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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mason Joe (2020) Vulnerability of Paleosol Carbon Decomposition to Root-Derived Carbon Inputs
de graaff M-A, McMurtry A, Szymanski L, Dolui M, Pett-Ridge J, Behre A, Mason J & Marin-Spiotta E

Mason Joseph (2010) The Nature of Ancient Organic Matter in Buried Paleosol Mineral Horizons
Chaopricha NT, Marin-Spiotta E & Mason J

Mason O. (2011) Isotopic Evidence for Microbial Oxidation of Dissolved Methane in the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Deep Plume
Conrad M, Bill M, Stringfellow W, Borglin S, Mason O, Dubinsky E, Piceno Y, Fortney J, Tom L, Chavarria K, Lamendella R, Joyner D, Wetmore K, Kuehl J, Mackelprang R, Wu C, Lim H, Reid F & Hazen T

Mason Paul (2018) Marine Redox Evolution and Co-mn Signals of the Great Oxidation Event
Mhlanga X, Tsikos H, Oonk P, Mason P, Lee B & Lyons T
(2015) Paleoarchaean Sulfur Cycling as Revealed by Multiple Sulfur Isotopes, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Schier K, Montinaro A, Brandt M, Strauss H, Galic A, Mason P & Rammensee P
(2015) 3.2Ga Pyrite Multi-Isotope Signatures Record a Range of Redox Processes (Formation Mechanisms) and a Heterogenous Elemental Sulfur Source
Galic A, Mason P, Wolthers M, Whitehouse M & Vroon P
(2015) Geochemistry of a Palaeoarchean Shallow Shelf Environment: Unravelling Sediment Provenance, Alteration History and Redox Tracers
Mason P, Galic A, Vroon P, Strauss H, Montinaro A, Heubeck C & Drabon N
(2015) Sr Isotopic Insights into the Formation of Paleoarchean Barite
Roerdink D, Hamelin C, Ronen Y & Mason P
(2015) Sequential Extraction for Palaeoproterozoic BIF and Implications
Oonk P, Tsikos H, Mason P, Staubwasser M, Henkel S & Williams H

Mason Paul R. D. (2023) Petrology of the Nyiragongo Volcano, DR Congo
Molendijk SM, Namur O, Kamate Kaleghetso E, Mason PRD, Smets B, Vander Auwera JE & Neave DA
(2023) Oceanic-Plateau Ultramafic Lavas and Arc-Related Intrusives in Two Contrasting Ultramafic Complexes from the Paleoproterozoic Guiana Shield
Naipal R, Kroonenberg SB, Kriegsman LM & Mason PRD
(2023) Paleoproterozoic Manganese Enrichments of the Guiana Shield: A Record of Changes in Global Redox Conditions?
Amattaram S, Mason PRD, Kriegsman LM & Kroonenberg SB
(2023) Tethyan Evolution of the South Armenian Block: From NE Gondwana Breakup to Collision with Eurasia
Nikogosian I, Bracco Gartner A, Mason PRD, van Hinsbergen D, Kuiper K, Kirscher U, Matveev S, Grigoryan A, Grigoryan E, Israyelyan A, van Bergen MJ, Koornneef JM, Wijbrans JR, Davies GR & Meliksetian K
(2022) S-Cycle Characterization in the Paleoproterozoic Kuruman Iron Formation, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa
Senger MH, Marin-Carbonne J, Davies JHFL, Mason PRD, Bouvier A-S & Schaltegger U
(2021) Milankovitch Climate Control on Redox Cyclicity at the Onset of the Great Oxidation Event
Lantink ML, Davies JHFL, Hennekam R, Hilgen FJ, Lenstra WK, Martin DM, Mason PRD, Reichart G-J, Ovtcharova M & Slomp CP
(2021) The Origin and Significance of Early Archean Hydrothermal Barite
Roerdink DL, Mason PRD, Van Zuilen M & Wilmeth DT
(2021) Petrology of the Nyiragongo Volcano, DR Congo
Molendijk SM, Namur O, Mason PRD, Smets B, Vander Auwera J & Neave DA
(2021) A Clinopyroxene Record of Primitive Melt Diversity and Mantle Heterogeneity beneath Italy
Bracco Gartner AJJ, Nikogosian IK, van Bergen MJ, Koornneef JM & Mason PRD
(2019) Oxidative Sulfur Cycling and Microbial Colonization of the Continents 3.2 Ga ago
Nabhan S, Marin-Carbonne J, Mason PRD & Heubeck C
(2019) Geochemical Fingerprinting of Eccentricity-Related Cycles in ~2.5 Ga Banded Iron Formation
Lantink M, Davies J, Hennekam R, Hilgen F, Howard H, Martin D, Mason P, Reichart G-J & Schaltegger U
(2016) Phosphorus-in-Olivine as a Tracer of Magma Chamber Processes
Ersoy Ö, Nikogosian IK, Mason PRD & van Bergen M
(2016) Iron and Silicon Isotope Evolution Across Palaeoproterozoic BIF of the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa
Oonk P, Tsikos H, Mason P, Williams H & Vroon P
(2016) Probing Earth’s Volatile Past with Sr Isotopes
Henshall T, Cook DL, Mezger K, Mason P & Schönbächler M
(2014) Training with Oxygen: Abiotic Sources of Reactive Oxygen Species on the Early Earth
Balk M, Mason P, Stams A, Freund F & Rothschild L
(2014) Iron and Sulfur Cycling in an Early Archean Basin: Coupling of Bulk Rock and Pyrite Isotope Data
Galić A, Stausberg N, Mason PRD, Vroon PZ, Whitehouse MJ, Strauss H & Montinaro A
(2014) Se Isotope Signature of Paleoarchean and Paleoproterozoic Banded Iron Formations
Schilling K, Basu A, Johnson TM, Mason PRD, Tsikos H & Mondal SK
(2013) Melts in a Single Lava Flow from a Multiply Subduction-Modified Mantle Column Below Central Italy
Chaneva S, Nikogosian I, Van Bergen M, Mason P & Whithouse M
(2013) Peering into the Cradle of Life: Multiple Sulfur Isotopes Reveal Insights into Environmental Conditions and Early Sulfur Metabolism Some 3.5 Ga
Montinaro A, Strauss H, Mason P & Galić A
(2013) Magma Sources within the Armenian Territory Since the Jurassic
Nikogosian I, Meliksetian K, Van Bergen M, Mason P & Navasardyan G
(2012) Isotope Fractionation of Selenium during Sorption to Iron Oxide and Iron Sulfide Minerals
Mitchell K, Couture R-M, Johnson T, Mason PRD & Van Cappellen P
(2012) Coping with Oxygen: Peroxy Defects in Rocks and the Survival of Bacteria
Balk M, Mason P, Stams AJM, Freund F & Rothschild L
(2012) Extreme Microbial Sulphur Isotpe Fractionation in a Mars Analogue Environment at Rio Tinto, SW Spain
Velasco E, Mason P, Vroon P, Roling W, Amils R & Davies G
(2012) Microbially-Mediated Isotopic Fractionation of Selenium: Relevance for Biogeochemical Processes in the Geological Record
Schilling K, Johnson T, Sanford R & Mason P
(2012) Searching for Traces of Early Life in Earth's Oldest Sulfate Deposit: The ca. 3520 Ma Londozi Barite, Swaziland
Roerdink D, Mason P, Brouwer F, Whitehouse M & Nhleko N
(2011) Paleoarchean Barites Record Microbial Reduction of a Well-Mixed Marine Sulfate Reservoir
Roerdink DL, Mason PRD, Farquhar J & Reimer T
(2011) Microbial Sulphur Isotope Fractionation in a Mars Analogue Environment at Rio Tinto, SW Spain
Velasco E, Mason P, Vroon P, Roling W, Amils R & Davies G
(2011) Phosphorus in Olivine from Italian Potassium-Rich Lavas
Chaneva S, Nikogosian I, Van Bergen M & Mason P
(2011) Selenium Adsorption and Associated Selenium Isotope Fractionation
Mitchell K, Couture R-M, Johnson T, Mason P & Van Cappellen P
(2010) Selenium Isotope Fractionation during Oceanic Anoxic Events
Mitchell K, Mason P, Johnson T, Lyons T & Van Cappellen P
(2009) Controls on Microbial Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in Littoral Sediments
Stam M, Mason P, Laverman A, Pallud C & Van Cappellen P
(2008) Multiple Sulfur Isotopes in Pyrite and Barite-Rich Sediments from the Barberton Greenstone Belt: Evidence for Microbial Sulfur Cycling?
Mason P, Reimer T & Whitehouse M
(2008) Microbial δ34S Fractionation in a Shallow Submarine Hydrothermal Vent System, Vulcano, Italy
Stam MC, Mason PRD, Amend JP, Viňas M & Gerritse J
(2008) Petrogenesis of Archaean Sub-Lithospheric Mantle Preserved in the Otrøy Peridotite Massif, Norway
Spengler D, Davies G, Pearson G, Mason P, van Roermund H, Drury M, Vukmanović Z & Wiersma E
(2007) Sulfur Isotopes in Barite Deposits from the Lower Onverwacht Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt: Evidence for Microbial Sulfate Reduction at >3.5 Ga?
Mason P, Asschert A, Reimer T, Kosler J & Whitehouse M
(2007) What Controls Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in Modern Estuarine Sediments?
Stam M, Mason P, Laverman A, Pallud C & Van Cappellen P
(2006) New possibilities for the in situ measurement of δ34S and δ33S by laser ablation multiple collector ICP-MS
Mason P, Kosler J, De Hoog CJ, Sylvester P & Meffan-Main S
(2006) Does sulfur isotope fractionation in natural sediments record sulfate reducing activity?
Stam MC, Mason PRD, Laverman AM, Pallud C & Van Cappellen P
(2004) Coupled Sr-Nd and Os Systematics of the Othris Ophiolite, Greece
Barth M, Davies G, Pearson D, Mason P & Drury M
(2004) Magma Chamber Processes Revealed by Silicate Melt Inclusions Hosted by Phenocrysts of the Szomolya Ignimbrite, Bu?kkalja Volcanic Field
Lukacs R, Harangi S, Ntaflos T & Mason P
(2002) The Individual Behaviours of Trace Elements in the Orogenic Alpe Arami Garnet Peridotite (Central Swiss Alps). A Detailed LA-ICPMS Study
Paquin J, Mason PRD & Altherr R
(2002) Geochemistry of the Othris Ophiolite, Greece: Towards a Solution of the "Ophiolite Conundrum"
Barth MG, Mason PRD, Davies GR & Drury MR
(2002) Multiple Sources for Ultrapotassic Arc Magmas from Batu Tara Volcano, Indonesia
Herrin JS, Nikogosian IK, Van Bergen MJ & Mason PRD
(2000) Multistage Metasomatism and Mineral Growth of Cratonic Mantle Recorded by a Glass-Bearing Garnet Lherzolite Xenolith from Letseng-La-Terae, Lesotho
Simon NSC, Davies GR, Pearson DG, Mason PRD & Irvine GJ

Mason Paul R.d. (2017) Fe Isotopes in Primary Hematite Constrain Marine Redox Conditions at the Base of the 2.4 Ga Hotazel Fm
Lantink M, Oonk P, Floor G, Tsikos H & Mason P
(2017) Pyrite Geochemistry as a Recorder of Early Biosphere Processes
Mason P, Roerdink D, Galic A & Whitehouse M
(2017) Phosphorus-in-Olivine: Experimental Constraints on Partitioning and Zoning
Ersoy Ö, Nikogosian IK, Mason PRD, Van Westrenen W & Van Bergen MJ

Mason Philippa J (2023) A Comparison of Rift-Associated Volcanic Fields in LIPs on Earth and Venus
Cirium D & Mason PJ

Mason R (2003) The Impact of Sediment Resuspension on Mercury and Methylmercury Fate, Transport and Bioaccumulation is Shallow Estuaries
Mason R, Kim E, Porter E & Soulen H
(2003) Reactive Gaseous Mercury Formation in the North Pacific Ocean’s Marine Boundary Layer: A Potential Role of Halogen Chemistry
Laurier F, Mason R, Whalin L & Kato S

Mason Robert P (2015) The Role of Air-Sea Exchange in the Global Selenium Cycle
Mason RP, Amos HM, DiMento B, Soerensen AL & Sunderland EM
(2015) Seasonal Dynamics of Mercury and Methylmercury in Plankton of Long Island Sound (USA)
Gosnell K, Mason R, Balcom P & Ortiz V
(2014) Gas Exchange of Mercury at the Air-Sea Interface: Insights from Measurement and Models
Mason RP, Balcom P, Swarr G, Lamborg C, Soerensen AL & Sunderland EM

Mason Ryan (2014) Biological Aerosol Particles and Ice Nuclei that Come out during the Rain
Huffman A, Prenni AJ, DeMott P, Pöhlker C, Mason R, Si M, Schumacher C, Li Y, Fröhlich-Nowoisky J, Tobo Y, Després V, Schmer B, Gochis D, Andreae M, Kreidenweis S, Bertram A & Pöschl U

Mason S. (2018) Formation Pathways and Reactivity of Heterometallic Aluminum Oxyhydroxide Nanoclusters
Forbes T, Mason S & Bjorklund J
(2014) Exploring Contaminant Adsorption on the Surface of Nanoscale Particles: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach
Forbes T, Mason S & Corum K
(2010) First Principles Modeling Studies of Cation Adsorption at Oxide-Water Interfaces
Mason S, Iceman C, Trainor T & Chaka A
(2009) Structure and Modification of Iron-Oxide Surfaces during Reaction with Dissolved Iron
Trainor T, Iceman C, Tanwar K, Petitto S, Eng P, Mason S & Chaka A

Mason T. (2006) Nd-Pb-Os and Cu-Zn isotope systematics of Urals VHMS deposits
Tessalina S, Weiss DJ, Mason TF & Chapman JB
(2004) Fe-Isotope Composition of Pallasites
Mullane E, Russell S, Gounelle M & Mason T
(2003) Magmatic & Impact Processing on the HED Parent Body: Effects on Iron Isotope Signatures
Mullane E, Russell S, Gounelle M & Mason T
(2000) Isotopic Variability of Sr and Nd in Lateritic Deposits from the Deccan Traps, India: Evidence for an Input of Aeolian Material to the Laterites
Mason TFD, Widdowson M, Ellam RM & Oxburgh R

Mason Z.

Masoner J.R. (2023) Re-use of Oil and Gas, Municipal, and Livestock Wastes on the Agricultural Landscape
Cozzarelli IM, Masoner JR & Kolpin DW

Masotta Matteo (2012) In situ Geochemical Characterization of Experimental Partial Melts
Meade F, Masotta M, Troll V, Freda C, Dahren B, Davidson J & Ellam R
(2012) Towards a New Clinopyroxene Geothermometer for Alkaline, Differentiated Magmas
Masotta M, Mollo S, Freda C, Gaeta M & Moore G
(2011) Catching a Collapsing Solidification Front Through Thermal Gradient Experiments
Masotta M, Freda C & Gaeta M

Masotta Matteo (2014) In situ Observation of Crystal Growth in a Basaltic Melt
Ni H, Keppler H, Walte N, Schiavi F, Chen Y, Masotta M & Li Z

Masotta Matteo (2020) Basalt Alkalinity Modulated by a Lithospheric “Filter”: Thermobarometry of a Complex Plumbing System beneath the Dunedin Volcano
Pontesilli A, Brenna M, Ubide T, Mollo S, Masotta M, Caulfield J, Le Roux P, Nazzari M & Scarlato P
(2020) The Role of Undercooling on Trace Element Partitioning in Sector-Zoned Clinopyroxene
MacDonald A, Ubide T, Masotta M, Mollo S & Pontesilli A

Masotta Matteo (2021) Tracking Thermal Pathways of Magma Ascent and Eruption Using Trace Element Partitioning in Sector Zoned Clinopyroxene
MacDonald A, Ubide T, Masotta M, Mollo S, Pontesilli A, Magee R & Zhao J-X

Masotta Matteo (2018) Very Fast Magma Dynamics at Mt. Etna Revealed by Clinopyroxene Growth Rates
Masotta M, Pontesilli A, Armienti P, Mollo S, Nazzari M & Scarlato P

Masotta Matteo (2015) Sulfur Budget in Differentiated Arc Magmas
Masotta M, Keppler H & Chaudhari A

Masotta Matteo (2016) Model of Bubble Coalescence in Initially Mono-Dispersed System and Experimental Observations
Toramaru A & Masotta M
(2016) Solidification of a Rhyolitic Magma beneath the Krafla Caldera
Masotta M, Scarlato P, Nazzari M & Mollo S

Masoudi Fariborz (2014) Petrology of Tertiary Volcanic Rocks in Aradeh Mountain (South of Tehran, Iran)
Akrami S, Masoudi F, Ghorbani M & Allahyari K
(2009) Study of Petrology and Magmatic Evolutions in West Part of Shir Kuh Batholite
Makvandi S, Rashidnejad Omran N & Masoudi F

Masoudi Fariborz Masoudi (2015) The Occurrence of Gold in Pyrite from the from the Senjedeh Gold Deposit Muteh Mining District
Nourian ramsheh Z, Yazdi M, Rasa I & Masoudi F
(2015) Orogenic Volcanism in Kurdistan Province of Iran
Agostini S, Rahimzadeh B, Petricca E, Masoudi F & Lustrino M
(2015) Precambrian Basement in Sirjan (South of Iran)
Safarzadeh E, Hassanzadeh J, Masoudi FM & Pourmoafi SM

Masoudi M. (2021) How to Bridge between Different Time and Length Scales Using a New Probabilistic Approach for Mineral Nucleation and Growth
Masoudi M, Nooraiepour M, Berntsen A & Hellevang H

Masque Pere (2021) Sedimentation Processes of Hadal Environments: A Comparison between Kermadec and Atacama Trenches
Oguri K, Turnewitsch R, Rowden A, Zabel M, Masque P, Stewart HA, Wenzhöfer F & Glud RN

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