Oh Chamteut
Geochemistry of Icicle Precipitates in Tunnels in an Abandoned Coal Mine, Korea
Cheong Y, Yim G & Oh C
The Extent of the CO2 Concentration of Mine Drainage and its Effect on Stream Water Quality
Cheong Y, Yim G, Oh C & Ahn J
Study of the Source of the AMD Around the Abandoned Coal Mine Related with the Groundwater
Ji S, Cheong Y-W, Yim GJ, Oh C, Kim S & Kim D-M
Oh Chang Whan
The Amalgamation of the Eastern Ghats Belt with the Dharwar Craton, India: Constraints from SHRIMP Zircon and EPMA Monazite Dating
Chatterjee A, Patel SC & Oh CW
Paleoproterozoic (ca. 2.0-1.97 Ga) Arc-Realated Magmatism in the Muju Area, Yeongnam Massif, South Korea and its Tectonic Implication to Northeast Asia
Lee B, Oh C & Cho D
The Evolution of the Cretaceous Jinan Basin in South Korea Based on the Age and Origin of Volcanic Activity for the Volcanic Rocks
Lee SH & Oh CW
How We can Delineate the Disappeared Continental Collision Process Using Metamorphic Information
The Correlation between Neoproterozoic Igneous Activities Related to Rodinia Supercontinent in Korean Peninsula and China
Lee BY & Oh CW
Oh Chang-Whan
Metamorphic History of the Paleoproterozoic Salma Eclogite in the Kola Peninsula, Russia
Imayama T, Oh C-W, Baltybaev S, Park C-S, Yi K & Jung H
Oh D.
Soil Biogeochemical Processes Under Freeze-Thaw Cycles Using a Process-Oriented Experimental Approach
Rezanezhad F, Milojevic T, Oh D, Parsons C, Smeaton C & Van Cappellen P
Oh Haerim
Impacts of Shallow Geothermal System on Groundwater Characteristics Using Hydrochemistry, Multiple Isotopes, and Microbial Analysis
Kim J, Lee K-K, Baek J, Kaown D, Ko H-N & Oh H
Oh Haeyoung
Quantifying Trace Element Distributions in Agate Banding by LA-ICP-MS
Park C-S, Kim Y, Shin HS, Yi K & Oh H
Oh Hyun-Joo
Regional Geochemical Mapping of Rare and Trace Elements in Northeastern Part of South Korea
Youm S-J, Ahn JS, Cho Y-C, Shin S-C & Oh H-J
Oh In-Bo
Influence of Ship Emissions on Ozone and PM Concentrations Around Coastal Areas during Springs and Summers of 2005-2006
Shon Z-H, Song S-K, Kim Y-K, Oh I-B & Yoo S-Y
Oh Inho
Source Apportionment of VOCs and their Impact on Air Quality and Health in the Megacity of Seoul
Song S-K, Shon Z-H, Kang Y-H, Kim K-H, Kang M, Bang J-H & Oh I
Oh Jaehwan
Surrogate Modeling with Convolutional Neural Networks to Evaluate CO2 Storage Under Geological Uncertainty
Oh J, Park C & Jo S
Oh Jiho
The Characteristics of Tremolite Asbestos Occurred in Abandoned Asbestos Mines in South Korea
Hwang J, Oh J, Park G & Lee H
Oh Jihye
He-Ne-Ar-O Isotope Geochemistry of Cenozoic Basalts in the East Sea, Republic of Korea
Lee W, Lee H, Kim S, Kim J, Kim J, Oh J, Kim CH & Park CH
HIMU and EM1 Components in the Upper Mantle beneath the Northeast Lau Spreading Center
Oh J, Kim J, Lee I & Hwang G
Distribution of Diverse Styles of Hydrothermal Vent Fields along the Slow-Spreading Central Indian Ridge between 8° and 16°S
Kim J, Kim W, Choi SK, Oh J & Moon I
Decoupling of Helium and Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Systems Associated with Ridge Morphology and Mantle Dynamics of the Central North Fiji Basin
Oh J, Kim J, Stuart FM, Park M & Lee I
Geochemical and Mineralogical Evidences for Evolved Alkaline Mamatism from Pyroxene–hosted Melt Inclusions
Moon I, Kim J, Lee H, Seoung D, Oh J, Kim CH, Park CH & Lee I
Helium Isotope Geochemistry of Mantle Xenoliths and Cenozoic Basalts in Jeju Island, South Korea
Kim D, Lee H, Kim J, Oh J & Stuart FM
Helium Isotope Compositions of Basaltic Rocks from Dokdo and Ullengdo Volcanic Islands, South Korea
Lee W, Lee H, Kim J, Oh J & Stuart FM
Possible Contributions of HIMU and EM1 Components in Magma Generation beneath the Northern Lau Back-Arc Basin
Oh J, Kim J & Lee I
Melt-Rock Reaction in Gabbroic Rocks from the Central Indian Ridge and the Influence on MORB
Choi S, Park J-W, Kim J, Oh J & Park C
Geochemical Constraints on Enriched Mantle Source of the North Fiji Basin
Oh J, Kim J, Lee I & Stuart FM
Mapping of Active and Inactive Vent Fields along the Censtral Spreading Ridge in the North Fiji Basin
Kim J, Son J, Pak S-J, Oh J & Son S-K
Mantle Heterogeneity in the Source Region of MORBs along the Nothern Central Indian Ridge
Kim J, Pak S-J, Oh J & Moon J-W
Variation of Arc Signature in Volcanic Lavas from the Southern Tonga-Lau Arc and Back-Arc System
Oh J, Kim J & Moon J-W
Geochemical Mapping of North Fiji Basin: Evidence for the Source Heterogeneity and Distribution of Mantle Domains
Oh J, Kim J & Moon J-W
Oh Jongmin
Biogenic and Abiogenic Nucleation of Uranium in Anaerobic Environments
Lee SY, Oh JM, Baik MH & Choi JW
Microbial Leaching of Iron from Magnetite Under Aerobic and Anaerobic Environments
Roh Y, Oh J, Suh Y & Jang HD
Metal Reduction and Formation of Nanometer-Sized Magnetites by Facultative Iron-Reducing Bacteria Isolated from Inter-Tidal Flat Sediments
Kim Y, Roh Y, Oh J, Park B, Jang H, Suh Y & Lee S
Oh Jun-Seop
Hydrochemistry of Shallow Groundwater in Areas Affected by Livestock Burial
Oh J-S, Yun S-T, Lee J-H, Kim K-H, Choi K-J, Kim D-H, Kim T-S, Han J-S & Mayer B
Oh Jung-Suk
Geochemical and Hydrodynamic Controls on the Accumulation of Nuclear Reprocessing Wastes in Coastal Sediments
Cundy AB, Croudace IW, Warwick PE & Oh J-S
Oh Jungsun
Spatial Distribution of Uranium in Groundwater of Korea
Shin W, Choung S, Oh J, Woo N-C, Cho B, Lee K-S, Yun U, Kim TS & Kim M
Comparison of Chemical and Physical Properties between PM2.5 and PM>2.5
Choung S, Oh J, Han WS, Kim D-Y & Kwon Y
Oh Junseop
Suggestions of Source Groundwater Management Strategies Based on the Water Quality Grade in Jeju Island
Moon SH, Yu S, Kang H-J, Oh J, Oh S-M, Kwak C-A & Yun S-T
Two-Track Approach for Establishing Groundwater Quality Management Schemes in Agricultural Areas: Field- and Catchment-Scale Experiments
Lee K-J, Yun S-T, Kim W, Park SJ, Oh J, Kim HK & Kim MS
The Use of Support Vector Machine Technique to Evaluate Groundwater Contamination by Poultry Burial
Oh J, Kim K-H & Yun S-T
Assessment of Background Quality of Groundwater in Agro-Livestock Farming Areas of South Korea
Kim H, Kim K-H, Oh J, Kim S-O, Kim T-S, Kim H-K & Yun S-T
Oh M.
Biogeochemical Control on the Dissolution/Precipiation of Fine Suspended Solids from Mine Drainage
Lee S, Oh M, Lee J & Kim D
Oh Sae Gang
Arsenic Uptake by Natural Sludge Occurred at Coal Mine Drainage
Lee HE, Kim YJ, Park S-O, Sung YH, Oh SG & Lee YJ
Oh Sang-Sil
Status of Groundwater in Jeju Volcanic Island, South Korea: Evaluation of Long-Term Monitoring Data for Sustainable Management
Kang H-J, Kim H-R, Hyun I-H, Oh S-S & Yun S-T
Geologic Control of Groundwater Contamination in a Basaltic Aquifer beneath an Agricultural Field, South Korea
Jung H-W, Yun S-T, Kim K-H, Oh S-S & Kang K-G
Distribution of Vanadium in a Basaltic Aquifer of Jeju Island, Korea: Effects of Geochemical Reactions and Hydrological Mixing
Jung H-W, Yun S-T, Mayer B, Kim K-H, Go Y-H, Oh S-S & Kang K-G
Oh Se-Woung
Decomposition-Induced Changes in Soil Organic Matter Composition
Quideau S, Oh S-W & Paré D
Oh Seok-Jin
Lithium Isotope Geochemistry in Bivalves Collected along the Korean Coast
Ryu J-S, Lee J, Kim GM, Lee Y-W, Sun C, Kim J-J & Oh S-J
Oh Seolran
Seasonal Nitrogen Biogeochemical Characteristics in Porewater and Sediment in the Wetland, Korea
Moon HS, Kim D-H, Oh YH, Han JY, Oh S & Cho SY
Effect of Wetland Plant and Water Level on the Denitrification in the Wetland Mesocosms
Moon HS, Han JY, Oh S & Jeon P
Oh Seung-Ju
Kohonen Self Organizing Map (KSOM) Approach for Assessing Hydrochemistry of Deep Thermal Groundwater in Korea
Kim M-J, Kim K-H, Oh S-J & Yun S-T
Oh Solbi
Effect of Structural Disorder of Dolomite on Decarbonation
Kim HN, Kim MS, So B-D & Oh S