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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Nandakumar V. (2020) Timing of High-Grade Metamorphism in Madurai Block, South India: Insights from New U-Pb Zircon & Monazite Ages
Amal Dev J, Tomson JK, Anto Francis K, Sorcar N & Nandakumar V
Sajna S, Amal Dev J, Nilanjana S, Tomson JK & Nandakumar V

Nandi A. (2023) Mesoarchean Metamorphic Relics in Metasedimentary Sukma Group, Bastar Craton, Central India: Constraints from Detrital Zircon U-Pb and Combined Garnet Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Chronology
Nandi A & Vadlamani R

Nandy D. (2020) Facies Control on Redox Interpretations: Implications from Early Mississippian Bakken Fm
Nandy D, Sahoo S & Sonnenberg S

Nandy J. (2017) Neoarchaean Magmatism Through Arc and Lithosphere Melting: Evidence from Eastern Dharwar Craton
Nandy J & Dey S

Naney M.T. (2001) A New Experimental Method for Determining Liquid-Vapor Equilibria in the CO2-H2O System at High Subcritical Temperatures
Blencoe JG, Naney MT & Anovitz LM

Nanjyo N. (2020) Measurement of Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Individual Otoliths of Early Developmental Stage Japanese Anchovy and Sardine with the MICAL3c Microscale Stable Isotope Analytical System
Nishida K, Yasu A, Nanjyo N, Takahashi M, Kitajima S & Ishimura T

Nankawa T. (2009) Effects of Organic Acids on Interaction of Actinides with Microorganisms
Ohnuki T, Yoshida T, Nankawa T, Suzuki Y & Francis A
(2008) Interactions of Actinides with Microorganisms and Organic Ligands
Ohnuki T, Ozaki T, Sakamoto F, Kozaki N, Nankawa T, Suzuki Y & Francis A
(2007) Reduction of U(VI) by Shewanella putrefaciens in the Presence of Organic Acids
Suzuki Y, Nankawa T, Ozaki T, Ohnuki T & Francis AJ
(2007) Interactions of Heavy Elements with Microorganisms
Ohnuki T, Yoshida T, Ozaki T, Sakamoto F, Kozai N, Nankawa T, Suzuki Y & Francis A

Nanne J.A.M. (2017) Nickel Isotopic Dichotomy between Carbonaceous and non-CArbonaceous Iron Meteorites
Nanne JAM & Kleine T
(2015) New Insights into Planetary Formation from Os Stable Isotopes
Nanne JAM, Millet M-A, Williams H, Burton K, Dale C & Nowell G

Nannoni A. (2023) Preliminary Assessment of Microplastic Abundance and Spatial Distribution along the Surface Water Pathway of the Arno River (Central Italy)
Monnanni A, Rimondi V, Morelli G, Nannoni A, Cabigliera SB, Martellini T, Laurati M, Ciani F, Cincinelli A, Lattanzi P & Costagliola P

Nanping W. (2014) δ34S and Δ33S Records of Sedimentary Pyrites Across the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition from Xiaotan Section, Yunnan, South China
Ying L, Nanping W, Yanan S, James F, Xiaolin Z, Guijie Z, Da L & Hongfei L

Nansheng Q. (2023) Dynamic Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle in Response to Massive Manganese Carbonate Deposits during Cryogenian Interglacial Period
Ai J, Siljeström S, Zhong N, Chen J, Wang T, Nansheng Q & George S

Nanson G. (2013) Dunefield Chronology in the Simspson Desert, Central Australia, Revealed by Cosmogenic Nuclide and Luminescence Dating
Fujioka T, Nanson G, Tooth S, Craddock R, Price D, Peterson B & Mifsud C

Nantke Carla (2023) Response of Metal Contaminated Skagerrak Sediments to Changing Oxygen Conditions
Przibilla A, Sanders T, Zimmermann T, Schulz G, Nantke C & Pröfrock D

Nantke Carla Katharina Marlene (2022) The Role of Benthic Carbon Cycling for Alkalinity Production: An Isotope Biogeochemical Approach in the North Sea
Nantke CKM, Schell AC, Winde V & Böttcher ME

Nanus L. (2020) Critical Loads of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition for Sensitive High-Elevation Ecosystems in the Western United States
Nanus L, Clow D, Saros J, McMurray J & Sickman J

Naohara J. (2016) Artificial Chemical Weathering of Volcanic Glass by Acidic Solutions Under the Earth’s Surface Conditions
Mizuguchi M, Ichiyasu A, Naohara J & Kobayashi S
(2015) Relation between Chemical Composition of Seawater and Weathering of Basalt Under the Low Oxygen Condition in Early Stage of Proterozoic era
Kobayashi S, Kanayama A & Naohara J

Näpflin A. (2023) Positive Thermal Raman Shifts in Silicates
Spiekermann G, Näpflin A, Trubowitz C & Murakami M

Napier H. (2023) Technician Commitment: Tackling the Challenges Facing the Technical Community in the Research Environment
Atkinson N, Napier H, Vere K, Ogryzko N & Condon D

Napieralski Stephanie (2018) Aerobic Microbial Lithotrophic Oxidation of Pyrite at Neutral pH
Napieralski S, Marcon V, Brantley S & Roden E

Napieralski Stephanie A (2021) Cooperative Weathering of Fe(II)-silicate Minerals by Chemolithotrophic and Organotrophic Bacteria
Napieralski SA & Roden EE
(2021) Transport-Reaction Modeling of Particulate Organic Matter and Oxygen Dynamics in Riverbed Sediments
Roden EE, Bulur E, Napieralski SA, Loheide SP, Ginder-Vogel M, Zahasky C, Arntzen E & Ghosh RN

Napoleoni M. (2021) Detecting Microbial Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Europa and Enceladus Using Mass Spectrometry
Klenner F, Napoleoni M, Bönigk J, Pavlista M, Hillier J, Khawaja N, Dannenmann M, Klauck E, Abel B, Olsson-Francis K & Postberg F

Nappi N. (2023) Linking Microbial Metabolic Diversity with Geochemical Characteristics of Campania Region Hot Springs
Bastianoni AB, Selci M, Oliva F, Bastoni D, Barosa B, Cascone M, Correggia M, Di Iorio L, Corso D, Licata M, Migliaccio F, Montemagno F, Nappi N, Ricciardelli A, Tonietti L, Rotundi A, Caliro S, Cordone A, Pollio A & Giovannelli D

Naqvi M. (2005) Geochemistry of First Cycle Volcanogenic Sedimentary Rocks from the Neoarchaean Sandur Superterrane, India
Chakravadhanula M, Kerrich R & Naqvi M

Naqvi Syed Mehmood (2009) Mesoarchaean Copper Deposits of Dharwar Craton, India: Evidence for Hydrothermal Vent Activity
Subba Rao DV, Sreenivas B & Naqvi SM
(2005) Cyanobacteria Fossils from Neo-Archaean Chitradurga Schist Belt: Evidence of a Bioherm
Thota GR & Naqvi SM

Naqvi Syed Wajih Ahmad (2011) Variability of Nitrogen Stable Isotope in Suspended Organic Matter in Waters of the Western Continental Shelf of India and the Mandovi Estuary
Maya MV, Karapurkar SG, Soares MA, Agnihotri R, Roy R, Naik H & Naqvi SWA
(2009) Intensification of Seasonal Oxygen-Deficient Zone over the Western Indian Shelf
Naqvi SWA, Naik H, Pratihary A, Narvenkar G, Roy R, Thorat B, Kurian S, Gauns M & Narvekar P

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