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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Nton Matthew (2020) Geochemical Fingerprinting of Oil Impacted Soil and Water Samples in Some Selected Areas within the Niger Delta
Adeniyi A, Nton M & Falode O

Nton Matthew Essein

Ntouanoglou K. (2013) Enrichment of Pb, Se, As, U and Cs in Commercial Cosmetic Clays
Giouri K, Papadopoulos A, Bourliva A, Tzamos E, Papadopoulou L, Ntouanoglou K & Filippidis A

Nu’uhiwa K. (2022) Papahulilani – The Research of Space and the Sky Above us in Hawaiian Culture
Nu’uhiwa K

Nuber S. (2023) Understanding Nitrogen Incorporation into Skeletons of Scleractinian Coral from Field Data and Laboratory Experiments
Nuber S, Ren HA, Cai Li RY, Tanuputri J & Chen YC
(2021) A Continuous 1, 500 kyr Record of Atmospheric CO2 from Boron Isotopes
Chalk TB, De La Vega E, Hain M, Brown R, Rohling EJ, Nuber S, Wilson P, Cherry S, Milton JA & Foster GL

Nuccio Erin (2013) Mapping Soil Carbon from Cradle to Grave: C Transformations from Roots to Organo-Mineral Associations
Pett-Ridge J, Keiluweit M, Shi S, Nuccio E, Bougoure J, Weber P, Brodie E, Mayali X, Kleber M, Nico P & Firestone M

Nuccio Erin (2015) Carbon Transformations in the Rhizosphere: The Critical Role of Microbial Functional Capacity
Pett-Ridge J, Shi S, Nuccio E, Herman D, He Z, Wu L, Brodie E, Zhou J & Firestone M

Nuccio Erin (2016) Directing Traffic in the Rhizosphere: How Microbes Shape the Flow and Fate of Root Carbon
Pett-Ridge J, Nuccio E, Shi S, Neurath R, Whitman T, Brodie E, Lipton M, Zhou J & Firestone M

Nuccio Erin (2020) Ecohydrologic Implications of Deeply Rooted Grasses
Oerter E, Nuccio E, Slessarev E, Min K, Kan M, Visser A, McFarlane K, Asefaw Berhe A & Pett-Ridge J

Nuccio Erin (2023) Linking Microbial Assimilation of Carbon and Microbial Biomarkers to Soil Organic Matter Persistence
Finstad KM, Grant KE, Morrison K, Nuccio E, Pett-Ridge J & Mcfarlane K

Nuccio M. (2004) He-Sr Isotope Constraints on the Mantle beneath the Monte Vulture Volcano, Southern Italy
Paternoster M, Martelli M, Stuart F & Nuccio M

Nuccio P. (2004) Groundwater Residence Time Estimations Based on Heat and 4He Abundance: An Application to Western Sicily (Italy) Hydrothermal Systems
Caracausi A, Favara R, Italiano F, Nuccio P, Paonita A & Rizzo A
(2004) Inferences on Physico-Chemical Conditions and Gas-Water Interaction by New Quantitative approaches:The Case of Panarea (Italy)
Caracausi A, Ditta M, Italiano F, Longo M, Maugeri R, Nuccio P, Paonita A & Rizzo A
(2004) Mount Etna: Dynamics of Magma Degassing and Ascent Towards the Shallow Levels of the Feeding System
Caracausi A, Italiano F, Nuccio P, Paonita A, Rizzo A & Rosciglione A
(2004) Source of Radiogenic He in the Mantle Wedge: Constraints from Italian Plio-Quaternary Volcanism
Martelli M, Di liberto V, Ellam R, Nuccio P & Stuart F

Nuche-Pascual M.T.

Nude P.M. (2021) Evolution of Continental Crust in the Paleoproterozoic Birimian-Eburnean Orogeny
Aidoo F, Zhang S-B & Nude PM

Nudelman Fabio (2013) The Discovery and Role of Non-Stoichometric Complexes of Calcium Carbonate in the Solution Precipitation of Vaterite
Smeets P, Habraken W, Bertinetti L, Nudelman F & Sommerdijk N

Nudelman Fabio (2015) Calcification in Coccolithophores: A Biogeochemical Study of Polysaccharides from Past to Present
Lee R, Mavridou D, Papadakos G, McClelland H, Walker J, Nudelman F, Heureux A, Hermoso M, Day C & Rickaby R

Nuelle L.M. (2021) Hydrothermal HFSE(+HREE) Mineralization in the Bear Lodge Alkaline Complex—a Key to Understanding the Larger Hicks Dome Critical Mineral Resource?
Andersen AK, Hofstra AH & Nuelle LM

Nuertai M. (2016) Spectroscopic Study for a Cr-Adsorbed Montmorillonite
Zhang X, Cai Y, Bai L & Nuertai M

Nüesch R. (2007) Multilayer Fixation of Dissolved Phosphate on Natural Calcites Derived from Sorption Experiments
Eiche E, Berg U, Neumann T, Nüesch R & Stüben D

Nuester J. (2012) The Unique Biogeochemical Signature of the Marine Diazotroph Trichodesmium
Nuester J, Vogt S, Newville M, Kustka A & Twining B
(2008) Does Iron Dissociation from Siderophores Lead to Iron Isotope Fractionation?
Nuester J, Liermann L, Wasylenki L, Anbar A & Brantley S

Nugent M. (2000) Estimating Radionuclide Release from a Uranium Deposit Through Uranium-Series Systematics in Carbonates and Opal
Pickett D, Leslie B, Murphy W & Nugent M

Nuita M. (2008) Glacial-Interglacial Oceanographic Variations over the Past 340, 000 Years at the Mid-Latitude of Southwest Pacific Based on a Multi-Proxy Approach
Ho S-L, Nuita M, Yamamoto M, Minagawa M, Sagawa T, Horikawa K, Murayama M & Kato Y

Nuka P. (2002) Influence of H2O on the Development of Spinifex Textures in Komatiites
Grove T, Parman S, Nuka P, de Wit M & Dann J

Nukina S. (2008) Treatment of Arsenate in Acid Mine Drainage by a Permeable Reactive Barrier Bearing Granulated Blast Furnace Slag: Column Study
Sasaki K, Nukina S, Wilopo W & Hirajima T

Numan T. (2024) Reactive Organic Carbon Governing the Ecosystem Functions of Permafrost Soil and their Response to Climate Change
Shahriar A, Timilsina A, Voggenreiter E, Mollenkopf M, Lokesh S, Radakovich A, Numan T, Stincone P, Joshi P, Petras D, Kappler A & Yang Y

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