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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Nebera Tatyana (2011) The Roentgenoluminescence of Feldspars from Granitoids of the Kolyvan'-Tomsk Folded Belt as a Typomorphic Character
Boroznovskaya N, Nebera T, Konovalenko S, Bayova A & Zherebetskaya O

Necco A. (2000) B/Nb and *11B Systematics in the Phlegrean Volcanic District (PVD) and Aeolian Islands (Relationship between Calc-Alkaline and Potassic Orogenic Magmatism in Southern Italy)
Tonarini S, Civetta L, D'Antonio M, Ferrara G, Leeman WP & Necco A

Necemer M. (2007) Complementary Methods for Characterization of Stream Sediments as an Aid in Assessment of Sediment Quality
Bilinski H, Franciškovic-Bilinski S, Necemer M, Hanžel D, Szalontai G & Kovacs K

Nechin H.L. (2024) Tungsten and Other Siderophiles in Iron-Nickel Metal in Enstatite Chondrites
Nechin HL, Ash RD, Piccoli PM, Mock T & Jordan M

Neck V. (2011) Thermodynamics of Long-Term Metastable Magnesium (Chloro) Hydroxo Carbonates at 25℃
Bube C, Altmaier M, Metz V, Schild D, Kienzler B & Neck V
(2010) Reaction of Pu(III) and (V) with Magnetite and Mackinawite: A XANES/EXAFS Investigation
Kirsch R, Fellhauer D, Altmaier M, Neck V, Rossberg A, Charlet L & Scheinost AC

Necker J. (2023) Influences of Manganese Cycling on Alkalinity in the Redox Stratified Water Column of Chesapeake Bay
Thibault de Chanvalon A, Luther G, Estes ER, Necker J, Tebo B, Su J & Cai W-J
(2021) Iron and Manganese Cycling Influence on Alkalinity from a Redox Stratified Water Column of the Chesapeake Bay
Thibault de Chanvalon A, Luther G, Tebo B, Estes E, Necker J, Su J & Cai W-J

Neculita Carmen Mihaela (2012) Nickel Removal Mechanisms from Neutral Contaminated Drainage by Sulfate-Reducing Passive Biofilters
Hamani-Zalagou A, Bussiere B, Neculita CM & Zagury GJ
(2012) Acid Mine Drainage Multi-Step Passive Treatment System: The Lorraine Case Study
Genty T, Bussiere B, Neculita CM, Benzaazoua M & Zagury GJ

Neculita Carmen Mihaela (2015) East Sullivan Mine Site Restoration: Current Success and Perspectives
Rakotonimaro T, Lacroix R, Trudel S & Neculita CM

Neculita Carmen Mihaela (2022) Assessment of Water Quality Evolution in Filtered Tailings Storage Facilities
Elkhoumsi I, Pabst T & Neculita CM
(2022) Performance of Modified Materials for Mine Water Treatment
Neculita CM, Braghiroli FL, Calugaru IL, Genty T & Koubaa A

Neculita Carmen-Mihaela (2019) Peat Valorization Potential as Organic Cover for the Reclamation of Gold Mine Tailings
Rakotonimaro TV, Guittonny M, Neculita CM, Bussière B, Villeneuve M, Trépanier F & Pépin G
(2019) Comparison of Wood Ash, Compost and Peat-Calcite for Passive Treatment of Contaminated Neutral Drainage in Column Reactors
Richard D, Neculita C-M & Zagury GJ
(2019) Reuse and Value Recovery Potential of Mine Drainage Treatment Residuals
Neculita CM & Coudert L

Nedachi M. (2016) Geochemistry of 2.7Ga Shallow-Facies Shales in Stromatolitic Carbonates (ABDP #10) from Pilbara, Western Australia
Tomiuka T, Yamaguchi KE, Naraoka H, Abe G, Yamaguchi A, Nedachi M & Ikehara M
(2009) REE+Y Geochemistry of the 3.46 Ga Marble Bar Chert Recovered by the Archean Biosphere Drilling Project (ABDP)
Yamaguchi K, Kato Y, Nakamura K, Suzuki K, Watanabe Y, Nedachi M & Ohmoto H
(2004) D15N Signatures of Late Archean Shales from Two Drilling Cores, Hamersley, Western Australia
Naraoka H, Watanabe Y, Nedachi M & Ohmoto H
(2004) Evidence of a high-O2, high-CO2 and Low-Ch4 Archean Atmosphere in the 3.46 Ga Marble Bar Chert, Western Australia
Ohmoto H, Nedachi M, Kato Y, Bevaqua D & Watanabe Y

Nedbalová L. (2015) In situ Detection of Pigments of Snow Algae Using Lightweight Handheld Raman Spectrometers
Culka A, Nedbalová L & Jehlička J
(2015) Limits for Raman Spectroscopic Discrimination of Pigments of Microorganisms
Jehlička J, Culka A, Kovács M, Nedbalová L, Pilný J, Mareš J & Oren A

Nedel S. (2016) The Role of Anion (Cl-, SO42- and CO32-) Ratio and Concentration on Reformation of Calcined Hydrotalcite
Eiby SHJ, Nedel S, Tobler DJ, Bischoff A, Christiansen BC, Hansen AS, Kjaergaard HG & Stipp SLS
(2013) Green Rust Sulphate – Making Space for Interlayer Cations
Christiansen BC, Katz A, Bovet N, Sørensen HO, Andersson MP, Nedel S, Frandsen C, Dideriksen K & Stipp SLS
(2013) Cadmium Sorption by Green Rust
Nedel S, Dalby KN, Dideriksen K, Christiansen BC & Stipp SLS
(2011) The Ash that Closed Europe’s Airspace: Part I, Grains Size Distribution of the Eyjafjallajökull Ash and Soluble Salt Coatings
Gislason S, Eiriksdottir E, Alfredsson H, Oskarsson N, Sigfússon B, Larssen G, Hassenkam T, Nedel S, Bouvet N, Hem C, Balogh Z, Dideriksen K & Stipp S
(2011) The Ash that Closed Europe’s Airspace: Part II, the Physical Aspects of the Eyjafjallajökull Ash (Geochemistry Fellow Presentation)
Stipp S, Hassenkam T, Nedel S, Bovet N, Hem C, Balogh Z, Dideriksen K, Eiriksdottir E, Alfredsson H, Oskarsson N, Sigfusson B, Larssen G & Gislason S
(2009) Green Rust Interaction with Cerium
Nedel S, Dideriksen K, Christiansen B, Bovet N & Stipp S

Nédélec A. (2023) Voluminous Felsic Crust Formation from the Hadean Ultramafic Protocrust
Borisova AY, Safonov OG, Nédélec A, Bohrson WA, Kosova SA & Parseval PD
(2017) Making Earth’s Continental Crust from Serpentinite and Basalt
Borisova A, Zagrtdenov N, Toplis M, Bohrson W, Nedelec A, Safonov O, Pokrovski G, Ceuleneer G, Melnik O, Bychkov A, Gurenko A, Shcheka S, Terehin A, Polukeev V, Varlamov D, Gouy S & De Parseval P
(2011) Hydrothermal Alteration in the Vargeão Basaltic Impact Structure (South Brazil)
Yokoyama E, Nédélec A, Trindade R, Berger G & Baratoux D
(2009) Magmatic Evolution of Granites from Shir-Kuh Area, Yazd Block, Central Iran: Anatexis of Deep Crustal Rocks
Sheibi M, Esmaeily D & Nedelec A
(2002) Snowball Earth and Basaltic Traps
Godderis Y, Nedelec A, Donnadieu Y, Francois L, Grard A & Dupre B

Nedelkova M. (2007) Interactions of U(VI) and Eu(III) with Natural Bacterial Isolates
Merroun ML, Geissler A, Nedelkova M & Selenska-Pobell S

Nederbragt A. (2023) Diagenesis in Foraminifera and its Effect on Geochemical Proxies
Yang Z, Lear C, John EH, Slater SM, Nederbragt A, Muir D, Buse B & Edgar KM
(2023) Geochemical Insights into Antarctic Glaciation at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
Slater SM, John EH, Buse B, Bradshaw C, Nederbragt A, Coxall HK & Lear C
(2017) ENSO and PDO Cycles Since Glacial Times: A 55, 000 Year Record of Inter-Annual and Decadal Variabilities from the Gulf of California
Pichevin L, Ganeshram R, Thurow J & Nederbragt A

Nederbragt S. (2017) Fluid Deposited Carbon and Biosignatures in Earth’s Oldest Rocks
Dodd M, Papineau D, Nederbragt S, Zhenbing S, Manikyamba C & Wan Y

Nedialkov R. (2019) Epidotes in Different Rock Alterations in Elatsite PCD, Bulgaria
Georgieva H & Nedialkov R
(2017) Chlorite from Elatsite PCD, as a Mineral Vector
Georgieva H & Nedialkov R
(2013) Precise U–Pb Zircon CA-ID-TIMS Ages and Sr Isotopes for the Plana Pluton, Srednogorie, Bulgaria
Bidzhova L, Nedialkov R, Ovtcharova M & von Quadt A
(2009) Au-Ag±W Mineralization Related to the Collisional Granitoids of the Composite Lutzkan Magmatic Complex, Bulgaria
Peytcheva I, von Quadt A, Dyulgerov M & Nedialkov R
(2004) Subduction Related Rocks in Medet Cu-Porphyry Deposit: Sources and Magma Evolution
von Quadt A, Peytcheva I, Frank M, Nedialkov R, Kamenov B & Heinrich C

Nedjai R. (2019) Influence of Chemical Parameters on Geochemical Dynamics in the Water Column
Haouchine A, Zoccatelli R, Motelica-Heino M, Nedjai R, Defarge C, Jozja N & Guirimand-Dufour A

Nedosekova I. (2017) Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotope Signatures of Alkaline-Carbonatite Magmatism of Urals Fold Belt, Russia
Nedosekova I & Belyatsky B
(2013) Zircon U-Pb-Ages, Hf Isotope and Trace Element Composition in the Evolution of the IVAC Complex (Urals, Russia)
Nedosekova I, Belousova E, Belyatsky B & Pearson N

Neduka M. (2004) Petrology of the Peridotite Xenoliths from East Asia Region: Implications for the Evolution of the Sub-Continental Lithosphere
Abe N, Arai S, Neduka M & Kida M

Nedyalkov R. (2006) Timing and magma evolution in Medet Cu-porphyry deposit, SE Europe: controversial or coinciding isotope data?
Peytcheva I, Von Quadt A, Nedyalkov R, Heinrich C & Frank M

Nedyalkova L. (2018) Effect of Redox Conditions on Sulfur, Selenium and Iodine Binding in AFm Phases
Nedyalkova L, Lothenbach B, Tits J, Wieland E & Mäder U
(2017) Effect of Redox Conditions on Sulfur and Selenium Binding in AFm Phases
Nedyalkova L, Lothenbach B, Tits J, Wieland E & Mäder U

Nee P. (2010) Experimental Studies of CaEsk Component in Pyroxene at High PT
Nee P, Zhao S, Green H & Dobrzhinetskaya L

Needham A.W. (2016) Constraints on the Origin of a Type B CAI from the Vigarano CV3red Chondrite
Han J, Keller LP, Needham AW, Messenger S & Simon JI

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