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Nadeau Matthew (2018) Mg Isotope Tracing of Paleofluid Migration during Dolomite Formation in the Williston Basin
Nadeau M, Holmden C & Kimmig S

Nadeau Matthew D (2024) Origin and Significance of Ca Isotope Gradients in Epeiric Marine Carbonates
Holmden C, Kimmig SR & Nadeau MD
(2024) Exploring the Effect of Diagenesis on the δ88Sr Composition of Shallow Marine Carbonates
Nadeau MD & Higgins JA
(2023) Secular Change, Early Diagenesis, or Both? A Case Study from Cretaceous Ocean Anoxic Event 1a
Nadeau MD, Murphy JG, Hagen C, Wu Z, Akhtar AA, Ahm A-SC, Stolper DA, Maloof AC & Higgins JA
(2023) Formation and Diagenetic Alteration of Bahamian Carbonate Mud found in Deep-Water Settings Using Clumped Isotope Analyses
Wu Z, Edmonsond S, Nadeau MD, Geyman EC, Higgins JA, Maloof AC & Stolper DA

Nadeau Matthew. D (2020) Evaluating the Suitability of Diagenetic Dolomite as an Archive for Paleo-Seawater Chemistry
Nadeau MD, Murphy JG & Higgins JA

Nadeau Olivier (2022) Contribution of Mafic Magma and Surrounding Wall Rock to Cu-Mo-Au and Se-Te-Re Mineralization in Porphyry-Type Ore Deposits: Insights from Dexing
Tang Y, Nadeau O & Souza SD
(2022) Tracing Gold Using Lithium Isotopes
Nadeau O

Nadeau Olivier (2017) Magmatic and Meteoric Fluids in the Italian Apennines: Geochemistry of the Epithermal Environments of Vulcano and Campi Flegrei Volcanoes
Nadeau O, Mick E, Robidoux P, Grassa F & Brusca L

Nadeau Olivier (2020) Colloidal Gold Adsorption on Phyllosilicates and the Correlation of Gold and δ7Li: Insights from Kirkland Lake, Hemlo, Hardrock and Red Lake World-Class Gold Deposits, Canada
Nadeau O

Nadeau Olivier (2015) Volatile Phase Variations in Metal Concentrations and Redox States during Merapi Volcano Eruptive Cycles: Insights into the Genesis of Porphyry Systems
Nadeau O, Stix J & Williams-Jones AE

Nadeau Olivier (2014) Mantle Melting and Hydrothermal Fluids at the Montviel Alkaline-Carbonatite System (REE, Nb), Abitibi, Canada
Nadeau O, Stevenson R & Jébrak M
(2012) Depleted Mantle as the Source of Gold in Archean Alkaline Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Nadeau O, Stevenson R & Jebrak M

Nadeau Olivier (2013) Petrosomatic Evolution of Montviel Alkaline System and Rare Earth Carbonatites, Abitibi, Canada
Nadeau O, Stevenson R & Jébrak M

Nadeau Patricia (2019) Aerosol Chemistry of the 2018 Kīlauea Lower East Rift Zone Eruption – From Source to Exposed Communities
Mason E, Ilyinskaya E, Whitty RCW, Wieser P, Liu E, Edmonds M, Mather T, Elias T, Nadeau P, Kern C, Schneider DJ & Oppenheimer C

Nadeau Patricia A. (2024) Gas Monitoring Before, during, and after the 2022 Eruption of Mauna Loa, Hawai’i: Perspectives on the Magmatic System and Lessons for Future Monitoring Strategies
Kelly PJ, Nadeau PA, Sealing C, Elias T, Cappos M, Warren SM, Lopez B, Kern C, Clor L & Lerner A
(2024) Investigating Diffusive Fractionation of Volatiles in Hawaiian Lava Fountains
Nadeau PA, Lerner A, Lynn KJ, Kelly PJ, Clive O, Elias T, Kern C, Sutton AJ, Werner CA & Clor L
(2023) Time-Series Petrologic and Geochemical Monitoring of the 2022 Eruption of Mauna Loa, Hawai‘i
Lynn KJ, Trusdell FA, Downs DT, Rhodes JM, Chang JM, Nadeau PA, Bennington N, Lundblad S, Gansecki C, McDade B & Vollinger MJ
(2022) Geochemical Insight into Recent Post-Caldera Collapse Eruptions at Kīlauea Volcano
Nadeau PA, Lynn KJ, Kelly PJ, Downs DT & Lerner AH
(2012) SO2 Emissions and their Role in Eruptive Activity at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
Nadeau PA, Waite GP & Palma JL

Nadeau S. (2013) Guyana: The Lost Hadean Crust of South America?
Nadeau S, Wei C, Reece J, Lachhman D, Ault R, Faraco MT, Fraga LM, Reis NJ & Betiollo L

Nadeem N.A.B. (2014) Hydrogeochemical and Isotope Fingerprinting of Major Karst Springs of Bringi Watershed, NW Himalayas, India
Nadeem NAB & Jeelani GJ

Nadelhoffer K. (2020) Root Activity, Root Death, and the Stability of Soil Organic Matter
Lajtha K, Pierson D, Bowden R, Nadelhoffer K & Simpson M

Naden Jon (2019) Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Arc-Like Post-Subduction Magmas: Apuseni, Romania
Ene V-V, Smith D, Tapster S, Rosu E, Munteanu M & Naden J
(2017) Igneous Framework of the South Apuseni Mountains, Romania
Ene V-V, Smith D, Naden J, Munteanu M & Rosu E
(2015) Temporal Constraints on Magma Dynamics Resulting in Porphyry Copper Deposit Formation
Tapster S, Smith D, Naden J & Condon D
(2014) Are Re Concentrations in Porphyry Copper Deposits the Result of Hydrothermal Fluid-Country Rock Interactions? Evidence from Stable Isotope Analyses (δ34S, δ18O, δD) of the Muratdere Au-Cu (Mo-Re) Porphyry Deposit, Turkey
Sullivan K, Roberts S, Naden J, Lusty P, McDonald I & Boyce A
(2011) Fractionation of a Hydrous Arc Magma: The Origin of Adakitic and Alkaline Signatures at Savo Volcano, Solomon Islands
Smith D, Petterson M, Saunders A, Jenkin G & Naden J
(2006) Origin of fluids in the shallow geothermal environment of Savo, Solomon Islands
Smith DJ, Jenkin GRT, Boyce AJ, Naden J & Petterson MG

Naden Jonathan (2023) Post-Subduction Porphyry Mineralisation – Triggers and Magma Sources
Tuffield L, Naden J, Smith DJ, Tapster SR, Millar I & Miles AJ
(2022) Cobalt Deportment and Supply Potential from Ore and Mine Waste of Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits in Europe
Horn S, Naden J, Shaw R & Petavratzi E

Nader F. (2010) Effects of Fe and Mn on Stoichiometric Characterization of Dolomites by Cell and Rietveld Refinements
Kohler E, Turpin M & Nader F

Naderi M. (2020) Determining Selective Surface Energy of the Native Internal Rock Structure Using iGC
Ruecker M, Naderi M, Williams DR, Georgiadis A & Luckham PF
(2017) Speleothem Records of Glacial/Interglacial Climate from Iran Forewarn of Future Water Availability in the Interior of the Middle East
Mehterian S, Pourmand A, Sharifi A, Lahijani H, Naderi M & Swart P

Naderi N. (2012) Alteration and Isotopic Vectoring at the Syenite-Hosted Young-Davidson Gold Deposit, Matachewan, Ontario
Naderi N, Martin R, Linnen R, Zhang J, Lin S & Banerjee N

Nadhir A. (2016) Multi Geosciences Approach at Blawan-Ijen Volcano-Geothermal Complex, East Java, Indonesia to Understand It Utilization and Hazard
Maryanto S, Wicaksono A, Santoso D, Nadhir A, Gunawan H, Suantika IG & Prasodjo E

Nadimikeri J. (2005) Trace Element Geochemistry of Tambaraparni Deltaic Sediments, East Coast of India
Nadimikeri J

Nadine M. (2020) Depletion, Metasomatism and Water Distribution in the Oceanic Lithospheric Mantle
Bizimis M, Ashley A, Beunon H, Patterson S, Doucet L, Peslier A & Nadine M

Nadja N.

Nadłonek W. (2024) Comparison of Various Geochemical Weathering Indices and Mineralogy of Pennsylvanian Paleosols from the Upper Silesia Coal Basin (Poland)
Kuligiewicz A, Wójtowicz P, Lojka R, Nadłonek W, Naglik B, Koubová M & Kędzior A

Nadolinny V. (2002) Study of Local Concentration of Donor Nitrogen in Micro Diamonds from Kokhcetav Massif
Stepanov A, Nadolinny V, Shatsky V & Kozmenko O

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