacement of the Diamondiferous Diavik Kimberlites? New Insights from Mineral Chemistry and Petrography of Hypabyssal and Pyroclastic Samples
Tovey M, Giuliani A, Phillips D & Moss S
(2019) Apatite Geochemistry Provides Insights into the Late Magmatic Evolution of Kimberlites
Soltys A, Giuliani A & Phillips D

Phillips David (2020) Decoupling of Kimberlite Source and Primitive Melt Compositions
Tovey M, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Sarkar C, Pearson G, Nowicki T & Carlson J
(2020) Kimberlite Magmatism in Finland: Distinct Sources and Links to the Breakup of Rodinia
Dalton H, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Hergt J, Maas R, Woodhead J, Matchan E & O'Brien H

Phillips David (2022) The AuScope Geochemistry Laboratory Network Project and the Building of the AusGeochem Data Repository
McInnes BIA, Gleadow A, O'Reilly SY, Kohn B, Rawling T, Kohlmann F, Prent AM, Boone S, Greau Y, Noble W, Ware B, Theile M, Dalton H, Hodgekiss S-A, Ananuer H, Alard O & Phillips D

Phillips Debra (2010) Micromorphology and Mineralogy of Interbasaltic Palaeosols at Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland
Phillips D, Smith B, Russell M & McAlister J

Phillips Elizabeth (2023) Carbon Fixation Using Seawater for Sustainable Large-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage—Using Stable Isotopes for Quantification
Phillips E, Voigt M, Bradbury H, Knapp WJ, Turchyn A(V, Tipper ET, Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Sigfússon B, Clark DE, Oelkers EH & Gislason SR
(2020) Quantification of Transformation and Transport Across Biogeochemical Boundaries by Multi-Element CSIA
Sherwood Lollar B, Phillips E, Ojeda A, Chen W & Gilevska T
(2020) Investigating Transformation of CFCs at a Contaminated Field Site Using Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis
Phillips E, Gilevska T, Horst A, Manna J, Seger ES, Lutz EJ, Norcross S, Morgan SA, West KA, Mack EE, Dworatzek S, Webb J & Sherwood Lollar B

Phillips Erin (2019) Observations on the Occurrence and Distribution of Critical Resources in Wyoming, USA
Phillips E, McLaughlin JF, Moore T, Bagdonas D, Quillinan S & Liu Z
(2015) Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotopes Reveal the Nature and Evolution of Mantle Upwelling at Ross Island, Antarctica
Phillips E, Sims K, Blichert-Toft J, Kyle P, Gaetani G, Wallace P & Rasmussen D
(2014) Magmatic Plumbing of Ross Island, Antarctica Uncovered by Melt Inclusions from CO2-rich Alkalic Magmas
Rasmussen D, Kyle P, Wallace P, Sims K, Phillips E & Gaetani G

Phillips F.M. (2009) The CRONUS-Earth Project: Current Results and Future Plans
Phillips FM
(2009) Salinization of the Rio Grande, North America: Origins and Implications for Mitigation
Phillips FM & Hogan JF
(2009) Cosmogenic 36Cl Surface Exposure Age Calculator
Marrero S, Borchers B, Akkan H & Phillips F
(2008) Cosmogenic Chlorine-36 Chronology for Pleistocene Shoreline Deposits in Panamint Valley, California
Phillips F, Marrero S, Roof S, Smith R & Jayko A
(2008) Cosmogenic Chlorine-36 Calibration of Potassium Production Rates
Marrero S, Phillips F, Stone JO & Borchers B
(2007) CRONUS-Earth: Half-Way to the Destination
Phillips FM
(2006) Calibration of Terrestrial Cosmic-Ray-Produced Nuclides: CRONUS
Caffee MW, Balco G, Finkel RC, Jull AJT, Kurz MD, Lifton N, McGee S, Nishiizumi K, Phillips FM, Schaefer Y, Sisterson J & Stone JO
(2005) Desert Soils and Global Climate Cycles: Vapor Lock in the Earth‚s Weathering Engine
Phillips F
(2002) Salinization of the Rio Grande: Young Water, Old Salts?
Phillips F, Mills S & Hogan J
(2002) A Comparison of Cosmogenic Chronologies for Deglaciation in Western North America and Europe
Phillips F
(2002) Mugenic Nuclides: A Method for Dating Rapidly Eroding Landforms
Phillips F

Phillips G. (2005) Carbonaceous Matter and Gold in Carlin Deposits: How Intimate was the Relationship?
Barnicoat A, Phillips G, Walshe J & Lawrence S

Phillips J. (2010) In situ Biostimulation of U(VI) Reduction and Immobilization Using Emulsified Vegetable Oil
Wu W, Watson D, Mehlhorn T, Earles J, Boyanov M, Gihring T, Schadt C, Lowe K, Phillips J, Kemner K, Spalding B, Criddle C, Jardine P & Brooks S
(2010) Preferential Sorption of Dissolved Organic Matter onto Mineral Soils due to Soil Type
Heal K, Mayes M, Amonette J, Phillips J & Jagadamma S

Phillips Marcia (2018) Cosmogenic 3He-10Be-14C Dating Quantifies Alpine Climate Response to Global Warming
Guralnik B, Tremblay M, Phillips M, Gribenski N, Valla P, Hippe K & Shuster DL

Phillips Matthew (2023) Recommended Trace Element Partitioning Data for Melting of Hydrous Pyroxenites and Glimmerites
Foley SF, Ezad IS, Shu C, Ramokgaba L, Wang C, Phillips M & Manselle P
(2022) Application of Ge/Si Ratios to Ultramafic Alkaline Rocks Using a Novel LA-Icp-Qqq-Ms Method
Phillips M, Alard O & Foley SF

Phillips Melissa (2012) Arsenic and Phosphate Cycling in Surface Waters of the North Atlantic
Cutter G, Wurl O, Zimmer L & Phillips M

Phillips Michael (2019) Stars to Planets: Experimental Determination of Exoplanet Mantle Solidi and Crust Compositions
Brugman K, Phillips M & Till C
(2019) Habitat Detection and Identification at Salar de Pajonales, a Mars Analog Environment
Phillips M, Moersch J, Warren-Rhodes K, Hinmann N & Cabrol N

Phillips Mitchell G. (2021) Using Experimental Petrology to Explore Exoplanet Melts and Solidi: Preliminary Implications for Habitability
Brugman K, Phillips MG & Till CB

Phillips N (2005) Carbon, and Gold-Only Deposits
Phillips N
(2003) The Geochemistry of the Euroa Mafic Volcanics: Implications for Small-Scale Mantle Heterogeneities beneath Victoria, Australia
Paul B, Hergt J, Woodhead J & Phillips N

Phillips Nathan (2012) Natural Gas Leaks in Boston
Phillips N, Ackley B, Crosson E, Down A, Karr J & Jackson R

Phillips Noah John (2016) Strain Localization in a Hot, Lower Crustal Shear Zone: The Lower Fish River Onseepkans Thrust, Namibia
Phillips NJ & Rowe CD

Phillips R (2006) Utilising U-series disequilibria of calcic soils to constrain the surface age of Quaternary deposits: a comparison with 10Be, 26Al age data from Patagonian glacial moraines
Phillips R, Sharp W, Singer B & Douglass D

Phillips Rachel (2023) Formation and Structure Altering Processes of Iron-Molybdenum-Sulfide Clusters Under Abiotic vs Biotic Conditions- Implications for Molybdenum Paleoredox Proxies
Phillips R, Singerling S, Leng W & Xu J
(2023) Promoting Global Inclusivity and Engagement in Geoscience Through YouTube
Phillips R

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