Oura K.
Geochemical Characteristics of Mafic and Felsic Igneous Rocks (1.9–1.75 Ga) in the Lesser Himalaya: Regional Variation and its Implications for Tectonic Setting
Shinjo R, Amuro T, Oura K, Oshiro K, Tahara S & Sakai H
Oura Y
Precise Determination of Sc in Natural Waters by INAA Coupled with Preconcentration of Sc
Amakawa H, Nomura M, Sato M, Oura Y & Ebihara M
Cosmogenic Radionuclides in Large Iron Meteorites
Noguchi M, Honda M, Matsuzaki H, Oura Y & Nagai H
Oura Yasuji
129I/137Cs Ratios for Atmospheric Particular Matters Collected Just after TEPCO FDNPP Accident
Oura Y, Ebihara M, Shirai N, Tsuruta H, Nakajima T, Moriguchi Y, Ohara T, Nagakawa Y, Sakurai N, Haba H & Matsuzaki H
A New Approach for Reconstructing the 131I-Spreading Triggered by the FDNPS Accident in 2011
Ebihara M, Oura Y, Shiara N, Nagakawa Y, Sakurai N, Haba H, Matsuzaki H, Tsuruta H & Moriguchi Y
Comprehensive Retrieval of Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Atmospheric Radionuclides Just after the Fukushima Accident by Analyzing Filter-Tapes of Operational Air Pollution Monitoring Stations
Tsuruta H, Oura Y, Ebihara M, Ohara T, Moriguchi Y & Nakajima T
Oursel B.
Carbon Lability Study from Gabon’s Mangrove in Front of Climate Change
Tadini AM, Mounier S, Abaker M, Dumont E, Dugény E, Chiron T & Oursel B
A Complemetary Approaches for Speciation of Trace Metals in the Stratified Krka River Estuary (Croatia): DGT vs. Voltammetry
Cindric A-M, Garnier C, Oursel B, Cukorv N, Pizeta I & Omanovic D
Oursin M.
Nutrient (Ca, Mg, K) Behavior in Soils Located in Decline Forest (Strengbach Catchment, Vosges Mountain, NE France). Development of a New Experimental Approach
Oursin M, Pierret M-C, Legout A & Zeller B
Determination of Reaction Rates at Crystal Surfaces Using 4D X-Ray Microtomography
Noiriel C, Saldi G, Oursin M, Daval D & Haberthur D
Ousbih M.
Classification, Mineralogical, and Geochemical Variations in Pegmatites of the Bas Draa Inlier, Westen Anti-Atlas, Morocco
Askkour F, Ikenne M, Cousens B, Ousbih M, Souhassou M, Sebbab MM, El Atillah A & Boumehdi MA
Exploring Critical Raw Materials: Preliminary Results from the Study of the Ediacaran Imiter Aplite-Pegmatites Field, Anti-Atlas, Morocco
Ousbih M, Ikenne M, Askkour F, El Atillah A, Sebbab M & Hassane O
Zircon U-Pb Geochronology, Geochemistry and Sr-Nd Isotopes of the Post-Collisional a Type-Granites from the Zenaga, Kerdous and Bas-Drâa Inliers (Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
Ougadire M, Askkour F, Favier A, Ousbih M, Ikenne M & Géraud Y
Zircon U–Pb Ages, Geochemistry and Sr-Nd Isotopes of Sanukitoids, Two Mica and Hybrid Granites of Bas Draa Inlier, Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco
Askkour F, Ikenne M, Chelle-Michou C, Cousens B, Markovic S, Souhassou M, Ousbih M, El Bilali H & Ernst RE
The Late Neoproterozoic LIP in the Northwestern Part of the West African Craton: Evidences from Stratigraphy, Geochronology, Geochemistry and Nd Isotopes of the Ouarzazate Group, Anti Atlas, Morocco
Ousbih M, Ikenne M, Cousens B, Chelle-Michou C, El Bilali H, Gaouzi A, Markovic S, Askkour F, Mouhajir M, el Mouden S, Youbi N & Ernst RE
Zircon U–Pb Ages and Geochemistry of Granitoids from the Central Massif of the Bas Draa Inlier (Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
Askkour F, Ikenne M, Chelle-Michou C, Cousens B, Souhassou M, Markovic S, Ousbih M, Gasquet D, El Bilali H & Ernst RE
Stratigraphy, Geochronology, Geochemistry and Nd Isotopes of the Late Ediacaran Ouarzazate Group Series from Eastern and Central Anti Atlas – (Morocco)
Ousbih M, Ikenne M, Cousens B, Chelle-Michou C, El Bilali H, Markovic S, Gaouzi A, Askkour F, Mouhajir M, el Mouden S, Youbi N & Ernst RE
Oussény S.
Petrographic and Geochemical Constraints of Kombissiri Leptynites (Burkina Faso)
Oussény S, Naba SN & Ilboudo H
Outrequin C.
17O-Excess of Tropical Forest and Savanna Phytoliths Record Diurnal Atmospheric Relative Humidity of the Growing Season: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstructions and Model-Data Comparisons
Alexandre A, Outrequin C, Peugeot C, Grippa M, Ndiaye O, Vallet-Coulomb C, Aleman J, Landais A, Sonzogni C, Au Yang D, Mazur J-C, Voigt C, Ouani T, Afouda S, Wubda M, Mougin E, Soumaguel N, Tagesson T & Fensholt R
The Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Phytoliths, a Proxy of Relative Humidity: Impact of the Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Soil Water and Vegetation Type
Alexandre A, Outrequin C, Vallet-Coulomb C, Peugeot C, Afouda S, Couapel M, Landais A, Mazur J-C, Sonzogni C, Ouani T & Wubda M
Outrequin M.
Quantitative Analysis at Low Accelerating Voltage with a WDS Electron Probe Microanalyzer Equipped with a FE Column
Saliot P, Hombourger C & Outrequin M
Quantitative Analysis with the CAMECA SXFiveFE at High Lateral Resolution. Applications to Geochronology and Mineralogy
Saliot P, Hombourger C & Outrequin M
Outridge P.M.
Recent Advancements in Understanding Mercury Emissions from Global Volcanic Degassing
Edwards BA, Outridge PM & Wang F
Ouvrard G.
Effect of Calcium on Kaolinite Surface Properties
Deneele D, Chemeda Y & Ouvrard G
Ouyang Bingjie
Oxidization of Chalcopyrite Mediated by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Secondary Minerals
Liu H, Lu X, Ouyang B, Zhu X, Li J & Lu J
Reduction of Jarosite by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and its Geochemical Implication
Ouyang B, Lu X, Liu H, Lu J, Li J & Wang R
Ouyang Bingjie
Microbially-Mediated Barite Dissolution in Anoxic Brines
Ouyang B, Akob D, Dunlap D & Renock D
Ouyang Bingjie
Experiments on Radium Co-precipitation into Sulfates and its Implications for Radium Removal in Wastewater
Ouyang B, Feng X, Landis J, Warner N & Renock D
Ouyang D.
Mantle Sulfur Isotopic Composition: Constraints on Early Earth Evolution
Ouyang D, Li Q, Bao H & Byerly G
Low-δ18O Deep Mantle Reservoir Reveals Oceanic Crust Recycling Before 3.3 Billion Years ago
Ouyang D
Low δ18O Zircon Grains in Deep-Seated magmas:An Indicator of Mantle Heterogeneity
Ouyang D & Guo J
The Timing and Duration of HT-UHT Metamorphism Constrained by Zircon U-Pb-Hf and Trace Element Signatures
Jiao S, Guo J, Evans NJ, Mcdonald BJ, Liu P, Ouyang D & Fitzsimons ICW
Origin of 2.49-2.45Ga Dioritic-Granitic Gneisses in the Daqingshan Area, North China Craton
Ouyang D & Guo J
Ouyang Fei
Geoelectrochemical Anomaly, Mechanism and Exploration of Copper and Nickel Deposit, Hongqiling, Jilin, China
Luo X, Wen M & Ouyang F
Ouyang Fei
The Study and Development of CHIM Geoelectrochemical Method for Exploration of Concealed Mineralisation in China
Luo X, Wen M, Ouyang F & Liu X
The Geoelectrochemical-Extraction Measurement Method to Look for Hidden Gold Ore Deposit
Luo X, Liu X, Wen M & Ouyang F
Ouyang Fei
Study of an Integrated Method About Data Processing and the Prospecting for Ore Deposit by Applying Electro -Geochemical Method
Luo X, Wen M & Ouyang F
Ouyang Fei
Mechanism of Geoelectrochemical Halo-Forming and Prospecting
Luo X, Gao W, Wen M, Ouyang F & Liu P
Ouyang Fei
Geoelectrochemical Methodin in Searching for Concealed Copper Deposits in Jiangsan of Zhejiang
Luo X, Gao W, Ouyang F & Wen M
Significance of a Quaternary Sedimentary Profile in Manjiang, Fusong County, Changbai Mountain Region
Gao W, Luo X, Ouyang F & Wen M
OuYang Fei
Comparison Study of Prospecting Concealed Uranium Deposit By Geoelectrochemical Methods in China and Australia
Luo X, Gao W, OuYang F & Liu P
Ouyang H.
A New Paradigm for Pegmatite Formation: Generation of Pegmatitic Textures in a Closed, Isochoric System Implied by the Formation of Miarolitic-Class, Segregation-Type Pegmatites in the Taishanmiao Batholith, China
Yuan Y, Moore LR, McAleer R, Yuan S, Ouyang H, Belkin H, Mao J, Sublett M & Bodnar R
Tungsten and Tin Deposits in China Through Geological History
Mao J, Ouyang H, Song S, Yuan S, Zhou Z & Zheng W
Ouyang W.
Atmospheric Wet Depostion Fluxes of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Lake Qinghai Watershed at Qinghai-Tibet Pleatau, China
Zhang X, Guo B, Ouyang W & Lin C
Ouyang X.
Fluorescence Spectroscopy Study on Solvent Density Inhomogeneities in Supercritical CO2 Mixtures
Chen J, Ouyang X & Shen D
Ouyang Z
Dielectric Properties of Lunar Material and its Microwave Penetration Depth
Zheng Y, Wang S & Ouyang Z
Geochemistry and Nd-Sr Isotopic Composition of Carbonate Rocks and their Insoluble Materials: Implications for the Origin of Carbonate Rocks and the Average Chemical Composition of the Upper Continental Crust
Ji H, Wang S, Ouyang Z & Zhou D