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Norton G.

Norton Kevin (2020) Chemical Weathering and Organic Carbon Turnover in Soil
Raines E, Norton K, Dosseto A, Hua Q, Lukens C, Deslippe J & Bellingham M
(2017) Deciphering Landscape Archives of the Sila Massif by Linking 10Be and 239/240Pu
Raab G, Brandova D, Scarciglia F, Norton K, Christl M & Egli M
(2016) In situ Beryllium-10 in Pyroxene
Norton K, Collins J & Tims S

Norton Kevin N. (2008) Denudation Rate Meters in Mountain Belts: Big Brush or Fine Tip?
von Blanckenburg F, Norton KN, Willenbring JK & Wittmann H
(2007) Quantifying Accelerated Surface Denudation as a Result of External Forcing
Norton K, von Blanckenburg F, Schlunegger F, Schwab M & Kubik P

Norton N. (2011) Penetration, Accumulation and Degradation of Deepwater Horizon Oil in Florida Sandy Beaches
Huettel M, Kostka J, Prakash O, Overholt W, Green S, Freyer G, Canion A, Delgardio J & Norton N

Norton S. (2010) Exploring Complex Relationships Among Fish Tissue Mercury Concentrations, Drivers of Trophic Status, and Watershed Characteristics in Maine Lakes
Bacon LC, Amirbahman A, Norton SA, Simon K & Fernandez IJ
(2008) Phosphorus Inactivation by Aluminum in Lakes and Sediments
Kopacek J, Norton SA & Porcal P
(2008) Water Chemistry of Lake Inlets and Outlet as a Predictor of Sediment Characteristics and Internal Cycling of Phosphorus
Norton S, Amirbahman A, Wilson T & Kopocek J
(2008) Comparison of Laboratory and Whole-Ecosystem Weathering in Early Post-Glacial Environments
Perry R, Norton S & Koons P
(2004) Chemistry and Modeling of the Response of a Small Stream to a Short-Term In-Stream Acidification
Navratil T, Vach M, Norton S & Skrivan P

Norwood M. (2020) Quantifying Drivers of Methane Hydrobiogeochemistry in a Tidal River Floodplain
Hou Z, Ward N, Yabusaki S, Waichler S, Norwood M, Myers-Pigg A & Indivero J

Nory R.M. (2018) Zinc and Lead Isotopes as Pollutant Source Tracers in Tunnel Dusts in São Paulo Megacity, Brazil
Nory RM, Figueiredo AMG, Souto-Oliveira CE & Babinski M

Nos Jeremy (2013) Changes in Bacterial Diversity and Community Structure within a Geochemically Variable Uranium-Mine Water Treatment Plant
Sánchez-Castro I, López-Fernández M, Amador-García A, Phrommavanh V, Nos J, Descostes M & Merroun ML
(2013) Geochemical Characterization of Uranium Mill Tailings
Nos J, Boizard A, Peiffert C, Phrommavanh V, Cathelineau M & Descostes M

Nos Jérémy (2017) U and 226Ra Mobility in the Uranium Mill Tailings of Bellezane (France)
Ballini M, Nos J, Phrommavanh V & Descostes M

Noseck U. (2017) Parameter Determination of Thermodynamic Sorption Models
Britz S, Noseck U, Lützenkirchen J, Durner W & Zachmann D
(2017) Smart Kd-Values as Realistic Distribution Coefficients
Stockmann M, Britz S, Flügge J, Fricke J, Becker D, Noseck U & Brendler V
(2017) Surface Complexation Modelling: Sorption of Ni on Quartz and Orthoclase
Fricke J, Britz S, Noseck U, Biester H, Durner W, Brendler V & Stockmann M
(2016) Eu(III) Reactive Transport Modeling: The “smart-Kd” Appraoch
Britz S, Noseck U, Durner W, Iden S, Zachmann D, Brendler V & Stockmann M
(2013) Titration Curves, Column Experiments, and Reactive Transport Models
Britz S, Noseck U, Stockmann M & Brendler V
(2013) Environmental Parameters that Determine Distribution Coefficients of Radionuclides for Repositories
Stockmann M, Brendler V, Flügge J, Britz S, Noseck U & Richter C
(2012) Smart Kd-Concept Based on Surface Complexation Modeling
Stockmann M, Brendler V, Schikora J, Britz S, Flugge J & Noseck U
(2011) Evaluation of Surface Complexation Parameters for Eu3+ on Muscovite and Orthoclase
Britz S, Noseck U, Brendler V & Stockmann M
(2011) A New Methodology for an Improved Description of Radionuclide Retardation in Safety Assessments
Stockmann M, Brendler V, Schikora J, Noseck U & Flügge J

Nosouhian N.

Nosova A. (2023) The Coexistence of Fe-Rich and Si-Rich Silicate Melts in the Mesoproterozoic Ferrobasalt Flows and Sill in the Ladoga Graben, Karelia
Lebedeva N, Nosova A & Voznyak A
(2020) Grib Kimberlite Peridotite Xenoliths: Isotopic Evidence of Variable Source of Mantle Metasomatism
Lebedeva N, Nosova A, Kargin A, Larionova Y, Sazonova L & Tikhomirova Y
(2020) Crust – Mantle Boundary beneath the Pripyat Rift: Insights from Minerals of Hornblenditic Xenoliths
Volkova G, Nosova A, Voznyak A, Sazonova L, Yutkina E, Anosova M, Tikhomirova Y, Kuzmenkova O & Laptsevich A
(2020) High-Ca Olivines in Ultramafic and Alkali Lamprophyres of Kola Alkaline Province (Russia) as Indicators of Source Heterogeneity
Vozniak A, Sazonova L & Nosova A
(2017) The Mantle Metasomatism Assotiated with Kimberlite Magmatism, the Grib Kimberlite Pipe, Arkhangelsk Diamond Province, Russia
Kargin A, Sazonova L, Nosova A & Lebedeva N
(2013) Four Types of Olivine from Orangeites of Kostomuksha-Lentiiro Area (Russia, Finland)
Kargin A, Nosova A & Kovalchuk E
(2013) Evolution of Deep Crustal Roots of the Arkhangelsk Diamondiferous Province: Evidences from Crustal Xenoliths and Xenocrysts from Devonian Kimberlite Pipes
Samsonov A, Griban J, Larionova Y, Nosova A, Tretyachenko V, Lepekhina E & Larionov A

Nosova F. (2014) Biomarkers of Organic Matter and Oil from Sedimentary and Crystalline Rocks and New Geochemical Criteria of the Restoration of Conditions of Shale Strata Formation (on Example of the Volga-Ural Region, the East European Platform)
Nosova F, Ostroukhov S, Plotnikova I & Pronin N

Nossiko S. (2005) Mantle Layering beneath Angola
Rotman A, Ashchepkov I, Nossiko S, Palessky S, Saprykin A, Somov C, Shipupi J, Khelnikova O & Anoshin G

Not Christelle (2014) Radiogenic Isotope Signature (Nd, Sr, Pb) in Sea Ice and Marine Sediments from the Arctic Ocean Under the Present Boundary Conditions
Maccali J, Not C & Hillaire-Marcel C
(2013) Late Quaternary Sedimentary Provenances in the Central Arctic Ocean Inferred by Nd and Pb Isotopes of Fine Detrital Fraction
Fagel N, Not C, Gueibe J, Mattielli N & Bazhenova E
(2012) Conservative Behavior of Uranium vs. Salinity in Sea Ice and Brine
Not C, Brown K, Ghaleb B & Hillaire-Marcel C
(2009) U-Series Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary Sediments from Mendeleev Ridge and Glacial vs. Interglacial 231Pa-230Th Budgets in the Central Arctic
Not C & Hillaire-Marcel C

Not Christelle (2015) Nd-, Pb-, Sr-Isotope Signatures in Arctic Sea-Ice and Marine Sediments Under Present Interglacial Boundary Conditions
Maccali J, Not C & Hillaire-Marcel C

Not Christelle (2016) Trace Element (Mg, Sr, Ba and U) Incorporation in Culture High Mg-Calcite Benthic Foraminifera Under Controlled pCO2: A Multi-Elemental Perspective
Not C, Thibodeau B & Yokohama Y

Not Christelle (2017) Laurentian Channel Bottom Water Temperature as a Proxy for AMOC Intensity
Not C & Thibodeau B

Not Christelle (2019) Decadal Changes in Circulation and Particle Flux in the Amerasian Basins of the Arctic Ocean Inferred from the Water Column Distribution of Dissolved 230Th and 231Pa
Grenier M, Francois R, Soon M, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Yu X, Valk O, Not C, Moran B, Edwards L, Lu Y, Lepore K & Allen S

Not Christelle (2020) Trace-Elements in Shallow Marine Ostracods and their Calibration with Environmental Parameters
Rodriguez M, Yasuhara M & Not C

Not Christelle (2023) Evaluation of the Degradability of Bioplastics in Open Air and Marine Coastal Water
Not C & Cheung KHC
(2023) Quantifying the Role of Biogeochemical Interaction between Macro- and Micronutrients on Carbon Cycling in Mangroves Soil
Thibodeau B, Rodriguez Moreno MJ, Allais L, Cannicci S, Crowe SA, Hui J, Khan N, Lai D, Luo H, Not C & Tsui M

Not F. (2023) Silicon Isotopic Fractionation by Modern Polycystine Radiolarians
Cassarino L, Leynaert A, Llopsis Monferrer N, Crosta X, Not F & Sutton J

Notarion A.R. (2018) Characterization of Potential Sources of Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) in Masbate Gold Project, Aroroy, Masbate, Philippines
Lagata C, Balangue-Tarriela MIR, Abad GR, Monroid MK & Notarion AR

Nothaft Daniel (2019) Characterization of Intact Polar Lipid Biomarkers from a Site of Active, Low-Temperature Serpentinization
Rempfert K, Kraus E, Nothaft D, Spear J, Sepulveda J & Templeton A
(2017) Coupled Fe, S, N, and CH4 Cycling in Subsurface Serpentinizing Systems
Templeton A, Rempfert K, Miller H, Nothaft D, Ellison E & Mayhew L

Nothaft Daniel B. (2023) Investigating Controls on H2 Availability in Groundwaters during Active Serpentinization in the Samail Ophiolite
Templeton AS, Ellison ET, Nothaft DB, Boyd E, Colman D, Fones E, Spear J, Hoehler T, Kubo M & Glombitza C
(2022) Initial Results from the Oman Drilling Project Multi-Borehole Observatory: Petrogenesis and Ongoing Alteration of Mantle Peridotite in the Weathering Horizon
Kelemen P, Leong JA, de Obeso JC, Matter J, Ellison ET, Templeton AS, Nothaft DB, Eslami A, Evans K, Godard M, Malvoisin B, Coggon JA, Warsi N, Pezard P, Cho S, Teagle D, Michibayashi K, Takazawa E & Al Sulaimani Z

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