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Nogueira Neto José (2020) Spectroscopic Characterization of Brazilian Emeralds from Tocantins State: Preliminary Results
Cavalcanti D, Nogueira Neto J, Fuck R, Barbosa P, Souza V & Lima M

Nogueira Neto José Araújo (2018) Petrology and Geochemistry of the TTG Migmatitic Orthogneisses from the Granja Area (NW Ceará, Brazil)
Silva AJF, Azevedo MR, Valle Aguado B & Nogueira Neto JA
(2015) Evidence of Crustal Melting: Insights from the Banabuiú Gneiss-Migmatitic Complex (Central Ceará, Brazil)
Martins F, Azevedo MR, Valle Aguado B, Lima M & Nogueira Neto JA
(2015) Metamorphic Evolution of the Granja Migmatitic Paragneisses (NW Ceará, Brasil)
Silva AJF, Azevedo MR, Valle Aguado B, Nogueira Neto JA, Silva FDO & Soares WC

Nogueira Neto José De Araújo (2019) Are Juína Diamonds, Super Deep Diamonds?
Michelon Camarda C, Gervasoni F, Reis Jalowitzki TL, Grings Cedeno D, Vieira Conceição R, Dalla Costa MM, Carvalho AMG & Nogueira Neto JDA

Noguera C. (2019) Theory of Isotopic Fractionation during Mineral Precipitation in Aqueous Solutions
Noguera C, Fritz B & Clément A
(2017) Kinetic Simulation of Olivine Alteration with Simultaneous Nucleation and Growth of Lizardite and Magnesite Particles
Fritz B, Montes-Hernandez G, Clément A & Noguera C
(2017) Polarity at Complex Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces
Noguera C & Goniakowski J
(2011) Structure and Stability of Mineral Interfaces
Parker S, Molinari M, Zhu R, Smith W & Noguera C
(2011) Nucleation and Growth of Calcite Particles: Comparing Modelling and Experimental Approaches
Noguera C, Fritz B, Clement A & Montes-Hernandez G
(2009) Temperature Effect on Nucleation and Growth in Fluid-Rock Interaction Processes
Fritz B, Clement A & Noguera C
(2009) Account of Cationic Exchange in the Nucleation and Growth of Minerals in Aqueous Solutions
Noguera C, Fritz B & Clement A
(2008) Simulation of the Nucleation and Growth of Solid Solutions in Aqueous Solutions
Noguera C, Fritz B, Amal Y & Clement A
(2008) Modelling Nucleation and Growth of Nano- to Micro-Size Secondary Clay Particles in Weathering Processes
Fritz B, Clément A, Amal Y & Noguera C
(2007) Dissolution, Nucleation and Growth of Mineral Phases in Aqueous Solutions
Noguera C, Fritz B & Clement A
(2004) A Geochemical Model for Dissolution, Nucleation and Growth of Minerals in Aqeuous Solutions
Noguera C, Fritz B, ance) F, Clement A, ance) F & Baronnet A
(2004) Solid Solution Phases Used as Models for Complex Mineral Phases in Geochemical Computer Models
Fritz B, Noguera C & Clement A

Nogues J. (2016) Quantitative Estimation of CO2 and Brine Leakage along Old Wells
Celia M, Nogues J & Bandilla K

Noguez-Alcantara B. (2006) Late Cretaceous porphyry copper mineralization in Sonora, Mexico and the implications for the evolution of the SW North America porphyry copper deposit Province.
Valencia VA, Ruiz J, Gehrels G, Noguez-Alcantara B & Barra F

Noh Jae Hoon (2019) Temporal Distribution of Metals in Marine Total Suspended Particulate of the Socheongcho Ocean Research Stations (S-Ors) in the Yellow Sea
Kim KT, Ra K, Shim J, Noh JH, Jeong J-Y, Yang W, Lee H, Jeong H, Lee J & Jeong J-M

Noh Jae-Hoon (2020) CSIA of Amino Acids in Zooplankton for Nitrogen Isotopic Baseline Estimation in North Western Pacific
Choi B, Lee Y, Chikaraishi Y, Park N, Noh J-H, Lee W-C, Shin K-H & Kwak I-S

Noh S. (2017) Charaterizing the N Isotopic Compositions of Ammonium and Nitrate in PM2.5 in South Korea: Seasonal Perspective
Park K-S, Kim H, Yu S-M, Noh S, Seok K-S & Kim Y-H
(2017) Chemical and Isotopic Compositions of Atmospheric Particulate-Bound Mercury at Urban and Rural Sites in South Korea
Kim Y-H, Kim H, Seok K-S, Kim RH, Yu S-M, Park K-S, Noh S & Lee SH
(2017) Seasonal Variation of Aerosol δ 13C Isotopes at Seoul and Baengnyeong, Korea
Kim H, Park K-S, Yu S-M, Noh S, Seok K-S & Kim Y-H
(2016) Non-Linear Responses of Monomethylmercury Bioaccumulation Factors to the Trophic State Index in Artificial Reservoirs
Noh S & Han S

Nohara M. (2004) Coral Skeletal Lead; Human Activities Recorded in Coral Skeleton
Tsunoda T, Suzuki A, Kawahata H, Nohara M & Shikazono N
(2003) Trace Element Concentrations in Carbonate Reference Materials; Coral JCp-1 and Giant Clam JCt-1 by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Inoue M, Nohara M, Okai T, Suzuki A & Kawahata H
(2003) Geochemical Record in the Northern East China Sea during the Late Pleistocene
Kawahata H, Nohara M, Aoki K & Shimizu H

Nohara R. (2016) Geochemical Relationship of Haybi Volcanics and Amphibolites in the Metamorphic Sole of Oman Ophiolite
Sakashita M, Mori N, Takazawa E, Nohara R, Takahashi T & Tamura Y

Nohda S (2005) Isotopic and Geochemical Characteristics of the Réunion Hotspot; Evidence from the Lavas of Mauritius
Nohda S, Kaneoka I & Hanyu T

Nohda Susumu (2009) Ediacaran Oceanic Environmental Change Inferred from Pb, Sr Isotopes and REE Geochemistry of the Baratal Limestone, Gorny Altai Mountains, Southern Siberia
Nohda S, Wang B-S, You C-F, Uchio Y, Isozaki Y & Maruyama S

Nohda Susumu (2002) Pb Isotopic Characteristics of the Tertiary Volcanic Rocks Observed in the Japan Sea Side of Northeast Japan
Nohda S, Kani T & Otofuji Y-I
(2002) Role of Adakitic Magma in Producing EMI and EMII Reservoirs
Shimoda G, Nohda S & Morishita Y
(2002) Isotope Geochemistry of Submarine Lavas from South Arch Volcanic Field, Hawaii
Kani T, Takahashi E & Nohda S

Nohl U. (2009) The GEOROC Database – A Decade of “Online Geochemistry”
Sarbas B & Nohl U
(2006) GEOROC and GeoReM - Linking the Information of two Geological Databases
Schramm B, Jochum KP, Sarbas B & Nohl U

Noimeir Y. (2013) Using Radium Isotopes to Determine the Residence Time of Circulated Seawater in Coastal Sediments
Weinstein Y, Shalem Y, Brinberg B & Noimeir Y

Noireaux Johanna (2012) Boron Incorporation in Synthetic Calcite and Aragonite Revealed by B Isotopes and 11B MAS NMR
Noireaux J, Mavromatis V, Gaillardet J, Schott J, Louvat P & Montouillout V

Noireaux Johanna (2015) Boron Isotopes Fractionation Demonstrate Dominant Biological Control on Dissolved Fluxes at Tropical Watershed (Mule Hole, India)
Noireaux J, Riotte J, Braun J-J, Sekhar M, Mohan Kumar MS & Gaillardet J
(2013) Back to Basics: Boron Isotopic Fractionation in Synthetic Calcite and Aragonite
Noireaux J, Mavromatis V, Schott J, Gaillardet J, Montouillout V, Louvat P & Neuville D

Noirez S. (2023) Composition and Origin of Gas Associated with High pH Waters within the Mid-Continent Rift in Minnesota (USA)
Combaudon V, Julia G, Sissmann O, Noirez S, McKeever D, Derluyn H & Deville E
(2022) Impact of a CO2 Leak on the Release of Trace Elements in a Shallow Carbonated Freshwater Aquifer in Relation to Hydrodynamic Conditions
Rossi L, Loisy C, Cerepi A, Le Roux O, Estublier A, Noirez S, Martin F, Hautefeuille B, Brichart T & Garcia B
(2022) Using Noble Gas Concentrations and δ13C to Monitor CO2 Leakage in a Carbonate Freshwater Shallow Aquifer
Noirez S, Julia G, Ekambas P, Martin F, Vermesse H, Garcia B, Estublier A, Leroux O, Loisy C, Rossi L, Brichart T, Hautefeuille B & Cerepi A
(2022) Contribution of Geochemical Gas Analyses to the Understanding of the Subduction-Related Petroleum System’s Dynamics of North Peruvian Fore-Arc
Lemgruber-Traby A, Julia G, Souque C, Espurt N, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Ekambas P, Bellier O & Calderon Y
(2021) Dissolved Trace Metals Dynamics during a rich-CO2-water Leakage in a Near-Surface Carbonate Freshwater Aquifer
Rossi L, Loisy C, Cerepi A, Petit A, Le Roux O, Estublier A, Noirez S, Martin F, Hautefeuille B, Brichart T & Garcia B
(2021) Geochemical Monitoring of CO2 and CH4 Injection in a Carbonate Shallow Aquifer
Julia G, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Ekambas P, Arfi L, Martin F, Estublier A, Garcia B, Loisy C, Rossi L, Cerepi A, Le Roux O & Petit A
(2021) Development of a Downhole Sampler and an Integrated Analysis System for Gas Content Determination in an Aquifer Fluid (Major, Noble Gas and Isotopic Meaurement). Application in situ on a Geothermal Well
Noirez S, Julia G, Martin F, Ekambas P, Estublier A, Ricroch P, Lajarthe M, Cazeaux D & Savay-Guerraz G
(2020) Using Noble Gas Concentrations and δ13C to Monitor CO2 Leakage in a Carbonate Freshwater Shallow Aquifer
Noirez S, Thomas B, Lavielle B, Baldassari A, Bachaud P, Bouquet S, Vermesse H, Ekambas P, Martin F, Estublier A, Garcia B, Brichart T, Chiquet P, Luu van Lang L, Gance J, Texier B, Hautefeuille B, Leroux O, Loisy C, Petit A, Rossi L, Kennedy S & Cerepi A
(2018) Abiogenic Formation of Low Molecular Weight Organic Compounds within the Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes of the Marianna Trench (IODP Exp. 366)
Sissmann O, Price R, Elvert M, Heuer V, Prieto X, Monnin C, Rouchon V, Noirez S, Beaumont V, Menzies C & Takai K
(2015) Hydrogen Migration Through Porous Media: An Experimental Comparative Study in Cap and Reservoir Rocks
Cherubini A, Sissmann O, Garcia B, Vacquand C, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Bouboune I, Cerepi A, Magnier C, Rouchon V & Beaumont V
(2015) New Experimental Insights on Hydrogen/Hydrocarbon Generation and Simultaneous Carbonation of Olivine (Mg, Fe)2SiO4
Kularatne K, Sissmann O, Martinez I, Chardin M, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Bouboune I, Labaume J, Lopes De Azavedo J, Lutz F, Hayrault P, Kohler E, Cordier L, Carlut J & Guyot F

Noiriel C. (2023) What can Dissolution Anisotropy Teach us About Crystal Reactivity?
Daval D, Bouissonnié A, Stigliano L, Pollet-Villard M, Wild B, Bas-Lorillot J, Noiriel C & Ackerer P
(2023) Linking Microscale to Macroscale Dissolution Rates in Carbonates with X-Ray Tomography Imaging and Stochastic Modelling
Noiriel C, Guren MG & Renard F
(2021) Evaluating the Dynamics of Fluid-Mineral and Fluid-Rock Interfaces
Noiriel C & Soulaine C
(2021) Linking Microscale and Macroscale Dissolution Rates in Carbonates with X-Ray Tomography Data and Numerical Modelling
Guren MG, Noiriel C & Renard F
(2021) Hydrogeochemical and Mineral Heterogeneity Controls on the Clogging of Porous Media
Seigneur N, Noiriel C, Le Guern P & Lagneau V
(2019) Determination of Reaction Rates at Crystal Surfaces Using 4D X-Ray Microtomography
Noiriel C, Saldi G, Oursin M, Daval D & Haberthur D
(2017) Mineral Growth Under Water-Limited Conditions
Harrison AL, Oelkers EH, Noiriel C & Schott J
(2017) Investigation of Geochemical Reactivity at the Pore Scale
Noiriel C & Daval D
(2016) Effects of Precipitation at the Pore-Scale on Permeability and Flow
Noiriel C, Steefel C, Yang L & Bernard D
(2016) 3D Determination of Dissolution Rates on Sinlge Crystals
Noiriel C & Saldi G
(2015) Measuring Overall Reaction Rates with X-Ray Micro-Tomography
Noiriel C
(2013) Micro-Fracturing Induced by Radioactivity of Minerals: Consequences on the Permeability of Rocks
Boschero V, Seydou-Guillaume A-M, Marcoux M, Noiriel C & Orgogozo L
(2013) Impact of Calcite Precipitation on Flow Alteration in Porous Media
Noiriel C, Steefel C, Yang L & Bernard D
(2011) Upscaling Pore Scale Carbonate Precipitation Rates to the Continuum Scale
Steefel CI, Noiriel C, Yang L & Ajo-Franklin J

Noiva P. (2008) Cu Isotopic Variation in the Neves-Corvo Deposit, Iberian Pyrite Belt
Gaspar M, Relvas J, Carvalho J, Larson P, Hart G, Pacheco N, Noiva P, Barriga G & Santos P

Nojima A. (2014) Geochemical Mapping of Trace and Rare Earth Elements in Small Rivers of North Osaka, Japan
Even E, Nojima A, Masuda H, Yamanaka T & Nakano T

Nojiri Y (2003) Measurements of Atmospheric O2/N2 Ratio from Two Monitoring Stations in Japan and Shipboard Sampling in the Western and Northern Pacific Region
Tohjima Y, Mukai H, Machida T & Nojiri Y
(2003) Export Flux and Carbon Budget in the Iron Fertilization Experiments in the Subarctic North Pacific
Nojiri Y, Imai K, Saito H, Tsuda A & Whitney F

Nojiri Yukihiro (2015) Influences of Ocean Acidification on Skeletal Growth of Temperate Acropora Coral Species Around Japan
Suzuki A, Kim S, Zhang J, Watanabe Y, Yamamoto Y, Suwa R, Isono R, Hayashi M, Yamano H, Nojiri Y, Nomura K, Mori C, Inoue M & Kawahata H
(2015) Global Mapping of Sea Surface Nutrients Using Neural Network
Nojiri Y, Wada C, Nakaoka S-I, Yasunaka S & Zeng J
(2014) Basin-Wide Mapping of Sea Surface Nutrients in the North Pacific
Nojiri Y, Yasunaka S, Ono T, Nakaoka S-I & Whitney F

Nojiri Yukihiro (2016) Mapping of Sea Surface Nutrients for Global Ocean Using a Feed Forward Neural Network
Nojiri Y, Oohaga Y, Wada C, Zeng J, Nakaoka S-I & Yasunaka S
(2016) Temperature Dependency of Skeletal Growth and Compositions of Temperate Acropora Coral Species Around Japan
Suzuki A, Mori C, Inoue M, Okai T, Isono R, Hayashi M, Yamamoto Y, Suwa R, Yamano H, Nomura K, Nojiri Y & Kawahata H

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