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Nukina S. (2008) Treatment of Arsenate in Acid Mine Drainage by a Permeable Reactive Barrier Bearing Granulated Blast Furnace Slag: Column Study
Sasaki K, Nukina S, Wilopo W & Hirajima T

Numanami N. (2018) Variable N2/He Ratio of Non-Atmospheric End Member found in Fumarolic Gas at Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan
Ohba T, Nishino K, Numanami N & Yaguchi M

Numata M. (2011) Adsorption and Sorption of Zn2+ on the Surface of Aluminum Hydroxide
Miyazaki A, Numata M, Etou M, Yonezu K, Balint I & YOkoyama T

Numez R. (2000) Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation of the Early Postglacial Sedimentary Record of a Marl Lake
Pentecost A, Spiro B & Numez R

Nunan N. (2013) Hierarchy of Two Drivers of Soil Organic Matter Biodegradation: Microbial Habitat Properties Versus Microbial Communities
Juarez S, Nunan N, Pouteau V, Lerch T & Chenu C
(2013) Living in Soil Pores: Physical and Nutritional Constraints for Microbial Decomposers of Soil Organic Matter
Chenu C, Nunan N, Juarez S, Moyano F, Otten W, Schmidt S, Garnier P & Monga O
(2009) Potential of Visualisation Methods to Further our Understanding of Soil Organic Matter Dynamics
Herrmann AM, Nunan N & Ritz K

Nunes D. (2009) Geochemical and Isotopes Approach on the Characterization of Groundwater Paths in Sintra Massive (Portugal)
Carvalho MR, Carreira P, Silva C, Vieira da Silva A & Nunes D

Nunes J. (2011) He and Ne Isotopic Ratios from the Terceira Rift (Azores): Constraints on the Boundary between Eurasia and Nubia Mantle Sources
Madureira P, Moreira M, Nunes J, Lourenço N, Gautheron C, Carvalho R, Mata J & Pinto de Abreu M

Nunes L. (2013) Hymenoptera Pollinator Effect on Environment
Anjos O, Gonçalves O & Nunes L
(2013) Resilience Biomimicry Model for Natural Disturbance Scenarios
Nunes L & Narog M

Nunes da Rocha U. (2014) Soil Metabolomics Approach to Investigate Dissolved Organic Matter Recalcitrance Against Soil Bacteria
Baran R, Chakraborty R, Cadillo-Quiroz H, Nunes da Rocha U, Brodie E, Deutschbauer A & Northen T

Nunes Manoel T. (2021) Metamorphic Evolution of the Juiz de Fora Complex: Rhyacian and Ediacaran Granulite Facies Metamorphism Records Two Supercontinent Amalgamation Events
Cutts K, Araujo LEDAB, Nunes Manoel T, Heilbron M & Valeriano C

Nunez Jamie (2018) Spatially Resolved Rhizosphere Function for Elucidating Key Controls on Below-Ground Nutrient Interactions
Moran J, Denis E, Ilhardt P, Rosnow J, Nunez J, Lin V, Tucker A, Huggett N, Renslow R, Brislawn C & Jenson S

Nunez Jonathan (2023) Exacerbating Soil Phosphorus Leaching: How Microplastics Impact Nutrient Dynamics in Soils
Wang Z, Nunez J & Mitrano DM

Núñez Jorge (2023) Provenance and Diagenesis of Martian Sedimentary Rocks in the Jezero Crater Delta Front from Microscale Observations by the Mars 2020 PIXL Instrument
Hurowitz J, Tice MM, Allwood A, Cable M, Bosak T, Broz A, Caravaca G, Clark BC, Dehouck E, Fairen AG, Gomez F, Grotzinger JP, Gupta S, Johnson JR, Kah LC, Kalucha H, Labrie J, Li AY, Mandon L, Núñez J, Pedersen DAK, Poulet F, Randazzo N, Scheller EL, Schmidt M, Shuster DL, Siebach K, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Tosca NJ, Treiman A, VanBommel SJ, Wade LA, Williford KH & Yanchilina A
(2023) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Ancient Sedimentary Rocks Analyzed by the SuperCam Instrument in the Jezero Delta, Mars
Dehouck E, Forni O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Mangold N, Royer C, Clavé E, Beyssac O, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Poulet F, Le Mouélic S, Caravaca G, Kalucha H, Gibbons E, Dromart G, Gasda P, Meslin P-Y, Schroeder S, Udry A, Anderson R, Clegg S, Cousin A, Gabriel T, Lasue J, Fouchet T, Pilleri P, Pilorget C, Hurowitz J, Núñez J, Williams A, Russell P, Simon JI, Maurice S & Wiens RC
(2022) Mastcam-Z Views of Alteration in Jezero Crater Floor Rocks
Garczynski B, Johnson JR, Horgan BHN, Vaughan A, Rice M, Bell J, Núñez J, Curtis S, Million C & St. Clair M

Nunez K. (2023) A Biological Mechanism for the Reduction and Emission of Mercury from Soil
Nunez K & Carpi A

Núñez Enríquez J.C. (2021) Air Quality Changes in Mexico City, London and Delhi in Response to Various Levels of Lockdown Restrictions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rangel EV, Namdeo A, Bramwell L, Miquelajauregui Y, Resendiz-Martinez C, Jaimes M, Luna F, Terrazas-Ahumada A, Maji K, Entwistle JA, Núñez Enríquez JC, Mejia JM, Portas A, Hayes L & McNally R

Nunez Palma Y. (2017) Elucidation of Nitrate Dynamics in a Temperate Region Watershed with Heavy Snowfall Using Triple Oxygen Isotopes as Tracers
Nunez Palma Y, Hattori S, Itoh Y, Kawasaki M, Takase K & Yoshida N

Núñez-Guerrero E. (2023) Phase Equilibria Point to Cold and Shallow Depth Conditions for Magma Storage at La Palma 2021 Eruption
Andújar J, Scaillet B, Casillas R, Di Carlo I, Slodczyk A, Frascerra D, Faranda CF, Jiménez Mejías M, Núñez-Guerrero E, Meletlidis S, Scaillet S & from Orléans-Olot 2021-2022 course ESG
(2023) Unravelling Degassing Processes Through Experimental Petrology and Neon Isotopes
Núñez-Guerrero E, Moreira M, Scaillet B & Andújar J
(2019) Magmatic System Evolution Under the Active Volcano of Deception Island (Antarctica): Evidences from Stable Isotopes
Álvarez-Valero AM, Aulinas M, Geyer A, Gisbert G, Kereszturi G, Núñez-Guerrero E, Polo-Sánchez A & Sumino H
(2019) Noble Gases Evolution during Crustal Anatexis
Núñez-Guerrero E, Álvarez-Valero AM, Sumino H & Burgess R
(2019) Noble Gases in Olivine Melt Iclusions Reveal Degassing State of Magmas in Deception Island (Antarctica)
Sumino H, Álvarez-Valero A, Okumura S, Núñez-Guerrero E & Geyer A

Nuñez-Hernandez S. (2016) Multi-Isotopic Study of the Fluid Circulation at Los Azufres Geothermal Field, Mexico
Shouakar-Stash O, Pinti DL, Castro CM, Lopez-Hernandez A, Abuharara A, Hall CM, Sandoval-Medina F & Nuñez-Hernandez S

Núñez-Velázquez M.V. (2019) Peralkaline Rhyolitic Volcanism in the Back-Arc Area, Las Navajas-Hidalgo Stratovolcano, Eastern Sector of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt: Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization
Martínez-Serrano RG, Núñez-Velázquez MV, Contreras-Cruz D, García-Tovar GP, Solís-Pichardo G & Arrieta-García G

Nunn B. (2019) Habitability of Methane Hydrates: Insights from Omics
Glass J, Ranjan P, Kretz C, Nunn B, Johnson A, McManus J & Stewart F
(2019) Coupling Metaproteomics with Organic Biomarkers to Determine Functional Responses of Native Microbiomes to Organic Inputs in the Western Arctic Ocean
Mikan M, Nunn B, Timmins-Schiffman E, Riffle M, Noble W & Harvey R
(2018) Metaproteomic and 16S rRNA Reveal Rapid Shifts in Functional Responses of Native Polar Bacterial Communities to Organic Carbon Inputs: Does Taxonomy Matter?
Mikan M, Nunn B, Timmins-Schiffman E, May D, Riffle M, Noble W, Salter I & Harvey R
(2018) Metaproteomics Reveal Uncharacterized Betaproteobacterial Electron Conduits
Szeinbaum N, Henny C, Crowe S, Stewart F, DiChristina T, Reinhard C, Nunn B & Glass J

Nunn E. (2023) Optimisation of Cu(II) Bioreduction and Biorecovery by Shewanella oneidensis
Byrd N, Egan Morriss C, Nunn E, Parmeggiani F, Cavet JS, Kimber R, Gralnick J & Lloyd JR

Nunnery A. (2010) Boron Isotopic Ratios from the Salar de Uyuni, Bolivian Altiplano as a Paleoenvironmental Indicator
Warner N, Nunnery A, Dwyer G, Baker P, Fritz S & Vengosh A
(2008) Relationships between Mantle and Crust Melt Distribution and Surficial Geology and Geochemistry at the 9° 03'N Overlapping Spreading Center, East Pacific Rise
Klein E, Nunnery A, Perfit M, Wanless D & White S

Nunokawa A. (2012) Primitive Submarine Basalts and Three Primary Magma Types from Pagan, Mariana Arc
Tamura Y, Ishizuka O, Stern R, Nunokawa A, Shukuno H, Kawabata H, Embley R, Bloomer S, Nichols A & Tatsumi Y
(2011) Mantle Diapir or Mantle Wedge Plume of NW Rota-1 Volcano, Mariana Arc
Tamura Y, Ishizuka O, Stern R, Shukuno H, Kawabata H, Embley R, Hirahara Y, Chang Q, Kimura J, Tatsumi Y, Nunokawa A & Bloomer S

Nunoura T. (2019) Distribution of Methanogenic Coenzyme F430 in the Subsurface Water Columns at North Pacific Ocean
Kaneko M, Matsui Y, Kawagucci S, Yoshikawa C, Yoshida O, Nunoura T & Ohkouchi N
(2019) Nitrification Rates in the Subarctic and Subtropical North Pacific
Makabe A, Nunoura T, Yoshikawa C & Koba K
(2016) Isotopic Analyses of Dissovled N2O and Nitrite in the Subarctic North Pacific
Toyoda S, Matsushima S, Makabe A, Nunoura T, Yoshikawa C & Yoshida N
(2016) Niche Separation of Marine Thaumarchaeotes from the Seasurface to the Hadal Ocean
Nunoura T, Takaki Y, Minegishi H, Hirai M, Shuto A, Stepanauskas R & Takai K
(2011) Linking Nitrogen Isotope Systematics and Microbiology in a Subsurface Geothermal Water Stream, Hishikari Gold Mine, Japan
Nishizawa M, Koba K, Makabe A, Yoshida N, Hirai M, Miyazaki J, Nunoura T & Takai K
(2010) Novel Sulfur Disproportionation of a Deep-Sea Vent Thermophile
Hasegawa H, Yamamoto M, Nunoura T, Kawagucci S, Ueno Y & Takai K
(2008) Subseafloor Phase Separation and Fluid Migration Supports Calyptogena Colony in the Marginal Region of a Hydrothermal Field
Ishibashi J-I, Suzuki R, Hamasaki H, Yamanaka T, Chiba H, Ijiri A, Tsunogai U, Nakagawa S, Nunoura T & Takai K
(2003) The Microbial Community Structure of Methane Hydrate Bearing Deep Subseafloor Sediments in Cascadia Margin (ODP Leg204)
Nunoura T, Takai K, Nealson K, Horikoshi K, Delwiche M & Colwell F
(2003) Microbiology of Hydrates: Searching for the Methane Source Term
Colwell F, Delwiche M, Reed D, Boyd S, Nunoura T & Takai K
(2003) The Evolution of Metabolisms in Hydrothermal Vents
Nunoura T & Takai K

Nuns N. (2023) New Objects of Study for Mass Spectrometry by Secondary-Ion and Laser Desorption-Ionization: Acritarchs, a Pilot Study of the Species "Gloeocapsomorpha Prisca"
Bon M, Lepot K, Carpentier Y, Bray F, Riboulleau A, Baudin F, Nuns N, Bridoux MC, Rolando C, Steemans P & Vandenbroucke TRA
(2018) Alteration Mechanisms and Kinetics of Limestone Materials Used in Built Cultural Heritage
Saheb M, Gentaz L, Verney-Carron A, Sessegolo L, Rémusat L, Nuns N, Mertz J-D & Chabas A
(2017) Microscale Molecular Characterization of Ancient Microbial Mats
Fadel A, Lepot K, Nuns N, Tribovillard N, Philippot P & Riboulleau A
(2014) Coupled H-Isotopic Signature and Structural Evolution of Experimentally Irradiated Insoluble Organic Matter
Laurent B, Roskosz M, Remusat L, Leroux H, Nuns N, Depecker C, Lefèvre J-M & Robert F

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