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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Más Malbuena J-L. (2019) Constraining the U-236 Input Function from Nuclear Reprocessing Using Sea Shells
Christl M, Castrillejo M, Witbaard R, Dekker R, Richardson CA, Casacuberta N, Vockenhuber C, Wacker L, Welte C, Yeman C, Más Malbuena J-L, Krzystek A, Zeder C & Synal H-A

Mas-Pla J. (2019) Occurrence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Natural Springs
Mas-Pla J, Gros M, Celic M, Menció A & Petrovic M

Masaaki M. (2006) Fe-Mg partitioning between post-perovskite and magnesiowustite
Sakai T, Kondo T, Kobayashi Y, Ohtani E, Masaaki M, Yoo JH & Nagase T

Masadeh E. (2008) Application of a Microscopic Chemical Imaging System to Characterize Ambient Particulate Matter
Masadeh E & Gertler A

Masago H. (2001) Heterogeneity of Oxygen Isotope Compositions in the Kokchetav UHP Metamorphic Rocks
Masago H, Rumble Iii D, Ernst WG & Maruyama S

Masaharu T. (2003) Ce and Nd Isotopic Geochemistry of Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Constraint on Early Archean Mantle and Origin of Ce Anomaly
Hayashi T, Masaharu T & Tanaka T

Masahide A. (2015) Evidence of Subsolidus Oxidation for Olivine Phenocrysts in Apparently Unaltered Basalt Lava
Ejima T, Masahide A, Takashi N & Hiroaki O

Masaki S. (2016) Effects of Organic Molecules on the Aggregation of Ceria Nanoparticles
Nakano Y, Masaki S & Utsunomiya S
(2014) Cesium Occurrence and the Stability in Fukushima Soils
Utsunomiya S, Kawamoto Y, Masaki S, Shiotsu H, Kaneko M, Nanba K & Ohnuki T
(2013) Interaction of Nanoparticles with Microorganisms
Masaki S, Shiotsu H, Sakamoto F, Ohnuki T & Utsunomiya S

Masaki Y. (2019) In situ Mineral Precipitation Experiment by Using a Deep-Sea Artificial Hydrothermal Vent
Nozaki T, Nagase T, Torimoto J, Takaya Y, Ishibashi J-I, Shimada K, Watanabe M, Masaki Y, Kitada K, Saito M, Sakai S, Yokoyama T, Akiyama K, Sakurai N, Saruhashi T, Kyo M, Kumagai H, Maeda L & Takai K
(2010) Interaction between Aluminium Ion and Poly(acrylic Acid) in Aqueous Solution
Etou M, Masaki Y, Bai S, Tsuji Y, Okaue Y & Yokoyama T

Masalaite A. (2019) Isotopes and Novel Tracers in Atmospheric Research
Masalaite A, Remeikis V, Holzinger R, Rockmann T & Dusek U
(2016) Atmospheric Processes and Aerosol Sources Revealed by Carbon Isotopes
Ceburnis D, Garbaras A, Masalaite A, Remeikis V, Ovadnevaite J, Yttri KE, Maenhaut W & O'Dowd C
(2013) Temperature Driven Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio in Marine Aerosols
Garbaras A, Ceburnis D, Masalaite A, Maenhaut W, Ovadnevaite J, O'Dowd CD & Remeikis V

Masanori M. (2013) Geology, Lithostratigraphy and Geochemistry of the Oldest Eoarchaean BIFs, Northern Labrador
Aoki S, Masanori M, Sakata S, Yamamoto S, Ishikawa A, Hirata T & Komiya T

Masao M. (2010) Study of Denitrification Process in Ishikari River System, Japan
Jha PK & Masao M

Masarik J. (2008) Calculation of Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rates in The Earth Atmosphere and in The Terrestrial Surface
Masarik J
(2002) Numerical Simulation of in situ Production of Cosmogenic Nuclides
Masarik J

Masaru N.K. (2023) Methanol Bridges Syntrophic Symbiosis
Huang Y, Igarashi K, Cheng L, Kato S & Masaru NK

Masataka M. (2018) Gas Hydrate Formation Assciated with Migration of Deep Sourced Fluid in the Krishna–Godavari Basin, Eastern Continental Margin of India
Ijiri A, Haraguchi S, Jiménez-Espejo F, Komai N, Suga H, Masataka M, Inagaki F & Yamada Y

Masatsugu Y. (2013) Sr-Nd Isotopic Study of Papandayan Area, West Java: Mapping the Extent of Argoland beneath Java, Indonesia
Abdurrachman M & Masatsugu Y

Masbou Jeremy (2019) Pesticides Dissipation at the Water-Sediment Interface
Droz B, Drouin G, Guyot B, Masbou J, Payraudeau S & Imfeld G
(2014) Arctic Biomonitor Hg Isotope Signatures Suggest Sea-Ice Control on Marine Hg Photochemistry
Masbou J, Point D, Sonke J & Becker P
(2012) Mercury Stable Isotope Time Trends in Cryogenically Archived Ringed Seal Livers from the Alaskan Arctic
Masbou J, Point D, Sonke J & Becker P

Masbou Jérémy (2023) Evaluating Micropollutant Degradation and Persistence in Soil with Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA)
Imfeld G, Masbou J, Marcic C & Payraudeau S

Mascarenhas S. (2022) Compositional Controls on Physical Properties of Digitate Sinter in Hot Springs: Implications for Remote Sampling on Mars
Rowe M, Nersezova E, Campbell KA, Loho T, Matthews S, Adam L & Mascarenhas S

Maschowski C. (2015) Results of a One-Year Ambient Aerosol Study with Coarse Particle Characterization at Highly Frequented Motorways in Germany
Tian Z, Dietze V, Baum A, Kaminski U, Sauer J, Stille P, Maschowski C, Cen K & Gieré R
(2015) Sampling, Measurement and Single-Particle Analysis of Coarse Particulate Matter (PM) from Small-Scale Wood Burning in the Black Forest
Dietze V, Tian Z, Kaminski U, Cen K, Maschowski C, Stille P & Gieré R
(2015) BIOCOMBUST: Health Impacts of Particulate Matter from Biomass Combustion
Arif AT, Maschowski C, Garra P, Gminski R, Trouvé G, Dieterlen A, Mersch-Sundermann V, Nazarenko I & Gieré R
(2015) PM2.5 from Biomass Combustion Induces Stress Related and Antioxidant Proteins in THP-1 Macrophages
Heßelbach K, Dornhof R, Maschowski C, Gieré R, Humar M & Merfort I
(2014) Characterization of Biomass Fly Ashes from Different Flue Gas Treatments
Maschowski C, Gieré R, Trouve G, Garra P, Leyssens G, Schoennenbeck C & Kruspan P
(2013) BIOCOMBUST – Biomass, Energy, Health
Gieré R, Maschowski C, Merfort I, Könczöl M, Dornhof R, Dietze V, Kaminski U, Nazarenko I, Mersch-Sundermann V, Gminski R, Trouvé G, Dieterlen A, Kleinpeter J, Drewnick F, Freutel F & Kruspan P
(2013) Characterization of Woody Biomass Ashes and their Utilization Potential
Maschowski C, Gieré R & Trouvé G
(2012) Characterization of Combustion Products from Biomass Pellets
Maschowski C, Giere R & Trouve G

Masci L. (2023) Geo-Sourced Hydrogen Fuels the Deep Biosphere, Could it be a Giant Leap for Mankind?
Truche L, Donzé FV, Dutoit H, Laurent D, Masci L, Taillefer A, Hintzen R, Giampouras M & Dusséaux C

Masciocchi Noberto (2017) Monitoring Bioinspired Collagen Mineralization Through X-Ray Total Scattering
Delgado-López JM, Bertolotti F, Pedersen JS, Cervellino A, Masciocchi N & Guagliardi A

Masciocchi Norberto (2013) Total Scattering Techniques: A Powerful Tool to Investigate Size, Shape and Growth Mechanisms of Minerals at the Nanoscale
Guagliardi A, Cervellino A, Frison R, Delgado López JM, Gómez-Morales J & Masciocchi N

Masdea A. (2004) MARSIS: Subsurface Sounding Performances
Picardi G, Cartacci M, Masdea A, Seu R & Melacci P

Mase K (2004) A XAFS Study of Carbonaceous Macromolecular Matter in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Kitajima F, Kitajima Y, Nakamura T & Mase K

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