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Nakatsu C. (2014) Impact of Carbon Capture and Storage on the Methanogenic Activity and Pathway in a Petroleum Reservoir
Mayumi D, Dolfing J, Sakata S, Maeda H, Miyagawa Y, Ikarashi M, Tamaki H, Takeuchi M, Nakatsu C & Kamagata Y

Nakatsubo S. (2015) Evolution of Organic Molecules in Space: From Ice Deposition to Organic Residues
Piani L, Tachibana S, Hama T, Kimura Y, Endo Y, Fujita K, Nakatsubo S, Fukushi H, Mori S, Chigai T, Yurimoto H & Kouchi A

Nakatsuka S. (2008) Multielemental Determination of GEOTRACES Key Trace Metals by Column Concentration and ICP-MS
Norisuye K, Urushihara S, Nakatsuka S, Kono T, Higo E, Minami T & Sohrin Y
(2007) Physicochemical Speciation of Trace Metals during the Mesoscale Iron Enrichment (SEEDS II) in the Western North Pacific
Nakatsuka S, Sohrin Y, Norisuye K, Okamura K, Takeda S & Nishioka J

Nakatsuka T. (2005) Hydrogen Isotopic Compositions of Long-Chain N-Alkanes in the Doro River Basin, Hokkaido Island, Japan
Seki O, Nakatsuka T, Shibata H & Kawamura K
(2003) Biomarker Flux in Sinking Particle from the Sea of Okhotsk: Comparison between Organic and Inorganic Tracers
Seki O, Yoshikawa C, Fujimune T, Nakatsuka T, Kawamura K & Okada H
(2003) A Long Term Variability of a Bathyal Calyptogena Community in Sagami Bay off Japan Based on Pore Water Geochemsitry
Masuzawa T, Tsunogai U & Nakatsuka T
(2002) Reconstruction of Paleoproductivity in the Sea of Okhotsk over the Last 30 kyrs
Kawamura K, Seki O, Ikehara M, Ohnishi K, Nakatsuka T & Narita H

Nakatsuka Y. (2008) Geochemical Results on the CO2 Georeactor Sequestration Tests at the Ogachi Hot Dry Rock Site, NE Japan
Ueda A, Nakatsuka Y, Kunieda M, Kuroda Y, Kato K, Yajima T, Sugiyama K, Odashima Y, Ozawa A & Ohsumi T

Nakaya K. (2003) Migration and Fixation of Organic Carbon in Vegetation – Forest Soil System
Ikeda H, Kobayashi T, Nakaya K, Suzuki C & Yasuike S

Nakaya S. (2024) Mercury Emission Related to Subducting Philippine Sea Plate in Southwest Japan
Masuda H & Nakaya S
(2013) Groundwater Chemistry in 2012 in Miyagi Prefecture Including Tsunami Affected Area
Masuda H, Nakaya S, Ikawa R & Marui A
(2011) Promoting As Release by Aerobic Water Infiltration into Holocene Aquifer, Bangladesh
Masuda H, Maeda S, Okabayashi K, Seddique AA, Mitamura M, Morikawa N & Nakaya S

Nakayama K. (2023) Host Rock Alteration Caused by Multiple Hydrothermal Activities in the Shimokawa Massive Sulfide Deposit, Hokkaido, Japan
Hoshi A, Ikeda M, Otake T, Nakayama K, Kikuchi R & Sato T
(2023) Os Isotopic Composition of Early Cretaceous Seawater Reconstructed from Umber Deposit in the Japanese Accretionary Complex
Yano M, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Ohta J, Kuwahara Y, Nakayama K, Nakamura K & Kato Y
(2011) Re-Os Ages of Besshi-Type Massive Sulfide Deposits Associated with in situ Basalt as a New Age Constraint for Ridge Subduction
Nozaki T, Kato Y, Suzuki K, Takaya Y & Nakayama K

Nakayama N (2006) An evaluation for mixing and biological processes based on oxygen isotopic ratios of dissolved oxygen.
Nakayama N & Gamo T
(2003) Gas Geochemistry of Seafloor Seeping Bubbles at Kuroshima Knoll
Kosaka A, Tsunogai U, Nakayama N, Gamo T, Sumino H & Nagao K

Nakayama Noriko (2010) Excess N2 Formation by Denitrifcation in the Indian Ocean Oxygen Deficient Zone Estimated by Simultaneous N2, Ar, and O2 Measurements
Nakayama N, Ogura T & Gamo T

Nakayama Noriko (2015) Sulfides in Oxic Seawater over the Submarine Hydrothermal Area of Kikai Caldera South of Kyushu Island, Japan
Nakayama N, Shirai K, Sano Y, Gamo T & Obata H

Nakayama Noriko (2016) Nanometer Size Fractionation of Metal Sulfides over the Hydrothermal Area in Okinawa Trough
Nakayama N, Gamo T & Obata H

Nakayama S. (2003) Mechanism and Kinetics of Smectite Dissolution Under Alkaline Conditions
Sato T, Kuroda M, Yokoyama S, Fukushi K, Tanaka T & Nakayama S

Nakayama Tadanobu (2024) Modeling of Global Plastic Dynamics and their Relation to Biogeochemical Cycles in Terrestrial-Aquatic-Estuarine Continuum
Nakayama T
(2023) Seasonal Variations of Plastic Transport in Global Major Rivers
Nakayama T & Osako M
(2022) Quantifying Global Carbon Cycle Through Terrestrial-Aquatic Exchanges by Using an Advanced Eco-Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Coupling Model
Nakayama T
(2016) Re-evaluation of Carbon Cycle in Biosphere Through Advanced Model
Nakayama T & Maksyutov S

Nakayama Takashi (2011) Distribution and Time Variation of Helium Isotope Ratios Around the Source Region of The Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008
Horiguchi K, Nakayama T & Matsuda J-I

Nakayama Tomoki (2016) Optical Properties of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Diesel and Gasoline Engine Exhaust
Nakayama T, Fujitani Y, Sato K, Inomata S, Morino Y, Fushimi A, Kondo Y, Takami A, Tanabe K, Kobayashi S & Matsumi Y
(2014) Contributions of Brown Carbon and Lensing Effect to Aerosol Light Absorption in the Nagoya Urban Area, Japan, during Summer and Winter
Nakayama T, Ikeda Y, Sawada Y, Setoguchi Y, Ogawa S, Kawana K, Mochida M & Matsumi Y
(2014) Light Absorbing Properties of Diesel Exhaust Particles Measured by a Three-Wavelength Photoacoustic Spectrometer
Guo X, Nakayama T, Yamada H, Inomata S, Tonokura K & Matsumi Y

Nakazato M. (2023) Elemental Analysis on Individual Nanoparticles in Meteorites Using ICP Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Kurihara K, Nakazato M, Akamune M & Hirata T
(2020) Elemental Analysis of Individual Nanograins in Meteorites by ICP-TOF-MS
Nakazato M, Yamashita S & Hirata T

Nakazato T. (2010) Quantitative Evaluation of Shock Pressure by Cathodoluminescence Analysis of Alkali Feldspar
Kayama M, Nishido H, Sekine T, Nakazato T & Ninagawa K

Nakazawa H. (2016) Effects of Serpentine on the Organic Synthesis in Impacts of Meteorites on the Early Ocean
Takeuchi Y, Furukawa Y, Kobayashi T, Nakazawa H, Sekine T & Kakegawa T
(2016) Formation of Life’s Building Blocks by Mteorite Impacts
Furukawa Y, Nakazawa H, Sekine T, Kobayashi T & Kakegawa T
(2010) Stability of Amino Acids and Peptides during Diagenesis on the Early Earth
Otake T, Taniguchi T, Furukawa Y, Nakazawa H & Kakegawa T
(2009) Synthesis of Organic Molecules by Ocean Impacts on the Early Earth
Furukawa Y, Sekine T, Oba M, Kakegawa T & Nakazawa H
(2008) Prebiotic Polymerization of Amino Acids on the Early Earth: Chemical Evolution in the Hadean Oceanic Crusts
Kakegawa T, Ohara S, Ishiguro T, Abiko H & Nakazawa H
(2008) Impact Synthesis of Organic Compounds: Implication for their Mass Production on the Early Earth
Furukawa Y, Sekine T, Oba M, Kakegawa T & Nakazawa H
(2007) Impact-Generated Ultrafine Particles of Olivine and Serpentine Suggesting a Source of Aerogels in the Air of the Early Earth
Furukawa Y, Kakegawa T, Sekine T & Nakazawa H
(2007) Catalytic Potential of Sillicate, Oxide and Sulfide Minerals for the Abiotic Polymerization of Glycine Under High Pressure and Temperature Conditions
Ohara S, Kakegawa T & Nakazawa H
(2004) Heavy Metal Enrichment in Archean Carbon-Rich Samples: Hint to Early Carbon-Metal Compounds for Enzime Formation?
Kakegawa T, Ohtomo Y, Nakazawa H & Rosing M
(2003) High Pressure and Temperature Polymerization of Amino Acids Suggesting a Role of Depth in the Crust for Chemical Evolution
Ohara S, Kakegawa T & Nakazawa H

Nakazawa Takakiyo (2008) Accurate Chronology of Antarctic Climate and Greenhouse Gas Changes over the Past 470 ky
Kawamura K, Aoki S, Nakazawa T, Matsushima H, Ishidoya S, Sugawara S, Lisiecki L, Raymo M & Severinghaus J

Nakazawa Toshiyuki (2008) The Effect of Microbial Activities on Sorption Behavior of Organic 14C
Hara A, Kozaki T, Sato S, Nakazawa T & Kato H

Nakić E.B. (2023) Elemental and Isotopic Characterization of Sediments from Lake Brljan in Karstic River Krka Catchment (Croatia)
Zuliani T, Cukrov N, Nakić EB, Čermelj B, Dolenec M, Hauptman Ž & Lojen S

Nakley L. (2018) Extreme Planetary Systems – NASA GRC Current and New Capabilities to Study the Thermochemistry and Kinetics of Materials, Minerals and Gases/Vapors
Costa G, Nakley L, Jacobson N, Kulis M & Zhu D

Nakouzi E. (2020) Connecting Energetics to Dynamics in Particle Growth by Oriented Attachment Using Real-Time Observations
Liu L, Nakouzi E, Sushko M, Schenter GK, Mundy CJ, Chun J & De Yoreo J
(2020) Heavy Metal Incorporation during Goethite Oriented Attachment
Mergelsberg S, Zhu G, Soltis J, McBriarty M, Nakouzi E, De Yoreo J & Ilton E
(2020) Mechanistic Understanding of Electron-Beam Induced Akaganeite Nanorod Dissolution
Sassi M, Liu L, Nakouzi E, Kovarik L, Liang X, Zhang X, Rosso K & De Yoreo J
(2019) Behavior of Water in a Lipid-Clay Film
Kessenich B, Pokhrel N, Nakouzi E, Newcomb C, Flury M, Maibaum L & De Yoreo J
(2018) Correlating Mineral-Water Interface Structure to Particle Interactions and Emergent Phenomena
Chun J, Nakouzi E, Soltis J, Legg B, Schenter G, Zhang X, Graham T, Rosso K, Anovitz L & De Yoreo J
(2018) An in situ Look at Water, Ions and Forces at Mineral Surfaces and in Confinement
De Yoreo J, Kerisit S, Tuladhar A, Zhang X, Sushko M, Zhang S, Li D, Chun J, Wang Z, Nakouzi E & Rosso K
(2017) Geochemical Plausibility of Silica Self-Assembly and its Relation to Life Detection Studies and Prebiotic Chemistry
Garcia Ruiz JM, Kotopoulou E, Nakouzi E, Steinbock O & Van Zuilen M

Nalbach M. (2017) Atomic Force Microscopy at Mineral-Water Interfaces: From High-Resolution Imaging to Chemical Identification
Söngen H, Adam H, Klassen S, Seibert S, Nalbach M, Bechstein R & Kühnle A
(2017) Comprehensive Control of Molecular Self-Assembly at the Calcite(10.4)-Water Interface
Nalbach M, Klassen S, Bechstein R & Kühnle A
(2016) In situ Visualization of Molecular Self-Assembly and Surface Restructuring at the Mineral-Water Interface
Nalbach M, Schreiber M, Momper R, Klassen S, Bechstein R & Kühnle A

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