Nelson Stephen T.
Characterization and Parameterization of P-Sorption Across the Sediment-Water Interface of Utah Lake, a Shallow Hypereutrophic Lake
Jarvis F, Piena M, Aremu A, Hughes AS, Hunter KM, Stewart SA, Tingey DG, Nelson ST, Rey KA, Carling GT & LeMonte J
Nelson Steve
Using 87Sr/86Sr Ratios of Carbonate Minerals to Quantify Dust Fluxes from Desert Playas to the Urban Wasatch Front, Utah, USA
Goodman M, Carling G, Fernandez D, Nelson S, Rey K & Hale C
Nelson T.C.
Large Freshwater Phages with the Potential to Augment Aerobic Methane Oxidation
Chen L-X, Méheust R, Crits-Christoph A, McMahon K, Nelson TC, Warren L & Banfield J
Nelson Wendy
Microscale Geochemical Analysis of Primitive Lavas from Bufumbira, East Africa: Implications for Lithospheric Stability and Heterogeneity
Pitcavage E, Furman T & Nelson W
Fingerprinting the Mantle during Subduction Initiation Using Re-Os Isotopic Systematics of Izu-Bonin-Mariana Forearc Boninites
Nelson W, Reagan M, Pearce J, Niles D, Leierzapf J & Walker R
Insights into Continental Evolution and Lithospheric Stability: Geochemical Evidence from the Western Rift, Uganda
Pitcavage E, Furman T & Nelson W
Isotopic Evolution of the Backarc Oceanic Mantle
Nelson W, Snow J, Brandon A & Ohara Y
HIMU-Like Magmatism on the Northeast African and Arabian Plates: The Role of Continental Lithosphere Metasomes
Rooney T, Nelson W, Dosso L, Furman T & Hanan B
Re-Os-PGE Constraints on the Evolution of Backarc Oceanic Mantle
Nelson W, Snow J, Brandon A, Ohara Y & Lee C-T
An Isotopic Glimpse of the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the East African Rift System
Nelson W, Shirey S & Furman T
Recognition of a HIMU-Like Reservoir beneath Northwest Ethiopia
Rooney T, Dosso L & Nelson W
Re-Os and PGE of Neoarchean Websterite Xenoliths and Diamondiferous Lamprophyres
Shirey S, Ayer J, Wyman D & Nelson W
Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf Evidence for Two-Plume Mixing beneath the East African Rift System
Nelson W, Furman T & Hanan B
Nelson Wendy R.
Evidence for Highly Unradiogenic 187Os/188Os in the Source of Intraplate Volcanism
Hoernle K, Schaefer B, Portnyagin MV, Turner S, Nelson WR & Müller RD
Tracking Subduction Initiation via Re-Os Isotopes and Highly Siderophile Elements: A Case Study of Izu-Bonin-Mariana Forearc Lavas
Nelson WR, Reagan M, Pearce J & Shervais J
Mineral-Scale Geochemistry of Primitive Lavas from Bufumbira, Uganda: Implications for Rift Magmatism
Pitcavage E, Furman T, Nelson W & Spencer S
Nelson William
How to Build a Legacy of Scientific Leadership: The HR Formula
Hammer J, Baker L, Barclay J, Carroll MR, Coombs M, Cottrell E, Dygert NJ, Elkins-Tanton L, First E, Gardner J, Goldsby D, Greenwood J, Johnson M, Krawczynski M, Mandeville C, McCanta M, Minitti ME, Nelson W, Prissel T, Venezky D, Weitz C & Woodruff D
Atom by Atom: Investigating Phosphorus in Olivine Using Atom Probe Tomography
Nelson W, Hammer J, Parman S & Akey A
Diffusivity of Phosphorous in Olivine Revisited: A Joint Experimental and Modeling Approach
Nelson W, Hammer J, Shea T & Chakraborty S
Products of Littoral Explosions and their Formation Conditions: A Case Study from Episode 58 of Puʻu ʻŌʻō, Kīlauea Volcano, HI
deGraffenried R, Houghton B, Walker B, Beucler O, Cline J, Cockshell W, Evans K, Mourey A, Nelson W, Tisdale C, Tremblay J & Zinn M
Nelson Colenbrander T.
Implications of Diverse Sulfur Oxidizing Microbes on Sulfur Cycling in Circumneutral Mining Wastewaters
Twible L, Arrey J, Whaley-Martin K, Nelson Colenbrander T & Warren L
Nemani R.
Increasing Summer Net CO2 Uptake in High Northern Ecosystems on Land
Welp L, Patra P, Roedenbeck C, Nemani R, Bi J, Piper S & Keeling R
Nemati R.
Unveiling the Blueschist Rocks from the Northern Central Iran Zone
Nemati R, Ghorbani MR, Ansdell K, Shirdashtzadeh N & Rashidnejad-Omran N
Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of the Metasomatic Rocks within Gachin, Kalat, Pohl and Hormuz Island Salt Plugs, Iran
Kananian A, Taghipour S, Nemati R & Mackizadeh MA
Nemchin Alexander
Lunar Magnesian-Suite Volcanism and Ancient Crust Building 4.25 Billion Years ago
Yen CJ-K, Deligny C, Jolliff BL, Nemchin A, Carpenter PK, Merle RE, Whitehouse M, Ogliore RC, Kent JJ, Zeigler RA, Gross J, Eckley SA, Simon S & Shearer C
Lunar Glass Spherules
Salin E, Nemchin A, Norman M, Timms N & Whitehouse M
Radiogenic Isotope Systematics in Lunar Basaltic Rocks
Merle RE, Nemchin A, Whitehouse M, Snape J, Connelly JN & Bizzarro M
The Eoarchean to Mesoproterozoic History of Granulites in the Dniester–Bouh Domain, Ukrainian Shield as Revealed by Petrochronology
Shumlyanskyy L, Wilde SA, Nemchin A, Johnson T, Alfing J & Jourdan F
Isotopic Modelling of Archean Crustal Evolution from Comagmatic Zircon--Apatite Pairs
Gillespie J, Kinny P, Kirkland C, Martin L, Nemchin A, Cavosie AJ & Hasterok D
Apatite Inclusions in Eoarchaean Zircon: Imaging and Analysis
Kinny P, Nemchin A, Martin L, Cavosie A, Jeon H, Kirkland C & Whitehouse M
Towards Achieving More Precise in situ Sr Isotope Measurements for Apatite: A Battle with Interferences
Jeon H, Whitehouse M & Nemchin A
Stable Zr Isotope Insights into Magmatic Processes throughout Earths History
Inglis E, Moynier F, Bizzaro M, Connelly J & Nemchin A
Halogen and Cl Isotope Compositions of Martian Phosphates: Implications for Surface Chemistry and Bulk Mars
Bellucci J, Whitehouse M, John T, Nemchin A & Snape J
Chronology of the Lunar Magma Ocean
Nemchin A, Snape J & Whitehouse M
Tracing the Sources of Lunar Volcanism with Pb Isotopes
Snape J, Nemchin A, Bellucci J & Whitehouse M
Pb Isotope Evolution in the Martian Mantle
Belluccci J, Nemchin A, Whitehouse M & Snape J
The Magmatic Evolution of the Moon as Recorded by Pb Isotopes
Snape J, Nemchin A, Bellucci J, Whitehouse M, Tartèse R, Barnes J, Anand M, Crawford I & Joy K
Impacts in the Lunar Highlands: Shocked Zircon from Apollo 16
Joy K, Snape J, Nemchin A, Whitehouse M & Vishnyakov V
Nemchin Alexander A.
Discovery of a Complex, Chemically and Isotopically Zoned Detrital Zircon from NWA 7533 – Insights into Crust-Mantle Evolution on Mars
Egdalen SAF, Whitehouse MJ, Horstwood M, Nemchin AA, Connelly JN & Bizzarro M
Crustal Growth and Reworking in the Early Archean Narryer Terrane: New Evidence from Strontium Isotopes in Apatite Inclusions
Gillespie J, Kinny P, Cavosie AJ, Kirkland CL, Martin LAJ, Roberts MP, Aleshin M, Fougerouse D, Quadir Z & Nemchin AA
Use of EBSD to Identify Primary Magmatic Apatite Inclusions in Zircon
Gillespie J, Cavosie A, Nemchin A & Kinny P
First Zircon Evidence of Hadean Material in the Ukrainian Shield
Shumlyanskyy L, Wilde S, Artemenko G, Bekker A, Whitehouse M & Nemchin A
Replacement of Wood Opal by Chalcedony: Implications for U-Pb Geochronology
Tomaschek F, Heuser A, Nemchin A & Geisler T
Towards a Coherent Radiogenic Isotopic Model for Mars
Bellucci JJ, Nemchin A, Whitehouse M & Snape J
The Differentiation of the Martian Highlands from NWA 7533
Humayun M, Nemchin A, Zanda B & Hewins R
Rates of Natural Silica Precipitation Through Time
Merle R, Nemchin A, Simons S, Geisler T & Tomaschek F
A Second Lunar Magma Ocean?
Grange M & Nemchin A
A Comparison of Shocked Zircon and Quartz from the Reis Impact Structure, Germany
Erickson T, Reddy S, Timms N & Nemchim A
Deformation Mechanisms in Martian Shergottites
Kaczmarek M-A, Grange M, Reddy S & Nemchin A
16O1H Signal as an Indication of Metamict O-Contamination in Zircon
Cliff J, Pidgeon B & Nemchin A
Ancient Mobilisation of Radiogenic Pb and Ti during High-Grade Metamorphism
Kusiak MA, Whitehouse MJ, Wilde SA, Dunkley DJ, Nemchin AA, Wirth R & Marquardt K
What can Zircon Really Tell us About Earth's Earliest Crustal Evolution?
Whitehouse M & Nemchin A
Implications of Unsupported Radiogenic Pb in Ancient Zircon
Whitehouse M, Kusiak M & Nemchin A
Microstructures in Lunar Zircon: Key to Interpretation of U-Pb Ages
Nemchin A, Grange M, Timms N & Pidgeon R
Apollo 15 Zircons Reveal Age of Young Impact
Grange M, Nemchin A, Pidgeon R & Meyer C
Is the Oxygen Isotope Composition of Zircon Robust Against Aqueous Alteration?
Lenting C, Geisler T, Cliff JB, Kilburn MR & Nemchin AA
Thermometry of Quartz from the Metaconglomerate of Jack Hills, Western Australia
Menneken M, Nemchin AA & Geisler T
Deciphering Mafic and Felsic Lunar Magmatic Events: Insight from Zircon
Grange M, Nemchin A, Timms N, Pidgeon B & Meyer C
Raman Spectroscopic Determination of the Isotope Composition of CO2 Inclusions
Menneken M, Geisler T, Nemchin A & Strauss H
Zircons from the Apollo 17 Breccias: Implications for the Early History of the Moon
Grange M, Nemchin A & Pidgeon R
Effects of Chemical Weathering on the Chemical and Isotopic Signatures of Ancient Zircons from Jack Hills and Mt Narryer, Western Australia
Pidgeon R, Nemchin A & Geisler T
Oldest Terrestrial Diamonds in Zircon from Jack Hills, Western Australia
Menneken M, Nemchin A, Geisler T, Pidgeon R & Wilde S
Contracting KREEP Magmatism in the Early Evolution of the Moon
Pidgeon R, Nemchin A, Vaughan J & Whitehouse M
Comparative age distributions and internal structures of Archaean zircons from quartzites from Mt Narryer and the Jack Hills, Western Australia
Pidgeon R & Nemchin A
U-Pb Dating of Meteoritic Perovskite
Dunn S, Amelin Y & Nemchin A
U-Series Ages of the Latest Silification Event in Regolith of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Simons S & Nemchin A
3.9Ga to 4.3Ga Zircons in Lunar Breccia 14321: Evidence for a Complex Source for Ejecta from the Imbrium Impact
Pidgeon R, Nemchin A, van Bronswijk W, Meyer C, Compston W & Williams I
The Early Evolution of the Earth and Moon: Comparative Chronology
Nemchin A, Meyer C & Pidgeon R
Radiation Damage in >4Ga Zircons from the Jack Hills, Western Australia
Pidgeon RT, Nemchin A, Geisler T & van Bronswijk W
U-Pb SHRIMP Dating of Opals
Nemchin A & Neymark L
Detrital Zircons from the Jack Hills Metasediments, Western Australia: Provenance Record of the Earth's Oldest Material
Dunn SJ, Nemchin A, Cawood P & Pidgeon R
Problems in the Interpretation of the Origin of Zircon Overgrowths
Nemchin AA & Pidgeon RT
Fir-Tree and Nebulously Zoned Zircons from Granulite Facies Rocks: Evidence for Zircon Growth and Interaction with Metamorphic Fluids
Pidgeon RT, Nemchin AA & Kinny PD
Nemec O.
Metamorphic Conditions Determined in the Neotethyan Meliata Superunit Accretionary Wedge Mélange (Inner Western Carpathians)
Nemec O & Putiš M
Němeček K.
Effect of Different Vegetation Cover on Throughfall Chemistry
Bradová M, Tejnecký V, Borůvka L, Němeček K, Zenáhlíková J & Drábek O
Nemer B.
Hydrochemical and Multiple Isotopic Approach to Delineate the Contamination of Urban Groundwater in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Bayartungalag B, Yun S-T, Kim K-H, Mayer B, Kim S-T, Nemer B, Lee Y-J & Jang E-S
Nemergut D.
Influence of DOM Quality on Arsenic Mobilization in a Bangladesh Aquifer
Mladenov N, McKnight D, Simone B, Legg T, Nemergut D, Ebert J, Radloff K & Zheng Y
Németh B.
Fluid-Rock Interaction in the Lower Crust Based on Silicate Melt Inclusions in Garnet Granulite Xenoliths
Németh B, Török K, Bali E, Zajacz Z & Szabó C
Very Dry Lower Crust beneath the Central Part of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region: The Role of Miocene Extension Induced Melting
Kovács I, Németh B, Török K, Dégi J & Fancsik T
Raman Spectroscopic Behavior of Nitrogen in CO2-rich Fluid Inclusions of Mantle Xenoliths
Berkesi M, Kaldos R, Park M, Szabo C, Torok K, Nemeth B & Czuppon G
Evolution of the Lower Crust in the Point of View of Fluid-Rock Interaction Under the Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field
Németh B, Török K, Kovács I & Szabó C
Nemeth K.
FluidsByDepth: An Inclusion-Based Research Project on the Better Understanding of Lithosphere-Scale Fluid Transfer
Berkesi M, Spránitz T, Hencz M, Nemeth K, Török K, Békési E, Porkoláb K, Palcsu L, Kővágó Á & Szabó C
Origin of Compositional Variations of Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) Eruption Products: Crustal Differentiation or Subduction Mélange Diapirism?
Corella Santa Cruz CR, Zellmer GF, Stirling CH, Straub SM, Brenna M, Reid MR, Nemeth K & Barr D
Pulses of Aphyric Andesite Dykes Remobilising Micrometre-Sized Crystal Cargo at Tongariro, NZ
Lormand C, Zellmer GF, Sakamoto N, Kilgour G, Palmer AS, Yurimoto H, Nemeth K, Mead S, Ubide T, Iizuka Y & Moebis A
Geochemical Fingerprinting of Magmatic Behaviour throughout Growth Phases of Taranaki Volcano, New Zealand
Zemeny A, Zellmer G, Procter J, Nemeth K, Cronin S & Smith I
Did the AD 1452 Kuwae Eruption Have Global Climatic Impact?
Nemeth K, Cronin S & Smith I
Németh P.
3D Electron Diffraction in Nano-Geology: Present and Perspectives
Mugnaioli E, Gemmi M, Campanale F, Folco L, Németh P & Pignatelli I
Németh Tibor
Aragonite-Water Oxygen Isotope Fractionation in Hot Spring Travertines
Kele S, Bernasconi S, Deak J, Nemeth T, Capezzuoli E, Brogi A & Liotta D
Microbial Communities as Palaeoenvironmental Indicators during Black Shale-Hosted Manganese Ore Formation
Polgári M, Hein JR, Németh T, Gutzmer J, Hahn T, Müller A, Vigh T & Bíró L
Potentially Toxic Metal Bearing Mineral Phases in Total Suspended Particles from Budapest, Hungary
Sipos P, Márton E, Németh T, Kovács Kis V, May Z & Szalai Z
Németh Tibor
Direct Observation of Sorption Capacity of Individual Soil Mineral Particles and their Association
Sipos P, Kovács Kis V, Németh T & Balázs R
Mineral and Chemostratigraphy of Toarcian Grey Shale (Úrkút, Hungary)
Polgári M, Hein JR, Bíró L, Gyollai I, Németh T, Fekete J, Pál-Molnár E & Vigh T
Németh Tibor
Experimental and Modeling Geochemical Study of Sandstones in the Pannonian Basin (Central Europe) for Potential Underground Hydrogen Storage
Gelencsér O, Szabó-Krausz Z, Mika LT, Breitner D, Németh T, Szabó C & Falus G
Nemler T.
Isotopic Analysis of Small Neon Samples by High Resolution Ion Counting on a Helix MC Plus
Wielandt D, Storey M & Nemler T
Nemoto K.
Distribution Coefficients of Rare Earth Elements to Microorganisms Including Uncultivated Species in Deep Sedimentary Groundwater
Terashima M, Beppu H, Endo T, Nemoto K & Amano Y
Nemoto Tadashi
NMR Petro Analysis; Novel Approach for Rapid Source Rock Evaluation in Crude Oils
Asahina K & Nemoto T
Nemoto Taku
Discovery of Primary Hematite-Silica Clusters in Kukatash Banded Iron Formation at 2.7 Ga Abitibi Greenstone Belt
Ishida A, Nemoto T & Kakegawa T