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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Neji M. (2022) Chemo-Mechanical Study of Cement Paste Degradation Subjected to External Weak Sulfate Attacks in Geological Nuclear Waste Disposals
Pouya J, Neji M, De Windt L, Péralès F, Corvisier J & Socié A

Nejigaki K. (2021) High-Resolution Analyzed Sedimentary Records Reveal the Sedimentary Changes in the Continental Slope of the Gulf of Alaska
Mondal MN, Horikawa K, Nejigaki K & Murayama M

Nekrasov A. (2017) Interaction of Orthopyroxenes with Carbonates at the Earst’s Crust and Mantle Conditions
Persikov E, Bukhtiyarov P, Nekrasov A & Sokol A
(2013) Experimental Study of Melting, Texture, and Phase Relations of Basalt (Eclogite)-Peridotite-Fluid System at Sub- and Supercritical P-T
Gorbachev N, Nekrasov A, Kostyuk A & Sultanov D
(2007) Slab-Mantle Interaction and Petrogenesis of Interplate Basalts
Gorbachev N, Sultanov D & Nekrasov A

Nekrasov S. (2013) Geochemistry of Trace Elements in Gas Phase of Thermal Springs
Bychkov A, Nikolaeva I & Nekrasov S
(2011) REE Behavior during the Formation of Sn-W Deposits
Popova J, Bychkov A, Nekrasov S & Sushchevskaya T
(2011) Gallium Oxide Solubility in Vapor and Indicators of Heterogeneous Fluid Filtration
Bychkov A, Nekrasov S, Nikolaeva I & Matveeva S

Nekvasil H. (2024) Experimental Insight into Chemical Enrichment in Liquid Water Post Exposure to Magmatic Gas
Safari M & Nekvasil H
(2018) Magmatic Vapor and the Martian Surface: An Experimental Exploration
Nekvasil H & DiFrancesco N
(2018) Azeotropic Control of Plagioclase Crystallization: Implications for Basalt Generation
Schaub DR, Catalano T, Nekvasil H & Lindsley D
(2014) The Role of Chlorine in the Degassing of Alkalies during Flash Melting of Chondrules
Ustunisik G, Ebel D & Nekvasil H
(2014) Determination of Anion Order in F-Cl Apatite via Multinuclear Solid-State NMR & X-Ray Crystallography
Vaughn J, Lindsley D, Hughes J, Nekvasil H & Phillips B
(2014) Reconsidering the Origin of Lunar Highlands Lithologies: Insights from Plagioclase
Nekvasil H, Coraor A, Lindsley D & DiFrancesco N
(2010) Quantitative SIMS Analysis of OH in Lunar Apatite: Implications for Water in the Lunar Interior
McCubbin F, Steele A, Hauri E & Nekvasil H
(2010) The Next Generation of Petrologic Study of Lunar Compositions: Exploring the Effects of Water, Cl, F, S and the Fluid Exsolution Processes that Have Affected their Distribution
Nekvasil H, McCubbin F & Ustunisik G
(2010) The Influence of Magmatism and Magmatic Fluids on the Geochemical Evolution of the Martian Crust
Ustunisik G, Nekvasil H & McCubbin F
(2009) A Method for Estimating Relative Volatile Abundances in Planetary Magmas from Apatite
McCubbin F & Nekvasil H
(2009) Relating Martian Igneous Lithologies
Nekvasil H, McCubbin F, Harrington A & Woerner W
(2009) Experimental Constraints on Igneous Crustal Stratigraphy in Martian Volcanic Provinces
Woerner W, Coraor E, McCubbin F, Nekvasil H & Lindsley D
(2007) Kaersutite in the Chassigny Martian Meteorite: How Much Water?
McCubbin F, Nekvasil H, Smirnov A & Lindsley D
(2002) The Role of Dissolved Water in the Compositional Evolution of Anorogenic Magmas
Nekvasil H, Lindsley D, Dondolini A, Horn J, Litvin V & Rossier L

Nel B. (2010) Ce Anomalies in ~2.4 Ga Iron and Manganese Formations as Proxy for Early Oxygenation of Oceanic Environments
Beukes N, Gutzmer J & Nel B

Nélieu S. (2023) Heterogeneous Fenton-Like Reactions in Natural Soils and Sediments at Neutral pH with O2 as Oxidant
Bourbon E, Averseng F, Allard T, Le Pape P, Nélieu S, Guigon E, Baratelli F, Ayrault S, Carrier X & Morin G

Nelin C. (2011) Many-Body Effects in XPS and Chemical Bonding
Bagus P, Nelin C, Freund H-J & Ilton E

Nell R. (2022) Reactive Transport Modeling of Contaminant Release from Encased Unirradiated Fuel to Hanford Sediments
Nell R, Paris B & Mehta S
(2020) Reactive Transport Modeling of Uranium Sequestration from Field-Scale Injection of Polyphosphate Solutions in Contaminated Hanford Sediments
Nell R & Mehta S
(2014) Comparative Study: Metal Adsorption onto Bacillus subtilis and Fe-Oxidizing Leptothrix cholodnii SP-6SL Bacterial Cells
Nell R, Syzmanowski J & Fein J
(2012) Using a Surface Precipitation Approach to Model the Continuum between Hg Adsorption and Precipitation onto Bacillus subtilis
Nell R, Szymanowski JES & Fein J
(2010) Ralstonia Species Mediate Fe-Oxidation in the Deep Biosphere of Henderson Mine
Swanner E, Nell R & Templeton A

Nelskamp S. (2015) Paleoenvironmental Controls on Sweetspots in Early Toarcian Black Shales
Goldberg T, Houben A, Nelskamp S, Wasch L, Boxem T & Verreussel R
(2013) Long-Term CO2 Induced Reactivity, Observations on Natural CO2 Analogues and Geochemical Model Predictions
Wasch L, Koenen M & Nelskamp S

Nelson Amelia (2018) Just Around the Riverbend: Seasonal Hydrologic Controls on Hyporheic Microbial Community Function
Saup C, Nelson A, Bryant S, Sawyer A, Christensen J, Williams K & Wilkins M
(2018) Biogeochemical Responses to Seasonal Snowmelt-Driven Hyporheic Disturbances in an Upland Catchment
Wilkins M, Saup C, Sawyer A, Nelson A, Bryant S, Christensen J & Williams K

Nelson Andrew (2019) Fabrication Avenues for High-Performance UO2 Fuel Candidates
Finkeldei S, Hunt R, Kiggans J, Terrani K & Nelson A
(2018) Energetics of Uranium Silicides
Chung C-K, Guo X, White J, Nelson A, Boukhalfa H, Roback R, Xu H & Navrotsky A
(2018) Degradation Mechanisms of Light Water Reactor Fuel Materials Following a Cladding Breach
Nelson A

Nelson Andy (2017) Transporting Uranium in Acidic Brines Under Reducing Conditions
Timofeev A, Migdisov A, Williams-Jones A, Roback B, Nelson A & White J

Nelson Arin (2018) Precession-Band Variance Missing from East Asian Monsoon Runoff
Clemens S, Holbourn A, Kubota Y, Lee K-E, Liu Z, Chen G, Nelson A & Fox-Kemper B

Nelson B.K. (2009) Selenium Biogeochemistry as a Deep-Time Redox Proxy
Foriel J, Stüeken E, Nelson B & Buick R
(2008) Seasonal Trends in Solutes and 87Sr/86Sr Ratios of SE Tibet Rivers: Yarlung Tsangpo and Parlung
Hagedorn B, Nelson B, Kennell T, Henck A & Hallet B
(2005) Dissolution of Tremolite: An Experimental Study Simulating Conditions in the Human Lung
Nelson B, Wood S & Gunter ME
(2004) Origin of Moderate HIMU Source in the Canary Islands: New Limits from Nd-Hf-Sr-Pb Isotope Data
Nelson B & Blichert-Toft J
(2002) Chemical Complexity of the Kea Component Preserved in West Maui Lavas
Gaffney AM, Nelson BK & Blichert-Toft J
(2002) Nd-Sr-Hf-Pb Isotope Correlations in Lavas from Lanai, Hawaii
Nelson BK, Blichert-Toft J & Albarède F
(2002) Hf-Pb Isotope Systematics in MORB along the Reykjanes Ridge (50-64?N)
Agranier A, Blichert-Toft J, Schilling J-G, Nelson B & Albarede F

Nelson Claire (2021) Ca-O Bonding Controls the Ca Isotope Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Zeolites from Iceland
Nelson C, Jacobson A, Kitch GD & Weisenberger TB
(2020) Ca Isotope Study of Hyaloclastite Weathering in the Icelandic Highlands
Nelson C, Jacobson A & Weisenberger T

Nelson Claire Annie (2019) Large Fractionations of Ca Isotopes by Zeolite Minerals from Iceland
Nelson CA, Jacobson A & Weisenberger T

Nelson Claire J (2022) Water-Alternating-Gas (WAG) Injection as a Plausible Scheme to Optimize Carbon Dioxide Mineralization in the Basaltic Oceanic Crust
Awolayo DN, Tutolo B, Lauer R, de Obeso JC, Nelson CJ & Goldberg D
(2022) Investigating Basalt Weathering in the Icelandic Highlands with Ca and C Isotopes
Nelson CJ, Jacobson AD & Weisenberger TB

Nelson Daniel (2018) Precipitation Changes in the South Pacific Convergence Zone during the Last 2, 000 Years Using Dinosterol Hydrogen Isotopes from Freshwater Lake Sediments
Maloney A, Nelson D, Richey J, Prebble M, Hassall J, Sear D, Langdon P & Sachs J
(2018) A Pond-Scale Experimental Test of How Community Composition Affects Lipid Hydrogen Isotopes
Ladd SN, Matthews B, Nelson D, Dubois N & Schubert C
(2015) Constraining Source Water and Biosynthetic Hydrogen Isotope Effects in Leaf Waxes on a Continental Scale
Nelson D & Kahmen A
(2015) Modern Spatial Rainfall Rate is Well Correlated with Coretop δDdinosterol in the South Pacific Convergence Zone
Maloney A, Nelson D, Sachs J, Hassall J, Sear D & Langdon P

Nelson Daniel B (2022) Hydrogen Isotopes from Sedimentary Lipid Biomarkers Record Changes in Algal Community Assemblages
Ladd N, Nelson DB, Matthews B, Dyer S, Narwani A, Dubois N & Schubert CJ

Nelson Daniel B. (2023) Impact of Vegetation Dynamics on Leaf Wax Stable Isotopes Since the Younger Dryas in Central Switzerland
Santos RN, Klatt A, Nelson DB, Ajallooeian F, Schubert CJ, Dubois N, De Jonge C & Ladd SN
(2017) Hydrogen Isotopes Link Plant Waxes to Rapid Atmospheric Transfer and Deposition
Nelson DB, Ladd SN & Kahmen A
(2014) A 2 kyr Record of Eastern Tropical Pacific Paleohydrology Using Multiple Biomarker Hydrogen Isotope Records from Coastal Lakes on Isabela Island, Galápagos
Nelson DB & Sachs JP

Nelson David (2013) Clumped Methane Isotopologue (13CH3D) Thermometry of Geological Methane by Tunable Mid-Infrared Laser Spectroscopy
Ono S, Sherwood Lollar B, Harris E, McManus B, Zahniser M & Nelson D
(2013) Atmospheric Trace Gases and Isotopologues Using Mid-Ir Laser Direct Absorption Spectroscopy
Zahniser M, McManus JB, Nelson D, Shorter J, Herndon S, Roscioli J, Yacovitch T & Floerchinger C

Nelson David (2014) Measurements of Clumped Methane Isotopologue (13CH3D) by Tunable Mid-Infrared Laser Spectroscopy
Ono S, Wang D, Gruen D, Sherwood Lollar B, McManus B, Zahniser M & Nelson D

Nelson David (2017) Using Tunable Infrared Laser Direct Absorption Spectroscopy Technique for Precise 12CH2D2 Measurements
Gonzalez Ramos Y, Ono S, Shorter J, Nelson D, Formolo M & Lawson M

Nelson David (2019) Measuring the Clumped Isotopic Composition of Carbon Dioxide with Mid-Infrared Laser Spectroscopy
Nelson D, Wang Z, Dettman D, McManus B, Quade J, Huntington K & Schauer A

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