Otto Tahnee
Peritectic Crystal Entrainment during Partial Melting in the Mantle: Importance for the Formation of Layered Ultramafic Complexes & Chromitite Seams
Otto T, Stevens G, Moyen J-F, Mayne MJ & Clemens J
Otto Tobias
EIKE, a Collaborative Project for Development and Testing of Scaling and Corrosion Inhibitors for Geothermal Sites in Germany
Kuhn D, Heberling F, Hoffmann R, Jähnichen S, Otto T, Seibt A & Uhde J
Otto-Bliesner Bette
New Views of Warm Worlds from Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
Tierney J, King J, Malevich SB, Bhattacharya T, Feng R, Zhu J, Li M, Poulsen C, Haywood A, Otto-Bliesner B, Ridgwell A, Hakim G, Tardif R & Kump L
Modeling the Oxygen Isotope in the Early Eocene Hothouse Climate Using an Isotope-Enabled Earth System Model
Zhu J, Poulsen C, Liu Z, Brady E, Otto-Bliesner B & Noone D
Mechanisms of Tropical Hydroclimate Change during the Late Quaternary: New Frontiers at the Intersection of Proxies, Models, and Observations
Konecky B, Noone D, Di Nezio P, Nusbaumer J, Otto-Bliesner B & Cobb K
Improved Dust Representation in the Community Atmosphere Model
Albani S, Mahowald N, Perry A, Scanza R, Zender C, Heavens N, Maggi V, Kok J & Otto-Bliesner B
Otto-Bliesner Bette, L
Surface Mass Balance and Geochemical Constraints on the Laurentide Ice Sheet Contribution to Meltwater Pulse 1A
Carlson A, Ullman D, Anslow F, He F, Clark P, Liu Z & Otto-Bliesner B
North Atlantic Melting Water Forcing of Early Deglacial Warming in the Southern Ocean and Two-Step North Pacific Ventilation: A Transient GCM Study with CCSM3
He F, Liu Z, Otto-Bliesner BL, Clark P, Carlson A & Brady E
Water Isotopes during the Last Glacial Maximum: New GCM Calculations
Lee J-E, Fung I, DePaolo D & Otto-Bliesner B
Ottofuelling S.
Testing Nanoparticles for their Environmental Behaviour
von der Kammer F, Ottofuelling S & Hofmann T
Ottolini L.
Amphibole as a Proxy for the Volatile Content of the Archean Mantle
Sessa G, Tiepolo M, Fiorentini M, Moroni M, Deloule E, Ottolini L, Langone A & Ferrari E
Delaminated North China Craton Lithosphere Preserved in Xugou Massif Peridotite, E China
Spengler D, Obata M, Hirajima T, Ottolini L, Tamura A & Arai S
Xenolith Evidence for Anatexis of Hydrothermally Modified Mafic Crust (Hyblean Area, Italy): Implications for Primary Origin of Some Trachytoid Magmas
Viccaro M, Scribano V, Cristofolini R & Ottolini L
SIMS Analysis of Chlorine at Low Contents in Silicates: A New Tool for Upper-Mantle Geochemical Studies
Le Fèvre B & Ottolini L
Mantle Source Heterogeneity Recorded in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the FAMOUS Zone, Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Laubier M, Schiano P, Doucelance R, Laporte D & Ottolini L
Boron and Chlorine Cycling in the Subducted Hydrous Oceanic Mantle
Scambelluri M, Muentener O, Ottolini L, Pettke T & Vannucci R
Ottonello G.
REE Distribution in Grandites from the Crown Jewel Gold Skarn Deposit: A LA-ICP-MS Study
Gaspar M, Knaack C, Meinert L & Ottonello G
Chromium Isotopic Fractionation during Cr(VI) Reduction in Groundwaters
Petrini R, Slejko FF, Ottonello G, Marini L, Vetuschi Zuccolini M & Accornero M
The Solubility and Speciation of Sulfur in Silicate Melts: Development of the Conjugated Toop-Samis-Flood-Grjotheim (CTSFG) Model
Moretti R & Ottonello G
Ottoni C.A.
Mycogenic Silver Nanoparticles from Strains Exposed to Hypergravity
Simões MF, Ottoni CA, Marques de Barros G, Drews AM, Koon Ho Wong C, Varese C & Antunes A
Mycogenic Metal Nanoparticles as Under-Explored Resources for Space Exploration
Simões MF, Zhang J, Ottoni CA & Antunes A
Ou Q.
Re-evaluation of Early Cambrian Ocean Oxygenation Using Molybdenum Isotopes
Qin Z, Xu D, Kendall B, Zhang X, Ou Q, Wang X, Li J & Liu J
Ou Y.
Comparison between Two Different Thermal-Release Mercurometric Surveys of Soil and Ore-Search Prediction in Jielagepu Gold Deposit, Longzi Country, Tibet
Zheng C, Luo X, Wen M, Ou Y & Liu P
Application of Factor Analysis on Prospecting for Concealed Lead-Zinc Deposit Based on the Geo-Electrochemical Method in Zhijin Area, Guizhou
Luo X, Ou Y, Gao W & Liu P
Ouabadi Aziouz
Witness of UHP Metamorphism in the Western Mediterranean
Bruguier O, Bosch D, Caby R, Vitale-Brovarone A, Fernandez L, Hammor D, Laouar R, Ouabadi A & Abdallah N
Ouabadi Azziouz
Ultramafics in the Western Mediterranean: A Geochemical Perspective from the Collo Area (NE Algeria)
Bosch D, Bruguier O, Costa S, Abdallah N, Ouabadi A, Laouar R & Abbasene F
Age and Geochemical Characteristics of Kinzigites from the Collo Area (NE Algeria)
Bruguier O, Bosch D, Costa S, Abdallah N, Ouabadi A, Laouar R & Abbasene F
Ouabid M.
Chemostratigraphic Characteristics of Potassium Chloride Deposit in the Khemisset Triassic Evaporite Basin (Morocco)
Najib F-E, Ouabid M, Raji O, Aboulaich A & Yazami OK
Geochemical Constraints on the Genesis of Apatite Ores from Mesozoic Alkaline Intrusive Complexes, Central High-Atlas (Morocco)
Ouabid M, Raji O, Dautria J-M, Bodinier J-L, Parat F, El Messbahi H, Garrido CJ & Ahechach Y
Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes in the Mesozoic Alkaline Intrusions, Central High Atlas (Morocco): Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry
Ahechach Y, Ouabid M, Raji O, Parat F, Dautria J-M, Bodinier J-L, Ouali H & El Messbahi H
Twihinate-Lamlaga Cretaceous Carbonatites and Related REE, Nb and Apatite Deposits in the Reguibat Shield (Dakhla Province, Morocco)
Malainine CE, Ouabid M, Bodinier J-L, Parat F, Raji O, Dautria J-M, Youbi N, Boumehdi MA & J. Garrido C
Evidence for Cambro–Ordovician Bimodal Magmatism in the Moroccan Meseta: Geodynamic Implication
Ouabid M, Garrido CJ, Ouali H, Acosta-Vigil A, Marchesi C, Dautria J-M, Román-Alpiste MJ, Hidas K & Harvey J
Ouadahi S.
A Window into Neoproterozoic Mantle Evolution: Insights from Serpentinites in the Tuareg Shield, North Africa
Ouadahi S, Bodinier J-L, Bendaoud A, Dautria J-M, Vauchez A & Fettous E-H
Ouadjou A.
Implications of Multiple Fluids in the Deposition of the Amensif Zn-Cu (Pb-Ag-Au) Distal Skarn Deposit in the Western High Atlas, Morocco: Evidence from O, C, S Isotopes
Jinari A, Rddad L, Mouguina EM, Idbaroud M & Ouadjou A
Ouaksel A.
Behavior and Fate of Tungsten-Based Nanoparticles and their Biological Impacts within Freshwater Ecosystems
Ouaksel A, Carboni A, Slomberg D, Vidal V, Proux O, Brousset L, Angeletti B, Thiéry A, Rose J & Auffan M
X-Ray Imaging and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Applied to Environmental Nanotechnologies
Auffan M, Ouaksel A, Carboni A, Proux O, Vidal V, Borschneck D, Chaurand P, Rose J & Hazemann J-L
Oualha M.
Ouali H.
Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes in the Mesozoic Alkaline Intrusions, Central High Atlas (Morocco): Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry
Ahechach Y, Ouabid M, Raji O, Parat F, Dautria J-M, Bodinier J-L, Ouali H & El Messbahi H
Evidence for Cambro–Ordovician Bimodal Magmatism in the Moroccan Meseta: Geodynamic Implication
Ouabid M, Garrido CJ, Ouali H, Acosta-Vigil A, Marchesi C, Dautria J-M, Román-Alpiste MJ, Hidas K & Harvey J
Ouamer-ali K.
Depth-Specific Modeling of Lansdcape-Scale Soil Dynamics Using Bulk Electrical Conductivity Measurements
Donahoo M, Ouamer-ali K, Daoud Y, Djili K & Harvey O
Ouani T.
17O-Excess of Tropical Forest and Savanna Phytoliths Record Diurnal Atmospheric Relative Humidity of the Growing Season: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstructions and Model-Data Comparisons
Alexandre A, Outrequin C, Peugeot C, Grippa M, Ndiaye O, Vallet-Coulomb C, Aleman J, Landais A, Sonzogni C, Au Yang D, Mazur J-C, Voigt C, Ouani T, Afouda S, Wubda M, Mougin E, Soumaguel N, Tagesson T & Fensholt R
The Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Phytoliths, a Proxy of Relative Humidity: Impact of the Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Soil Water and Vegetation Type
Alexandre A, Outrequin C, Vallet-Coulomb C, Peugeot C, Afouda S, Couapel M, Landais A, Mazur J-C, Sonzogni C, Ouani T & Wubda M
Ouattara G.
Petrography and Geochemistry of the Dabakala’ Region Volcanites (Northeastern Côte d’Ivoire)
Gnanzou A, Nguessan H, Coulibaly I, Coulibaly Y & Ouattara G
Ouattara Z.
Adingra M, Ouattara Z, Coulibaly Y, Coulibaly I, Koffi S & Kouamélan A
Geochemistry of the Granodiorite from the Intrusion-Controlled Gold Deposit of Bonikro, Fettèkro Greenstone Belt, Côte d’Ivoire
Ouattara Z, Coulibaly Y & Boiron M-C
Ouchi T.
Aqueous Chemistry of Formaldehyde and Ammonia in the Early Solar System
Kebukawa Y, Misawa S, Kawai J, Mita H, Nanbu K, Ouchi T, Muramatsu Y, Yoda I, Tachibana S & Kobayashi K
Oudega T.J.
Towards a Robust Reactive Transport Model to Simulate Fate and Transport of PFAS from Surface to Groundwater
Devau N, Mertz S, Thouin H, Djemil M, Colombano S, Togola A, Lion F, Derx J, Oudega TJ, Bosch C & Lions J
Oudone P.
Factors Affecting Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in Groundwater
McDonough L, Oudone P, Rutlidge H, Meredith K, Andersen M, O'Carroll D, Chapelle F & Baker A