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Osburn Magdalena (2021) Application of the δ44/40Ca – δ88/86Sr Multi-Proxy to the Shuram Carbon Isotope Excursion
Sarvian NL, Jacobson AD, Hurtgen M, Osburn M & Bergmann K

Osburn Magdalena R (2022) Constraining the Shuram δ13C Excursion with the δ44/40Ca – δ88/86Sr Multi-Proxy
Sarvian NL, Jacobson AD, Chung-Swanson T, Hurtgen M, Osburn MR & Bergmann K

Oschkinat H. (2013) Established and Advanced Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy for a Better Understanding of the Structure and Function of Natural Organic Matter in Soils, Water and Sediments
Knicker H, Lange S, van Rossum B & Oschkinat H

Oschlies A. (2021) Constraining Global Marine Iron Source and Scavenging Fluxes with GEOTRACES Dissolved Iron Measurements in an Ocean Biogeochemical Model
Somes C, Dale A, Wallmann K, Scholz F, Yao W, Oschlies A, Muglia J, Schmittner A & Achterberg EP
(2015) Global Nitrogen Fixation Seen from the Small Scale
Rabouille S & Oschlies A
(2015) Phosphorus Controls on Marine N2 Fixation
Oschlies A, Landolfi A, Rabouille S, Koeve W, Pahlow M & Somes C
(2013) Constraining Current Oceanic Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Emissions and Reducing Uncertainty for Future Emissions
Zamora LM, Kock A, Oschlies A & Bange HW
(2013) Observed Large- and Meso-Scale Oxygen Changes in the Ocean
Stramma L, Weller RA, Czeschel R, Bigorre S, Schmidtko S & Oschlies A
(2010) Impact of Sediments on Nutrient Cycling and Ocean Oxygen Minimum Zones
Duteil O & Oschlies A
(2009) Simulated 21st Century's Increase in Oceanic Suboxia by CO2-Enhanced Biotic Carbon Export
Oschlies A
(2009) Atmospheric Evidence for Recent Global Ocean Deoxygenation
Keeling R, Oschlies A & Orr J

Oschmann W. (2020) Variable Basin Ventilation during Mesozoic OAEs Constrained by Correlated Mo-U Isotope Signatures
Weyer S, Montoya Pino C, van de Schootbrugge B, Pross J & Oschmann W
(2016) Towards an Improved Understanding of the Mo and U Isotope Proxies Using Correlated Mo-U Isotope Signatures
Weyer S, Brüske A, Montoya Pino C, Xu L, Neubert N, Schuth S, van de Schootbrugge B, Pross J, Oschmann W & Lehmann B
(2011) The Extent of Oceanic Anoxic Events Revealed by Correlated Mo- and U Isotope Records
Weyer S, Montoya Pino C, Gordon G, van de Schootbrugge B, Oschmann W, Pross J & Anbar A
(2009) Global Versus Regional Anoxia during the OAE-2 and the T-OAE
Montoya Pino C, Weyer S, van de Schootbrugge B, Anbar A, Arz H, Oschmann W & Pross J
(2008) Fractionation of 238U/235U in Modern and Ancient Anoxic Marine Environments: A Paleoredox Tracer?
Montoya Pino C, Weyer S, van de Schootbrugge B & Oschmann W

Oschwald P. (2002) Antimony and Lead Pollution in the Soil of Shooting Ranges
Gresch M, Oschwald P, Rytz I, Sydler P, Wettstein B & Mergenthaler B

Osculati A. (2022) Unexpected Metal Micro/Nanoparticles in Mediastinal Lymph Nodes: A Combined µXRF and INAA Case Study
Di Benedetto F, Visonà S, Moretti M, Merli D, Osculati A, Giaccherini A, Montegrossi G, Capella S, Belluso E & Hesse B
(2019) A microXRF Study of Silicon and its Behaviour in Lung Tissues with Evidence of Silicosis
Di Benedetto F, Belluso E, Cappella S, Visonà S, Moretti M, Osculati A, Buccianti A, Giaccherini A, Romanelli M, Montegrossi G, Arcangeli G & Capacci F

Osenbrück K. (2019) Iron(II)- and Sulfur-Driven Autotrophic Denitrification in a Pyrite-Rich Limestone Aquifer
Jakus N, Blackwell N, Osenbrück K, Grathwohl P, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2009) Uncertainty Assessment of Tritiogenic 3He and tritium/3He-Ages
Sültenfuß J, Osenbrück K & Weise S

Osenbrueck K. (2019) Unraveling Microbial Nitrate Turnover in a Polluted Fractured Limestone Aquifer Using Metagenomics
Blackwell N, Osenbrueck K, Straub D, Jakus N, Nahnsen S, Grathwohl P, Kappler A & Kleindienst S
(2016) Groundwater Residence Times Based on Chlorine-36
Mueller T, Patevich S, Osenbrueck K, Strauch G & Al-Mashaikhi KS

Oshima M. (2003) Trace Element Analysis by Multiple Gamma Ray Detection Method
Toh Y, Oshima M, Matsumoto R, Gharaie M, Hatsukawa Y & Kimura A
(2003) Geochemical Evidence for Environmental Changes at Frasnian-Famennian Boundary Leading to the Mass Extinction
Mahmudy Gharaie M, Matsumoto R, Kakuwa Y, Milroy P, Toh Y & Oshima M
(2003) Ir Anomalies in Marine Sediments: Case Study for the Late Devonian Mass Extinction Event
Hatsukawa Y, Mahmudy Gharaie M, Matsumoto R, Toh Y, Oshima M & Kimura A

Oshima N (2013) Vertical Transport of Black Carbon over East Asia during the AFORCE Aircraft Campaign
Oshima N, Koike M, Kondo Y, Matsui H, Moteki N, Nakamura H, Takegawa N & Kita K
(2003) Asian Outflow to the Pacific Observed during PEACE Aircraft Campaign in 2002
Koike M, Kondo Y, Oshima N, Takegawa N, Kita K & Nakamura H

Oshima Naga (2016) Aging Processes of Black Carbon and its Impact on the Global-Scale Radiative Forcing
Oshima N, Tanaka TY, Koshiro T, Kawai H, Deushi M & Koike M

Oshiro J.M. (2024) The Leaching Behavior and Speciation of Contaminant Metals and Non-Metals in Cementitious Waste Forms
Reiser JT, Peterson M, Neeway J, Oshiro JM, Skeen RS, Smith GL & Asmussen M

Oshiro K. (2021) Geochemical Characteristics of Mafic and Felsic Igneous Rocks (1.9–1.75 Ga) in the Lesser Himalaya: Regional Variation and its Implications for Tectonic Setting
Shinjo R, Amuro T, Oura K, Oshiro K, Tahara S & Sakai H
(2020) Geochemical Characteristics of Mafic and Felsic Igneous Rocks (1.9-1.75 Ga) in the Lesser Himalaya: Regional Variation and its Implications for Tectonic Setting
Shinjo R, Amuro T, Omura K, Oshiro K, Tahara S & Sakai H

Osholm H. (2020) Eoarchean Iron Metabolism?
Hassenkam T, Tsai E, Osholm H, Dalby K, Mackenzie D, Holler M, Ferreira D, Grolimund D, Bruns S & Rosing M

Osholm Sørensen H. (2019) Use of X-Ray µ-CT to Trace the Transport Behaviour of Sulfidised Zerovalent Iron in Porous Media
Schiefler A, Tobler D, Tuxen N, Dæssing-Overheu N, Mueter D, Bruns S & Osholm Sørensen H
(2015) Nanotomography: Resolution, Scale, and Physical Properties
Jha D, Osholm Sørensen H, Müter D, Bruns S, Dalby KN & Stipp SLS
(2015) Visualising Fluid-Rock Interfaces Using FIB-SEM
Dalby KN, Osholm Sørensen H, Harti RP & Stipp SLS

Osinski Gordon (2019) Sulfur Biogeochemistry in a Cold, Hypersaline Arctic Spring
Cousins C, Fox-Powell M, Moreras-Marti A, Macey M, Olsson-Francis K, Osinski G & Purkamo L
(2017) A Refined Age for the Gow Lake Impact Structure Using 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
Pickersgill A, Mark D, Lee M & Osinski G

Osinski Gordon R (2014) Effect of Impact-Related Processes on Anorthosites: A Lunar Analog Study at Mistastin Lake Crater, Labrador
Souders K, Sylvester P & Osinski G
(2010) Understanding Lunar Granulites Through a Terrestrial Analogue Study
Dammeier R, Moser D & Osinski G
(2010) Distribution of Mineral Precipitates at Arctic Saline Perennial Springs and Implications for Mars
Battler M, Osinski G & Banerjee N
(2010) Endolithic Habitats in Shocked Gneisses from Haughton Impact Structure, Devon Island, Canada
Pontefract A, Osinski G, Cockell C & Southam G
(2010) An Infrared Study of Modern and Paleo-Filamentous Bacteria from Rio Tinto, Spain
Preston LJ, Shuster J, Fernández-Remolar D, Banerjee NR, Osinski GR & Southam G

Osinski R. (2017) Analysis of Initial Results of Coupling Ocean and Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in the High-Resolution Regional Arctic System Model
Frants M, Maslowski W, Jeffery N, Wang S, Jin M & Osinski R

Osinzev A. (2011) Speleothem Record of Permafrost in Siberia and Aridity in Mongolia during the Last 450 kyr
Vaks A, Gutareva O, Breitenbach S, Avirmed E, Kononov A, Osinzev A & Henderson G

Osipov A. (2007) High-Temperature Raman Spectroscopy and Thermodynamic Modelling of Silicate Melts, Based on the Problem-Oriented Database 'Thermo-Melt'
Koroleva O, Bykov VN, Osipov A & Khodakovsky I

Óskarsson F. (2024) Towards an Improved Conceptual Model for Low-Temperature Geothermal Systems in North Iceland
Gautason B, Árnadóttir S, Clark DE, Egilson Þ, Helgadóttir HM, Óskarsson F & Tryggvason HH
(2021) Fluid Chemistry of the Theistareykir Geothermal Field, NE Iceland
Clark DE, Óskarsson F, Eichinger F, Iannotta J, Voropaev A, Nielsson S & Sigurðardóttir ÁK

Oskarsson N. (2011) The Ash that Closed Europe’s Airspace: Part I, Grains Size Distribution of the Eyjafjallajökull Ash and Soluble Salt Coatings
Gislason S, Eiriksdottir E, Alfredsson H, Oskarsson N, Sigfússon B, Larssen G, Hassenkam T, Nedel S, Bouvet N, Hem C, Balogh Z, Dideriksen K & Stipp S
(2011) The Ash that Closed Europe’s Airspace: Part II, the Physical Aspects of the Eyjafjallajökull Ash (Geochemistry Fellow Presentation)
Stipp S, Hassenkam T, Nedel S, Bovet N, Hem C, Balogh Z, Dideriksen K, Eiriksdottir E, Alfredsson H, Oskarsson N, Sigfusson B, Larssen G & Gislason S
(2008) Generation of Porphyritic Rift Zone Basalts in Iceland – Evidence from the Thjorsa Lava
Halldorsson SA, Gronvold K, Oskarsson N, Sigurdsson G & Sverrisdottir G
(2008) Isotopic Systematics of Magma Movement in the Krafla Central Volcano, North Iceland
Gronvold K, Halldorsson SA, Oskarsson N, Sigurdsson G & Sverrisdottir G
(2001) Pristine Volcanic Ash Exposed to Seawater
Frogner P, Gislason SR & Oskarsson N
(2000) Fertilization Potential of Volcanic Ash in Ocean Surface Waters
Frogner P, Gíslason S & Óskarsson N
(2000) Osmium Isotopes in Ferromagnesian Mineral and Basalts from Iceland Measured by MC-Ipc-Ms Triple Ion Counting
Grönvold K, Oskarsson N, Sigurdsson G & Sverrisdottir G

Oskierski Hans C. (2024) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Dolocrete Covering REE Ore Deposit at Mt Weld, Western Australia
Santos A, Deditius AP, Oskierski HC, Oliveira AV, Fougerouse D, Bhat G, Roberts MP & Kinny P
(2024) Fingerprinting the Refining of Spodumene into Lithium Chemicals
Oskierski HC, Wijewardhana TDU, Honra A, Deditius AP, Rankenburg K, Vasilyev P, Pang C & Senanayake G
(2023) Modern, Mg- and Si-Rich Microbialites from a Mining Pond in Carbonated Serpentinite
Oskierski HC, McCutcheon J, Deditius AP, Suvorova A, D’Olivo Cordero JP & Southam G
(2022) Muscovite as Tracer for the Evolution of Spodumene-Bearing LCT-Pegmatites
Chischi J, Oskierski HC, Alhadad MF, Deditius AP, Rankenburg K, Senanayake G, Roberts MP & Dlugogorski BZ
(2021) Alteration of Spodumene to Muscovite and Cookeite – Implications for the Fate of Lithium and Iron
Chischi J, Oskierski HC, Alhadad MF, Deditius A, Senanayake G, Roberts MP & Dlugogorski BZ
(2019) Weathering and Carbonation of Ultramafic Rocks Traced by Mg Isotopes
Oskierski HC, Beinlich A, Dlugogorski BZ, Altarawneh M & Mavromatis V

Oskierski Hans Christoph (2020) Ultramafic Rock Carbonation between 40° and 255° C
Oskierski HC, Kluge T, Beinlich A & Ashley PM
(2020) Magnesium Isotope Signatures of Hydrotalcite Supergroup Minerals during Weathering and Carbonation of Ultramafic Mineral Wastes
Turvey C, Wilson S, Mavromatis V, Hamilton J, Dlugogorski B & Oskierski H
(2020) The Influence of Natural Alteration on the Quality of Spodumene Ores
Chischi J, Oskierski HC, Alhadad MF, Schulz B, Senanayake G & Dlugogorski BZ

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