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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Massoth G.J. (2006) Submarine hydrothermal activity along the mid-Kermadec arc, New Zealand: Large-scale effects on venting
De Ronde CEJ, Baker ET, Massoth GJ, Lupton JE, Wright IC, Sparks RJ, Walker SL, Greene RR, Bannister SC, Reyners ME, Ishibashi J & Faure K
(2006) Hydrothermal mineralization in arc-type submarine volcanoes
Reyes AG, Massoth G, De Ronde C & Wright IC
(2006) Evidence for organic complexation of copper in deep-sea hydrothermal vent systems
Sander SG, Koschinsky A, Hunter KA, Massoth G & Stott M
(2001) Submarine Hydrothermal Venting Associated with an Active Arc Front: Southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand
de Ronde CEJ, Massoth GJ, Baker ET & Lupton JE

Massoudieh A. (2012) The Importance of a Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Tracer Data
Solomon DK, Smith S, Stolp B & Massoudieh A

Massounie G. (2012) Archaeo-Environmental Characterization of the Arvernian Gold Mines of Auvergne (France)
Trement F, Argant J, Bremon E, Cubizolle H, Dousteyssier B, Lopez-Saez J-A, Massounie G, Rigaud P & Veron A

Massuyeau F. (2023) Tuning the 1D-2D Dimensionality Upon Ligand Exchange in Silver Thiolate Coordination Polymers with Photoemission Switch
Hawila S, Gautier R, Massuyeau F, Lebegue S, Mesbah A & Demessence A
(2010) Luminescence of Opals: A Witness to their Geochemistry
Fritsch E, Gaillou E, Massuyeau F & Rondeau B

Massuyeau Malcolm (2016) Upper Mantle Melting and the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
Richard G, Massuyeau M & Gaillard F

Massuyeau Malcolm (2023) Water in Omphacite and Garnet from Unmetasomatised Xenolithic Eclogite: T-X-Fo2 Controls, and Implications for Conductivity and the Deep H2O Cycle
Aulbach S, Stalder R, Massuyeau M, Stern RA, Ionov DA, Heaman LM & Korsakov AV

Massuyeau Malcolm (2019) Hallmarks and Physical Effects of Ultramafic Melt Metasomatism in Mantle Eclogite
Aulbach S, Massuyeau M, Gerdes A, Heaman L & Viljoen KS
(2019) REE-Rich Carbonatites Immiscible with Phonolitic Magma
Nabyl Z, Massuyeau M, Gaillard F, Tuduri J, Iacono-Marziano G, Rogerie G, Le Trong E, Di Carlo I, Melleton J & Bailly L

Massuyeau Malcolm (2012) Chemical Interpretation of Mantle Electrical Heterogeneities in MORB Source Regions
Tarits P, Sifre D, Grigne C, Massuyeau M, Hashim L & Gaillard F

Massuyeau Malcolm (2015) Modelling the Composition of H2O-CO2-rich Incipient Melts in the Upper Mantle
Massuyeau M, Gardés E, Morizet Y & Gaillard F
(2013) A Multi-Component Model for the Partial Melting in Presence of CO2 and H2O in the Mantle
Massuyeau M, Morizet Y & Gaillard F

Massuyeau Malcolm (2022) Mobility of Carbonate-Rich Melts within the Deep Carbon Cycle
Sanchez-Valle C, Ritter X & Massuyeau M

Massuyeau Malcolm (2021) A Density Model for Mantle Carbonate-Rich Melts and Applications to Carbonatite Magmatism in the Upper Mantle
Massuyeau M, Ritter X & Sanchez-Valle C
(2021) Unravelling (CO2+H2O)-bearing Melt Distribution in the Upper Mantle Using Experimental Nano-Petrology
Gardés E, Laumonier M, Massuyeau M & Gaillard F

Mast A. (2009) Biological Cycling of Sulphate in Small Mountain Lakes Determined from Natural 35S
Michel R, Campbell D, Turk J & Mast A

Mast C.B. (2023) Heat Flows Liberate Phosphate from Apatite Leachates
Matreux T, Schmid A, Aikkila P, Braun D & Mast CB

Mastalerz M. (2022) Absence of Memory Effects in Shale Maturation Experiments with ‘Heavy Water’ 2H2O
Doiron KE, Schimmelmann A, Mastalerz M, Sauer PE & Brassell SC
(2019) Influence of Water Hydrogen on Hydrogen Stable Isotope Ratio of Methane at Low Versus High Temperatures of Methanogenesis
Wei L, Mastalerz M, Schimmelmann A, Gao L & Sauer P
(2019) The Role of Geocatalysis in Abiogenic Methanogenesis: Evidence from Biomarker Transformations in a Maturity Transect of the Devonian New Albany Shale
Doiron K, Brassell S, Schimmelmann A, Drobniak A & Mastalerz M
(2017) Observing Biodegradation of Complex Organic Substrates by Site-Specific Isotopic Analyses
Lloyd M, Trembath-Reichert E, Feakins S, Schimmelmann A, Mastalerz M, Sessions A & Eiler J
(2014) Thermal Evolution of Porosity in Organic-Rich Shales: The Influence of Soxhlet-Extractable Bitumen/Oil
Wei L, Mastalerz M & Schimmelmann A
(2011) Chemical Compound Classes Supporting Microbial Methanogenesis in Coal
Furmann A, Picardal F, Schimmelmann A, Brassell S & Mastalerz M
(2010) Influence of Water on D/H Ratios of N-Alkanes from Hydrous Pyrolysis of Source Rocks with Kerogen Types I, II, IIS and III
Gao L, Schimmelmann A, Sessions A, Wang Y & Mastalerz M
(2010) Influence of CO2 on New Albany Shale Composition and Pore Structure
Lahan RW, Mastalerz M & Rupp JA
(2010) Pore Size Specific Characterization of the Adsorption of CO2 and Methane in Coal Using SANS
Melnichenko Y, He L & Mastalerz M
(2010) Microbial Gas in the Illinois Basin: Pennsylvanian Coals Versus Devonian/Mississippian Shales
Mastalerz M, Schimmelmann A & Strapoc D

Mastalerz V. (2007) Origin, Migration, Fate and Impact of Hydrocarbon Gases from Mud Structures in the Nile Deep Sea fan (Eastern Mediterranean)
Mastalerz V, De lange GJ, Dählmann A & Feseker T

Master S. (2001) Chemostratigraphy of the Paleoproterozoic Magondi Supergroup, Zimbabwe
Bekker A, Master S, Karhu JA & Verhagen BT

Master Sharad (2016) Mesoarchaean Oxidative Shallow Marine Environment in the Pongola Supergroup, South Africa
Siahi M, Master S & Hofmann A

Masters A. (2013) Noble Gas Partitioning in CO2 Environments: A Supercritical Assessment of Current Assumptions
Warr O, Masters A, Rochelle C & Ballentine C
(2012) Towards Determining Noble Gas Partitioning between Supercirtcial CO2 and Water
Warr O, Masters A, Rochelle C & Ballentine C
(2011) Modelling Phase Behaviour in the Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide
Warr O, Ballentine C & Masters A

Masters G. (2000) A Seismological View of Geochemical Reservoirs in the Mantle?
Masters G

Masters Michael (2019) Field Trials of Enhanced Weathering in Two Contrasting Climate Zones
Andrews G, Pearce C, James R, Masters M, Kantola I, Yeong KL, Hanapi J, Benedick S, Reynolds G, deLucia E & Beerling D
(2018) Enhanced Rock Weathering in Agroecosystem Field Trials, Illinois, USA
Andrews G, Pearce C, James R, Masters M, Kantola I, DeLucia E & Beerling D

Masters Mike (2023) Immobile Trace Element Based Enhanced Rock Weathering Soil Measurements of Carbon Reductions in the US Midwest
Chang ES, Kantola IB, Marklein AR, Masters M, Moore CE, Bernacchi CJ, Epihov DZ, Beerling DJ & DeLucia EH
(2021) Quantifying CO2 Removal via Enhanced Rock Weathering in Constrasting Croplands
Larkin CS, Andrews MG, James RH, Pearce C, Collins A, Goring-Harford H, Jardine GE, Kantola IB, DeLucia EH, Masters M, Benedick S, Yeong KL & Beerling D

Masterson Andrew (2020) Isotopic Evidence for Carbon Fixation within a Lava Tube System
Selensky M, Masterson A, Blank J & Osburn M

Masterson Andrew (2007) Quantification of Sulphur Cycling at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Peters M, Ockert C, Farquhar J, Masterson A & Strauss H
(2007) Isotopic Evidence for Mid-Archean Anoxia
Farquhar J, Peters M, Johnston D, Strauss H, Masterson A, Wiechert U & Kaufman J
(2007) Late Archean Biospheric Oxygenation and Atmospheric Evolution
Kaufman A, Johnston D, Farquhar J, Masterson A, Lyons T, Bates S, Anbar A, Arnold G, Garvin J & Buick R

Masterson Andrew (2014) Quantifying the Cryptic Marine Sulfur Cycle
Johnston DT, Gill BC, Masterson A, Beirne E, Casciotti KL & Berelson WM
(2013) Multiple Sulfur Isotopic Evaluation of Porewater Sulfate Profiles
Masterson A, Berelson W & Johnston D
(2013) The Isotopic Composition and Controls on Modern Seawater Sulfate
Johnston DT, Gill B, Masterson A, Beirne E & Berelson W

Masterson Andrew L (2018) Understanding the Isotopic Composition of Sedimentary Sulfide
Johnston DT, Masterson AL, Alperin M, Arnold GL, Berelson WM, Roy H & Jorgensen B

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