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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Masterson Andrew L. (2019) Calcium Isotope Composition (δ44/40Ca) of Bulk Carbonate Spanning Ocean Anoxic Event 2: Kinetic Effects or Diagenesis?
Kitch GD, Jacobson AD, Ankney ME, Masterson AL, Hurtgen MT & Sageman BB

Mastin M. (2023) Geochemical and Iron Isotopic Study of Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids and Deposits at Mayotte Submarine Volcanic System
Rouxel O, Giunta T, Cathalot C, Mastin M, Manoux M, Jaudon P, Guyader V, Donval J-P, Germain Y, Mazeas F & Rinnert E
(2023) Submarine Venting of Liquid Carbon Dioxide in the Horseshoe Structure Offshore Mayotte Island
Mastin M, Donval J-P, Guyader V, Germain Y, Giunta T, Scalabrin C, Gaucher EC, Dehez S, Jouenne S, Rouxel O, Rinnert E & Cathalot C

Mastrocicco M. (2013) Mesocosms Experiments with Zeolitite-Amended Marsh Soils to Reduce Nitrogen Leaching
Faccini B, Colombani N, Di Giuseppe D, Mastrocicco M & Coltorti M

Mastroianni F. (2021) Carbonatite Metasomatism of the Lithospheric Mantle as a Source for the High CO2 Degassing at Etna Volcano
Bragagni A, Mastroianni F, Avanzinelli R, Conticelli S & Münker C
(2019) Extreme HFSE Fractionation in Italian Magmas: Metasomatism vs. Different Mantle Domains
Bragagni A, Mastroianni F, Avanzinelli R, Conticelli S & Münker C
(2019) Plumbing System Dynamics at Kolumbo Submarine Volcano, Greece, Prior to the 1650 CE Explosive Eruption
Mastroianni F, Fantozzi I, Petrone CM, Vougioukalakis GE, Braschi E & Francalanci L
(2019) Investigating Compositional Heterogeneity of Volcano Feeding Systems: The Upper Pumice Explosive Eruption of Nisyros (Greece)
Braschi E, Mastroianni F, Vougioukalakis GE, Di Salvo S & Francalanci L

Mastruzzo C. (2009) Effect of Pyroclastic Atmospheric Fallout on YREE Distribution in Human Bronchial Washing Solutions
Censi P, Punturo R, Zuddas P, Crimi N, Cuttitta A, Lo Giudice A, Mastruzzo C, Mazzola S & Pistorio P

Masturyono M. (2001) Interaction of Dike-Fed, Mafic Recharge Melts with Silicic Magmas Below the Toba Caldera Complex
Wark DA, Farmer GL, Masturyono M & McCaffrey R

Masuda A. (2004) PGE Geochemistry of Chromitites and Dunites of the Nidar Ophiolite, Himalaya
Siddaiah N & Masuda A
(2003) Environmental Studies of Geochemical Behaviors of Artificially Produced Uranium Isotopes
Sahoo S, Shiraishi K & Masuda A
(2003) Three Discontinuous Stages in Progress of Lanthanides (REE) Geochemistry and Potential Further Evolution
Masuda A
(2003) The Lanthanide Tetrad Effect: Computation and Interpretation
Vigneresse J, Masuda A & Cuney M

Masuda Harue (2014) Arsenic Behavior in Modern Deep Sea Sediment Columns
Masuda H, Yoshinishi H & Toki T
(2014) Transportation Process of Arsenic in Red River, Vietnam
Masuda H, Inoue R, Shintani T, Chikaoka F, Luan TX, Hang DT, Yonezawa G & Nakano T
(2014) Geochemical Mapping of Trace and Rare Earth Elements in Small Rivers of North Osaka, Japan
Even E, Nojima A, Masuda H, Yamanaka T & Nakano T
(2013) Groundwater Chemistry in 2012 in Miyagi Prefecture Including Tsunami Affected Area
Masuda H, Nakaya S, Ikawa R & Marui A
(2011) Promoting As Release by Aerobic Water Infiltration into Holocene Aquifer, Bangladesh
Masuda H, Maeda S, Okabayashi K, Seddique AA, Mitamura M, Morikawa N & Nakaya S
(2010) Chlorite as a Primary Source of Arsenic in Groundwater Aquifer Sediments in Bengal Delta
Masuda H, Shinoda K, Noguchi N, Okudaira T, Takahashi Y, Mitamura M & Seddique AA
(2009) Variations in the Redox State of As and Fe Measured by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy in Aquifers of Bangladesh and their Effect on As Adsorption
Itai T, Takahashi Y, Mitamura M, Maruoka T & Masuda H
(2008) What Does Cause a Bell-Shaped Profile of Aqueous As in Contaminated Holocene Aquifer?
Itai T, Takahashi Y, Seddique AA, Mitamura M, Maruoka T & Masuda H
(2007) Anomalously Low D/H Ratio of H2 Gas from High Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids in the Mariana Trough
Kawagucci S, Toki T, Ito M, Oomori T, Ishibashi J-I, Masuda H, Takai K & Gamo T
(2003) Arsenic Behavior in the Modern Sediments and the Controlling Factors of its Release into Groundwater
Masuda H, Mitamura M, Yamatani Y, Sato T & Tane T
(2003) Seasonal Variation and Altitude Distribution of Bulk Deposition Chemistry at Mt. Emei, Sichuan Province, China
Akata N, Yanagisawa F, Shuyuan J, Li X, Yang H & Masuda H
(2003) Fluoride and Arsenic Poisoning in Ground Water of Kalalanwala Area Near Lahore, Pakistan
Farooqi A, Firdous N, Masuda H & Haider N
(2003) Stability and Dissolution Characteristics of Amino Acids in Ocean Bottom Sediment Under Hydrothemal Conditions
Ito M, Gupta L, Masuda H & Kawahata H

Masuda Harue (2020) Arsenic and Mercury Emission from Magmatic Fluid from Active Iwo-Yama, Kirishima Volcanoes, Japan
Masuda H, Mori K, Habuchi M, Ishibashi J, Ikawa R & Takeuchi A

Masuda Harue (2015) 3D Mapping of Groundwater Geochemistry in Osaka Basin
Shintani T, Masuda H, Mitamura M, Nemoto T & Morikawa N
(2015) Arsenic Behavior with Microbial Activity in Deepsea Sediment
Masuda H, Yoshinishi H, Fuchida S & Toki T

Masuda Harue (2016) Source of Arsenic in the Red River, Northern Vietnum, Estimated by Lead Isotopes
Masuda H, Inoue R, Nakano T, Shin K-C, Yonezawa G & Xuanluan T
(2016) Occurance and Origins of Arsenic in the Hokusetsu Area, Japan
Even E, Masuda H, Shibata T, Sakamoto Y, Murasaki T, Hirata T & Chiba H
(2016) Trace Element Concentration in Cox’s Bazar Paleobeach Groundwater, South-Eastern Bangladesh: Potential Impact on Environment
Seddique AA, Masuda H & Maruoka T
(2016) Geochemical Characteristics and Distribution of Deep Saline Groundwater in the Osaka Basin
Shintani T, Nakanishi K, Masuda H, Ono M, Marui A, Ishikawa T & Nagishi K
(2016) Accumulation of 4He in the Groundwaters from Multi-Layered Aquifers in the Western Part of the Osaka Basin, SW Japan
Morikawa N, Yasuhara M, Shintani T, Masuda H, Inamura A, Tosaki Y, Takahashi HA, Nakama A & Kazahaya K
(2016) Formation Mechanism of Water Chemistry in Relation to the Environments – Laboratory Experiments for Undergraduate Students-
Masuda H

Masuda Harue (2018) Hydrogeochemical Characteristics and Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Cox's Bazar Town and its Surrounding Area, Southeast Bangladesh
Seddique AA, Masuda H, Kreamer DK, Anma R & Yokoo Y
(2018) Mercury Emission into Shallow Groundwater from Subducting Slab of Philippine Sea Plate
Masuda H, Goto A, Sakamoto Y & Takeuchi A

Masuda Harue (2017) Mercury Cycle in the Convergent Margin at Kinki District, Southwest Japan
Masuda H, Sakamoto Y, Takeuchi A & Goto A
(2017) Hydrogeochemical and Isotopic Evidence of Groundwater Salinization Processes in the Coastal Paleobeach Aquifer of Cox’s Bazar –Teknaf Area, South-East Bangladesh
Seddique AA, Maruoka T, Yoriko Y, Anma R & Masuda H

Masuda K (2003) Thermal Stability of Dissolved Humic Acid as Revealed by in situ UV Spectroscopy
Masuda K, Ito Y, Nakashima S & Otsuka T
(2003) New in situ Micro-Characterization Methods for Organic Materials from Carbonaceous Chondrites
Kebukawa Y, Nakasima S, Masuda K & Kuya N

Masuda Kimiaki (2016) Large 14C Excursion in the BC55th Century
Miyake F, Masuda K, Nakamura T, Jull T, Panyushkina I & Wacker L

Masuda N. (2021) Microbial Ecology in Deep Subsurface Granites: Insights from Groundwater Meta-Proteomics
Masuda N, Ishikawa A, Suzuki Y & Endo K

Masuda R. (2016) Electrical Property and Compressional Behavior of Fe-Si Alloys Under High Pressure
Suzuki N, Kamada S, Maeda F, Ohtani E, Hirao N, Ohishi Y, Masuda R, Mitsui T & Nakano S

Masuda Shunsuke (2011) Experimental Study on As and Cd Releases from Anoxic Sedimenary Rock Under Anoxic and Aerobic Conditions
Masuda S, Ogawa Y, Suto K & Inoue C

Masuda Shuntaro (2016) Controlling Factors of Reaction-Induced Stress and Strain during Hydration Reactions: Experimental Investigation in CaSO<sub>4</sub>-H<sub>2</sub>O System
Uno M, Masuda S, Okamoto A & Tsuchiya N

Masuda T (2003) Properties of Aqueous Fluids up to 200℃ by ATR-Ir Spectroscopy
Masuda T, Nakashima S, Famin V & Kaneda H

Masuda Toshio (2002) Possible "Soft" Natures of S-Containing Fluids
Masuda T, Nakashima S, Famin V & Kaneda H

Masuda Yoko (2022) Contribution of Iron in Clay Minerals to Redox Cycle in Paddy Soils; Enhancement of Nitrogen-Fixing Iron-Reducing Bacteria in Paddy Soils
Shimizu Y, Takahashi Y, Masuda Y, Sato S, Sunamura M, Kogure T & Senoo K

Masuda Yoshihiro (2018) Molecular Dynamics Study on Wettability Alteration of Minerals for Low Salinity EOR
Mizuhara J, Kobayashi K, Liang Y & Masuda Y

Masuda Yuki (2023) Nucleosynthetic Isotopic Anomalies of Ti and Cr in Fine-Grained CAIs from the Allende Meteorite
Masuda Y, Yokoyama T, Iizuka T & Hibiya Y
(2022) Cr and Ti Isotope Systematics of Ryugu Samples
Yokoyama T, Iizuka T, Gautam I, Hibiya Y, Haba MK, Masuda Y, Fukai R & Yurimoto H
(2022) Pb Isotopic Compositions of Ryugu Samples and Carbonaceous Chondrites
Haba MK, Yokoyama T, Masuda Y, Gautam I, Fukai R & Yurimoto H
(2022) Distribution of Rare-Earth Elements in Fine-Grained Calcium and Aluminum-Rich Inclusions from Allende Meteorite
Masuda Y, Niki S, Hirata T & Yokoyama T
(2020) Development of Laser Ablation with Filter (LAF) Sampling Method for Micro-Scale Isotopic Analysis of Geologic Materials
Masuda Y, Yokoyama T, Okabayashi S & Ishikawa A

Masue Y (2005) Poisoning of Iron Biomineralization by Surface Compositional Changes
Borch T, Masue Y & Fendorf S

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