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Ozha Manoj (2016) Alteration of Uraninite and its Implications to Chemical Dating: An Example from Northwestern India
Ozha M, Pal D & Mishra B

Ozha Manoj Kumar (2023) Fluid Assisted Alteration of Apatite from Beldih, West Bengal, Eastern India: Evidences of REE Mobilization
Ghosh R & Ozha MK

Özhan K. (2023) Phosphorus Build-Up, Nitrogen Loss and Sulfide Accumulation in Response to Recent Deep-Water Deoxygenation in the Sea of Marmara
Yucel M, Örek H, Alimli N, Akcay İ, Mantikci M, Özhan K, Fach B, Tezcan D, Ak Örek Y, Kalkan Tezcan E, Arkin S, Tuğrul S & Salihoglu B

Ozherelieva N. (2002) Features of Metals Distribution in the Bottom Sediments of the Malaya Talmovay River
Ozherelieva N

Ozima M. (2017) Noble Gas Records in Martian Meteorites
Koike M, Sumino H, Sano Y & Ozima M
(2013) Primordial Noble Gas in the Solar System
Ozima M & Marty B
(2010) Xenon: Some Unsolved Problems
Ozima M
(2010) Large MIF on O2 Photo-Dissociation and its Relevance to Earth Wind
Yamada A, Nanbu S, Kasai Y & Ozima M
(2008) Toward Understanding Early Earth Evolution: Prescription for Approach from Terrestrial Noble Gases and Light Elements Records in Lunar Soils
Ozima M, Yin Q-Z, Podosek F & Miura Y
(2007) Terrestrial Atmospheric Nitrogen in Lunar Soils?
Podosek F, Marty B, Zimmerman L, Korotev R & Ozima M
(2004) Early Earth Evolution Recorded in Lunar Soils?
Ozima M, Miura Y, Podosek F, Seki H & Hashizume K
(2003) Possible Sources of Non-Solar Xe, Ar in Lunar Soils
Ozima M, Miura Y & Podosek F
(2003) Hf-W and I-Xe Ages and the Planetary Formation Timescale
Yin Q & Ozima M
(2002) Revisiting I-Xe Systematics, an Early Solar System Chronometer
Ozima M, Miura YN & Podosek FA
(2000) Constraints on the Origin of Carbonado from C and N Isotopes in Diamond Matrix and Studies of Inclusion Minerals
Yokochi R, Sano Y, Takahata N, Terada K, Ozima M & Chaves M
(2000) Origin of Mantle He and Implications for Mantle Fluid-Flow
Ozima M

Özkan A.M. (2011) Petrographic and Geochemicial Characteristics of Dolomites in the Golbogazı Formation (Upper Devonian) at SW of Hadim, (Konya, Turkey)
Özkan AM & Bicer E

Özkan-Haller T. (2018) Transforming Academia: Advancing Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice in the Geosciences
Özkan-Haller T

Ozkanlar A. (2013) Interfacial Chemistry Viewed Through the Lens of Network Analysis
Clark A, Ozkanlar A & Kelley M

Özkul M. (2017) Radium 226 Evidence for Decreasing Hydrothermalism at Pamukkale- Hierapolis (Anatolia) Since Roman Time
Hillaire-Marcel C, Ghaleb B & Özkul M
(2014) Calibration of the ‘Clumped Isotope’ Thermometer on Natural Travertine Carbonates in the 5-95℃ Temperature Range
Kele S, Bernasconi S, Kluge T, John C, Deak J, Millan I, Meckler N, Ziegler M, Breitenbach S, Capezzuoli E, Ozkul M, Gokgoz A, Yan H & Liu Z
(2013) Clumped Isotope Geochemistry of Travertine Carbonates in the 22-95℃ Temperature Range
Kele S, Bernasconi S, Kluge T, John C, Millán I, Meckler N, Ziegler M, Breitenbach S, Capezzuoli E, Özkul M, Gökgöz A & Deák J
(2011) Geochemical Study and U/Th Dating of the Akköy Fissure Ridge Travertine (SW-Turkey): Paleoclimatic and Paleoseismic Interpretations
Kele S, Özkul M, Gökgöz A, Shen C-C, Fórizs I, Baykara MO & Alcicek MC

Ozola R. (2015) Recovery Potential of Metals and Rare Earth’s Elements from Landfills
Ozola R, Burlakovs J & Klavins M
(2015) Clay Minerals and Modified Species for Removal of Anionic and Cationic Pollutants
Burlakovs J, Vincevica-Gaile Z, Stankevica K & Ozola R

Ozola-Davidane R. (2022) Remediation and Revitalization of Abandoned Landfills for Circular Economy
Burlakovs J, Wdowin M, Kriipsalu M, Cerpins M, Ozola-Davidane R, Rudovica V, Zekker I & Klavins M
(2020) Modified Clay Composites as Potential Landfill Covering Material
Burlakovs J, Kriipsalu M, Bhatnagar A, Ansone-Bertina L, Ozola-Davidane R & Klavins M

Ozpinar Y. (2010) Geochemistry of the Pınarbaşı Granite (Gediz-Kutahya-Western Anatolia)
Semiz B, Ozpinar Y & Helvaci C

Özsoy R. (2014) Trace and Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Black Shales in Triassic Kasımlar Formation, Anamas – Akseki Platform, Western Taurids, Turkey
Kuşcu M, Özsoy R, Özçelik O & Altunsoy M

Oztufekci-Onal A. (2014) MORB- and SSZ-Type Mafic Rocks from the Eastern Part of the Ankara-Erzincan-Sevan-Akera Suture Belt: Preliminary Geochemical Data
Cimen O, Sayit K, Goncuoglu MC, Oztufekci-Onal A & Aktag A

Öztürk A. (2013) Heavy and Precious Metal Prospecting Using with Geophysical Methods in The Ophiolitic Rocks Exposed Bozkır (Konya-Turkiye) and Hatıp-Çayırbağı (Meram-Konya-Turkiye) Regions
Ozturk A & Baykal A
(2011) Comparison of REE Concentrations between the Bozkir Ophiolitic Rocks and Stream Sediments Derived from These Rocks in the Bozkir Region (Konya – Turkey)
Öztürk A, Arık F & Karadag MM

Öztürk C. (2011) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Yellice Magnetite Occurrences of Sivas-Central Anatolia, Turkey
Öztürk C, Ünlü T & Sayili İS

Ozuolmez D. (2015) Microbial Membrane Lipid Distribution Shifts in Baltic Sea Subsurface Sediment Enrichment Cultures
Moore E, Ozuolmez D, Plugge C, Hopmans E & Sinninghe Damste J

Özvan A. (2013) The Geochemical Evolution of Lateral and Vertical Direction of Delihalil Volcano (Yumurtalık, Turkey)
Özvan A & OIyan V

Ozyurt M. (2019) Trace Elements and REE Geochemistry of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Platform Carbonates, Ayralaksa Area (Trabzon, NE Turkey): Implications for Diagenetic Processes
Ozyurt M, Kirmaci MZ & Kandemi̇r R

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