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Ortega-Gutiérrez F. (2014) Detrital Provenance of the Grenvillian Oaxacan Complex, Southern Mexico: A U-Pb and Hf Zircon Perspective
Solari L, Ortega-Gutiérrez F, Ortega-Obregón C & Elías-Herrera M

Ortega-Huertas M. (2015) Marine Barite Production in the Mediterranean over the Last 20 Kyr: Reconstructing Productivity and Climate Fluctuations
Martinez-Ruiz F, Rodrigo-Gámiz M, Jiménez-Espejo FJ, Gallego-Torres D, Nieto-Moreno V, Paytan A & Ortega-Huertas M
(2013) Elemental Ratios as Proxies for Paleoclimate Reconstruction in the Western Mediterranean
Martinez-Ruiz F, Rodrigo-Gamiz M, Nieto-Moreno V, Jimenez-Espejo FJ, Gallego-Torres D & Ortega-Huertas M

Ortega-Obregón C. (2014) Use of Compact Discrete Dynode (CDD) Detectors in a Neptune Plus MC-ICPMS for U-Pb Geochronology: Comparisons with Quadrupole Laser Ablation Data
Solari L, Bernal JP, Ortega-Obregón C & Gómez-Tuena A
(2014) In situ 230Th/U Dating of Quaternary Zircons Using LA MCICPMS
Bernal JP, Solari L, Gómez-Tuena A, Ortega C, Capra L & Mori L
(2014) The Internal Structure of Millennial-Scale Abrupt Climate Change Events; Insights from LAICPMS Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca Records
Bernal JP, Strikis N, Cruz FW, Catunda MC, Ortega C, Cheng H, Edwards RL & Auler A
(2014) Detrital Provenance of the Grenvillian Oaxacan Complex, Southern Mexico: A U-Pb and Hf Zircon Perspective
Solari L, Ortega-Gutiérrez F, Ortega-Obregón C & Elías-Herrera M

Ortega-Tong P. (2020) Identification of Physical and Geochemical Controls on the Electrokinetic in situ Leaching of Gold
Ortega-Tong P, Jamieson J, Sprocati R, Sun J, Rolle M, Fourie A & Prommer H

Ortelli M. (2012) Trace-Element Control on Near IR Transmittance of Pyrite
Ortelli M, Kouzmanov K & Ubrig N

Ortenzi G. (2021) Volcanic Outgassing Rates for a Stagnant lid Archean Earth: Results from a Coupled Mantle Convection, Melt Partitioning, and Volatile Speciation Model
Guimond CM, Noack L, Ortenzi G & Sohl F
(2020) Volatile Release from Intrusive Magma Systems
Vulpius S, Noack L, Sohl F, Ortenzi G & Hoffmann JE
(2019) Degassing of Intrusive Bodies on Early Earth
Vulpius S, Noack L, Ortenzi G & Sohl F

Ortet P. (2016) Uranium Biomineralization in Environmental Bacteria
Chapon V, Theodorakopoulos N, Piette L, Fevrier L, Coppin F, Gallois N, Armengaud J, Alpha-Bazin B, Barakat M, Ortet P, Carriere M, Vercouter T & Berthomieu C
(2015) Interaction between Uranium and Four Microbacterium Strains Isolated from Metal and Radionuclide-Rich Environments
Chapon V, Theodorakopoulos N, Piette L, Barakat M, Ortet P, Zirah S, Kish A, Berthomieu C & Fevrier L

Orthous-Daunay F-R. (2023) Molecular Growth in Extraterrestrial Samples and its Characteristic Mass Spectrometry
Orthous-Daunay F-R, Vuitton V & Flandinet L
(2021) Non-Targeted Direct Infusion Soluble Organic Analysis on Tarda Meteorite Extract
Isa J, Orthous-Daunay F-R, Vuitton V, Flandinet L & Zolensky ME
(2020) A Sketch for a Photolytic History of Organic Molecules in the Solar System
Orthous-Daunay F-R, Piani L, Flandinet L, Thissen R, Wolters C, Vuitton V, Poch O, Moynier F, Sugawara I, Naraoka H & Tachibana S
(2017) Effect of UV Irradiation on the Soluble Organic Matter Extract from the Murchison Chondrite
Orthous-Daunay F-R, Flandinet L, Thissen R, Vuitton V, Moynier F, Piani L & Tachibana S
(2016) Origin of Large Soluble Molecules in Murchison Chondrite
Orthous-Daunay F-R, Flandinet L, Thissen R, Vuitton V, Moynier F & Zinner E
(2009) S and O Functional Analysis of Aqueously Altered Carbonaceous Chondrites IOM
Orthous-Daunay F-R, Quirico E, Lemelle L, Beck P, De Andrade V, Simionovici A, Derenne S & Schmitt B

Ortiz A. (2023) Soil CO2 Dynamics in Flood Irrigated Arid Agricultural Fields: Temporal Variability of Abiotic and Biotic CO2 Production and Transport
Andrews E, Ortiz A, Molina V, Kaye J, Darrouzet-Nardi A & Jin L
(2020) Anthropogenic Impacts as a State Factor of Soil Genesis: Enhanced Calcite Accumulation and Abiotic CO2 Emission in Irrigated Drylands
Jin L, Ortiz A, Valles K & Kaye J
(2019) A Quantitative Assessment of the Presence and Mobility of Trace Metals in Soils and Groundwater
Sosa E, Ma L, Ortiz A & Jin L
(2019) Using Flow-Through Column Experiments to Study Dynamics of CO2 Emissions and Calcite Accumulation in Flood-Irrigated Sediments
Jin L, Ortiz A, Valles K & Moreno V
(2018) Sources of Calcium and Carbon in Pedogenic Calcite of Dryland Agricultural Soils
Ortiz A, Valles K, Ma L, Ogrinc N, Krajnc B, Kaye J & Jin L
(2017) Agricultural Irrigation in Drylands Leads to Development of Pedogenic Carbonate and Release of Soil CO2
Jin L, Ortiz A, Ogrinc N, Krajnc B & Kaye J
(2017) Reactive Transport Modeling of CO2 Emissions and Calcite Precipitation Kinetics in Dryland Agriculture
Ortiz A, Sonnenthal E & Jin L
(2016) Understanding the Repercussions of Dryland Irrigation on Pedogenic Carbonate Development
Ortiz A, Jin L, Ogrinc N, Krajnc B & Kaye J

Ortiz Daniel (2019) Investigating the Biodegradation of Organic Compounds Released from Irradiated Ion Exchange Resins Under Geological Repository Relevant Conditions
Boylan A, Le Caer S, Buhler-Varenne F, Ortiz D, Menin L, Perez-Mon C & Bernier-Latmani R

Ortiz Deborah (2012) Interfacial Water:properties Explored with an Atomic Force Microscope
Ortiz D, Chiu H-C, Kim S & Riedo E

Ortiz E. (2014) Biogeochemical Cycling of Mercury from Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Madre de Dios, Peru
Diringer S, Feingold B, Pan W, Ortiz E & Hsu-Kim H

Ortiz José (2020) Preliminary Geochemical Study of Puyango Deposit, Ecuador, Applying Statistics
Manrique J & Ortiz J

Ortíz José E (2023) Geochemical Analysis of Fe, Zn and Ni Sulphides in Calcareous Black Shales, Puyango, Ecuador
Manrique JL, Ortíz JE & Milovsky R
(2021) Content Distibution of Rare Earth Elements + Yttrium in Puyango Deposit, Ecuador
Manrique J & Ortíz JE

Ortiz José Eugénio (2011) Microbial Induced Mineralization in Co-rich Ferromanganese Crusts from the Scotia Sea
González FJ, Somoza L, Maldonado A, Torres T & Ortiz JE
(2010) Thermogenic Hydrocarbons in Fe-Mn Nodules from the Gulf of Cadiz: A New Tool for Oil and Gas Exploration
González FJ, Somoza L, Torres T, Ortiz JE, Lunar R, Martínez-Frías J, Medialdea T & León R
(2007) Mud-Breccia Clasts and Sediments as Nucleation Sites for Hydrocarbon-Derived Ferromanganese Nodules in Carbonate-Mud Mounds from the Gulf of Cadiz
González J, Somoza L, Lunar R, Martínez-Frías J, Martín-Rubí JA, Torres T, Ortiz JE & Díaz del Río V

Ortiz Joseph (2011) Low Latitude Surface Ocean Contribution to the Deglacial Atmospheric Radiocarbon Decline
Marchitto T, Lehman S, Lindsay C, Bryan S, Ortiz J & van Geen A
(2006) The ocean's great deglacial CO2 release: Evidence from deep sea CaCO3 preservation and intermediate water 14C activity
Marchitto T, Lehman S, Ortiz J & Van Geen A

Ortiz L. (2009) Heavy Metals in Ice Cores from Mexican Mountains
Carrillo-Chavez A, Levresse G, Carreon D, Ponce G, Muñoz C, Perez O, Perez J & Ortiz L

Ortiz M. (2009) Bacterial and Archaeal Diversity in Kartchner Caverns, a Carbonate Cave in Southwest of the USA
Legatzki A, Ortiz M, Neilson JW, Pryor BM, Pierson LS & Maier RM
(2009) Intra- and Inter- Speleothem Variability of Bacterial Communities in Kartchner Caverns
Ortiz M, Legatzki A, Neilson JW, Pryor BM, Pierson LS & Maier RM

Ortiz V. (2015) Seasonal Dynamics of Mercury and Methylmercury in Plankton of Long Island Sound (USA)
Gosnell K, Mason R, Balcom P & Ortiz V

Ortiz Peña N. (2023) In situ Electron Microscopy Monitoring of Mn Oxides Formation Impacted by Various Functionalized Organic Surfaces
Dejean C, Ortiz Peña N, Ménez B, Gadal C, Bouquerel H, Alloyeau D & Gélabert A
(2021) The Role of Functionalized Organic Surfaces in Metal Biomineralization: Insights from Liquid-Cell STEM Experiments
Dejean C, Ortiz Peña N, Alloyeau D, Menez B, Gadal C & Gelabert A

Ortiz-Cordero D. (2016) Detrital Jack Hills Zircon-Quartz δ18O Analysis Tests Alteration of Zircon and Zircon Inclusions
Cameron E, Valley J, Ortiz-Cordero D, Kitajima K & Cavosie A

Ortlieb L. (2004) A High Resolution Temperature Calibration Study on the Chilean Gastropod Concholepas Concholepas
Guzman N, Lazareth C, Poitrasson F, Candaudap F, Cuif J & Ortlieb L

Ortmeyer F. (2023) Positive Side Effect of Enhanced Denitrification: Fixation of Trace Elements
Ortmeyer F, Kim H, Hansen B & Jakobsen R
(2021) Effect of Temperature on Induced Denitrification – Large Differences in Reaction Rate and Modified Microbiology
Ortmeyer F, Begerow D, Guerreiro MA & Banning A
(2019) Enhanced Nitrate Reduction by Addition of Different Organic Substances
Ortmeyer F, Wisotzky F & Banning A

Orts J-P. (2021) First Field Record of 17O-Excess of Atmospheric Vapor Measured by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
Voigt C, Vallet-Coulomb C, Piel C, Reiter IM, Orts J-P, Xueref-Remy I, Santonja M & Alexandre A

Ortuño M. (2008) 10Be Dating of Erratics at Hell Creek (Coast Mountains, BC, Canada)
Ortuño M, Evans S, Clague J, Pallàs R, Rodés Á, Cuman A, Braucher R & Bourlès D

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