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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Masion D.A. (2023) Interactions and Reactivity of Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides with Alumino-Silicate Nanotubular-Structure
Rose J, Benizri S, Auffan M, Alies B, Levard C, Masion DA & Barthelemy P
(2021) Mesocosm Testing to Address Non Occupational and Exposure Driven Risk Assessment of Advanced Materials
Masion DA

Maskell Alex (2018) Reactive Transport Modelling of 87Sr/86Sr and δ234Ui Evolution in a CO2 Rich Aquifer: Constraint from Modern Fluids and Fossil Veins
Scott P, Maskell A, Bohlin M, Condon D, Sadekov A, Horstwood M, Sahy D, Chapman H, Kampman N & Bickle M

Maskell Alexandra (2014) Natural Analogues for Carbon Capture and Storage: U-Th Age Constraints on Fault Fluid Flow at Green River (UT)
Scott P, Kampman N, Condon D, Sahy D, Maskell A & Bickle M
(2013) Long-Term Effects of CO2-Charged Brine on Caprock Integrity and Existing Heterogeneities within the Entrada Sandstone, Green River, Utah
Maskell A, Kampman N, Bickle M, Chapman H, Daniels K, Busch A, Schaller M & Evans J
(2013) Modelling the Propagation and Dissolution of Carbon Dioxide into Reservoir Brines: Implications for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Daniels K, Bickle M, Waterton P, Hewitt D, Neufeld J, Kampman N, Maskell A & Chapman H
(2013) Downhole Fluid Sampling of a Natural CO2 Reservoir, Green River, Utah: Implications for Fault-Hosted Fluid Flow and Reservoir Caprock Performance
Kampman N, Bickle M, Chapman H, Maskell A, Evans J & Busch A

Maskenskaya O. (2011) Geochemical Variation of Fracture Carbonates in Crystalline Bedrock
Maskenskaya O, Drake H, Peltola P & Åström M

Masland D. (2010) Untangling the True Phylogeny of Leptothrix ochracea with Single Cell Genomics and FISH
Fleming EJ, Langdon AE, Stepanauskas R, Poulton N, Masland D & Emerson D

Maslen E. (2014) Re-Os Pilot Study of Western Australian Oil
Tessalina S, Grice K, Maslen E & Creaser R
(2009) An Integrated Inorganic and Organic Geochemical Study to Evaluate the Origin/Age of Crude Oils
Maslen E, Grice K, Pilgrim T, Watling J & Edwards D
(2007) Significance of Biomarkers for P/T and F/F Mass Extinctions
Grice K, Nabbefeld B, Maslen E, Summons R, Twitchett R, Turgeon S, Algeo T & Bötccher M

Maslennikov V. (2020) Pseudomorphic Hematite after Ore Clasts of Gossanites of the Molodezhnoe Cu-Zn Massive Sulfide Deposit (South Urals)
Ayupova N & Maslennikov V
(2020) Trace Element Features of Modern Black, Gray and Clear Smokers and their Ancient Analogues
Maslennikov V, Ayupova N, Maslennikova S, Large R & Danyushevsky L
(2019) REE Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Ores from the Talgan Cu-Zn Massive Sulfide Deposit, South Urals
Ayupova N, Maslennikov V, Filippova K, Blinov I & Belogub E
(2019) Temporal Geochemical Evolution of Pobeda Hydrothermal Sulfide System
Kuksa K, Cherkashev G, Maslennikov V, Firstova A, Kuznetsov V & Bel'tenev V
(2016) Rare Minerals and Trace Elements in Sulfide Turbidites from Yubileynoye VMS Deposit, South Urals, Russia
Tseluyko A, Maslennikov V, Ayupova N, Maslennikova S, Large R & Danyushevsky L
(2015) Trace Elements in the Tube Fossils from Silica-Hematite Rocks of the Urals VMS Deposits
Ayupova N, Maslennikov V, Large R, Danyushevsky L & Tseluyko A
(2013) Mineral and Chemical Evolution of Fragmental Massive Sulfide Ores
Maslennikov V, Large R, Maslennikova S & Danyushevskiy L
(2013) Four Cycles of Oxygenation in the Phanerozoic
Large R, Halpin J, Danyushevsky L, Maslennikov V, Bull S, Gregory D, Lyons T & Lounejeva E
(2013) Secular Trends in the Global Ocean Revealed Through Trace Elements in Sedimentary Pyrite
Halpin J, Large R, Danyushevsky L, Maslennikov V, Gregory D, Lyons T & Lounejeva E

Maslennikova S. (2020) Trace Element Features of Modern Black, Gray and Clear Smokers and their Ancient Analogues
Maslennikov V, Ayupova N, Maslennikova S, Large R & Danyushevsky L
(2016) Rare Minerals and Trace Elements in Sulfide Turbidites from Yubileynoye VMS Deposit, South Urals, Russia
Tseluyko A, Maslennikov V, Ayupova N, Maslennikova S, Large R & Danyushevsky L
(2013) Mineral and Chemical Evolution of Fragmental Massive Sulfide Ores
Maslennikov V, Large R, Maslennikova S & Danyushevskiy L

Maslin M. (2006) Extracting palaeoceanographic signals from a suite of isotopic and biomarker records
Pancost R, Boot C, Maslin M & Ettwein V

Maslouhi A.

Maslov Alexey (2022) Hydrogeochemical Characteristics and Origin of CO2-rich Mineral Waters from Essentuki spa (Caucasian Mineral Waters Region, Russia)
Baranovskaia E, Kharitonova N, Maslov A & Filimonova E

Maslov Andrey (2012) Fluctuations in Precambrian Atmospheric and Oceanic Oxygen Levels: A New Precambrian Paradigm Emerging?
Partin C, Bekker A, Planavsky N, Gill B, Li C, Podkovyrov V, Maslov A, Konhauser K, Love G & Lyons T
(2010) Geochemical Investigation of Crude Oil Samples from West Siberia Megabasin
Fedorov Y, Ronkin Y, Maslov A, Kutcherov V & Alekseev V

Maslowski W. (2017) Analysis of Initial Results of Coupling Ocean and Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in the High-Resolution Regional Arctic System Model
Frants M, Maslowski W, Jeffery N, Wang S, Jin M & Osinski R

Mason Andrew (2016) Reconstructing Rainfall from Growth, Trace-Elements, and Novel Isotopes in Speleothems
Henderson G, Barrott J, Day C, Owen R, Vaks A & Mason A

Mason Andrew (2019) Multi-Proxy Speleothem Evidence for Southeast Asian Hydroclimate Variability Since 38 ka
Johnson K, Wood C, Griffiths M, Borsato A, Frisia S, Henderson G & Mason A
(2019) Testing the Milankovitch–climate Connection with U-Series Chronology of Carbonates
Henderson G, Carolin S, Johnson K, Mason A, Breitenbach S & Vaks A

Mason Andrew (2010) New Sea-Level Constraints from IODP Sampling on Tahiti, and Clues to the Process of Deglaciation
Thomas A, Henderson G, Deschamps P, Yokoyama Y, Mason A, Bard E, Hamelin B & Camoin G
(2006) The impact of growth rate on trace-element and Li-isotope composition of inorganically precipitated calcium carbonates
Mason A & Henderson G
(2006) Li isotopes as a probe for continental weathering and mineral growth processes
Henderson G, Mason A & Taylor P

Mason Andrew (2015) Timing and Amplitude of the MIS5a and MIS5c Highstands in the Western North Atlantic-Caribbean
Wainer K, Rowe M, Mason A, Thomas A, Williams B, Dustherus A, Tamisiea M & Henderson G

Mason Andrew J. (2013) Speleothem Reconstruction of Sea Level at Bermuda over the Last Climatic Cycles
Wainer KAI, Henderson GM, Mason AJ, Thomas AL, Rowe M, Williams B, van Hengstum PJ & Chandler R

Mason B. (2013) Measurement of Light Extinction by Single Aerosol Particles
Orr-Ewing A, Reid J, Carruthers A, Walker J & Mason B

Mason Charles (2012) Mobility of Trace Elements from the Sunbury Shale, Eastern Kentucky
Perkins R, Mason C & Piper D

Mason Chase

Mason D. (2020) Exploring Salty Worlds: Brines, Ice, and Weathering Products
Elwood Madden M, Mason D, Rodriguez A, Cullen M, Elwood Madden A & Phillips-Lander C

Mason E. (2021) Outgassing of Metals from Active Volcanoes
Edmonds M, Mason E & Hogg O
(2019) Aerosol Chemistry of the 2018 Kīlauea Lower East Rift Zone Eruption – From Source to Exposed Communities
Mason E, Ilyinskaya E, Whitty RCW, Wieser P, Liu E, Edmonds M, Mather T, Elias T, Nadeau P, Kern C, Schneider DJ & Oppenheimer C
(2019) ABOVE: Aerial-Based Observations of Volcanic Emissions, Papua New Guinea
Liu E, Aiuppa A, Alan A, Arellano S, Bitetto M, Bobrowski N, Carn S, Cerdes G, Clarke R, Corrales E, de Moor M, Diaz JA, Edmonds M, Fischer T, Freer J, Fricke M, Galle B, Giudice G, Gutmann A, Jones J, Mason E, McCormick Kilbride B, Mulina K, Nowicki S, Richardson T, Rüdiger J, Schipper CI, Watson IM & Wood K

Mason H. (2013) Geochemical and Geomechanical Influences on the Permeability of Wellbore Cement Fractures Exposed to CO2-Rich Brine
Carroll S, Walsh S, Mason H & DuFrane W
(2013) Accurate Measurement of Diffusion Profiles in Altered Wellbore Cement Using XMCT
Mason H, DuFrane W, Walsh S & Carroll S
(2010) Paramagnetic Adsorption on Silica as an Analogue for Actinide Adsorption: A Solid-State NMR Study
Mason H, Maxwell R & Carroll S
(2006) Phosphorus Distribution in Calcite Speleothems from Solid-State NMR and AFM
Mason H, Hausner D, Frisia S, Tang Y, Reeder R, Strongin D & Phillips B

Mason J R (2000) The Bio-Availability of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soils
Farrelly D, Smith S & Mason JR
(2000) Assessment of Constraints to Bioremediation in Contaminated Sites
Jones A, Fenwick C, Glover AL, Henkler RD & Mason JR

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