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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Oskierski Hc (2007) Anthropogenic Signatures in Sediments of the Fast Growing Urban Area of Natal (NE-Brazil) – A Study of Heavy Metals and Organic Components
Sindern S, Schwarzbauer J, Petta R, Lima R & Oskierski H

Oskin M. (2009) Dating Quaternary Alluvial Fans via U-Series on Pedogenic Carbonate and 10Be Surface Exposure Ages
Fletcher K, Sharp W, Behr W, Le K, Rood D, Finkel R, Hanks T, Kendrick K, Oskin M & Rockwell T

Osleger D. (2009) Geochemical Proxies for Paleoprecipitation and Drought from Lake Tahoe Cores: California and Nevada, USA
Osleger D, Heyvaert A, Stoner J & Verosub K

Osleger L. (2023) Subsurface Carbon Dynamics in Diverse Coastal Wetland Settings at the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
Pit S, Paytan A, Chuang P-C, Hermosillo N, Galindo-Eguiarte V & Osleger L

Osman A. (2014) Geochemical Controls on the Formation of U(IV)-bearing Colloids in a Mining-Impacted Natural Wetland
Wang Y, Frutschi M, Bagnoud A, Suvorova E, McGivney E, Chasaux L, Phrommavanh V, Descostes M, Osman A, Geipel G & Bernier-Latmani R
(2013) Uranium(IV) Mobility in a Mining-Impacted Wetland
Wang Y, Frutschi M, Suvorova E, Phrommavanh V, Descostes M, Osman A, Geipel G & Bernier-Latmani R

Osman J.R. (2021) Contrasted Pressure Effects on Sulfur-Oxidizing Activity of Thiobacillus Thioparus and Thiobacillus denitrificans
Osman JR, Cardon H, Montagnac G, Picard A & Daniel I

Osman M.S. (2023) Age, Geochemistry, and Isotope Ratios of Harrat Uwayrid Alkali Basalts, NW Saudi Arabia: Implications for the Tectonic Evolution of the Red Sea System
Whattam SA, Azizi H, Iskandar O, Osman MS, Heaton D, Nouri F, Lemdjou YB & Koppers AAP
(2022) Petrogenesis of Western Saudi Arabia Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle: Insights from Spinel Lherzolite Xenoliths of Harrat Uwayrid
Iskandar OJ, Whattam SA, Osman MS & Seo J

Osmani N. (2019) Model-Data Comparison in River Hydrochemistry
Torres M, Baronas J, Cole T & Osmani N

Osmaston M.F. (2011) 3 Stages of Earth Evolution – Core Formation, Ocean Emergence and the 2.3 Ga Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen: How are They Linked?
Osmaston M
(2010) Providing Solar System Water and High Planetary Angular Momentum, Using a Return to Ringwood's Core Formation Model, Supported by the Behavioural Evolution of the Mantle
Osmaston M
(2008) Extra-Thick Plates: Basis for a Single Model of Mantle Magmagenesis, all the Way from MORB to Kimberlite
Osmaston MF
(2006) A new scenario for forming the Sun's planetary system (and others?): dynamics, cores and chemistry (pt 2)
Osmaston MF
(2005) A New Mechanism for Intraplate Magmagenesis and Petrogenetic Variation: The Importance of Process
Osmaston M
(2002) Lunar Constraints on Core Formation: A New Model with Many Implications
Osmaston MF
(2000) A New Scenario for Forming the Solar Planetary System; Dynamics, Cores and Chemistry
Osmaston M
(2000) An Upper Mantle Source for Plumes and Dupal; Result of Processes and History that Have Shaped the Earth's Interior and Chemistry from Core to Crust
Osmaston MF

Osmundsen P. (2005) Titanite and Monazite U-Pb Dating of High-Grade Metamorphism and Extensional Denudation in the Mid-Scandinavian Caledonides
Bingen B, Davis WJ & Osmundsen P

Osoagba-Chukwura U.O. (2019) Geochemistry of Trace Elements and Microbial Assessment in Groundwater Contamination and Soils (South-Eastern Nigeria)
Osoagba-Chukwura UO & Igwe O

Osokpor J.

Osorio Rodriguez D. (2023) Equatorward Expansion of the North Pacific Oxygen-Deficient Zones over the Past Three Decades
Landry K, Dong S, Chen J-J, Kong T, Osorio Rodriguez D, Pavia F, Subhas AV, Peng XN, Adkins J, Berelson WM & Wang XT
(2023) Sulfur Isotope Fractionations Constrain the Biologicalcycling of Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in the Upper Ocean
Osorio Rodriguez D, Dalleska N, Sessions AL, Orphan VJ & Adkins JF

Osorio-Leon Ivan D. (2024) How Deep Roots Slow Water, Supply Reactivity and Enhance Silicate Weathering
Osorio-Leon ID, Rempe DM, Golla JK, Bouchez J & Druhan JL

Osorio-Leon Ivan-David (2023) Mineral Substrate and Fluid Redox Conditions Control Cell Density in Attached Biofilms: In situ Incubations in Deep Groundwater
Osorio-Leon I-D, Wild B, Bouchez C, Gérard E, Quaiser A, Lavenant N, Bouquerel H, Ménez B, Le Borgne T & Dufresne A
(2021) Dissolved Oxygen Stable Isotopes in Groundwater: A New Tracer of Biogeochemical Reactivity for the Underground Critical Zone
Osorio-Leon I-D, Chatton E, Dordoni M, Piatka D, Le Borgne T & Bouchez C

Osozawa S. (2016) Crustal and Tectonic Evolution of Accretionary Orogens in NE Asia
Jahn B-M, Zhao P, Liao J-P, Wu JT, Usuki M, Alexandrov I & Osozawa S

Ospennikov E. (2017) Cryovolcanism on the Earth: Origin of a Giant Crater in the Yamal Peninsula (Russia)
Bychkov A, Vorobyev S, Buldovicz S, Khilimonyuk V & Ospennikov E

Ossa Ossa Frantz (2023) The Oxic Uranium Flux and Isotope Fractionation in Modern Deep-Sea Sediments
Ossa Ossa F, Andersen MB, Tegler LA, Auro M, Costa K, Dunlea A & Nielsen SG
(2022) Tracking the Spatial Extent of Ocean Redox Variability in the Mesoproterozoic Ocean
Song Y, Mills BJW, Bowyer F, Andersen MB, Ossa Ossa F, Harvey J, Zhang S, Canfield DE, Shields GA & Poulton SW
(2021) Oxygen-Deficient Niches on the Northern European Epicontinental Shelf Across the Toarcian Carbon Isotope Excursion Interval
Wang Y, Ossa Ossa F, Spangenberg JE, Wille M & Schoenberg R
(2019) Xenon in Carbonaceous Matter: A Paleo-Atmospheric Proxy and a Dating Tool for Paleo-Fossils?
Avice G, Moreira M, Hofmann A & Ossa FO
(2019) Evidence for Local Carbon-Cycle Perturbations Superimposed on Toarcian Carbon Isotope Excursion
Wang Y, Schurr S, Wille M, Ossa Ossa F & Schoenberg R
(2019) Volcanism, Sedimentation, and Microbial Activity in a ca. 3.0 Ga Intracontinental Setting
Agangi A, Hofmann A, Paprika D, Bekker A & Ossa Ossa F
(2019) Low Dissolved Phosphorus Content in the Mesoarchean Ocean Limited Oxygenic Photosynthesis
Ossa Ossa F, Hofmann A, Spangenberg JE, Poulton SW, Stüeken EE, Schoenberg R, Eickmann B, Wille M & Bekker A
(2018) δ238U in Organic-Rich Marine and Lake Sediment Suggest Surface Oxygenation at 3.0 Ga
Wang X, Ossa Ossa F & Planavsky N

Ossa Ossa Frantz-Gerard (2024) Mild Oxidative Weathering and Clay Mineral Diversification on Land ~3 Billion Years ago
AlAttas OAA, Ossa Ossa F-G & Hofmann A

Ossaka J. (2004) Concentrations of Dissolved Sulfate Ion and Total Sulfur in Yugama, a Crater Lake of the Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan
Kikawada Y, Fukuhara H, Kikawa N, Oi T & Ossaka J
(2003) Water-Rock Interaction in Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano Area (Japan) Studied by Longterm Changes in Water Chemistry of Hot Springs
Kikawada Y, Oi T & Ossaka J

Osselin F. (2024) Pseudomorphs and Silicification of Brucite during Serpentinization
Si-Ali I, Osselin F, Centrella S & Fort J
(2023) Deep Crustal Dynamics Driven by Local Transient Transformation Weakening
Soret M, Stünitz H, Précigout J, Osselin F, Lee A & Raimbourg H
(2022) Fluid and Mineral Geochemistry during Experimental Seawater-Based Serpentinization
Hochscheid F, Ulrich M, Osselin F, Munoz M, Lemarchand D & Manatschal G
(2022) Dynamic Permeability Resulting from Fluid-Rock Interaction: Insights from Reactive Transport Experiments of Tourmalinisation in a Perigranitic Environment
Osselin F, Fort J, Sizaret S, Tuduri J & Blein O
(2021) Reactive Transport Experiments of Coupled Carbonation and Serpentinization in a Natural Serpentinite. Implication for Hydrogen Production and Carbon Geological Storage
Osselin F, Pichavant M, Ulrich M & Raimbourg H
(2019) Tracer Approaches for Identifying Potential Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development
Mayer B, Humez P, Osselin F, Cheung T, Nightingale M, Clarkson C, Parker B, Cherry J, Millot R, Desaulty AM & Kloppmann W

Ossolinski Justin (2015) Limited Effects of Nutrient Enrichment on Bacterial Carbon Sources in Intertidal Sediments
Spivak A & Ossolinski J

Ossolinski Justin E. (2018) Deciphering Microbial Growth and Intracellular Energy Flux from Lipidomics
Becker KW, Collins JR, Durham BP, Groussman RD, White AE, Fredricks HF, Ossolinski JE, Repeta DJ, Armbrust EV & Van Mooy BAS

Ossont S. (2020) Source Specific Chemical and Toxicological Profiles of Port-Derived Particulate Matter
Easton N, Cooper M, Bray S, Bulot F, Cox S, Ossont S, Foster G & Loxham M

Ossorio Mercedes (2013) Precipitation and Stability Behaviour of Calcium Sulfate: The Role of Salinity, Temperature and Reaction Time
Ossorio M, Van Driessche AES, Pérez P & García-Ruiz JM

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