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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Oleynik I. (2017) Geochemical and Mineralogical Factors for Geometallurgy Applications for Complex Platinum Ores of Viksha Deposit (Karelia, Russia)
Borozdin A, Petrov S, Oleynik I, Roslyakov S, Agapov I & Anisimov I

Oleynik S. (2014) Glacial-To-Interglacial Changes in Nitrate Supply and Consumption in the Subarctic North Pacific from Microfossil-Bound N Isotopes at Two Trophic Levels
Ren H, Studer A, Sigman D, Serno S, Anderson R, Winckler G, Oleynik S, Gersonde R & Haug G

Olga S. (2016) P-T Conditions of Diamond- and Graphite-Bearing Eclogite Xenoliths from Udachnaya Kimberlite (Yakutia, Russia)
Mikhailenko D, Korsakov A, Alifirova T, Golovin A, Olga S & Mikhno A

Olguín-Martínez M.G. (2022) Pygeot: A Tool to Automate Mineral Selection for Multicomponent Geothermometry
Olguín-Martínez MG, Peiffer L, Dobson P, Spycher N, Inguaggiato C, Wanner C, Hoyos AY, Wurl J, Makovsky K & Ruiz-Aguilar D

Olgun N. (2014) Biogeochemical Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions on Alkaline Lakes: A Case Study on Lake Van in Eastern Turkey
Olgun N, Çağatay N, Aksu A, Balkıs N, Kaiser J, Öveçoğlu L & Özcan M
(2014) Volcanic Nutrients and their Impacts on the Surface Ocean Biogeochemistry: A New SOLAS Perspective
Olgun N

Olgun Kıyak N. (2022) Changes in the Marine Primary Productivity in the Marmara Sea (Turkey) during the Past Millennia Inferred from the Marine Sediment Biogeochemistry
Olgun Kıyak N, Bedir S, Tok E, Balci N & Sancar Ü

Olianti C. (2015) A Low-δ18O Hydrothermal Breccia from the Koegel Fontein Complex, South Africa
Olianti C & Harris C

Oliaro T. (2017) In-Vivo Inhalation of Arsenic Laden Mine Waste Particles
Kim C, Oliaro T, Hok S, Lamb B, Silva F & Gothong M

Olías M. (2011) 230Th-234U-238U Disequilibria along the River Catchments from the Iberian Belt (Spain) Affected by Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)
Ketterer M, Hierro A, Barbero L, Olias M, Bolivar JP, Casas-Ruiz M & Baskaran M
(2011) REE Behaviour in Acid Mine Drainage Conditions in the Ríos Tinto and Odiel (Iberian Pyrite Belt, SW Spain)
Barbero L, Olías M, Hierro A, Casas-Ruiz M & Bolívar JP
(2009) Flush-Out of Evaporitic Sulphate Salts in the Tinto River: Environmental Implications
Cánovas CR, Olías M & Nieto JM
(2009) Estimation of the Contaminant Load Transported by an AMD-Affected River (SW, Spain)
Galvan L, Olias M & Sarmiento A

Olić I. (2022) Mesozoic Subduction-Related Metamorphic Record from Amphibolites of Sava Zone: Moslavačka Gora (Croatia)
Petrinec Z, Balen D, Ladišić A & Olić I

Olid C. (2022) Soil Fauna and the Fate of Soil Organic Carbon in Northern Forests
Wackett AA, Yoo K, Cameron EK, Jelinski NA, Looker N, Olid C, Jonsson H, Rodríguez-Martínez S, Frelich LE & Klaminder J

Olierook H. (2024) Hafnium Isotope Evidence for the Existence of the Ultra-Depleted Hadean Mantle Domains
Gamaleldien H, Kirkland C, Johnson T, Olierook H, Li Z-X, Wilde SA & Evans N
(2023) Apatite Sm-Nd and U-Pb Isotopes Unravel Crust-Mantle Interactions in the Fraser Zone, Western Australia
Kuper KM, Kirkland CL, Olierook H, Chiaradia M & Evans K
(2023) Tracing the Origin of Melt-Enhancing Fluids in TTGs via in situ Oxygen Isotopes
Volante S, Pourteau A, Li Z-X, Collins W, Doucet LS, Olierook H, Martin LAJ & Smit M
(2021) Timing of Seafloor Spreading Cessation at the Macquarie Ridge Complex (SW Pacific) and Implications for Upper Mantle Heterogeneity
Jiang Q, Merle R, Jourdan F, Olierook H, Whitehouse M, Evans K, Wang X-C, Conway C, Bostock H & Wysoczanski R
(2020) Kerguelen Plateau Volcanism Linked to the Early Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a
Jiang Q, Jourdan F, Olierook H & Merle R
(2020) Longest Continually Erupting Large Igneous Province Driven by Plume–ridge Interaction
Jiang Q, Jourdan F, Olierook H, Merle R, Coffin M & Whittaker J
(2019) Heterogeneous MORB Mantle Source Caused by Recycling of Oceanic Crust in the Upper Mantle at the Macquarie Ridge Complex, SW Pacific
Jiang Q, Merle R, Jourdan F & Olierook H
(2017) Cretaceous Magmatism along the Rifted Margin of Western Australia: Toward a Greater Kerguelen Large Igneous Province
Olierook H, Merle R & Jourdan F

Olijnyk H. (2000) Raman Observations of the OH Stretching Region in Hydrous ß-Mg2SiO4 (Wadsleyite) to 50 GPa
Kleppe AK, Jephcoat AP, Olijnyk H, Slesinger AE, Wood BJ & Kohn SC

Olin M. (2014) 15-Year Experiments of the Interaction of the Compacted Bentonite, Copper Canister and Fresh Water
Järvinen J, Tiljander M, Matusewicz M, Rajala P, Itävaara M, Olin M & Muurinen A
(2007) The Model Structure of Kaolinite in Relation to Surface Complexation
Olin M, Puhakka E & Lehikoinen J

Olin Paul (2015) STDGL3 – A New Calibration Standard for Sulphide Analysis by LA-ICP-MS
Belousov I, Danyushevsky L, Olin P, Gilbert S & Thompson J
(2015) Cumulate Melting as the Origin for Chemical Gradients in Crystal-Poor Bodies of Silicic Magma
Wolff J, Ellis B, Ramos F, Starkel W, Boroughs S, Olin P & Bachmann O
(2014) Preparation of a Borate Glass Calibration Standard for LA-ICPMS Analysis of Sulphides
Belousov I, Danyushevsky L & Olin P
(2008) Using Trace Elements to Constrain Relationships between Minerals and Glasses in Mixed-Magma Volcanic Rocks
Olin P & Wolff J
(2005) LA-ICPMS Studies of Microscale Trace Element Variations in Zoned Minimum-Melt Magma Systems
Wolff J, Olin P & Knaack C
(2005) Scales of Chemical Heterogeneity in Felsic Magmas: The Fasnia Member, Tenerife, Canary Islands
Olin P, Wolff J & Edgar C

Olin Paul (2016) Advances in LA-ICPMS Analysis of Sulphide Minerals
Danyushevsky L, Gilbert S, Olin P, Thompson J & Shelley M
(2016) Biotite Trace Element Fingerprints (V-Co-nb) Identify Magma Batches and Correlate Volcano Sequences at Las Cañadas Volcano, Tenerife
Sliwinski J, Ellis B, Dávila-Harris P, Wolff J, Olin P & Bachmann O

Olin Paul (2017) Scanning Unpolished Drill Cores with Laser Ablation Quadrupole ICPMS
Meffre S, Danyushevsky L, Harraden C, Berry R, Olin P & Fox N

Olin Paul (2020) Data Reduction Algorithms for Fully Quantitative Analysis of Clinopyroxene by LA ICPMS
Belousov I, Danyushevsky L, Draayers E & Olin P

Olin Paul (2022) Deposition of Au-Rich Rims of Pyrite from a Carlin-Type Au Deposit
Wu Y, Evans K, Fougerouse D, Danyushevsky L, Olin P, Martin LAJ & Li J

Olin Paul (2023) Sulphides from Mantle Section Pyroxenites of Voykar Ophiolite (Polar Urals)
Belousov I, Batanova VG, Sobolev AV, Olin P & Danyushevsky LV

Olinger C. T. (2015) Depth Distribution of Solar Wind He Implanted into NASA Genesis Targets
Yurimoto H, Bajo K, Olinger CT, Jurewicz AJG, Burnett DS, Sakaguchi I, Suzuki TT, Itose S, Ishihara M, Uchino K & Wieler R

Olinger Chad (2017) Coronal Mass Ejecta in Depth Profiling on NASA’s Genesis Mission
Tonotani A, Bajo K-I, Olinger C, Reisenfeld D, Jurewicz A, Itose S, Sakaguchi I, Ishihara M, Uchino K, Burnett D & Yurimoto H
(2012) C, N, O Abundances and Isotopic Compositions in the Sun
Heber V, Burnett D, Guan Y, Jurewicz A, Smith S, Olinger C & McKeegan K

Olinger D. (2020) Constraining the Conditions of Rare Earth Element Mineralization in the Bear Lodge Alkaline Complex, Wyoming: A Fluid Inclusion Study
Olinger D, Andersen A & Bennett M

Olins H. (2018) Mineral Colonization Samplers Reveal Patterns in Microbial Community Composition and Structure at Hydrothermal Vents
Olins H, Gartman A & Girguis P
(2018) Using Winogradsky Columns to Investigate Links between Geochemistry and Environmental Microbiology with K-Adult Students
Olins H

Oliot Emilien (2009) Allanite in situ Dating in Mylonite: Case Study at the Mt Mucrone, Italy
Cenki-Tok B, Berger A, Thomsen T, Goncalves P, Oliot E, Engi M & Spandler C

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