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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Occhipinti Sandra (2015) Extrapolating Regolith Geochemical Data for Regional Analysis of the Critical Layer Using ASTER Remote Sensing Data
Lampinen H, Laukamp C, Occhipinti S & Halley S

Occhipinti Sandra (2019) Integrating Isotopic Signatures and Geodynamic Numerical Models to Fingerprint Geodynamic Settings
Kohanpour F, Kirkland C, Gorczyk W, Occhipinti S & Lindsay M

Ocean Drilling Program L.2.S.S.P. (2002) Dolomite Formation on the Peru Margin: Evidence for Microbial Activity in the Deep Biosphere
Meister P, McKenzie JA, Vasconcelos C & Ocean Drilling Program L2SSP

Och Lawrence (2011) Transient Oxic Conditions Amid Ferruginous Deep Waters after the Cryogenian Sturtian Glaciation Evidenced from Fe-C-S Proxies
Li D, Ling H, Shields G, Och L & Poulton S
(2011) Redox Evolution of the Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian Ocean on Yangtze Platform, China
Chen X, Vance D, Ling H, Archer C, Shields G & Och L
(2009) Redox-Sensitive Trace Metals during the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event
Och L, Shields G, Ling H, Li D, Cremonese L, Thirlwall M, Manning C & Osborne T
(2009) δ15N Chemostratigraphy of Ediacaran-Cambrian Sections of South China
Cremonese L, Struck U, Shields G, Ling H, Guo Q & Och L

Och Lawrence (2013) Higher Oxygenation Level after Sturtian Glaciation Meltdown Despite Varying Local Redox in Nanhua Basin
Ling H-F, Chen X, Li D, Shields G, Vance D & Och L
(2013) On-Site Porewater Measurements of Lake Baikal Sediments
Torres N, Och L, Müller B, Sturm M & Vologina E
(2013) Rare Earth Elements in the Sediments of Lake Baikal
Och L, Müller B, Ulrich A, Voegelin A, Wichser A, Vologina E & Sturm M

Ocheltree T. (2011) Contrasting Sediment and Water Geochemistry between Low and Very High Arsenic Affected Areas in Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
Neal A, Telfeyan K, Haug T, Tappero R, Ocheltree T, Johannesson K & Datta S

Ochi A (2005) Characteristics of River Sediment in the Light of the Environmental Quality Standard Value of Japan -A Case Study at the Tama, the Tsurumi, the Hino and the Kamo Rivers in Japan-
Watanabe K, Ochi A & Matsumoto I

Ochi Anna (2021) Excretion of Biogenic Selenium Nanoparticles Depends on Outer Membrane Integrity in Escherichia Coli
Ochi A, Tobe R, Toyotake Y, Izu Y, Imai T & Mihara H

Ochi N. (2003) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of CH4-CO2 Mixed Hydrate
Akamatsu T, Ochi N & Kawamura K

Ochi Y. (2016) Paleo-Environmental Analysis during 1.5 Ma from Organic Matter in Lake Biwa (Japan) Sediment
Ochi Y, Urabayashi K & Yamamoto S

Ochiai A. (2018) Novel Method to Quantify Radioactive Cesium-Rich Microparticles in the Environment from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Ikehara R, Suetake M, Komiya T, Furuki G, Ochiai A, Yamasaki S, Bower W, Law G, Ohnuki T, Grambow B, Ewing R & Utsunomiya S
(2018) Speciation of Uranium Released to the Environment with Cesium-Rich Microparticles from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Utsunomiya S, Ochiai A, Imoto J, Suetake M, Komiya T, Furuki G, Ikehara R, Morooka K & Kurihara E
(2018) Remediation Mechanisms of Uranium Mill-Tailing Site at Ningyo-Toge, Japan, Under the Circumneutral Condition
Kawamoto K, Ochiai A, Takeda A, Nakano Y, Onuki T & Utsunomiya S
(2017) Nuclear Fuel Fragments Released from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Ochiai A, Imoto J, Furuki G, Ikehara R, Suetake M, Yamasaki S, Nanba K, Ohnuki T, Grambow B, Ewing R & Utsunomiya S
(2017) Isotopic Signature and Nano-Scale Texture of Cesium-Rich Micro-Particles: Release of Uranium and Fission Products from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Imoto J, Ochiai A, Furuki G, Ikehara R, Suetake M, Horie K, Takehara M, Yamasaki S, Nanba K, Ohnuki T, Law G, Grambow B, Ewing R & Utsunomiya S
(2017) Migration of Cs-Rich Microparticles Released from the FDNPP in the Surface Environments
Furuki G, Ikehara R, Suetake M, Ochiai A, Imoto J, Yamasaki S, Nanba K, Ohnuki T & Utsunomiya S
(2017) Nanocrystallization of Rare Earth Phosphate Using Extracellular Substances Derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Ichiyoshi K, Ochiai A & Utsunomiya S
(2016) Mineralization of Rare Earth Elements as Phosphate at Room Temperature
Ochiai A & Utsunomiya S
(2016) Cesium-Rich Micro-Particles Unveil the Explosive Events in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Imoto J, Furuki G, Ochiai A, Yamasaki S, Nanba K, Ohnuki T, Grambow B, Ewing R & Utsunomiya S

Ochiai S. (2016) Seasonal Variations of Organic Matter in Lake Kiba, Japan during 2014-2015
Bui HT, Nagao S, Sutuki T, Yakawano Y, Fukushi K, Hakashi K, Ochiai S & Yamamoto M
(2009) Carbonate Mineralogy in Bottom Sediment Response to Paleoenvironment in Lake Hovsgol (Mongolia)
Fukumoto H, Fukushi K, Ochiai S & Kashiwaya K

Ochir G.
(2018) Geochemistry and Geochronology of Igneous Rocks in the Erdenet Cu-Mo Porphyry Deposit Area, North Mongolia
Ochir G, Baatar M, Bayaraa B, Batsaikhan U, Ganbat A & Anaad C
(2016) Porphyry Deposits Associated with Adakitic (High Sr/Y) Magma in Subduction Zones, Mongolia
Ochir G, Bayaraa B, Baatar M & Anaad C

Ochirbat M. (2018) Coal Quality of Ovoot Khural Depression in South Mongolia
Ochirbat M & Jargalan S

Ochirbat O. (2020) Geochemistry and Coal Quality of Ovootkhural Depression in South Mongolia
Ochirbat O, Selengee S & Jargalan J

Ochoa R. (2016) Stable Isotope Variations of Cu, and Zn and Pb in Mineral Dust Samples: Controls and Implications for Biogeochemical Cycles
Dong S, Ochoa R & Weiss D

Ochoa V. (2009) Adsorption Energetics and Structure for Monorhamnolipids from Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027 on Solid Surfaces
Pemberton J, Lebron-Paler A, Veres T, Ochoa V & Pruden T

Ochoa-Gonzalez R. (2015) Zinc Isotope Fractionation in Coal Combustion Systems
Ochoa-Gonzalez R, Diaz-Somoano M, Martinez-Tarazona MR & Weiss D

Ochoa-Ricoux J.P. (2022) Geoneutrino Physics in the JUNO Experiment
Ochoa-Ricoux JP & Strati V

Ochoa-Rivero J.M. (2024) Evaluating the Ecosystem Resilience of Irrigated Drylands Using a Critical Zone Approach in Western Texas
Jin L, Andrews E, Garcia A, Quiroz M, Molina V, Ramirez-Valle O, Ochoa-Rivero JM, Sasser K, Sosa M, Orona V, Hartman J, Kaip G, Baker M, Doser D, Gutierrez HA, Engle M, Darrouzet-Nardi A & Ma L

Ocker H. (2023) Understanding Water Chemistry in a Submicron Scale Environment with Quantum Sensing
Hao Z, Ocker H, Anand N, Druga E, Ajoy A & Gilbert B

Ockert C. (2011) Long-Term Development of Diagenetic Signals of Past Sulfate-Methane Transition Zones in Subseafloor Sediments
Wehrmann L, März C, Meister P, Ockert C, Brunner B, Gussone N, Teichert B & Ferdelman T
(2010) Ca-Isotope Fractionation during Interaction with Clay Minerals
Ockert C, Teichert B, Kaufhold S & Gussone N
(2010) Ca-Isotopes of Early Diagenetic Dolomite and Porewater from the Peru Margin
Teichert B, Meister P, Ockert C & Gussone N
(2007) Quantification of Sulphur Cycling at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Peters M, Ockert C, Farquhar J, Masterson A & Strauss H

Ockwig N. (2010) Water Struture and Vibrational Properties in Fibrous Clays
Greathouse J, Cygan R & Ockwig N

Oda A. (2014) Chemical and Isotopic Studies of Precipitation in Toyama, Northern Central Japan
Okakita N, Iwatake K, Hirata H, Oda A & Ueda A

Oda C. (2019) Thermodynamic Properties of SiO2(aq), HSiO3– And SiO32–
Walker C, Anraku S, Oda C, Mitsui S & Mihara M
(2016) The JAEA Thermodynamic Database for Reactions between Groundwater, Cement, Clay, Zeolite and/Or Rock Forming Minerals
Walker C, Arthur R, Wakiya A, Sutou S, Sasamoto H, Oda C, Mihara M & Honda A

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