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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mathes Mareike (2013) X-Ray Spectroscopy and Spectromicroscopy Study of Sulfur Speciation in Urban Soils
Thieme J & Mathes M

Mathes Mareike (2011) Raison D’être of X-Ray Spectromicroscopy for Geochemistry
Thieme J, Sedlmair J, Mathes M, Prietzel J & Coates J

Matheshwaran S. (2023) Potential Role of Indigenous Bacteria in Controlling Arsenic Concentration in Mixed‑Oxic State Groundwater
Verma A, Matheshwaran S & Singh A
(2022) Biogeochemical Processes Governing Arsenic Release in Shallow Mixed‑Oxic State Groundwater
Verma A, Mohapatra AK, Matheshwaran S & Singh A
(2021) Potential Role of a Novel Strain of Citrobacter sp. in Controlling Arsenic Speciation in Groundwater
Verma A, Murugan PA, Matheshwaran S & Singh A

Matheus Carnevali P. (2020) Microbial Mediation of Watershed Biogeochemical Cycles
Banfield J, Thomas A, Matheus Carnevali P, Lavy A, West-Roberts J, Crits-Christoph A, Hurst-Williams K & Hubbard S
(2017) Genome-Resolved Metagenomics as a Foundation for Understanding of Biogeochemistry
Banfield J, Anantharaman K, Andeer P, Arbour T, Brown C, Burstein D, Castelle C, Diamond S, Fakra S, Firestone M, Gilbert B, Kantor R, Lavi A, Matheus Carnevali P, Northen T, Probst A, Starr E, Thomas B, Warren L & Williams K
(2014) Methane Sources in Arctic Thermokarst Lakes on the North Slope of Alaska
Matheus Carnevali P, Rohrssen M, Williams M, Love G, Michaud A, Adams H, Priscu J, Berisford D, Klesh A, Leichty J, Hand K & Murray A

Mathew K. (2003) The Xenon Record of the Evolution of Mars
Marty B, Mathew K & Marti K
(2002) Martian Xenology
Marty B, Mathew K & Marti K

Mathews C. (2020) The Anisotropic Signature of Tectonic Boundaries in the Mantle
Eakin C, Mathews C, Bilton L & Davies R

Mathews G.P. (2020) Chromian-Spinel Chemistry of a Mesoarchean Metasomatized Ultramafic Section from Southern India and its Implications to the Crustal Processes
Mathews GP & Zhai M-G

Mathews M. (2023) Examining Diurnal Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Dynamics at the River-Groundwater Interface
Mathews M, Guillon S, Rivière A, Floury P, Gaillardet J & Derry LA
(2023) Disentangling Concentration-Discharge Relationships during a Flood Event Using a Multi-Isotope Approach
López Urzúa S, Mathews M, Hissler C & Derry LA
(2022) Combined 226Ra + 228Ra Analysis in Groundwater by MC-ICPMS
Scott SR, Mathews M, Plechacek A, Krinke G, Populin M & Ginder-Vogel M
(2022) Geogenic Radium Mobilization in the Iron- and Manganese-Reducing Zone of a DNAPL-Contaminated Aquifer
Plechacek A, Hook G, Mathews M, Scott SR, Meyer JR, Parker B & Ginder-Vogel M
(2022) Geochemical and Isotopic Investigation of Diurnal Variations in a River System
Mathews M, Floury P, Gaillardet J & Derry LA

Mathews R.P. (2022) The Geochemical Documentation of Redox Conditions in Paleogene Lignite Deposit of Barsingsar, Bikaner-Nagaur Basin, Western India
Chetia R, Rahi IC, Mathews RP, Sharma A & Singh PK
(2021) Lipid Biomarker Analysis on the Sediments of a Lignite-Bearing Succession
Chetia R, Mathews RP & Singh PK

Mathez E.A. (2012) Age of the Bushveld Complex
Scoates J, Wall C, Friedman R, VanTongeren J & Mathez E
(2011) Concentration of Chalcophile and Siderophile Elements in MORB Sulphide Droplets: New Sulphide Melt-Silicate Melt Partition Coefficients
Patten C, Barnes S-J & Mathez EA
(2011) Can Multiple Sulfur Isotopes be Used as a Tracer of Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle in the Bushveld?
Penniston-Dorland S, Farquhar J, Polley G, Mathez E & Kinnaird J
(2005) Tracing Geochemical Evolution of the Bushveld Complex with Lead Isotopes Analyzed by LA-MC-ICP-MS
Mathez E & Kent A
(2005) Origin of UG2 and Other Chromitite Layer of the Bushveld Complex
Mondal S & Mathez E
(2004) Partitioning of Chlorine and Fluorine in the System Apatite—silicate Melt—aqueous Fluid
Mathez E & Webster J
(2003) The Search for Organic Biomarkers in >3700 Ma Metasedimentary Rocks from Isua, West Greenland
Rosing M, Bojesen G & Mathez E
(2001) Chlorine Partitioning between Apatite, Basalt Melt, and Aqueous Volatile Phase(s) and Chlorine Solubility in Water-Poor Aluminosilicate Melts at 200 MPa: Application to Layered Mafic Intrusions
Webster JD & Mathez EA

Mathialagan K.R. (2017) Tracing Groundwater Recharge Dynamics in the Kelantan Malaysia, Using Environmental Isotopes
Khan MMA, Mathialagan KR & Shah ZA

Mathian M. (2017) Soil Evolution Through Climate Change: Insights from the EPR Dating of Western Ghâts (India) Laterites
Mathian M, Allard T, Fritsch E, Riotte J & Braun J-J

Mathias P. (2011) Monitoring Fluid Properties in a Geothermal Plant
Regenspurg S, Harald M, Giese R & Mathias P

Mathias S.A. (2019) Experimentally Validated Bubble Growth Model for Interpretation of Magma Ascent Dynamics
Coumans JP, Llewellin EW, Wadsworth FB, Humphreys MCS, Mathias SA & Gardner JE

Mathies R. (2012) Wiring the Cell Wall: Surface Multiheme C-Type Cytochromes from Thermincola Potens and Implications for Dissimilatory Metal Reduction by Gram-Positive Bacteria
Carlson H, Iavarone A, Gorur A, Boon SY, Tran R, Melnyk R, Mathies R, Auer M & Coates J
(2004) AstroBioLab: A Mobile in situ Subsurface Biotic and Soil Reactivity Analytical Laboratory
Bada J, Grunthaner F & Mathies R

Mathiesen J. (2007) Controls on Weathering Rates by Reaction-Induced Hierarchical Fracturing
Jamtveit B, Royne A, Malthe-Sorenssen A & Mathiesen J

Mathiessen J. (2013) Specific Ion Effects on the Wettability of Sandstone Particle
Hassenkam T, Mathiessen J, Andersson MP & Stipp SLS

Mathieu Anne (2016) Atmospheric Dispersion and Ground Deposition Induced by the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Mathieu A, Quérel A, Saunier O, Kajino M, Sekiyama T, Korsakissok I, Perillat R, Quélo D, Adachi K, Maki T, Igarachi Y & Didier D
(2016) A New Perspective on the Fukushima Releases Brought by Newly Available Air Concentration Observations and Reliable Meteorological Fields
Saunier O, Mathieu A, Sekiyama T, Kajino M, Adachi K, Bocquet M, Higarashi Y, Maki T & Didier D
(2016) Fukushima: Lessons Learned on Wet Deposition from a Combined Analysis of Radiation Dose Rate and Volume Activity Measurements of 137Cesium
Quérel A, Quélo D, Roustan Y, Mathieu A, Kajino M, Sekiyama T, Adachi K, Didier D, Igarashi Y & Maki T
(2016) Using Meteorological Ensembles for Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Périllat R, Korsakissok I, Mallet V & Mathieu A

Mathieu Antoine (2023) High Temperature Equilibrium Sulphur Isotope Fractionation Model between Melt and Sulphide from Experiments Using a 1-Atm Gas-Mixing Furnace
Prabha Mohan S, Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Mathieu A & Pointud F
(2023) Subducted Slabs Induce High Heat Flux at the Core-Mantle Boundary
Zhao C, Manthilake G, Bouhifd A & Mathieu A

Mathieu G. (2016) Sedimentary Provenance and Paleoclimatic Reconstruction Using Drill Cores from the Kosi Megafan, India
Sinha R, Yadav M, Paul D, Chabaux F & Mathieu G

Mathieu J. (2017) Fluid Histories in Sedimentary Settings Revealed Using Multiple in situ Micro-Analytical Techniques
Mathieu J, Kontak D, Turner E & Hahn K

Mathieu Laura (2013) Molecular Level Characterization of Methyl Sugars and Other Carbohydrate Compounds in Marine High Molecular Weight Dissolved Organic Matter (HMWDOM)
Panagiotopoulos C, Repeta D, Mathieu L, Rontani J-F & Sempéré R

Mathieu Lucie (2021) Petrogenesis of Tonalite-Dominated Intrusive Suites of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt
Mathieu L
(2020) Magmatic Evolution of a Neoarchean Greenstone Belt
Mathieu L, Madon B, Crépon A, Berthoty P & Kontak D
(2018) Contamination of Layered Intrusions: The Lac Doré Complex Example
Mathieu L

Mathieu N. (2007) Experimental Study of REE Behavour during Apatite Dissolution in Presence of Iron and Organic Matter
Roncal-Herrero T, Mathieu N, Sonke J & Oelkers EH

Mathieu Olivier (2013) Distribution and Sources of Organic Matter (OM) in a Tropical Intertidal Mud Bank of French Guiana
Gontharet S, Mathieu O, Lévêque J, Milloux M-J, Lesourd S, Philippe S, Caillaud J & Gardel A

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